If CO2 is So Bad for the Planet, Why Do Greenhouse Growers Buy CO2 Generators to Double Plant Growth?
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That's a very racist observation you made OP.
Haha, I hope you are joking. If not go back to reddit
That is a joke. Lots of memes like this. There is the one where school children make valid observations, so the teacher calls them racists. 😆
LMAO. Man made cLiMaTe cHaNgE.
CO2 goes up, plants grow faster, which reduces CO2.
as CO2 decreases, plants grow slower, CO2 starts to rise.
Rinse and repeat.
Self regulating system that we do not need to interfere with.
Strange, it's as if it was designed that way🤷♂️
Gaia theory I suppose.
Intelligent design
CO2 in the atmosphere is not bad for the planet. At ~0.04% of the atmosphere it can be considered to be in limited supply. Plants require it to grow and thrive when it is increased. Creating alarm about the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is akin to making a mountain out of a mole hill (a fraud). It is done to make the alarmists rich and powerful.
I'd actually say it's more sinister than this.
If CO2 levels increase, crop production increases, arable land increases, and the myth of an over populated planet collapses without even the need for a technological improvement.
Doubling the food production in Africa solves global food insecurity. Doubling food production globally means we'll comfortably be able to feed ~20bn people at present technological levels.
More than just cannabis, any greenhouse crop will benefit from added CO2. The only question is the return on investment.
If it is free (in the atmosphere) there is ONLY upside in agriculture.
Exactly. "Greenhouses are hot inside. There is a CO2 generator in the greenhouse. Let's feed a bunch of fraudulent data into a fraudulent computer model and say the CO2 generator increases temperature" - leftist logic
Boycott Coca Cola because the fizz in every bottle and can is CO2.
I'll state the obvious C02 is plant food,if the more their is in the atmosphere plants grow more.
It's self regulating, so to speak.
Ask a climatard what greenhouse gas has the biggest impact on temperature of the planet. They will almost invariably say Carbon Dioxide because they're idiots and they're just parroting what they're told.
You, an intellectual, will say "Its Water Vapor. That why deserts are boiling hot during the day and freezing cold overnight, there is no water vapor in the air to regulate the temperature. CO2 is barely a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the atmosphere."
They'll change the subject fast, or move goalposts, or basically will refuse to admit you're right and they're dumb.
Fun fact: Empirical evidence shows that warming temps precede rises in CO2 levels, they dont follow. So the climate lies dont even begin with a truthful premise.
Anyone with a 3rd grade education knows that plants breathe in CO2 and create oxygen. I knew this "climate change" narrative was bullshit when they first starting pushing it over a decade ago. It's 100% about funding a World government and decreasing the population. I once had someone tell me that the CO2 causing climate change was different than the CO2 that plants breathed. Yeah, ok.
Because unlike us, who exhale CO2, plants love and feed on it.
We are the C02 producers they want to kill.
CO2 also makes a real good shielding gas for welding.
OMG, another example of applied science!! 😁
How dare of you to use science to support your little opinion???🤣😂
Well, it IS established science, after all.... 😜
Anyone who grows planted aquariums will tell you the same thing... you want plant growth, supplement CO2.
Don't let Joe know, he will push to ban them.
Because of " money money money, it's so funny, it's a richman's world. Money money money always sunny, it's richman's world. Ahaaaaa, ahaaaaa, all the things I could do, If I had a little money It's a richman's world.
Get ready Greta,
It'll be here two days before the day after tomorrow.
Real greenhouse effect.
My mind is made up...don't confuse me with facts. Said every climate change nut job.
shhhhh they dont like it when you show them facts that are opposite of their fee fees. CO2 is air based fertilizer that plants crave .... like brawndo the thirst mutilator does when you are thirsty and stuff from getting a full body latte.... its got electrolytes. Fuck off you econuts I'm battin.
Because it helps the plants take in more light and nutrients leading to bigger yields. Also much higher temperature threshold.. indoor plants can take Up to 20 degrees more with co2. The negative effects are more to humans, you want your office space/car to be ventilated. It will mess up your focus or make you out of it. And then of course at toxic levels can potentially die