Just sat through a lawschool graduation ceremony. So much wokism and all the class speakers were garbage about the persecution of trans and oppression. Sadly the auditorium was all clapping and cheering.
How much longer must we wait... these people will always play victim. Give them an inch they take a mile. Rip the bandaid off already. Our youth are brainwashed.
I don't want to be negative, but what Nunes describes is that the Democrats are out playing the Republicans (e.g. RINOs) on offence. Where is our counter-offensive? I know we are putting points on the board but the Dem's have an effective cheat/playbook which seems to continue to out play the Republicans.
I'm gonna get the down doot and time out chair for having a dissenting opinion, BUUUUUT:
God will never do evil. God cannot do evil.
Biden winning is a work of Satan. Election fraud is a work of Satan. God is utterly incapable of doing anything evil. Satan is what hurts us. God didn't allow Biden to win!
Satan owns the Earth. It is Satan's realm after Adam sinned and gave it to Satan. God has control over the Earth but Satan can still wreak havoc. Satan is powerful. God is more powerful. The boomerang is coming back around.
Who appointed judges and kings and rulers in the Old Testament and New Testament?
Which portions of Scripture teach us about this subject?
God predestines and preordains the offices and the people to occupy them. Sometimes it’s for mercy and grace, sometimes it’s for wrath judgment.
Every occasion of judges and kings and rulers is the work of God. When Israel demanded a king, who gave them Saul in 1 Samuel chapter 8? And king David in 1 Samuel chapter 16?
Satan does not possess the authority or the ability to do that, however, he is culpable for evil, he works behind the scenes to accomplish evil (100%), but from eternity past God planned these things to happen. Being the “god of this world” does not grant Satan the same power and authority that God possesses.
How does one argue that Adam handed over or forfeited power or authority over the earth (to Satan) when God never granted such a thing to begin with? Scripture? Evidence?
To some extent, yes, Adam worked in the garden which was in the earth, and after he sinned we were commanded to subdue the earth and enjoy the resources the earth provides (though through great difficulty/labor etc.), but beyond this there is nothing more we can say.
Everywhere in Scripture when the earth is demonstrated to be under control, it is the control of God (OT) and Christ (NT), all other unique events aside, such as the plagues. Job gives plentiful testimony to God working in the earth and by temporal means to judge and punish and demonstrate His autonomy over His creation.
Q told us the timeline in 2019, post #3387
"Listen very carefully (again).
Note past (2) years.
Note NEXT (6) years.
You were told what was going to happen.
You were told what battles we face.
Patriots in control.
Nothing happening on our earth is without Gods permission. Yes I agree Satan is king of this earth, but it is only to what the Lord permits. "Biden" is not Biden, we know this, this is all a movie. Us anons realized it had to be this way as we were told, dark to light. Keep faith friend
This is just another version of you can’t tell the people you must show them. Another nod to Q.
It has been very effective. Think of what we know now, verse what knew on day one of Trump. How much your understanding of just how corrupt and evil the entire government is. Every American assumed there was some corruption but we had no idea how vast it was, and how it has tainted just about every single part of it. Now more than half of Americans no longer trust the FBI. More than half is ready for a mass deportation event. More than half is ready for Trumps plan to cut hundreds of thousands of bullshit jobs in DC in all the bureaucracies that do nothing but leech off the economy.
By portraying weakness, and using the Q operation to force them into exposing themselves, the public is ready for the next stage. They knew America needed the most drastic shift in policy and government ever accomplished in our history. Not half measures. A total destruction of the status quo. You cannot do this if the people still trust the government and trust the media. You have to show them.
The wisdom of hindsight will show us that all of this was necessary. It has been extra painful for us because we knew what was happening from start to finish. We were blessed with sight while others were blind.
They told us how long this would take multiple times. 2 years plus 6 years. Project America 250 end goal. July 2026. Trump himself has said that this is going to take awhile. That some older people may not survive to see the end, but they can trust that it is happening. That we are doing it not just for ourselves, but future Americans. It has to be done right the first time.
He has never lied about anything else since day 1. He told us they were spying on him. He told us they would keep counting at 4am and find votes. He told us they would open the border, destroy our oil freedom, and cause WW3, and wreck the economy. All turned out to be true, in a very short period of time.
He also told us the best is yet to come. We have Twitter now. The pieces are falling to place. The stage is being set. He never looks worried, Kash never looks worried, Chris Miller never looks worried.
Buckle up. Shits gonna get crazy. In the end, the light will win over darkness. Just got a few more miles of tunnel to go.
God is good all the time lest we forget. He will correct us when needed like a good Father.
Just sat through a lawschool graduation ceremony. So much wokism and all the class speakers were garbage about the persecution of trans and oppression. Sadly the auditorium was all clapping and cheering.
How much longer must we wait... these people will always play victim. Give them an inch they take a mile. Rip the bandaid off already. Our youth are brainwashed.
The death of the dollar is the main event.
Our future prosecutors and judges are applauding this, that's scary.
One is too many, but I think only a relative few are actually taken to the point of brainwashed.
I just feel like most of the youth that I know are much smarter than the media, of ALL stripes, paints the youth. Just my opinion.
My daughter just got a full ride to Berkeley , she’s already brainwashed and considering , I want to vomit !
T always sends us reminders once in a while, using other people’s words. Very subtle
True that. We are only human and all need a pick up especially in these hard times. Stay strong frens
I don't want to be negative, but what Nunes describes is that the Democrats are out playing the Republicans (e.g. RINOs) on offence. Where is our counter-offensive? I know we are putting points on the board but the Dem's have an effective cheat/playbook which seems to continue to out play the Republicans.
amen! Words to live by!
Also I love that Trump himself reads/retruths his own social media, not some woke intern.
I'm gonna get the down doot and time out chair for having a dissenting opinion, BUUUUUT:
God will never do evil. God cannot do evil.
Biden winning is a work of Satan. Election fraud is a work of Satan. God is utterly incapable of doing anything evil. Satan is what hurts us. God didn't allow Biden to win!
Satan owns the Earth. It is Satan's realm after Adam sinned and gave it to Satan. God has control over the Earth but Satan can still wreak havoc. Satan is powerful. God is more powerful. The boomerang is coming back around.
2024 will be biblical.
Two questions come to mind:
Who appointed judges and kings and rulers in the Old Testament and New Testament?
Which portions of Scripture teach us about this subject?
God predestines and preordains the offices and the people to occupy them. Sometimes it’s for mercy and grace, sometimes it’s for wrath judgment.
Every occasion of judges and kings and rulers is the work of God. When Israel demanded a king, who gave them Saul in 1 Samuel chapter 8? And king David in 1 Samuel chapter 16?
Satan does not possess the authority or the ability to do that, however, he is culpable for evil, he works behind the scenes to accomplish evil (100%), but from eternity past God planned these things to happen. Being the “god of this world” does not grant Satan the same power and authority that God possesses.
How does one argue that Adam handed over or forfeited power or authority over the earth (to Satan) when God never granted such a thing to begin with? Scripture? Evidence?
To some extent, yes, Adam worked in the garden which was in the earth, and after he sinned we were commanded to subdue the earth and enjoy the resources the earth provides (though through great difficulty/labor etc.), but beyond this there is nothing more we can say.
Everywhere in Scripture when the earth is demonstrated to be under control, it is the control of God (OT) and Christ (NT), all other unique events aside, such as the plagues. Job gives plentiful testimony to God working in the earth and by temporal means to judge and punish and demonstrate His autonomy over His creation.
Q told us the timeline in 2019, post #3387 "Listen very carefully (again). Note past (2) years. Note NEXT (6) years. You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face. Strategic. Pre_planned. Patriots in control. Q." Nothing happening on our earth is without Gods permission. Yes I agree Satan is king of this earth, but it is only to what the Lord permits. "Biden" is not Biden, we know this, this is all a movie. Us anons realized it had to be this way as we were told, dark to light. Keep faith friend
God has the devil on too long of a leash.
You are 100 percent correct, there is no evil or harm coming from God , it’s all Satan !
This is just another version of you can’t tell the people you must show them. Another nod to Q.
It has been very effective. Think of what we know now, verse what knew on day one of Trump. How much your understanding of just how corrupt and evil the entire government is. Every American assumed there was some corruption but we had no idea how vast it was, and how it has tainted just about every single part of it. Now more than half of Americans no longer trust the FBI. More than half is ready for a mass deportation event. More than half is ready for Trumps plan to cut hundreds of thousands of bullshit jobs in DC in all the bureaucracies that do nothing but leech off the economy.
By portraying weakness, and using the Q operation to force them into exposing themselves, the public is ready for the next stage. They knew America needed the most drastic shift in policy and government ever accomplished in our history. Not half measures. A total destruction of the status quo. You cannot do this if the people still trust the government and trust the media. You have to show them.
The wisdom of hindsight will show us that all of this was necessary. It has been extra painful for us because we knew what was happening from start to finish. We were blessed with sight while others were blind.
They told us how long this would take multiple times. 2 years plus 6 years. Project America 250 end goal. July 2026. Trump himself has said that this is going to take awhile. That some older people may not survive to see the end, but they can trust that it is happening. That we are doing it not just for ourselves, but future Americans. It has to be done right the first time.
He has never lied about anything else since day 1. He told us they were spying on him. He told us they would keep counting at 4am and find votes. He told us they would open the border, destroy our oil freedom, and cause WW3, and wreck the economy. All turned out to be true, in a very short period of time.
He also told us the best is yet to come. We have Twitter now. The pieces are falling to place. The stage is being set. He never looks worried, Kash never looks worried, Chris Miller never looks worried.
Buckle up. Shits gonna get crazy. In the end, the light will win over darkness. Just got a few more miles of tunnel to go.
We are the Israelites now.
Wait a minute, is he saying Biden won????????
Agreed. But how will the cheating get fixed?
Damn good question. Nobody is talking about it anymore. I don't think the problem ever went away.
He didn’t win. The election was stolen and the next one will be too.
Problem with that is Biden did not win.
That chick over on CNN says there's no evidence of election fraud. She said that straight to Trump's face.
what's that?
While putting gas last month it happened twice that it stopped exactly at 11.00
And the pump said it was 2.828, the second time 2.858 gallons.
I looked it up like I posted it and found Mark 11:00 Job 28:28 Deut 28:58
Still not a concession
Biden didn't win