They stole it from sanders three times and libtards could care less they never got their actual guy. Now we have to wait and see if they will kill this Kennedy and throw him on the pile of bodies that is his family
That’s what it will take to stop him. If you watched his entire announcement speech you can see that RFK Jr is channeling his Dad and Uncle and has the Holy Fire in his belly to do War on the Evil in our Government and the Regulatories !
We need to vote in the Democratic Primary for RFK Jr. The ideal ticket will be Trump vs RFK Jr. The Steal Proof Election !!
she didn't. Back then everyone expected Sanders to do something about it but when he didn't it woke a lot of people up. Did you know that no Sanders delegate voted for Hillary in the election? Not one. They either wrote in Sanders, voted for Jill Stein or voted for Donald Trump.
Exactly, which is how I knew they were stealing it from him again. I still remember that video where a caucus was determined by a show of hands for Hillary. Sanders voters were obviously screwed. I've been unable to find that video ever since.
That is my point. He was polling 6-8%. He got same in NH and IOWA.
Also anyone comes and says 81M votes.
2016-130M counted
2020-160M counted. how can this much increase.
Also Trump gained 15% more than 2016. Obama lost 6%.
He also didnt have any base. Only some old voters. Sanders-Progressives, Pete-LBGTQ+, Warren,- college forgiveness. all three had 20+ and got same in NH and IOWA.
True story: The way Ron Paul got treated in 2012 is what woke me up. I was Left leaning but was liking what Paul had to say and noticed how they boxed him out and tried to paint him racist. I noticed and it changed me.
Yep, I clearly and vividly remember the "racist Ron" smears at the time.... almost like it was just yesterday. The Cabal's playbook is the same in every election season.
The way the dem party treated Sanders 2015-16 was a big red pill, and no few of Bernie ppl voted for Trump! I saw it happen on the sites back then which were all soon censored. We had the MEMES! Let's do it AGAIN! Peel off the ones of the left who are disgusted with the failure and corruption of the left!
We need more memes! They are ripe for the picking! I mean really, they are more with US if they can only recognize it.
Those are my thoughts..... No on wants Biden to run for president. RFK, Jr. all of a sudden is the dark horse no one expected to run. With so many eyes on election fraud and being aware of it, it won't be the same as what Bernie Sanders experienced in 2016. With RFK, Jr. running, I really think the DS is in a pickle on this one.
In a pickle indeed ! The Steal Proof Election is Trump vs RFK Jr.
That’s why I’m voting for RFK Jr in the DEMOCRATIC Primary and for Trump in the Presidential Election. If you’ve seen RFK Jr’s full announcement speech you can see he is channeling his Dad and Uncle and has the Fire in his Belly to go to War on the Deep State. He will Git Sum !
It would be interesting. I'm not sure how far he'll get but if Trump were to win, I could see him appointing RFK Jr to a position to clean up the mess that he wrote about.
No debates? They really don't want RFK Jr talking in public much and they REALLY don't want Brandon doing it either. I wonder a bit if RFK Jr's appearance and messaging on Tucker Carlson got that show canned.
I predict that RFK (do we really need to continue to remind everyone that he's "Jr") running for President will quicken the end of the DNC. I agree with earlier posts that indicate they are going to "Sanderize" him and keep him off the ticket, which will piss off a lot of moderate dems, that haven't left the party yet.
There's no point in exposing what everyone already knows to be true. But there is great value in running an alternative campaign, one that disregards the DNC, one that attempts to restore some semblance of intellectual honest and integrity for Democrats and Moderates to consider. It may be that, with RFK Jr's name recognition, he's the only guy on Planet Earth who could perform a runaround like this and score.
If so, the WHs need more evidence they can introduce legally. I would think they would just use the NSA to get all the evidence they need. I'm sure they have authorization to do so with countless examples of fraud from 2016 (when they stopped the steal) and 2020. Remember the E.O. Trump signed regarding foreign election interference? They have all the evidence/data that was used to rig the elections the past 6 years. I think the rest of the next 2 years is going to be used to wake up more people.
& then he'll become DJT's running mate: I forgot to mention but RFK Jr & JOK are personal friends. IDK how they met but when OKeefe got canned by Project Veritas he went on a hiking trip with a friend. That friend was RFK Jr (He mentioned Kennedy & showed a picture of the 2 of them on a mountain somewhere)
I'm floored the political left or anyone is okay with what's been happening with Dominion. Potato Joe and Kamallah were barely cracking double digits in the dem primary while Bernie was running away with it. That means 80% of Dem voters wanted someone else. Bernie and his supporters got screwed twice by the Dem machine.
I try hard to keep up with American politics so go easy on me for asking this but - are we talking about the same guy who recently said that anyone who was not onboard with the "climate change" scam should go to jail?
Whenever anyone asks why I believe the election was stolen from Trump, I tell them "Forget Trump for a moment, I don't think Biden even beat Sanders."
Agreed! Sanders had the lead (and Joe was like near the bottom of the pack), then the cheating really kicked in for Biden.
They stole it from sanders three times and libtards could care less they never got their actual guy. Now we have to wait and see if they will kill this Kennedy and throw him on the pile of bodies that is his family
That’s what it will take to stop him. If you watched his entire announcement speech you can see that RFK Jr is channeling his Dad and Uncle and has the Holy Fire in his belly to do War on the Evil in our Government and the Regulatories !
We need to vote in the Democratic Primary for RFK Jr. The ideal ticket will be Trump vs RFK Jr. The Steal Proof Election !!
People seem to forget this....
I don't believe Killary beat Sanders.
she didn't. Back then everyone expected Sanders to do something about it but when he didn't it woke a lot of people up. Did you know that no Sanders delegate voted for Hillary in the election? Not one. They either wrote in Sanders, voted for Jill Stein or voted for Donald Trump.
Exactly, which is how I knew they were stealing it from him again. I still remember that video where a caucus was determined by a show of hands for Hillary. Sanders voters were obviously screwed. I've been unable to find that video ever since.
That is my point. He was polling 6-8%. He got same in NH and IOWA.
Also anyone comes and says 81M votes. 2016-130M counted 2020-160M counted. how can this much increase. Also Trump gained 15% more than 2016. Obama lost 6%.
Yep. The NH results really tell the story. Even Klobuchar stomped him by over 100% (58k to 24k). So obvious.
He also didnt have any base. Only some old voters. Sanders-Progressives, Pete-LBGTQ+, Warren,- college forgiveness. all three had 20+ and got same in NH and IOWA.
45% of Dems want creepy Joe to run again? Yeah calling bullshit on that
They did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2008 and again in 2012, but in both cases people were still fast asleep.
True story: The way Ron Paul got treated in 2012 is what woke me up. I was Left leaning but was liking what Paul had to say and noticed how they boxed him out and tried to paint him racist. I noticed and it changed me.
Yep, I clearly and vividly remember the "racist Ron" smears at the time.... almost like it was just yesterday. The Cabal's playbook is the same in every election season.
Same thing. You'll be called anti-semite no matter what.
I do recall...
The way the dem party treated Sanders 2015-16 was a big red pill, and no few of Bernie ppl voted for Trump! I saw it happen on the sites back then which were all soon censored. We had the MEMES! Let's do it AGAIN! Peel off the ones of the left who are disgusted with the failure and corruption of the left!
We need more memes! They are ripe for the picking! I mean really, they are more with US if they can only recognize it.
Those are my thoughts..... No on wants Biden to run for president. RFK, Jr. all of a sudden is the dark horse no one expected to run. With so many eyes on election fraud and being aware of it, it won't be the same as what Bernie Sanders experienced in 2016. With RFK, Jr. running, I really think the DS is in a pickle on this one.
In a pickle indeed ! The Steal Proof Election is Trump vs RFK Jr.
That’s why I’m voting for RFK Jr in the DEMOCRATIC Primary and for Trump in the Presidential Election. If you’ve seen RFK Jr’s full announcement speech you can see he is channeling his Dad and Uncle and has the Fire in his Belly to go to War on the Deep State. He will Git Sum !
It would be interesting. I'm not sure how far he'll get but if Trump were to win, I could see him appointing RFK Jr to a position to clean up the mess that he wrote about.
No debates? They really don't want RFK Jr talking in public much and they REALLY don't want Brandon doing it either. I wonder a bit if RFK Jr's appearance and messaging on Tucker Carlson got that show canned.
I predict that RFK (do we really need to continue to remind everyone that he's "Jr") running for President will quicken the end of the DNC. I agree with earlier posts that indicate they are going to "Sanderize" him and keep him off the ticket, which will piss off a lot of moderate dems, that haven't left the party yet.
But will it piss of the majority of demoncrap voters?
Dead people.
There's no point in exposing what everyone already knows to be true. But there is great value in running an alternative campaign, one that disregards the DNC, one that attempts to restore some semblance of intellectual honest and integrity for Democrats and Moderates to consider. It may be that, with RFK Jr's name recognition, he's the only guy on Planet Earth who could perform a runaround like this and score.
Well perhaps his cousin... if he decides to step out of the shadows 😉
There's no point in exposing what everyone already knows to be true.
If so, the WHs need more evidence they can introduce legally. I would think they would just use the NSA to get all the evidence they need. I'm sure they have authorization to do so with countless examples of fraud from 2016 (when they stopped the steal) and 2020. Remember the E.O. Trump signed regarding foreign election interference? They have all the evidence/data that was used to rig the elections the past 6 years. I think the rest of the next 2 years is going to be used to wake up more people.
EO 13848
I'm pretty sure we are well past the point where white hats need more proof of anything. If they aren't then God help us.
All the liberals I know know that it was stolen from Bernie, they don't care. They are fine with it being stolen from Trump too
& then he'll become DJT's running mate: I forgot to mention but RFK Jr & JOK are personal friends. IDK how they met but when OKeefe got canned by Project Veritas he went on a hiking trip with a friend. That friend was RFK Jr (He mentioned Kennedy & showed a picture of the 2 of them on a mountain somewhere)
I have thought similarly... it would bridge a partisan divide. But then I liked the idea of ***Gen Flynn for veep even more.
What an idea! I like it!
I'm floored the political left or anyone is okay with what's been happening with Dominion. Potato Joe and Kamallah were barely cracking double digits in the dem primary while Bernie was running away with it. That means 80% of Dem voters wanted someone else. Bernie and his supporters got screwed twice by the Dem machine.
No. Their voting machines won't allow it.
I try hard to keep up with American politics so go easy on me for asking this but - are we talking about the same guy who recently said that anyone who was not onboard with the "climate change" scam should go to jail?
A black shirted lawyer questioned a person that had a JFK Jr. flag, where do these people come from ??????
why are all these people wearing black shirts, are we going back to the 1940s ?
I thought we were bring it back to the 1950s not the 1940s.
I pray that RFK runs and wins. Maybe he can enact some strict policies to help curb climate change.