Did you know that this guy colluded with Pa governor (also an elite) to seed the pandemic by early on throwing elderly+ people into nursing homes, but not before first taking his mother out of a facility and putting her in the Hershey Lodge--a stay, which was probably comped, knowing what we know now about Hershey. Then he got a big, phat job at the federal level as a reward.
Yes this is well known. When news asked about it Levine's answer was my mother is sharp as a tack. When she was told the situation mother immediately asked to be removed from that nursing home. However NO ONE ELSE WAS GIVEN THE INFO AND CHOICE.
I lived 5 minutes from a PA nursing home where sick patients were admitted and 84 seniors died within 2 weeks. Gov Wolf called in the Natl Guard to that home and all they could do was scrub down rooms.
Levine used to be a pediatrician. Any wonder why he lost all his patients? Would you take your kid to that doctor?
Before: Happy
After: Depressed
Before and waaayy before.
Complicit in the plandemic.
Did you know that this guy colluded with Pa governor (also an elite) to seed the pandemic by early on throwing elderly+ people into nursing homes, but not before first taking his mother out of a facility and putting her in the Hershey Lodge--a stay, which was probably comped, knowing what we know now about Hershey. Then he got a big, phat job at the federal level as a reward.
Yes this is well known. When news asked about it Levine's answer was my mother is sharp as a tack. When she was told the situation mother immediately asked to be removed from that nursing home. However NO ONE ELSE WAS GIVEN THE INFO AND CHOICE.
I lived 5 minutes from a PA nursing home where sick patients were admitted and 84 seniors died within 2 weeks. Gov Wolf called in the Natl Guard to that home and all they could do was scrub down rooms.
Levine used to be a pediatrician. Any wonder why he lost all his patients? Would you take your kid to that doctor?
He wasn't a pediatrician. He was a psychologist specializing in pediatric mental illness.
Didn't know....pffft!!
Absolutely true.
Yes, and part of the reward was election fraud.
PA is so corrupt.
I just realized his name Richard Levine easily translates to "Dick leavin".
I see what you did there.
He runs America while can’t run his dick
I thought beer goggles are supposed to improve one's appearance?
I thought so too! Not so much on this it!
I can't find a fitting flair! Lol. Ps.
Clown world?
no, we are now entering DEMON WORLD
So true!
Ugly dude = uglier chick
BEFORE: Mentally ill.
AFTER: Totally insane.
Before: Khazarian. After: Khazarian with current-lifetime karma effects.
I'm a woman!
Can't define what a woman is.
Not only was “Richard” ugly but he was also a dick. Everyone told him to stop being such a dick.
Comment of the day.
Before picture, a man. After picture, still a man. No amount of alcohol changes facts.
I shaved my legs and changed my beer for THIS???
Found the source, the pic is legit:
Nice job! Thank you.
This is absolutely legitimate.
This "Cousin IT" as I refer to it was in the state of PA where I live.
Another gigantic turd from Assachusetts..........
General Milley’s high school football teammate.
The Wayward Path …. Not all Roads Lead to Home
Not better!