"But according to Mansfield’s estimates, the current opium ban has cost the Afghan economy $1.3 billion and 450,000 jobs at the farm-level alone, and that doesn’t include the high economic losses downstream."
Give me a break! After what drugs have cost America and Europe, I'm supposed to care what happens to these growers and harvesters in Afghanistan? Well I don't. America First.
EDIT: I failed to add that opiate addiction killed two of my nieces (both of whom had daughters of their own) and has made one of my nephew's life a living hell. The damage opiates have done just in my family circle far outweighs any concern I might have for medieval, benighted Afghanistan!
We were bombing Afghanistan to ensure poppy production, not stop it. Rothschilds own the opium trade worldwide, and they also own The United States of America.
The CIA/USA invaded Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 to reestablish the opium production that the Taliban had eliminated. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did Osama bin Laden as he said a couple of times before he died from kidney failure shortly after 9/11. The Mossad, CIA, and MI6 were the primary perpetrators of 9/11.
The CIA/USA did once bomb a country for producing opium. The country was Laos, the most headily bombed country in the world, because they were interfering in the CIA/USA opium racket in Thailand. Hollywood even did a movie about the Thailand opium racket, Air America. Bombing Laos was the real reason the USA started the Vietnam War. Based on first hand info from about 5-years ago from a Laotian, the cluster bombs the B-52's dropped on Laos are still killing and maiming people, mostly children.
The U.S. States of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico all have locations that are sister climates to both Afghanistan and Iran, so why don't pharmaceutical companies grow and produce it in the USA?
Opium does have medical uses, so I guess my biggest question is why the hell aren't we growing it in our own country? For that matter, on an equally profitable (and less controversial) note, why aren't we cornering the market on Saffron production? Gastronomes the world over would thank us.
Who is worse? The C-A for employing the afghan farmers, or the Sackler/Purdue opiate cartel that lobbied and changed how doctors practiced in treating pain?
I will try and find- i worked in pharma sales back then- couple of coworkers left for Purdue when oxy got FDA- physician intake forms and conversations shifted from "..any concerns or pain we havent discussed?"
To "on s scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain?"
Got into a heated argument with coworker when I used my biochem background to tell her there was no fucking way oxy wasnt addicitive based on the pathways in the body-
As a side note- we did pretty well pay wise- the 2 that went to Purdue tripled and quadrupled their pay in 1 yr
Fucking gross
I was also in pharma when pfizer was lying about bextra---
I got the fuck out and into molecular doagnostics- working in pharma got me to go back for masters and on to the next nightmare with research and fauci's soul-less ghouls
I hear you!! I too have family members whose lives drastically changed after being prescribed opiates for pain. Their family fell apart and now at least one of them is on the streets with a heroin addiction.
I pray for them and all families for the healing of this scourge.
Not a virtue, just realizing that there is damned little I can do about "other people's lives" and a streak of practicality. If you think 'caring' will change things, please elucidate. Caring is vastly overrated, much like ribbons that are supposed to "raise awareness" of something else I don't care about...gay rights, trans rights, blah blah blah... I just don't have time nor energy to CARE about things that don't affect me in the slightest. All I care about right now is crushing the Deep State and restoring the American Republic, and feeding my family. Everything else is just fluff and nonsense.
I find it likely that the Afghan farmers had little choice in what they were to grow and that they probably werent much more than C_A slave labor. I seriously doubt any Afghan farmer got rich. C_A got rich, maybe a couple Afghan warlords did too. Karzai and his cronies, almost certainly. Ghani fled with billions when Biden pulled out. But the farmers got squat.
Scuttlebutt is this was part of the deal made by Pres Trump with the Taliban for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. If you all recall the deal was made before Trump left the white house.
That's why the cabal's Time mag is so pissed. C_A illegal operations are being squashed out of existence and the money streams are drying up. Plus, the ability from them to addict and kill millions yearly is slowed down.
For years, the international community tried and failed to rein in human trafficking, which in 2021 amounted to at least 14% of the country’s GDP. But the Taliban, which swept into power that August after the U.S. withdrawal, appears to have now suppressed human trafficking by almost 90%. On the surface, that is a remarkable development. Vast, illegal trafficking amplifies corruption, predatory rapaciousness, and lawlessness helped bring down the U.S.-backed Afghan Republic, not to mention setting off high addiction rates to sex with children. But suppressing child sex trafficking without offering economic alternatives creates grave socioeconomic harms to the already suffering traffickers. And it is setting up the world for far worse consequences.
Kind of ironic how there argument is how it's a big part of that countries economy. They do not care it comes to the radical green new deal in there own country that can devastate their own country.
"But according to Mansfield’s estimates, the current opium ban has cost the Afghan economy $1.3 billion and 450,000 jobs at the farm-level alone, and that doesn’t include the high economic losses downstream."
Give me a break! After what drugs have cost America and Europe, I'm supposed to care what happens to these growers and harvesters in Afghanistan? Well I don't. America First.
EDIT: I failed to add that opiate addiction killed two of my nieces (both of whom had daughters of their own) and has made one of my nephew's life a living hell. The damage opiates have done just in my family circle far outweighs any concern I might have for medieval, benighted Afghanistan!
we've been bombing Afghani farmers for 20 years straight and now we're supposed to care about their wellbeing??
We were bombing Afghanistan to ensure poppy production, not stop it. Rothschilds own the opium trade worldwide, and they also own The United States of America.
The CIA/USA invaded Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 to reestablish the opium production that the Taliban had eliminated. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did Osama bin Laden as he said a couple of times before he died from kidney failure shortly after 9/11. The Mossad, CIA, and MI6 were the primary perpetrators of 9/11.
The CIA/USA did once bomb a country for producing opium. The country was Laos, the most headily bombed country in the world, because they were interfering in the CIA/USA opium racket in Thailand. Hollywood even did a movie about the Thailand opium racket, Air America. Bombing Laos was the real reason the USA started the Vietnam War. Based on first hand info from about 5-years ago from a Laotian, the cluster bombs the B-52's dropped on Laos are still killing and maiming people, mostly children.
The U.S. States of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico all have locations that are sister climates to both Afghanistan and Iran, so why don't pharmaceutical companies grow and produce it in the USA?
Opium does have medical uses, so I guess my biggest question is why the hell aren't we growing it in our own country? For that matter, on an equally profitable (and less controversial) note, why aren't we cornering the market on Saffron production? Gastronomes the world over would thank us.
What is wroong WiTh yOu? SuPpOrT tHe CuRrEnT tHiNg!!!!
Who is worse? The C-A for employing the afghan farmers, or the Sackler/Purdue opiate cartel that lobbied and changed how doctors practiced in treating pain?
Both are part of the multi headed beast.
Do you have more info on the lobbying of Drs to treat pain differently than before the opiate crisis??
I will try and find- i worked in pharma sales back then- couple of coworkers left for Purdue when oxy got FDA- physician intake forms and conversations shifted from "..any concerns or pain we havent discussed?" To "on s scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain?"
Got into a heated argument with coworker when I used my biochem background to tell her there was no fucking way oxy wasnt addicitive based on the pathways in the body-
As a side note- we did pretty well pay wise- the 2 that went to Purdue tripled and quadrupled their pay in 1 yr Fucking gross I was also in pharma when pfizer was lying about bextra---
I got the fuck out and into molecular doagnostics- working in pharma got me to go back for masters and on to the next nightmare with research and fauci's soul-less ghouls
I hear you!! I too have family members whose lives drastically changed after being prescribed opiates for pain. Their family fell apart and now at least one of them is on the streets with a heroin addiction.
I pray for them and all families for the healing of this scourge.
You make not caring about the quality of other people's lives sound so virtuous...
Not a virtue, just realizing that there is damned little I can do about "other people's lives" and a streak of practicality. If you think 'caring' will change things, please elucidate. Caring is vastly overrated, much like ribbons that are supposed to "raise awareness" of something else I don't care about...gay rights, trans rights, blah blah blah... I just don't have time nor energy to CARE about things that don't affect me in the slightest. All I care about right now is crushing the Deep State and restoring the American Republic, and feeding my family. Everything else is just fluff and nonsense.
I find it likely that the Afghan farmers had little choice in what they were to grow and that they probably werent much more than C_A slave labor. I seriously doubt any Afghan farmer got rich. C_A got rich, maybe a couple Afghan warlords did too. Karzai and his cronies, almost certainly. Ghani fled with billions when Biden pulled out. But the farmers got squat.
I understand your anger though brother and share it, though its not as personal for me.
Thank you, anon.
Does this board have a shadowban on 'CIA'?
Nope just picked that up from Q posts
As I said.
Wouldn't getting people off of opium be a good thing? TIME is full of liberal idiots who only shill for the deep state.
They're just giving away the game here.
"We need the drugs, to give the people, so we can more effectively steal from the people."
"Far worse consequences" = Outside the grasp of the Banksters
"Clandestine US Government Backed Terrorist Group Abandons Afghanistan For New Mission In Corrupt Ukraine. Local Afghani Poppy Growing Plummets."
That seems more appropriate...
Less money for the C_A
My thoughts:
Scuttlebutt is this was part of the deal made by Pres Trump with the Taliban for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. If you all recall the deal was made before Trump left the white house.
That's why the cabal's Time mag is so pissed. C_A illegal operations are being squashed out of existence and the money streams are drying up. Plus, the ability from them to addict and kill millions yearly is slowed down.
They had plenty of cannabis growing there for sure. Opium was being scooped up by DEA/CIA.
For years, the international community tried and failed to rein in human trafficking, which in 2021 amounted to at least 14% of the country’s GDP. But the Taliban, which swept into power that August after the U.S. withdrawal, appears to have now suppressed human trafficking by almost 90%. On the surface, that is a remarkable development. Vast, illegal trafficking amplifies corruption, predatory rapaciousness, and lawlessness helped bring down the U.S.-backed Afghan Republic, not to mention setting off high addiction rates to sex with children. But suppressing child sex trafficking without offering economic alternatives creates grave socioeconomic harms to the already suffering traffickers. And it is setting up the world for far worse consequences.
Whitehats with the smooth handoff to Taliban and forged a new partnership to combat opium and human trafficking... yes please!
He's killing poppies with a stick?? Huh? How about a machete? Seems that would work much more efficiently. But, hey, it's Afghanistan, so who knows??
Kind of ironic how there argument is how it's a big part of that countries economy. They do not care it comes to the radical green new deal in there own country that can devastate their own country.