New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place ‘Caps on Meat’ Served by Public Institutions
New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 203...
Everything we have been told about diet is the polar opposite of the truth, a deliberate, calculated lie to keep us sick and needing the products of Big Pharma. Wonder if they're in league with Big Sugar?
Red meat is fine. Eggs are fantastic. Dietary cholesterol is unrelated to serum cholesterol and likelihood of heart disease. Suppressing cholesterol with dangerous statin drugs is a fool's errand; the body simply makes more. Saturated fat is good for you; it's essential. Corn, grains, potatoes, bread...all unnecessary and detrimental. Vegetables are OK, but ask Eskimos if they're essential for life and health.
The medical profession as we know it would virtually cease to exist if the entire population knew the facts about vaccines; cannabis as an effective remedy in place of many of pharma's phake drugs for pain, anxiety and depression; and fat and protein being all you need in the diet.
They need to keep you on the diabetes medicines; so they never tell you it's often reversible in months via food choices.
Actually, three of my friends have type 2 diabetes and take metformin. Two of them have just had to include insulin injections and another has just managed to come off it. All three are aware that it's a diet problem. All three continue to eat bread, cake, pasta, etc. and drink alcohol because "we might as well enjoy the time we've got left".
This is absolutely correct. We are all just here temporarily.
I am trying to accomplish a few things, and do some good as best I can... but other than that, who really gives a fuck if we eat some bread or drink some wine during the time we are here?
News flash: nothing you do is going to make you immortal. Get over it.
Until mid-1950s (when Western diet <vegetables> became more accessible) they had a staggering incidence of colo-rectal cancer. Something nuts like 1 in 3 got it. It's steadily dropped since then.
Interesting enough to make me do a quick cursory check, and I found substantiation for the Inuit having high cancer rates as well as this:
Source: NIH (sorry :)
Are these stats for inuit who moved to western society and ate the bad food that everyone else does, or was it those living on their native diet in the Arctic?
Also, black Americans generally eat a lot of fried foods ("soul") and need more sunshine to produce Vitamin D than other people do, and most don't get that in America like their counterparts do in Africa (especially those living near the Equator).
Are things like this included in the analysis?
In the south it's not only blacks eating fried foods, most eat it. I don't believe fried is bad, it's the fat used for frying. Most people use the cheapest oils, classified as vegetable oil so people think they are healthy. Most restaurants and packaged foods use canola, cotton seed, soy and corn oil. Most people think when they are buying crisco/lard it's still from the hog, nope it's from crappy seed oils. It blows my mind how many people still aren't educated on this subject. Even ice cream and chocolate has that bad oil unless you pay more for the quality products. Nothing will change in America until the companies are forced to change. That won't happen because someone is getting a kick back. Look up heart association story promoting canola oil. I know a family that has three breast cancer survivors and they still don't understand why they got cancer. They believe the doctors, "genetics is why"! They still have margarine in their fridge.
It's all diet related and what part of the digestive tract most sensitive to the intake. Weird one in China, from memory so likely partially in error. High rate of colon cancer in an rural area. First thought was long forgotten chemical spill but no industry ever there. Found that main diet was grilled pork with cabbage unique to that area. Not grown elsewhere in China. Fat from the pork hit the coals and vaporized back onto pork. This new compound reacted in stomach with something in the cabbage to form a <cancerous> compound. As I recall rates dropped over time when new cooking methods used.
You might want to reconsider this:
I have a theory that fad diets appear only to remove people further from what they should/need to be eating and normalize a diet that humans didn't evolve to eat.
Be human. Evolve over 200k years eating meat heavy diet. Enter shake diets, smoothie diets, veggie diets etc...
Not measurable. Only tyranny.
So when I found out that American Express was aiding NY in this endeavor, I called them up the same day to cancel my credit card. One of the most ridiculous calls I've ever been on.
First, the guy asks me if it's okay to call me by my first name and I was like, uh yeah, what else would you call me dude, it's my fucking name. This dude went on a 30 second rant about how they don't assume that people want to be identified by their birth name and that it's a special precaution they take to ensure that the gay and trans community feels safe and comfortable on phone calls to American Express. L-M-A-O .... ok buddy. Then he goes on to tell me that the last caller demanded to be referred to as Mr. Fancy Pants and that they had a 20 minute conversation where he referred to their customer as Mr. Fancy pants and giggled and thought this was really great stuff. They are grinding down society into a gigantic nub of faggotry.
ANYHOW... after I get past this grindr customer service rep posing as an AMEX rep, we get into the cancelation and the guy asks me why I'm canceling. I tell him that I heard they were aiding NY in tracking people food purchases and this guy responds.... "You're not even in that market" - I was like.... are you kidding me bro? You just referred to it as a market, and not a location, where do you think you guys are going to go next. (I'm in a different big market full of gay bullshit so you know it's coming here next) - This guy acted like I was a douche for canceling my card over their libtard policies in another market. Like go fuck yourself bud. I told him after too that even if he was able to change my mind on the food tracking stuff, I would have canceled on my experience with customer service alone. Treating me like some fuckin fag who wants to be referred to as a tranny or something and pushing their gayass ideology to protect 1% of the population.
Anyways, I don't do business with those fucking cucks anymore and I'm on the fucking war path. We don't need TV, woke corporations or anything else in our life. I'm starting to get rid of it all and whittle it down to just the bare essentials of what I need. It's time to bleed these pedophiles the fuck out by dropping them and stop giving them our money.
End rant
Exactly. Going out of your way to verbally ask this question in order to make this fringe minority feel more comfortable is the equivalent of the customer service opening the phone call asking if you would rather he speak Tagalog than English. At least when the automated system asks if you want Spanish 1) it's an automated system and 2) there is a decent percentage of Spanish speakers in the US.
How about a limit on junk food purchases?
Even better why don't these freaks fuck off and leave people alone?
B-but muh carbon footprint! Reeeee!
I can see it now... the NYPD raiding homes and apartments where people have stocked red meat in their freezers, like they would a drug house or a gambling den.
And there will be a thriving black market for meat and whatever else they ban.
Don't laugh they will.
Hey Fren.
When is enough enough?
When they achieve the first inscription from the Georgia Guidestones, or (I'll take curtain number 2 Monty) when they are the ones removed from the face of the earth like the Guidestones themselves.
Thanks for the summary. These people are grifters. NY taxpayers paying these companies to gather data so they can control peoples food? Who believes this crap? This will have no effect on the states ability to control “the population.” When will New Yorkers wise up?
Ah, a revised agenda from Diet For a New America.... Obesity??? MEH!! 😒
Such a discourse (initiative) doesn't have any lawful teeth as far as what I can see. What exactly is an "initiiative" anyway, except for a marketing campaign. NYers use to be proud of their NYC culture. I just don't see NYers buying into "caps on meats". The minute the mayor or any city official attempts to enforce this, the lawsuits will fly.
These tyrants need to be stopped.
yes becasue the soda tax worked out so well in NYC lmao
Title is misleading, applies to public institutions serving food (hospitals mentioned).
Household food consumption causes carbon emissions they say; think about that for a minute.
New York has always been a liberal shithole, but it seems that within the past decade or two, it's been going full communist. Why the sudden pedal-to-the-metal leftist acceleration?
How stupid is this?? And tyrannical. And anti-American. And anti-farm.