Or... the shooting narrative was fake. Those ARE a lot of coincidences. Why WOULD there be live ammo? How hard would it be to rig Alec's gun to go off? To have the lady wear squibs and bloodpacks on a movie set...to have actors pretending to be first responders and EMTs?
Maybe this pressure was needed to crack Baldwin. Maybe he finally did and thats why the charges were dropped.
I don't necessarily believe this theory, but it's an alternative.
Could be both. I've suspected for a long time that they count faked deaths as a "sacrifice" in some of their rituals. As long as you go through the motions and the (fake) victim forever changes their name/appearance/gender(?), then maybe it counts? Would explain a lot about the amount of trannies in their cult, too.
My guess is fake shooting and Baldwin was offered a deal (he's on the Epstein flight logs). This was a white hat op used as comms to make the deepstate crap themselves yet again and think Red October was imminent, aka Hillary's arrest scheduled for Oct 30.
There was live ammo because the armorer was taking the set workers out to the desert to shoot with real ammo for fun. This is why there was live ammo around the set.
And why is Trump talking about Alec Baldwin again lately? 🤔
Check Trump’s Truth Social post “Letters To Trump” from just two days ago:
Jan 21, 1998
Dear Donald, For a tough guy in a tough business, you are a sweet and generous man. I could never thank you sufficiently for the use of the incredible penthouse you “comped” us. You’re a gentleman. Best, Alec
I took this as a sneak preview of Trump's book 'Letters To Trump', where presumably he's going to show how everyone used to speak to him before he went into politics.
What are the odds that Stephen Colbert is on the epstein flight logs AND he has blue stripes and palm trees in his twitter profile pic, or maybe he took inspiration from Ellen's set.
A little conspiracy-esque for me...but the part about having live ammunition on set and him pointing a gun at this woman definitely don't jibe. Why point a gun at her and pull the trigger, even if you know or thought it was loaded with blanks?
And don't forget that Alec Baldwin used to play Donald Trump on SNL.
I strongly suspect that the shooting was a Satanic ritual/sacrifice.
Or... the shooting narrative was fake. Those ARE a lot of coincidences. Why WOULD there be live ammo? How hard would it be to rig Alec's gun to go off? To have the lady wear squibs and bloodpacks on a movie set...to have actors pretending to be first responders and EMTs?
Maybe this pressure was needed to crack Baldwin. Maybe he finally did and thats why the charges were dropped. I don't necessarily believe this theory, but it's an alternative.
Everything wrong with the Ashley Babbit shooting video.
Could be both. I've suspected for a long time that they count faked deaths as a "sacrifice" in some of their rituals. As long as you go through the motions and the (fake) victim forever changes their name/appearance/gender(?), then maybe it counts? Would explain a lot about the amount of trannies in their cult, too.
The chick who was shot was scheduled to do her next project exposing Pedophiles in Hollywood.
My guess is fake shooting and Baldwin was offered a deal (he's on the Epstein flight logs). This was a white hat op used as comms to make the deepstate crap themselves yet again and think Red October was imminent, aka Hillary's arrest scheduled for Oct 30.
Always have at least one alternative theory. -Jack Reacher
...or something
There was live ammo because the armorer was taking the set workers out to the desert to shoot with real ammo for fun. This is why there was live ammo around the set.
And why is Trump talking about Alec Baldwin again lately? 🤔
Check Trump’s Truth Social post “Letters To Trump” from just two days ago:
Jan 21, 1998
I took this as a sneak preview of Trump's book 'Letters To Trump', where presumably he's going to show how everyone used to speak to him before he went into politics.
I had forgotten about this mention. Seems significant because of its random nature.
You’ve never played 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon have you?
Everyone can be connected somehow. I just made this statement a few days ago. It's crazy.
That's the very first thought I had reading this!!!!!
Let's play 1 degree of Jeffrey Epstein.
What are the odds that Stephen Colbert is on the epstein flight logs AND he has blue stripes and palm trees in his twitter profile pic, or maybe he took inspiration from Ellen's set.
someone already posted the cheat codes..
oddly enough, no one has one yet..
Take my Updoot you savage!!!
Truth, stranger than fiction.
They put the truth in the movies and the fiction in the news.
That's a good one.
Alec was given his orders and refusing them was not an option.
One Kek! One Kek only!
This almost sounds like she "knew too much" and Alex Baldwin was a patsy to do her in.
Holy shit!
A little conspiracy-esque for me...but the part about having live ammunition on set and him pointing a gun at this woman definitely don't jibe. Why point a gun at her and pull the trigger, even if you know or thought it was loaded with blanks?
Well when you put it that way...
Just a coinky dink I am sure
To keep her husband quiet and send a message?