*Many people want to "Move On" from Covid, and I get it - I do too.
The thing is, We can't. There's no going back. We learned some things about Ordinary People, and we must discuss it.
Some people were scared, and some people were not. Those who were scared were willing to do to terrible things to those who were not.
Ordinary people called for the health insurance of other ordinary people to be canceled.
Ordinary people silenced some of the most highly trained and qualified physicians in the world, and other ordinary people championed the censorship.
Ordinary people were glad other ordinary people could not eat inside with them.
Ordinary people eagerly explained to other ordinary people that their child would not be receiving a life saving transplant due to their vaccination status.
Ordinary people cheered as Doctors, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Radiologists, and many other Healthcare Workers were fired, when they were called hero's months before.
Ordinary people cheered as blue color state employees were fired, when they were called "Essential" months before.
Ordinary people were angry when The Supreme Court stepped in and saved the jobs of many unvaccinated workers in the private sector.
Ordinary people shunned family members, and un-friended life long friends.
Ordinary people were un-invited from trips and kicked out of groups, clubs, and communities.
Ordinary people kept ordinary student athletes from competing due to vaccination status.
Probably the worst of all, ordinary people were coerced into injecting themselves with an unknown substance, that they didn't want, all under false pretenses, many of which had terrible or deadly reactions.
The list goes on an on, and so do the crimes against humanity.
Ordinary people became monsters, all because of fear.
I saw the true monsters, the gullibility, the susceptibility to nudging and manipulation, the absence of critical thought, the immersion in and addiction and religious faith in MSM, among almost everyone I ever knew, loved, worked with, grew up with, befriended. These are the “good” people who can be hypnotised and propagandised into doing bad things, ergo an existential threat. (In truth, they were mostly unavoidable relatives or a poor choice of bedfellows throughout my life). Not the people who would hide Anne Frank in the attic but they think they are. So I severed most ties I had, levelled up my acting skills at work, took my family as far away from it all as I could and we are building a completely different independent debt-free life making new friends. Life is short enough without being around people who can be commandeered into making it much shorter with the right amount of nudging.
You and I both. I moved to a Red State and most people I know here, decided not to take them. Those who did, one shot and regretted and telling me how much they regretted.
When the scamdemic first started, I saw a meme that said something to the effect of 'if you ever wondered how you would behave in Germany during WWII, now's the time that you will find out' - this has been in the back of my mind ever since then. I can't believe people that behaved like monsters now want us to forgive and forget and move on.
Never would have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Amazing lesson about humanity. Lucky to have learned it? Sure acted as a great editor in my life. More time for true friends and likeminded new friends.
I knew that average people weren’t that “smart” but the shock of the “educated” not being the least bit cynical or curious. Seems that education or “smartness” has no bearing on people who are suspicious or not easily snowed or curious, or brave…
Makes it way harder to figure out who the good guys are…except for that red baseball hat! That’s a tell for sure. Love it!
It made me so sad for humanity…but then again…it made me think that maybe softness and sheeple are taking their own genes out of the evolutionary pool, and maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. Good times/weak men…
Made me extremely sad, too. Love your positive outlook! Perhaps that is part of the plan to get rid of the monsters and weak men that don't really contribute jack.
F*ck that. But it is easy for things to get memory holed with everything else that is currently going on in 🤡🌎 - it is good to get a reminder like this from time to time, thank you ❤️
Exactly. I remember the photo circulating when all the people were doing the heil Hitler salute and the one dude who did not. I could absolutely relate to that as you probably do, too.
I used to wonder what kind of sick, twisted degenerate could support the NAZIS
Then I was shown that ~80% of America were these sort of sick twisted sub-humans; as well as most of my family.
I quickly learned who was a human; and who was a degenerative animal; I have no use for degenerates. I am better off and happier associating with other humans
I agree. During COVID my mother who complied with masking and the vaccine was reading a book about how normal Germans came to support the Nazis and did not even see the connection. So ironic.
I literally became a bane to my family. They banned me from outings, get-togethers, and even calls.
Last night I had one of them call me like we never had the event of being ostracized on his front lawn for all to see and had me drive away while he had his family watch.
I couldn't even muster the energy to even bring it up, just picked up, "You have the wrong number," and hung up. If back to normal is what they want, then they need to address the bridges they destroyed by themselves.
Up until a week ago, they were quite content isolating me without consideration of any problems that may be incurred by doing so.
I can empathize. I was able to navigate around it with family (because most were dumb as rocks) but it was lifelong friends who shocked me most. The capitulation, the cowardice, the compliance. The “it would be on the news” thinking. Then inflicting it all on their kids - masks, jabs, constant testing, constant fear porn - without a second thought. And in the case of a now ex-doctor friend who single-handedly processed 50,000 jab victims then as much as scoffed like I was out of my lane when I tried to raise the informed consent / hippocratic oath / Nuremberg laws angles all the time while the pharmaco-vigilance systems and a shit ton of whistleblowers and brave experts worldwide were screaming danger signals from the get-go and my own mother’s vaccine “injury” swelling 5 days after jab 1 had turned into a cancer diagnosis within 2 months and death 7 months after that…
Pure speculation on my part. 80 percent of people in this country became monsters. I think that is conservative. I am proud of the fact that I did not and will toot my own horn just one time. Then again I had it easier than a lot. My job did not require the vax (though I was ready for battle if that changed). Most of my family are critical thinking Trump supporters. That being said I ran into many stupid people that took that vaccine for some of the lamest reasons around. A woman I know took it because her sister offered her 50 dollars, for instance.
Covid opened my eyes to how bad the human animal is as a collective. I never would have guessed so many intelligent people would stop critical thinking and comply. To say this shocked me is an understatement. This was probably a trial run and another scamdemic and vaccine is most likely in the works. This time it won't be to see who complies. They know most will. This time it would be, if you want to eat or buy food you have to get vaxxed. I hope I am ready enough to do what has to be done. I know most of you are.
About fifty percent within my circle turned into monsters and that's in a blue state. I have about 75 - 78 percent who complied. When they tried to force me I used religious exemption but I was ready to go look for another job.
Looks like somewhere between 40%-50 % took the shot. Many who did not take the shoot do not share that as they want to minimize conflict. We had the experts in our family take the shot and promote the shot to the teenagers in the family of which a few did also take the shot. They were militant about the shot but now they act as if nothing ever happened. Cowards in my book.
No amnesty. Might forgive, but it will take a long time. I'll never forget. These people are useful idiots. The figurative masks dropped on so many for me. #scum
I have been trying to find it in me to truly forgive some of the people in my life, and it is very difficult. But intellectually my attitude is similar to yours, I want to forgive but I will not forget. Though I wish to remove the lingering anger towards them from my heart, I will never be able to respect their opinions or hold them in the same esteem I may have previously
I read somewhere that if the jabs have even one in a million part of graphene oxide, they will only last 8 years. Most of my family took at least 4, so I can forgive them. I will be going to see them this September. Might be the last time.
It's mostly the scum in corporate America that my anger is directed towards. Most of my family and friends were really cool about it. They got it, but didn't care whether I did or didn't. Those that extorted me over my livelihood, and seemed to take pleasure in doing so? Those I may never forgive. This was in big tech, so the 💉 outed me as a trump supporter.
but a whole lot more absolutely relished being able to bully their families and neighbors and co-workers and friends. They were losers with little purpose before this, but when COVID happened they could suddenly start shouting people down like stormtroopers and get praised for it.
I know several who bragged on social media about how much good they were doing by following the rules and how WE'RE NOT ASSHOLES like so many others out there.
Yet while they were openly bragging about sitting on their couch and staying in and ordering everything they needed, they never once addressed the question of the people who had to make and deliver all this shit they were ordering so THEY didn't have to go out.
They were very happy to let other people take the risk of a deadly disease so THEY could be safe and comfortable and nasty and bullying and, most important, praised and encouraged on social media.
If that doesn't tell you what this was really about, I don't know what would.
Oh, my own sister told me I was being selfish and mean. Then they forbade me from seeing my mom and wouldn't let me join them for holidays. I decided to move 2000 plus miles away during that time.
Yeah, funny how THEIR staying indoors and compliants meant that their 'servants' would expose themselves and risk their lives catering to them - infuriating thinking about this again.
One good outcome of the alleged pandemic is that I lost faith in people and gained faith in God. Which is how it always should have been. Christ is King.
Notice no one is saying anything about making these busienses whole…. The ones shut down, the ramp up in child suicides. It’s like….. let’s get back to normal…. There is no normal after this.
All the empty store fronts, the mom and pop small businesses that are now gone. The restaurants, the specialty shops, those folks that were living their dreams running their own businesses … gone!
It didn’t need to happen. We were scammed by the Congress, the doctors, the pharmaceuticals … NEVER FORGET!!
God help us we are not close to where this is over. The cancers, heart disease, clots, reproductive issues NOT TO MENTION THE BLOOD SUPPLY are all still problems without solutions. We have much to do.
“ Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. “
Ordianary people threw me out of their store because I didn't wear a mask, which they told me was a law. I said there is no law. They threw me out anyway.
While an awful amount of people turned into monsters,
Not every one who took the vaccine turned into a monster. Many members of my family got the vaccine 'to be good citizens' but didn't try to pressure me more than an advice 'for my well being'. Thankfully they are good Christians who decided to put it in God's hand and pray for my safety. But I heard many stories from my unvaccinated friends getting uninvited and excluded from their families or friends reunions.
Yes, as seen in the Stanford Experiment. I argue that God's righteous children do not partake in this type of behavior. I certainly know that I wouldn't, but a lot of people do. It is so weird.
You know, at first, all I saw was the sunrise and the beauty. I didn't even see the smoke because I have been places backpacking and seen beautiful sunrise like that over clouds. Then someone mentioned and I woke to the smoke. LOL
I said in another reply here how terrible the human animal is as a collective. That is still true but you folks in here are the very best of the best. Just about all of you inspire me and went through so much worse than I did. I am proud to even post here.
*Many people want to "Move On" from Covid, and I get it - I do too.
The thing is, We can't. There's no going back. We learned some things about Ordinary People, and we must discuss it.
Some people were scared, and some people were not. Those who were scared were willing to do to terrible things to those who were not.
Ordinary people called for the health insurance of other ordinary people to be canceled.
Ordinary people silenced some of the most highly trained and qualified physicians in the world, and other ordinary people championed the censorship.
Ordinary people were glad other ordinary people could not eat inside with them.
Ordinary people eagerly explained to other ordinary people that their child would not be receiving a life saving transplant due to their vaccination status.
Ordinary people cheered as Doctors, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Radiologists, and many other Healthcare Workers were fired, when they were called hero's months before.
Ordinary people cheered as blue color state employees were fired, when they were called "Essential" months before.
Ordinary people were angry when The Supreme Court stepped in and saved the jobs of many unvaccinated workers in the private sector.
Ordinary people shunned family members, and un-friended life long friends.
Ordinary people were un-invited from trips and kicked out of groups, clubs, and communities.
Ordinary people kept ordinary student athletes from competing due to vaccination status.
Probably the worst of all, ordinary people were coerced into injecting themselves with an unknown substance, that they didn't want, all under false pretenses, many of which had terrible or deadly reactions.
The list goes on an on, and so do the crimes against humanity.
Ordinary people became monsters, all because of fear.
Are you ordinary?
Do you live in fear?
Did you become a monster?*
I did not. I saw the monsters in my family and even my best friend and I moved to a red state.
I saw the true monsters, the gullibility, the susceptibility to nudging and manipulation, the absence of critical thought, the immersion in and addiction and religious faith in MSM, among almost everyone I ever knew, loved, worked with, grew up with, befriended. These are the “good” people who can be hypnotised and propagandised into doing bad things, ergo an existential threat. (In truth, they were mostly unavoidable relatives or a poor choice of bedfellows throughout my life). Not the people who would hide Anne Frank in the attic but they think they are. So I severed most ties I had, levelled up my acting skills at work, took my family as far away from it all as I could and we are building a completely different independent debt-free life making new friends. Life is short enough without being around people who can be commandeered into making it much shorter with the right amount of nudging.
You and I both. I moved to a Red State and most people I know here, decided not to take them. Those who did, one shot and regretted and telling me how much they regretted.
I think you just moved in down my street, Fren!
I am probably your next door neighbor.
BRAVO fren!
When the scamdemic first started, I saw a meme that said something to the effect of 'if you ever wondered how you would behave in Germany during WWII, now's the time that you will find out' - this has been in the back of my mind ever since then. I can't believe people that behaved like monsters now want us to forgive and forget and move on.
Forefront of my mind from the beginning.
Never would have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Amazing lesson about humanity. Lucky to have learned it? Sure acted as a great editor in my life. More time for true friends and likeminded new friends.
This opened my eyes and made me less naive but at the same time very sad about life (can't think of a better way to put it).
Right? It was disheartening.
I knew that average people weren’t that “smart” but the shock of the “educated” not being the least bit cynical or curious. Seems that education or “smartness” has no bearing on people who are suspicious or not easily snowed or curious, or brave…
Makes it way harder to figure out who the good guys are…except for that red baseball hat! That’s a tell for sure. Love it!
I love your positive attitude! 😄
Honestly, I don't think I would have ever believed it either. Fundamentally changed my view on the behavior of people.
It made me so sad for humanity…but then again…it made me think that maybe softness and sheeple are taking their own genes out of the evolutionary pool, and maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. Good times/weak men…
Made me extremely sad, too. Love your positive outlook! Perhaps that is part of the plan to get rid of the monsters and weak men that don't really contribute jack.
Removing the useless eaters? Sounds like some other plans I've read...
The end of last year, the MSM was trying to say that to us already. Mend fence and bridges.
F*ck that. But it is easy for things to get memory holed with everything else that is currently going on in 🤡🌎 - it is good to get a reminder like this from time to time, thank you ❤️
You are welcome. I get sad reading this. It's a reminder how much this crap changed our families.
Exactly. I remember the photo circulating when all the people were doing the heil Hitler salute and the one dude who did not. I could absolutely relate to that as you probably do, too.
Just came across this and it is a well written rumination of the OPMartin Geddes What I saw in Occam’s Mirror
Wow. This is a good one. Can I post that to Twitter?
Sure…but I just read a much more recent one (previous was from last year!) and it is even better! Describes the weariness of anons… fantastic piece!
Another post pointed Me to this sub stack. Great stuff.
and yet you still kept going…
You have the best articles. How true! Love these.
I used to wonder what kind of sick, twisted degenerate could support the NAZIS
Then I was shown that ~80% of America were these sort of sick twisted sub-humans; as well as most of my family.
I quickly learned who was a human; and who was a degenerative animal; I have no use for degenerates. I am better off and happier associating with other humans
Now, I know how to identify them
I agree. During COVID my mother who complied with masking and the vaccine was reading a book about how normal Germans came to support the Nazis and did not even see the connection. So ironic.
The nazis lol. Wooosh. This is communist tyranny. Adolf loved his people
I literally became a bane to my family. They banned me from outings, get-togethers, and even calls.
Last night I had one of them call me like we never had the event of being ostracized on his front lawn for all to see and had me drive away while he had his family watch.
I couldn't even muster the energy to even bring it up, just picked up, "You have the wrong number," and hung up. If back to normal is what they want, then they need to address the bridges they destroyed by themselves.
Up until a week ago, they were quite content isolating me without consideration of any problems that may be incurred by doing so.
I can empathize. I was able to navigate around it with family (because most were dumb as rocks) but it was lifelong friends who shocked me most. The capitulation, the cowardice, the compliance. The “it would be on the news” thinking. Then inflicting it all on their kids - masks, jabs, constant testing, constant fear porn - without a second thought. And in the case of a now ex-doctor friend who single-handedly processed 50,000 jab victims then as much as scoffed like I was out of my lane when I tried to raise the informed consent / hippocratic oath / Nuremberg laws angles all the time while the pharmaco-vigilance systems and a shit ton of whistleblowers and brave experts worldwide were screaming danger signals from the get-go and my own mother’s vaccine “injury” swelling 5 days after jab 1 had turned into a cancer diagnosis within 2 months and death 7 months after that…
God bless you 🙏❤
They need to say sorry, but you know they won't.
On behalf of a fallen humanity, I apologize to you.
Much respect to you
Pure speculation on my part. 80 percent of people in this country became monsters. I think that is conservative. I am proud of the fact that I did not and will toot my own horn just one time. Then again I had it easier than a lot. My job did not require the vax (though I was ready for battle if that changed). Most of my family are critical thinking Trump supporters. That being said I ran into many stupid people that took that vaccine for some of the lamest reasons around. A woman I know took it because her sister offered her 50 dollars, for instance.
Covid opened my eyes to how bad the human animal is as a collective. I never would have guessed so many intelligent people would stop critical thinking and comply. To say this shocked me is an understatement. This was probably a trial run and another scamdemic and vaccine is most likely in the works. This time it won't be to see who complies. They know most will. This time it would be, if you want to eat or buy food you have to get vaxxed. I hope I am ready enough to do what has to be done. I know most of you are.
About fifty percent within my circle turned into monsters and that's in a blue state. I have about 75 - 78 percent who complied. When they tried to force me I used religious exemption but I was ready to go look for another job.
I will definitely continue to say no.
Looks like somewhere between 40%-50 % took the shot. Many who did not take the shoot do not share that as they want to minimize conflict. We had the experts in our family take the shot and promote the shot to the teenagers in the family of which a few did also take the shot. They were militant about the shot but now they act as if nothing ever happened. Cowards in my book.
You got it. Heads in the sand.
NEVER FORGET. As much as they try to make us.
Until the day I pass I won't forget this.
No amnesty. Might forgive, but it will take a long time. I'll never forget. These people are useful idiots. The figurative masks dropped on so many for me. #scum
I won't forget either. It's so sad that this divide so many families.
I have been trying to find it in me to truly forgive some of the people in my life, and it is very difficult. But intellectually my attitude is similar to yours, I want to forgive but I will not forget. Though I wish to remove the lingering anger towards them from my heart, I will never be able to respect their opinions or hold them in the same esteem I may have previously
I read somewhere that if the jabs have even one in a million part of graphene oxide, they will only last 8 years. Most of my family took at least 4, so I can forgive them. I will be going to see them this September. Might be the last time.
It's mostly the scum in corporate America that my anger is directed towards. Most of my family and friends were really cool about it. They got it, but didn't care whether I did or didn't. Those that extorted me over my livelihood, and seemed to take pleasure in doing so? Those I may never forgive. This was in big tech, so the 💉 outed me as a trump supporter.
Forgive them but don't forget. It will help you instead of them. Holding in anger is very destructive to the heart.
Some people complied because they were scared.
but a whole lot more absolutely relished being able to bully their families and neighbors and co-workers and friends. They were losers with little purpose before this, but when COVID happened they could suddenly start shouting people down like stormtroopers and get praised for it.
I know several who bragged on social media about how much good they were doing by following the rules and how WE'RE NOT ASSHOLES like so many others out there.
Yet while they were openly bragging about sitting on their couch and staying in and ordering everything they needed, they never once addressed the question of the people who had to make and deliver all this shit they were ordering so THEY didn't have to go out.
They were very happy to let other people take the risk of a deadly disease so THEY could be safe and comfortable and nasty and bullying and, most important, praised and encouraged on social media.
If that doesn't tell you what this was really about, I don't know what would.
Oh, my own sister told me I was being selfish and mean. Then they forbade me from seeing my mom and wouldn't let me join them for holidays. I decided to move 2000 plus miles away during that time.
Yeah, funny how THEIR staying indoors and compliants meant that their 'servants' would expose themselves and risk their lives catering to them - infuriating thinking about this again.
One good outcome of the alleged pandemic is that I lost faith in people and gained faith in God. Which is how it always should have been. Christ is King.
Notice no one is saying anything about making these busienses whole…. The ones shut down, the ramp up in child suicides. It’s like….. let’s get back to normal…. There is no normal after this.
This change everything.
All the empty store fronts, the mom and pop small businesses that are now gone. The restaurants, the specialty shops, those folks that were living their dreams running their own businesses … gone! It didn’t need to happen. We were scammed by the Congress, the doctors, the pharmaceuticals … NEVER FORGET!!
I want to hang them all but God said, "Justice is mine."
I got it.
God help us we are not close to where this is over. The cancers, heart disease, clots, reproductive issues NOT TO MENTION THE BLOOD SUPPLY are all still problems without solutions. We have much to do.
And you can lay money on it happening AGAIN.
Yes. They are dropping big hints about another pandemic and another vaccine. God help us is right.
You got it. Thanks.
Wheat. From. The. Chaff.
Luke 12:48-54
As difficult as this has been, I’m glad that I got to see the true character of people in my circle (and elsewhere). It’s time for some changes.
I agree. Thanks for the Bible verses.
Luke 6:19-25 is just as good…
In particular, Luke 6:22…
“ Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. “
Not here yet. I believe soon.
Totally agree. I have made those changes.
Ordianary people threw me out of their store because I didn't wear a mask, which they told me was a law. I said there is no law. They threw me out anyway.
Were you in California? I remember that.
Correction. Ordinary people showing exactly who we thought they were.
Howls. You are correct.
^ This.
While an awful amount of people turned into monsters, Not every one who took the vaccine turned into a monster. Many members of my family got the vaccine 'to be good citizens' but didn't try to pressure me more than an advice 'for my well being'. Thankfully they are good Christians who decided to put it in God's hand and pray for my safety. But I heard many stories from my unvaccinated friends getting uninvited and excluded from their families or friends reunions.
Yes. Let's spread this far and wide. Call them what they really are.
LOVE the radiopatriot!
Power corrupts- give an ordinary person power over another ordinary person and watch as half of the ordinary abuse their power
It is the human condition.
Aren't you glad you did not?
Yes, as seen in the Stanford Experiment. I argue that God's righteous children do not partake in this type of behavior. I certainly know that I wouldn't, but a lot of people do. It is so weird.
This is weird that he makes an entire post about people being fearful, and then the picture he posted is a wildfire somewhere in California. Weird.
I wondered the same thing. Maybe it’s meant to represent hell on Earth?
Someone on Twitter mentioned the same thing. Yes. It's strange.
I found it symbolic of Warp Speed, being like a controlled fire.
edit: I misread lightning as lighting. I had forgotten about the fires in santa cruz - https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/08/16/two-years-later-czu-fire-recovery-continues-in-santa-cruz-mountains/
maybe it's about the sun rise and rebuilding but remember to not forget.
You know, at first, all I saw was the sunrise and the beauty. I didn't even see the smoke because I have been places backpacking and seen beautiful sunrise like that over clouds. Then someone mentioned and I woke to the smoke. LOL
I'm quite certain if it had been allowed to go on for much longer the unvaccinated would have been put in camps by our own friends and family.
And I'm also quite certain that was the original plan all along!
Good thing it did not come to that.
I said in another reply here how terrible the human animal is as a collective. That is still true but you folks in here are the very best of the best. Just about all of you inspire me and went through so much worse than I did. I am proud to even post here.
Oh thank you. Truly appreciate that, and this is from a brain dead.
Ordinary people implies following suggested orders instead being resistance (life) within natural order (inception towards death).
Oh yes
Great post. Surreal times and I will NEVER forget nor forgive them ever. That's God's decision.
I forgave them but I won't forget. It's easier to forgive if you know they might only live 8 years.
Yep. I basically only talk to my roommate and 3 other people now.
I hope we keep that genie alive to show people.