That sure sounds like the US Navy is pounding the seafloor with insanely powerful sound waves. They are inaudible to humans and most instruments because their frequency is measured in centiHz or lower. And they are the equivalent of 200 db. Remember that db is a log scale.
40 db is a whisper, 120 is a rock concert. Imagine how powerful those waves are when their medium is water.
And I wouldn't be surprised if they are artificially energizing the air too. Probably using gigantic Tesla coils, thought not sure how exactly they'd try to manipulate the crust directly. It's much easier to push water into the crust than shake the ground itself. many people do you think would have to line up on the cali side of the San Andreas fault line and jump right as the quake hit to drop the whole state in the ocean, and how hard would it be to get enough of you beautiful bastards on a bus to go do it?
You cannot predict earthquakes. You cannot be "overdue" for an earthquake.
Several years ago there was an earthquake in my area. Almost immediately there were Facebook rumors of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in the next 30 minutes. The rumor said that this was a warning from FEMA. This rumor did a good job of scaring people. Women were packing snacks and men were getting cars out of the garage, fearing they wouldn't be able to get their cars out otherwise.
I kept telling people that you don't predict earthquakes. Then I called FEMA and asked. They didn't even know a first earthquake had occurred. I was right, but of course, no one listened to me.
This Twitter account is lying. I wonder what the motivation is?
Predicting an earth quake in a small time table is very hard. There must be other external factors beyond mother nature that may be a consideration.
Or a pile of explosives to turn a deep underground structure to rubble
I think it could be comms, and not an actual quake.
You might be correct.
I don’t know what is worse 😝
Yea, Suspicious0bservers is a good source of knowledge on this shit.
That sure sounds like the US Navy is pounding the seafloor with insanely powerful sound waves. They are inaudible to humans and most instruments because their frequency is measured in centiHz or lower. And they are the equivalent of 200 db. Remember that db is a log scale.
40 db is a whisper, 120 is a rock concert. Imagine how powerful those waves are when their medium is water.
And I wouldn't be surprised if they are artificially energizing the air too. Probably using gigantic Tesla coils, thought not sure how exactly they'd try to manipulate the crust directly. It's much easier to push water into the crust than shake the ground itself.
That account is always posting stuff like that…. Eventually they may get it right
The 4.5 is on the San Andreas Fault,-130.16602&extent=52.45601,-59.85352
Hopefully it falls into the ocean along with Nancy.
Well I live here but I would gladly ride this slab into the abyss to take her and newscum with me.
and Newsom
See you down in Arizona Bay
I felt it earlier today in the bay area, was a quick wobble.
Full moon.
The "Dave" of geology. :) many people do you think would have to line up on the cali side of the San Andreas fault line and jump right as the quake hit to drop the whole state in the ocean, and how hard would it be to get enough of you beautiful bastards on a bus to go do it?
You cannot predict earthquakes. You cannot be "overdue" for an earthquake.
Several years ago there was an earthquake in my area. Almost immediately there were Facebook rumors of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in the next 30 minutes. The rumor said that this was a warning from FEMA. This rumor did a good job of scaring people. Women were packing snacks and men were getting cars out of the garage, fearing they wouldn't be able to get their cars out otherwise.
I kept telling people that you don't predict earthquakes. Then I called FEMA and asked. They didn't even know a first earthquake had occurred. I was right, but of course, no one listened to me.
This Twitter account is lying. I wonder what the motivation is?
That's a HUGE area and 7.0 is pretty severe.
Did have an earthquake at 3:24pm pst today, but only found this , so another bigger one within 3 days ?
Yes it is possible to predict earthquakes in terms of time and place, depth. It follows certain paths along fault-lines.
Dutchsinse has made a sport of it. And over time he has been rather correct.
Check it out on youtube or twitch.
Got call out for fake predictions