And steve Bannon did not say a word as he was laying all this out. The adrenochrome, the trafficking, hoping that the agents he worked with (three letter) or other agents would become whistle blowers based on the film. Mind blowing fourth hour of Warroom.
He is needing is to go to see his movie 4th of July weekend. This is more than just Jim implicating US agencies are involved. This is a call to the people to get out and spread the word about this film.
Also, it would be amazing if Lara Logan did take Jim up on his offer to take her to the front line of child trafficking. Based on this interview, Jim is awake and is likely amongst us here on GAW.
I really like Jim Caviezel. IMHO, he is a national treasure. He is a Catholic, who believes as a typical Catholic does when it comes to Jesus. Jesus was an Israelite. The word 'Jew' never existed in Jesus time or is it related to the Latin word 'Judea'.
Who is disputing the Latin words on the sign? Word manipulation and name-stealing has a long history, The word 'Jew' derives actually from the French 'Juerie'. I will get to the significance of this in a moment. But first, the history of Judah, as a living, breathing individualย andย the land of his posterity was called Judah until his posterity was forcibly and completely removed from the land of Judah to Babylonia. The proper word describing Judah's offspring and descendants has always been Judahites. The word 'Jew' never derived from Judah and certainly did not exist during the Roman times as I will explain in the following paragraph.
Rome referred to the region in the Latin as 'Iudaea' (Engl.: 'Judea'), which was formerly called by the Greeks 'Idoumaia'; which means the "land of Edomites". Since the Greco-Roman were deeply intertwined over the centuries, the Romans heavily benefited from the Greek influence in areas of trade, banking, administration, art, literature, philosophy and earth science. Not only did the Romans adopt Greek influences, it Latinized Greek place names. The Greek influence on Roman names can be seen by the Latin name of Egypt, which is 'Aegyptus' deriving from the ancient Greek 'Aigyptos'. The ancient Egyptians didn't call their land either the ancient Greek or Latin place names, but ' Hut-Ka-Ptah'. Similarly, the Judahites did not refer to themselves by either the ancient Greek or Latin name. Alexander the Great conquered the region and called the land Idoumea after the predominant inhabitants of this region.
The influence of the Greeks in the entire Levant was so culturally dominating that the Hebrew written language was threatened. This written language is referred to as paleo-Hebrew has been lost in antiquity for more than 2000 years. Thanks to Ptolemy Philaphelphus and the 70 Isrealite scholars he assembled, the Greek Septuagint was written in 256 BC and as a result saved the Old Testament from being lost in antiquity. The international language throughout the eastern Mediterranean was koine Greek. Without records, it is plausible that Jesus may have read from the Greek Septuagint. We don't know for sure. Nevertheless, the Romans readily accepted the Greek influence existing there and added their own Latin version. The Romans simply used the Latinized version ('Iudaea') of the Greek 'Idumea'. 'Iudaea' in English is Judea.
Much later the word Jew comes into existence in England in circa 1600s, which coincides with a wave of Yiddish immigrants coming from France and Deutschland. These Yiddish settlers came from eastern Europe and originated from Khazaria, not the Middle East, but rather the steppes of Caspian and Black Seas, which had since fallen to the proxy Byzantine and Caliphate conquering armies. The French and Europeans viewed these immigrants negatively and treated them similarly to gypsies. They allowed them to quarter in only a designated area of the city. A French derogatory term for 'ghetto' and the Yiddish district of town was called โ 'Jeuerie'; "ghetto", from Anglo-French 'Juerie', Old French 'Juierieโ or the later English version 'Jewry'. Originally the English term 'Jewry' referred to those immigrants coming from Eastern European people who spoke Yiddish (Ashkenazi). The word 'Jew' did not exist during the Roman times.
It was a great interview. I had heard him talk before about the two children he and his wife adopted from China. I didn't know there was a third as he mentions here. The first two were children needing life saving brain surgery they couldn't get in China so they adopted them, brought them here and got them the treatment they needed, literally saving their lives.
Bannon tried to get Caviezel to explain why the US has such a demand for child sex and I don't think there was an answer. The wow's and booms were coming so fast during the interview I fully expected some technical interruption like frequently happens. The adrenochrome/organ harvesting conversation on air will cause some mega-pucker amongst the DS operators.
Praying for Jim's safety.๐
Jim Caviezel did not nor will not kill himself.
I think the orchestrated "out of control" car wrecks is now the preferred method of eliminating people the DS determines are a problem.
Just watched this interviewโฆvery good. Normies gonna have a tough time.
God bless, Jim.
The amount of Q references he gave in this interview gave me a MAGA size Bonner. #NSFW
That's all I heard.. q line after q line
And X22
โThe private western central banksโ
And steve Bannon did not say a word as he was laying all this out. The adrenochrome, the trafficking, hoping that the agents he worked with (three letter) or other agents would become whistle blowers based on the film. Mind blowing fourth hour of Warroom.
I got the feeling that Jim is indeed an Anon.
Love that movie!
He is needing is to go to see his movie 4th of July weekend. This is more than just Jim implicating US agencies are involved. This is a call to the people to get out and spread the word about this film.
Also, it would be amazing if Lara Logan did take Jim up on his offer to take her to the front line of child trafficking. Based on this interview, Jim is awake and is likely amongst us here on GAW.
here is the trailer, watch it to the end.
Isnโt he the actor in passion of the Christ? Aka the best Batman.
Passion of the Christ yes. Batman no that was Christian Bale.
You are right. They look alike
They really do! Oh, looks like they both have played Jesus as well, but Passion of the Christ was Caviezel.
He played Jesus in Passion, but he never played Batman.
I really like Jim Caviezel. IMHO, he is a national treasure. He is a Catholic, who believes as a typical Catholic does when it comes to Jesus. Jesus was an Israelite. The word 'Jew' never existed in Jesus time or is it related to the Latin word 'Judea'.
I guess that sign posted on the cross was just made up? Seriously, you are trying to insinuate that there were no Jews in Israel back then?
Who is disputing the Latin words on the sign? Word manipulation and name-stealing has a long history, The word 'Jew' derives actually from the French 'Juerie'. I will get to the significance of this in a moment. But first, the history of Judah, as a living, breathing individualย andย the land of his posterity was called Judah until his posterity was forcibly and completely removed from the land of Judah to Babylonia. The proper word describing Judah's offspring and descendants has always been Judahites. The word 'Jew' never derived from Judah and certainly did not exist during the Roman times as I will explain in the following paragraph.
Rome referred to the region in the Latin as 'Iudaea' (Engl.: 'Judea'), which was formerly called by the Greeks 'Idoumaia'; which means the "land of Edomites". Since the Greco-Roman were deeply intertwined over the centuries, the Romans heavily benefited from the Greek influence in areas of trade, banking, administration, art, literature, philosophy and earth science. Not only did the Romans adopt Greek influences, it Latinized Greek place names. The Greek influence on Roman names can be seen by the Latin name of Egypt, which is 'Aegyptus' deriving from the ancient Greek 'Aigyptos'. The ancient Egyptians didn't call their land either the ancient Greek or Latin place names, but ' Hut-Ka-Ptah'. Similarly, the Judahites did not refer to themselves by either the ancient Greek or Latin name. Alexander the Great conquered the region and called the land Idoumea after the predominant inhabitants of this region.
The influence of the Greeks in the entire Levant was so culturally dominating that the Hebrew written language was threatened. This written language is referred to as paleo-Hebrew has been lost in antiquity for more than 2000 years. Thanks to Ptolemy Philaphelphus and the 70 Isrealite scholars he assembled, the Greek Septuagint was written in 256 BC and as a result saved the Old Testament from being lost in antiquity. The international language throughout the eastern Mediterranean was koine Greek. Without records, it is plausible that Jesus may have read from the Greek Septuagint. We don't know for sure. Nevertheless, the Romans readily accepted the Greek influence existing there and added their own Latin version. The Romans simply used the Latinized version ('Iudaea') of the Greek 'Idumea'. 'Iudaea' in English is Judea.
Much later the word Jew comes into existence in England in circa 1600s, which coincides with a wave of Yiddish immigrants coming from France and Deutschland. These Yiddish settlers came from eastern Europe and originated from Khazaria, not the Middle East, but rather the steppes of Caspian and Black Seas, which had since fallen to the proxy Byzantine and Caliphate conquering armies. The French and Europeans viewed these immigrants negatively and treated them similarly to gypsies. They allowed them to quarter in only a designated area of the city. A French derogatory term for 'ghetto' and the Yiddish district of town was called โ 'Jeuerie'; "ghetto", from Anglo-French 'Juerie', Old French 'Juierieโ or the later English version 'Jewry'. Originally the English term 'Jewry' referred to those immigrants coming from Eastern European people who spoke Yiddish (Ashkenazi). The word 'Jew' did not exist during the Roman times.
It was a great interview. I had heard him talk before about the two children he and his wife adopted from China. I didn't know there was a third as he mentions here. The first two were children needing life saving brain surgery they couldn't get in China so they adopted them, brought them here and got them the treatment they needed, literally saving their lives.
Bannon tried to get Caviezel to explain why the US has such a demand for child sex and I don't think there was an answer. The wow's and booms were coming so fast during the interview I fully expected some technical interruption like frequently happens. The adrenochrome/organ harvesting conversation on air will cause some mega-pucker amongst the DS operators.
Jim is such a great man. Please, God watch over him. He is 100% legit. Love his passion for good.
Jim mentioned Adrenochrome out loud too.
Criminal activity doesn't happen wo government involvement. How could it?
May GOD watch over and shelter you Jim, thank you