In what universe is Must a bad guy lol, hes literally the biggest whistleblower in last decade by FAR, and with his reach and each of his re-tweets showing how much of a corrupt this world is he will keep doing it.
The one where he’s sacrificed his first born, takes pride in dressing like Moluch (avatar), says he rather go to hell because everyone will be there, currently putting microchips in animals brains and looking for human subjects for his next study trial to test Nuerolink, very openly pushing for the integration of human-machine (he says if humans do not merge with machine, we will be obsolete), doesn’t believe election fraud or that the vaccine is dangerous, doubled vaccined and triple-boosted, and shoots down most conspiracies except the in-your-face-cant-deny-it ones - like masks not working or child mutilation for sex change.
But because he says the right things (sometimes) and let’s you stay on Twitter, he’s now like a second GEOTUS or Q+ to everyone.
I swear if he wasn’t as rich and famous, anons wouldn't have even looked past half this shit, instead of clinging on to or taking whatever they can get, especially considering tweets that go against what we believe are “conveniently” never posted or stickied here. He’s a 1% and we all know how they got there.
I think you are wrong on the clot shot part - I've read a couple Twitter threads where Musk was questioning the safety and efficacy of it. I believe his eyes are opening.
Thats actually exactly what I’m talking about. He tweeted his pronouns are prosecute/fauci this past December, but then goes out and gets his third booster the next month (this January)..
He says the right things, but either doesn’t do it or does the opposite (in this case).
Alex Jones is Mossad guys, Elon Must is puting chips into brains OMG hide yoo wifes hide yoo guys really sound brainless regurgitating other peoples opinions you heard on my post again, then think with your own brain, then say something that makes sense? ok go
Look at the channel "common sense skeptic" on youtube. He tears everything Musk to shreds. Musk is one of the greatest conmen of all time. He is a fraud. How do you know when Musk is lying? When he is speaking. Period.
Sure, he appears to be doing some great things with Twatter... but I don't trust him.
You sound like a bot tbh, use your own brain dummy and dont listen to every youtube moron, conmen of what? who is he trying to con out of what? exactly...your are literally talking nosense. Hes lying? wtf are you on about lol
I disagree. Death penalty. God says; you jack with a child you should have a millstone tied around your neck and thrown in the ocean. I’m good w/ this rule.
I hate to edit Gods wish but it’s possible the intention was a heavy weight. Millstones are hard to find in the quantity needed so cinder blocks should satisfy Gods order in modern times
You know.. It's kind of weird how much puberty is made to be a big deal by the media, government institutions, television shows, movies..etc.
I never personally experienced any real new questions or major changes all at once. Everything happened as it happened, slow enough to be just another day, every day.
When i was in school, during sex ed, they mentioned that a lot of people are traumatized by puberty, and i looked around the room and thought to myself, “who?”
Yes. I went through it. Males get over it. Having spent more time in my adult form than in my child form, I can tell you from experience that I am far better off as an adult.
Were I stuck in my child form body or some butchered hack job attempt to appear more female, I would have endless personal, public, and health problems to deal with on top of my already complicated life.
MSNBC = Marxists, Socialists, Nothing But Communists
No wonder all they do is lie, openly and daily - they call it disinformation now, but it's all just lies. Let's pick apart their Liar Lingo, shall we?
"Desperation" for power - LOL he's already the governor of a super populous state, second in executive power only to a president; if that equals "desperation" then every single person who's ever run for president was also "desperate" for power. Ya gotta be ambitious and self-assured or egotistical to even think you deserve that job. Fuck off MSNBC, ya dopey liars.
"Destroying" an "entire" state - LOL he's not even destroyed a tiny part of this state. In fact just the opposite; we approve of nearly every measure he's enacted here. Fuck off MSNBC, ya dopey liars.
He's destroyed the state so much that its population is constantly growing, it's the #1 tourist destination in the country, and it had a 20B budget surplus last year.
20 years ago I dated a woman who wanted a hysterectomy bc of family history of cancer and she didn't want kids. They would not give her one elective @ 25 bc "well you might change your mind about wanting kids."
Our children are having all of these mental issues which I think are a result of social media, TV Programming, vaccinations, and extremely poor food/water quality. Physiologically the body reacts in changed behavior, psychoses, and illness. Some of these things can be corrected through holistic measures such as herbal supplements, vitamins, and yes even ivermectin or black see oil to rid the body of parasites. The medical industrial complex, pharmaceutical industry, and the DS wants to have complete and total control of our reproduction to minimize population and make everyone in later generations the same. Female/male interchangeable. They are doing this by trying to change our biology with drugs and literally everything that is mass produced. It’s a weird fricking world we live in.
No doctor should be doing anything to sterilize people period, they should be referring them to a trusted colleague that works in psychiatrics for that level of care.
As far as adults choosing to spay or neuter themselves; That shouldn't be happening either but I have no dog in the fight aside from it being an earlier step in the unethical transhumanist direction that led to where we are today,
Nope, on this topic alone, Musk is not a bad guy, no way.
In what universe is Must a bad guy lol, hes literally the biggest whistleblower in last decade by FAR, and with his reach and each of his re-tweets showing how much of a corrupt this world is he will keep doing it.
The one where he’s sacrificed his first born, takes pride in dressing like Moluch (avatar), says he rather go to hell because everyone will be there, currently putting microchips in animals brains and looking for human subjects for his next study trial to test Nuerolink, very openly pushing for the integration of human-machine (he says if humans do not merge with machine, we will be obsolete), doesn’t believe election fraud or that the vaccine is dangerous, doubled vaccined and triple-boosted, and shoots down most conspiracies except the in-your-face-cant-deny-it ones - like masks not working or child mutilation for sex change. But because he says the right things (sometimes) and let’s you stay on Twitter, he’s now like a second GEOTUS or Q+ to everyone. I swear if he wasn’t as rich and famous, anons wouldn't have even looked past half this shit, instead of clinging on to or taking whatever they can get, especially considering tweets that go against what we believe are “conveniently” never posted or stickied here. He’s a 1% and we all know how they got there.
I think you are wrong on the clot shot part - I've read a couple Twitter threads where Musk was questioning the safety and efficacy of it. I believe his eyes are opening.
Is this the tweet you’re referring to, where he says he’s pro vaccine, but says the vaccines have the potential to be worse than the disease?
It could be - I know he was supposed to be allowing a Fauci thread but I haven't seen it yet.
Thats actually exactly what I’m talking about. He tweeted his pronouns are prosecute/fauci this past December, but then goes out and gets his third booster the next month (this January).. He says the right things, but either doesn’t do it or does the opposite (in this case).
Oh shit - I missed the booster in Jan smh.
All of his kids are test tube babies, twins on purpose
Yes yes yes yes and correct
Show me sauce of him actually saying this
You’re gonna have to be a little specific. The tweet about wanting to be with everyone going to hell or the merge with machine one?
Alex Jones is Mossad guys, Elon Must is puting chips into brains OMG hide yoo wifes hide yoo guys really sound brainless regurgitating other peoples opinions you heard on my post again, then think with your own brain, then say something that makes sense? ok go
Look at the channel "common sense skeptic" on youtube. He tears everything Musk to shreds. Musk is one of the greatest conmen of all time. He is a fraud. How do you know when Musk is lying? When he is speaking. Period. Sure, he appears to be doing some great things with Twatter... but I don't trust him.
You sound like a bot tbh, use your own brain dummy and dont listen to every youtube moron, conmen of what? who is he trying to con out of what? exactly...your are literally talking nosense. Hes lying? wtf are you on about lol
I disagree. Death penalty. God says; you jack with a child you should have a millstone tied around your neck and thrown in the ocean. I’m good w/ this rule.
I hate to edit Gods wish but it’s possible the intention was a heavy weight. Millstones are hard to find in the quantity needed so cinder blocks should satisfy Gods order in modern times
With handcuffs behind their backs
im willing to make some millstones.
Since We Are Dealing With The Good Lord's Edicts; I Will Add An "Amen" That!!
Great observation. I believe God would approve.
Same after they receive the same thing they did to the children
or putting children on opiates
I prefer the Bible's sentence but this a good start.
right? prison for life is too soft.
Take a page from the book of leftists.
Slide that Overton window slowly.
Today, prison.
Tomorrow, prison with no chance of parole.
Next week, death penalty.
It's easier to accept if you push slowly.
I like your timeline.
If woodchippers existed in Christ's time, i would reasonally believe that passage would be worded differently
According to trans rights activists, its extremely traumatic for some people to experience puberty, which is why puberty blockers are necessary.
Also, puberty makes physical changes in a person that cant be reversed.
Do you have any idea how traumatic it is for some males to have to experience voice deepening, chest hair, and an adams apple?
You know.. It's kind of weird how much puberty is made to be a big deal by the media, government institutions, television shows, movies..etc.
I never personally experienced any real new questions or major changes all at once. Everything happened as it happened, slow enough to be just another day, every day.
When i was in school, during sex ed, they mentioned that a lot of people are traumatized by puberty, and i looked around the room and thought to myself, “who?”
Even then it seemed weird to me
It has been going on for a long time it is just so full steam ahead now that it is so obvious
Maybe for faggots. I liked all three of those. Being able to produce semen was also non-traumatic. What trauma do you mean?
Im being faceious. Its an absurd narrative.
Hey BTW just for fun - the shortest English word containing 6 different vowels in alphabetical order:
facetiously :)
Still waiting for the chest hairs... 😂😂 Been some decades now...
Yes. I went through it. Males get over it. Having spent more time in my adult form than in my child form, I can tell you from experience that I am far better off as an adult.
Were I stuck in my child form body or some butchered hack job attempt to appear more female, I would have endless personal, public, and health problems to deal with on top of my already complicated life.
🙄🙄🙄🙄yeah, much easier to cater to the snowflakes and add confusion to create abominations
MSNBC = Marxists, Socialists, Nothing But Communists
No wonder all they do is lie, openly and daily - they call it disinformation now, but it's all just lies. Let's pick apart their Liar Lingo, shall we?
"Desperation" for power - LOL he's already the governor of a super populous state, second in executive power only to a president; if that equals "desperation" then every single person who's ever run for president was also "desperate" for power. Ya gotta be ambitious and self-assured or egotistical to even think you deserve that job. Fuck off MSNBC, ya dopey liars.
"Destroying" an "entire" state - LOL he's not even destroyed a tiny part of this state. In fact just the opposite; we approve of nearly every measure he's enacted here. Fuck off MSNBC, ya dopey liars.
He's destroyed the state so much that its population is constantly growing, it's the #1 tourist destination in the country, and it had a 20B budget surplus last year.
He even managed to turn miami-dade red.
Apocalyptic levels of destruction.
Bible has the answer: millstones rope and water
Is this one of those popular Unpopular things?
20 years ago I dated a woman who wanted a hysterectomy bc of family history of cancer and she didn't want kids. They would not give her one elective @ 25 bc "well you might change your mind about wanting kids."
How times have changed
It's amazing how personal experience hardens the perspective and resolve of a person.
Wasnt there a guy named Mengele who sterilized children? What happened to him?
Back in the day the castrati received this treatment for praising God. History is rhyming again. Who is praised when children are castrated TODAY?
Or school personnel including discussing sex or attempting to sexualize or confuse them.
Our children are having all of these mental issues which I think are a result of social media, TV Programming, vaccinations, and extremely poor food/water quality. Physiologically the body reacts in changed behavior, psychoses, and illness. Some of these things can be corrected through holistic measures such as herbal supplements, vitamins, and yes even ivermectin or black see oil to rid the body of parasites. The medical industrial complex, pharmaceutical industry, and the DS wants to have complete and total control of our reproduction to minimize population and make everyone in later generations the same. Female/male interchangeable. They are doing this by trying to change our biology with drugs and literally everything that is mass produced. It’s a weird fricking world we live in.
wouldn't that include musk?
Any word on those Fauci Files? Two more weeks?
No doctor should be doing anything to sterilize people period, they should be referring them to a trusted colleague that works in psychiatrics for that level of care.
As far as adults choosing to spay or neuter themselves; That shouldn't be happening either but I have no dog in the fight aside from it being an earlier step in the unethical transhumanist direction that led to where we are today,