ACK!!! Cut my thumb making lunch so I had to run to the drug store for some Band-Aids! Check it out, guys! They now come in these really great 'chocolate' and 'coffee' colors! And who doesn't love chocolate, right? So I picked that one! Yay! I love the food theme colors, don't you? Thanks, Band-Aid!

I hope everyone gets the joke.... LOL, they were $4.99 (I had a coupon, too), cheapest 'cultural appropriation' on the planet!
I think I'll go back and pick up the 'coffee' and 'caramel' packs, so I have the full set :D
Hmm. Maybe I should have gotten the white ones because the black ones don't work!
Ahhh..... 2 things are infinite, the universe and the stupidity of man - Einstein
I don’t see the stupidity in this.
Probably more than 5 billion non whites in the world fitting the market demographics for this product.
Are we against viable products in a free capitalist market now?
Does this product hurt your feelings in any way?
C’mon man…It’s a bandaid…covering ANY and all wounds since 1920… now all the sudden we’re butt hurt because they aren’t skin color appropriate?? IMO this is just one more example of how wokeism turns everything into a ridiculous political statement… muh Racism!!!!
Catering for other demographics than my own without it costing me a cent doesn’t bother me at all.
If this upsets you, (((their))) division tactics have succeeded.
Black /brown people have asked for a skin tone band aid to fit their skin, and they’re paying for it at a greater rate than the “normal” white ones.
What’s the problem?
It’s a distraction fren… our world is literally crumbling before our eyes, the state of the Union is teetering on the edge of a knife, our voice has been stolen from us by criminals in our own government…and we’re worried about the colors of bandaids… wake up!
They should just name that one on the right 'Wesley Snipes' or 'Darkness'.
You wouldn't have to pay taxes on the Wesley Snipes version of course.
You got one that matches this? https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/2EoLgeF7Yr4JvMBC2z3FCt1qveU=/1400x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/W2YRGJMSBB6NMLXSQ6RJZDWKUY.jpg
That's a full term plus a month. Left in the oven too long.
Lol badass bandaid I'd buy them with that label lol
Why don't band-aids come on a roll?
Every time I cut myself, I end up getting blood everywhere trying to get the damn bandage out of the paper wrapper.
Just like when someone says, "I'll make this brief..."
Agree, that part sucks!
This is your million dollar idea, Orange!
They should come in the same kind of plastic container that Teflon plumber’s tape comes in. That’s my $250,000 contribution.
Damn, I thought I was the only one who had that problem!
If you rolled them up they’d look tiny and cheap, like the 50 cent Teflon plumber’s tape. Then Johnson & Johnson would have problems charging people $5 for a box.
So …. You identify as chocolate now? Lol
It's crazy! I'm feeling 'delicious' right now, not gonna lie! I think I'll go back and pick up the 'coffee' and 'caramel' packs, so I have the full set!
catsfive has become a snack, you've heard it here first ladies
Interesting. Colors all the way from mahogany brown to racist pale.
No yellow?
The original Band-Aids were colored to emulate Caucasian skin tones (and still are). Why would anyone on this board have a problem with other skin tones? It is a free market, is it not? The color designations are a clever way to sidestep accusations of racism in product labeling. Sometimes the dirty linen waves on the washline.
I don't think they do. It's more like surprise.
When I was a kid, I was always annoyed that when I wanted to draw a person, the "flesh" colored crayon was nowhere near any person's skin tone.
So oppressed.
I now introduce, Black finger.
But not the same one you get using one ply.
If one ply is giving you black finger you might wanna see a doctor for that. Could be blood. ;)
Or beets. Lots of beets. Or an unhealthy amount of dark chocolate covered coffee beans. Lol
I would not buy them if they were a dime. Gray tape works better.
For really bad cuts, I use "fuct tape."
Electrical tape is even better, has more stretch.
So ridiculous. A friend works at a school in our ultra woke, ultra lib area, and they're picking up LOADS of these in the various colors, so that students with boo-boos feel safer, apparently, with a skin color appropriate bandage. FFS.
Must be vanilla tax for their privilege that makes the vanilla ones more expensive then the other flavors.
Looks like they can only afford to virtue signal with the one sku judging by second row there.
I'd prefer the caramel. My weakness.
Tampons are racissss!
It's about time.
What, you didn't have a roll of electrical tape and an old T-shirt?
Edible bandaid? Novel concept /s
Band aids to match your skin tone?
Great idea, and probably a viable product in a free capitalist market.
I don’t get this post, are we against this?
I am against pretending that the lack of Band-Aids of Color (BAOCs) is an act of oppression that prevents anyone from achieving their goals in life. I am against pretending this is some kind of “micro-aggression”. I am against calling the companies who don’t make these “racist” and shutting them down. I am against the idea that the only purpose of lighter-coloured Band-Aids was blending with skin tone, and not providing the customer with a material against which dirt, grime, and blood would appear visible, letting them know it was time to change Band-Aids. I am against requiring any store stock these under punishment of the law. And I am against calling these companies racist if these Band-Aids are dismissed as a novelty and do not sell and they forced to remove them from their shelves.
I’m also against that.
But I’m for getting a band-aid that will not stand out against my God-given skin tone.
I really don’t see a problem that band aid’s now offering different colors.
That’s fine. Nobody cares that they are making Band-Aids in different color tones. It’s more everything that will be attached to this, like if a black student goes to the school nurse and gets handed a “white person Band-Aid”, that will be seen as an act of “racism” and the school nurse will be fired or at minimum reprimanded. I am not saying you would support that, but I think it’s clear that these types of things keep leading to more charges of racism and not less, and that’s why the mockery happens.
The amount of woke people on the “black” side isn’t very big.
Most woke products/happenings are mostly because of white peoples demands.
This product is a result of a request from the black community on their own behalf, not like it usually is when a company goes woke; a lib request on behalf of a “marginalized “group that doesn’t really care.
I am also against the victim consciousness this creates in people and I am against the “equity pricing” of charging more for the “white” product and less for for the “black” product even though all market forces would suggest those prices should be reversed, if anything.
White product is $6.99 for 60.
Black/browns are $5.99 for 30, how is that cheaper?
Didn’t notice that. Fair point.