People like Bill Cooper were screaming from the rooftops to little avail...
But now we have millions of so called conspiracy theorists who see Babylon for what it is and continue to wake up and cry out for justice...
It's OK to feel frustrated and exhausted. But protect your thoughts, your mind, and what you say and you'll find yourself getting through this exposure period with flying colors...
It may not seem like it, but awakening is victory in many ways...
It is very frustrating for those of us who have lived thru the sixties until now and know the same people, over and over again, are responsible for the majority of the corruption and have yet to be held accountable.
Those career thugs are now in their golden years and will most likely be allowed to finish out their privileged lives without a single consequence of selling out America.
So much suffering, so much collateral damage. Our government does not serve the people, and has not for a long time; it is a business for the corrupt elite and political class.
I butt heads with normal everyday folks, good people, who refuse to accept that anything is wrong, that; This too will pass.
Me and my family are still pretty much protected living in a Red State, but, I fear, it will eventually make its way here. The lawlessness, the depravity, the local corruption is beginning to make itself known as corporations weld their power.
My father lived and breathed ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter, he was 88 yrs old, a Korean War Vet who gathered with other vets once a week to discuss the government corruption coming to light after a lifetime of knowing it and living it. He wanted to live to see America liberated, to be prosperous again and the joy of hope in unity. He watched the video on Q, over and over, to keep that hope alive. But he died not knowing what would happen to his sons and daughters.
Many of us fear, we will die too not seeing those responsible pay for the unbelievable damage they have done to a people, to a nation. My father dedicated his life to channeling his anger into improving or restoring our ability to govern. He made some frens at the Pentagon, in the Marines and at the VA. And although his frens understood his mission, the institutions treated him like crap. In hindsight, he made little difference. He was a true patriot.
So please forgive us on days that we are doubting the outcome of this war. We ARE tired. Tired of getting a couple bags of groceries for 300.00; Tired of filling up our truck for 120.00. Tired of watching our 401K in a death spiral. Tired of having our bones ache when we are too old to till a garden. Tired of working past the age of 67. Tired of watching the Biden family rob us blind and making us weak.
Tired of taking care of aging parents when their incomes do not meet their needs. Tired of being poisoned by processed foods and medications. Tired of our healthcare BC/BS covering less and less year after year. Tired of doctors selling out to the Administration's bottom line instead of caring for us. Tired of prepping. Tired of watching ourselves and our children become impoverished. Etc., etc, etc., It is ALL so F*cking exhausting.
I agree it's extremely exhausting and, like you, I've been watching the degradation of this country for decades. Both my parents have passed, likely victims of a corrupt population control system masquerading as health care, from diseases for which I feel there were always known (by some) cures for, deliberately withheld from millions of individuals through the years. Financially I'm feeling the screws tighten like most people are. And the aging body is feeling the effects of time and likely deliberate assaults on our food, water, etc. And I'm saddened by the realization of the extent to which evil has encroached upon this world, by the breadth as well as depths of depravity being laid bare for us to witness.
That said, swamp dredging is messy business and, despite the losses and suffering, the injustices and various types of assaults being inflicted on good people here in the USA and across the world, I very much want this war to be waged the right way, to eradicate this evil for a thousand years. I'm reminded also of the fact that there remain human trafficking victims who are existing in a dystopian hell which many don't even want to think about. Our challenges, in contrast, while not to be trivialized in and of themselves, are ones that can be weathered with grit and determination in most cases. This is a war and, while we don't have buildings being blown up next to us or bullets flying through our windows, we are going to suffer losses.
You derive happiness from within and with that comes inner strength. Have you devoted as much time to contemplating all the good things in your life? If not, ask yourself why not. Your perspective is of ultimate importance in determining your level of happiness, inner peace and inner strength. Every single day I thank God, many times a day, for everything good in my life, for everything good from my past which has brought me to this point, for the beauty of His world as I step outside my home and for the beautiful spirit of good people across this globe.
In the past when feeling overwhelmed by challenges in my life, I've written them down, looked at them and said "No wonder why I'm feeling this way." Then I move on to step two and delineate the good things in my life. The balance is difficult but not impossible. You've done the first part. Why not devote some of your time to contemplating the good parts of your life?
Rather a long reply, but I wanted to add some encouragement for you as it seems like you need some. God bless, anon. Take a break if you need to.
You rest now. Many people are awake now because of what your father started. We will continue the battle for you until you are rested enough to join us. Don't give up on what your father started. He sounds like a wonderful man.
I had an older cousin who was crippled and couldn't get out. He watched the network news every time it was on. And he read the newspapers. He could tell 60 years ago that all of it was full of BS.
Nice evocation of the Old Pede experience, Richmanstrick. Yes, sick and tired of watching America go from Beacon of Hope and Freedom to the World, to Warmongering Bully (well, THAT began long before the '60s), to burgeoning Woke Communist Tyranny and Near-Third-World status.
What keeps me upbeat is that the Great Awakening is indisputably HAPPENING. Truth is leaking out all over the place, and people ARE noticing. What "everyone knows" includes more truth every day, and at some point -- soon, because we HAVE to be near the tipping point -- big changes are inevitable.
Thanks for the response, I miss him. I am hanging on, but it's that some days are harder than others. No one can gauge the horrible anxiety below the surface of society when they learn the FBI and CIA are so corrupt. Who would have thought it in a million years. Dad said the Military is corrupt also. Dad was a part of Mensa, an intellectual man. He was drafted at an older age. He said so many unqualified men were in positions of leadership that should have never been.
He said, what he saw was a system which placed young men, inexperienced men as pawns in a Rich mans political game. (a proxy war). Most orders did not make any sense and cost the lives of many including innocent civilians.
Bill Cooper was an important light to me in the early 1990s. Lest we forget, Father Coughlin and Henry Ford were also voices in the wilderness that preceded William Cooper.
Really is a profound statement, especially for us ol' schoolers who've been at least somewhat awake, least enough to been frustrated for literally decades.
Indeed a fine time to be alive. I trust the plan is moving along now at breakneck speed in comparison to before.
Exactly 💯 I walk three miles a day and run into people throughout. I can now have some decent conversations with people. Everyone I meet, is pissed off and are awake at different levels. Depending on what we're talking about, I'll drop a few buzzwords and take it from there. Before, they didn't want to hear anything, that strayed from the narrative.
I believe that people are feeling more confidence within themselves, that what they're seeing is truth. They're getting validated by seeing that they're not the only ones.
I didn't believe that I would see an awakening such as this in my lifetime. It truly is a great time to be alive here on planet earth.
Things are getting out. I was with some friends for supper at a restaurant. One of them said loudly "and Epstein didn't kill himself." No one in the restaurant batted an eye. Some of what we know is now common knowledge. That's what all of it needs to become.
It's a good thing people think 'it's gotten worse' in a way, because now they are awake to just how bad things are. But like you said, they missed out on how bad things really were and could have been.
Spreading despair is worse than doing nothing. I even ended up skipping Salty the other night because the first fifteen minutes was full of so much doombitching over the debt deal that it was killing the motivation that I needed for my workout that I was starting.
Some people mean well but it's a line to straddle between getting people riled to to snap them out of their stupor vs causing people who already are aware to doom out and blackpill. Sometimes they go to far in that direction and I have to take a break, especially if it's something that has already been discussed to death everywhere else when there are other topics to cover. I remember one night where chat basically just started yelling at Salty to change topics as most were sick of hearing about it as well.
There have been times when I could catch up with the news while getting in some sets and channel the anger into my lifts but that night just wasn't feeling it, switched to the DOOM Eternal soundtrack so that I could lift and curl until it was done.
It's human to get frustrated. It's human with how corrupt everyone is in our government to get frustrated and impatient. We are ready to resume the lives we should have had all along.
Information Warfare and Fifth Gen Warfare do not necessitate immediate action. Future proves past in this game of multidimensional chess. One day in the future we will all look back upon the myriad of small happenings and witness how they amounted to a great tectonic shift in the foundations of our world.
If all you ever perceive is the ground level view, it can be all too easy to become disheartened. Only at the 40,000 ft view does the journey come into perspective, and the reality set in of just how far we've come along the path of The Great Awakening.
Only at the 40,000 ft view does the journey come into perspective
100%...That's what I keep saying over and over whenever i see comments about 'nothings happening'..."cant move on till we fix 2020"..."2024 will also be rigged", etc....Look at the bigger much as we see "Nothing being done"...There is PLENTY being done which we don't know about...Yet!
If they steal 2024 from Trump that will be a huge defeat.
I remember.
2018 is safe.
2020 is safe.
2022 is safe.
Three strikes, you're out. It would be strike 4 since The Donald came down the escalator. At some point we have to quit listening to the "Trust the Plan".
We have to take action. Take back our local elections. Our childrens future depends on OUR actions, not faith in someone else's actions.
I truly believe the wait will be worth it. I began to wake up in 2017, and I still feel like I learn something new every day. I no longer lust after specific dates, but instead wait patiently for events surrounding "specific" dates to be brought to light. As President Trump blatantly stated he would never tell anyone the battle plans, because if we know, then the pedos would also know, so the date and time are not as important as the actual surprise attack, and I believe it will happen when it is supposed to happen and not a minute sooner or later. I love my President, I love my country, and I love all y'all for staying strong and holding the line. That is why I visit this board. Y'all are the best patriots on earth!
i don't know who that is, but i'm sure either one of us could have told you that probably wasn't going to work lol...
buying a lottery ticket is often an action taken out of a want of money. want is another word for lack. if you think about wanting money all day, you will likely want for money.
We still have that abnormally large pile of unsealed indictments in every single state.
Gitmo absolutely was enlarged greatly, adding much more housing, a second courtroom, and even a padded cell. I've seen the requests for bidding online.
I may sound black pilled at times but I do think it’s a great time to be alive. We are right in the middle of a Great Awakening. It’s brilliant to see one or two actually get disconnected from the matrix and it’s wonderful.
I've been hearing, "They're almost defeated", for decades. Literally decades. The good guys do NOT understand what it takes to defeat the bad guys. That's why we're here. They never have understood and they still don't, based on what I'm seeing.
People with more life experience understand what I'm saying. People with less life experience think I'm dooming. Q and Q+ need to get more realistic about what's happening and what needs to be done.
Agreed. This is a direct result of the attention Q garnered. Millions more people have been awakened globally. Thousands have stepped up to investigate and report on what is and isn't true. Every interaction where a person shares what they know is a potential ''reverelationary'' epiphany. These create another ''revolutionary'' member of our forces.
I, too, am weary and impatient at times.
But I have accepted the fact that ''IT'' will happen when it time. I have given up on all attempts to date fag.
People like Bill Cooper were screaming from the rooftops to little avail...
But now we have millions of so called conspiracy theorists who see Babylon for what it is and continue to wake up and cry out for justice...
It's OK to feel frustrated and exhausted. But protect your thoughts, your mind, and what you say and you'll find yourself getting through this exposure period with flying colors...
It may not seem like it, but awakening is victory in many ways...
It's happening like never before!...
(ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)
It is very frustrating for those of us who have lived thru the sixties until now and know the same people, over and over again, are responsible for the majority of the corruption and have yet to be held accountable.
Those career thugs are now in their golden years and will most likely be allowed to finish out their privileged lives without a single consequence of selling out America.
So much suffering, so much collateral damage. Our government does not serve the people, and has not for a long time; it is a business for the corrupt elite and political class.
I butt heads with normal everyday folks, good people, who refuse to accept that anything is wrong, that; This too will pass.
Me and my family are still pretty much protected living in a Red State, but, I fear, it will eventually make its way here. The lawlessness, the depravity, the local corruption is beginning to make itself known as corporations weld their power.
My father lived and breathed ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter, he was 88 yrs old, a Korean War Vet who gathered with other vets once a week to discuss the government corruption coming to light after a lifetime of knowing it and living it. He wanted to live to see America liberated, to be prosperous again and the joy of hope in unity. He watched the video on Q, over and over, to keep that hope alive. But he died not knowing what would happen to his sons and daughters.
Many of us fear, we will die too not seeing those responsible pay for the unbelievable damage they have done to a people, to a nation. My father dedicated his life to channeling his anger into improving or restoring our ability to govern. He made some frens at the Pentagon, in the Marines and at the VA. And although his frens understood his mission, the institutions treated him like crap. In hindsight, he made little difference. He was a true patriot.
So please forgive us on days that we are doubting the outcome of this war. We ARE tired. Tired of getting a couple bags of groceries for 300.00; Tired of filling up our truck for 120.00. Tired of watching our 401K in a death spiral. Tired of having our bones ache when we are too old to till a garden. Tired of working past the age of 67. Tired of watching the Biden family rob us blind and making us weak.
Tired of taking care of aging parents when their incomes do not meet their needs. Tired of being poisoned by processed foods and medications. Tired of our healthcare BC/BS covering less and less year after year. Tired of doctors selling out to the Administration's bottom line instead of caring for us. Tired of prepping. Tired of watching ourselves and our children become impoverished. Etc., etc, etc., It is ALL so F*cking exhausting.
I agree it's extremely exhausting and, like you, I've been watching the degradation of this country for decades. Both my parents have passed, likely victims of a corrupt population control system masquerading as health care, from diseases for which I feel there were always known (by some) cures for, deliberately withheld from millions of individuals through the years. Financially I'm feeling the screws tighten like most people are. And the aging body is feeling the effects of time and likely deliberate assaults on our food, water, etc. And I'm saddened by the realization of the extent to which evil has encroached upon this world, by the breadth as well as depths of depravity being laid bare for us to witness.
That said, swamp dredging is messy business and, despite the losses and suffering, the injustices and various types of assaults being inflicted on good people here in the USA and across the world, I very much want this war to be waged the right way, to eradicate this evil for a thousand years. I'm reminded also of the fact that there remain human trafficking victims who are existing in a dystopian hell which many don't even want to think about. Our challenges, in contrast, while not to be trivialized in and of themselves, are ones that can be weathered with grit and determination in most cases. This is a war and, while we don't have buildings being blown up next to us or bullets flying through our windows, we are going to suffer losses.
You derive happiness from within and with that comes inner strength. Have you devoted as much time to contemplating all the good things in your life? If not, ask yourself why not. Your perspective is of ultimate importance in determining your level of happiness, inner peace and inner strength. Every single day I thank God, many times a day, for everything good in my life, for everything good from my past which has brought me to this point, for the beauty of His world as I step outside my home and for the beautiful spirit of good people across this globe.
In the past when feeling overwhelmed by challenges in my life, I've written them down, looked at them and said "No wonder why I'm feeling this way." Then I move on to step two and delineate the good things in my life. The balance is difficult but not impossible. You've done the first part. Why not devote some of your time to contemplating the good parts of your life?
Rather a long reply, but I wanted to add some encouragement for you as it seems like you need some. God bless, anon. Take a break if you need to.
You rest now. Many people are awake now because of what your father started. We will continue the battle for you until you are rested enough to join us. Don't give up on what your father started. He sounds like a wonderful man.
I had an older cousin who was crippled and couldn't get out. He watched the network news every time it was on. And he read the newspapers. He could tell 60 years ago that all of it was full of BS.
Nice evocation of the Old Pede experience, Richmanstrick. Yes, sick and tired of watching America go from Beacon of Hope and Freedom to the World, to Warmongering Bully (well, THAT began long before the '60s), to burgeoning Woke Communist Tyranny and Near-Third-World status.
What keeps me upbeat is that the Great Awakening is indisputably HAPPENING. Truth is leaking out all over the place, and people ARE noticing. What "everyone knows" includes more truth every day, and at some point -- soon, because we HAVE to be near the tipping point -- big changes are inevitable.
Thanks for the response, I miss him. I am hanging on, but it's that some days are harder than others. No one can gauge the horrible anxiety below the surface of society when they learn the FBI and CIA are so corrupt. Who would have thought it in a million years. Dad said the Military is corrupt also. Dad was a part of Mensa, an intellectual man. He was drafted at an older age. He said so many unqualified men were in positions of leadership that should have never been.
He said, what he saw was a system which placed young men, inexperienced men as pawns in a Rich mans political game. (a proxy war). Most orders did not make any sense and cost the lives of many including innocent civilians.
So True fen
Bill Cooper was an important light to me in the early 1990s. Lest we forget, Father Coughlin and Henry Ford were also voices in the wilderness that preceded William Cooper.
For those who don't know, Bill Cooper's radio shows are available on I hope to listen to all of them eventually.
BTW, he talks slow, so you might want to speed up the playback.
Let there be light!
yep.... if you think its gotten worse, you just don't know how bad it was before.
Really is a profound statement, especially for us ol' schoolers who've been at least somewhat awake, least enough to been frustrated for literally decades.
Indeed a fine time to be alive. I trust the plan is moving along now at breakneck speed in comparison to before.
Exactly 💯 I walk three miles a day and run into people throughout. I can now have some decent conversations with people. Everyone I meet, is pissed off and are awake at different levels. Depending on what we're talking about, I'll drop a few buzzwords and take it from there. Before, they didn't want to hear anything, that strayed from the narrative.
I believe that people are feeling more confidence within themselves, that what they're seeing is truth. They're getting validated by seeing that they're not the only ones.
I didn't believe that I would see an awakening such as this in my lifetime. It truly is a great time to be alive here on planet earth.
Things are getting out. I was with some friends for supper at a restaurant. One of them said loudly "and Epstein didn't kill himself." No one in the restaurant batted an eye. Some of what we know is now common knowledge. That's what all of it needs to become.
It's a good thing people think 'it's gotten worse' in a way, because now they are awake to just how bad things are. But like you said, they missed out on how bad things really were and could have been.
Doomers bore me to the point of yawns.
Spreading despair is worse than doing nothing. I even ended up skipping Salty the other night because the first fifteen minutes was full of so much doombitching over the debt deal that it was killing the motivation that I needed for my workout that I was starting.
Some people mean well but it's a line to straddle between getting people riled to to snap them out of their stupor vs causing people who already are aware to doom out and blackpill. Sometimes they go to far in that direction and I have to take a break, especially if it's something that has already been discussed to death everywhere else when there are other topics to cover. I remember one night where chat basically just started yelling at Salty to change topics as most were sick of hearing about it as well.
There have been times when I could catch up with the news while getting in some sets and channel the anger into my lifts but that night just wasn't feeling it, switched to the DOOM Eternal soundtrack so that I could lift and curl until it was done.
Patriots were warning about GLSEN teaching children how to fist each other 23 years ago...
It's human to get frustrated. It's human with how corrupt everyone is in our government to get frustrated and impatient. We are ready to resume the lives we should have had all along.
Well said!
Information Warfare and Fifth Gen Warfare do not necessitate immediate action. Future proves past in this game of multidimensional chess. One day in the future we will all look back upon the myriad of small happenings and witness how they amounted to a great tectonic shift in the foundations of our world.
If all you ever perceive is the ground level view, it can be all too easy to become disheartened. Only at the 40,000 ft view does the journey come into perspective, and the reality set in of just how far we've come along the path of The Great Awakening.
100%...That's what I keep saying over and over whenever i see comments about 'nothings happening'..."cant move on till we fix 2020"..."2024 will also be rigged", etc....Look at the bigger much as we see "Nothing being done"...There is PLENTY being done which we don't know about...Yet!
If they steal 2024 from Trump that will be a huge defeat.
I remember.
2018 is safe.
2020 is safe.
2022 is safe.
Three strikes, you're out. It would be strike 4 since The Donald came down the escalator. At some point we have to quit listening to the "Trust the Plan".
We have to take action. Take back our local elections. Our childrens future depends on OUR actions, not faith in someone else's actions.
I truly believe the wait will be worth it. I began to wake up in 2017, and I still feel like I learn something new every day. I no longer lust after specific dates, but instead wait patiently for events surrounding "specific" dates to be brought to light. As President Trump blatantly stated he would never tell anyone the battle plans, because if we know, then the pedos would also know, so the date and time are not as important as the actual surprise attack, and I believe it will happen when it is supposed to happen and not a minute sooner or later. I love my President, I love my country, and I love all y'all for staying strong and holding the line. That is why I visit this board. Y'all are the best patriots on earth!
Words and thoughts shape perception the same as a weapon.
"There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, But the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Proverbs 12:18
They don't manifest reality.
God + Human action manifests reality.
what makes you think words don't manifest reality? they absolutely do
That's some of that Joel Osteen crap. He rakes in the cash, but everyone else doesn't get a dime "manifested."
I can talk about the lottery all day, every day and not win. I've actually tried.
i don't know who that is, but i'm sure either one of us could have told you that probably wasn't going to work lol...
buying a lottery ticket is often an action taken out of a want of money. want is another word for lack. if you think about wanting money all day, you will likely want for money.
We still have that abnormally large pile of unsealed indictments in every single state.
Gitmo absolutely was enlarged greatly, adding much more housing, a second courtroom, and even a padded cell. I've seen the requests for bidding online.
"Word manifest our reality"
That's some horoscope healing crystal sage smoke bullshit, right there.
I may sound black pilled at times but I do think it’s a great time to be alive. We are right in the middle of a Great Awakening. It’s brilliant to see one or two actually get disconnected from the matrix and it’s wonderful.
Now everyone knows about it - and they still do it.
I've been hearing, "They're almost defeated", for decades. Literally decades. The good guys do NOT understand what it takes to defeat the bad guys. That's why we're here. They never have understood and they still don't, based on what I'm seeing.
People with more life experience understand what I'm saying. People with less life experience think I'm dooming. Q and Q+ need to get more realistic about what's happening and what needs to be done.
Agreed. This is a direct result of the attention Q garnered. Millions more people have been awakened globally. Thousands have stepped up to investigate and report on what is and isn't true. Every interaction where a person shares what they know is a potential ''reverelationary'' epiphany. These create another ''revolutionary'' member of our forces.
I, too, am weary and impatient at times. But I have accepted the fact that ''IT'' will happen when it time. I have given up on all attempts to date fag.
One of my favorite movie lines ever.
👌Its Not 'Our" timeframe...🙏🏻