Haiti is simply one of those lost, benighted countries that has slipped into a global bad joke ever since they rose up and slaughtered all their white French colonizers. It has been one bad tyrant after another ever since. Probably the absolute WORST was Papa Doc Duvalier and his son Baby Doc after him, but to this day it remains a poverty and ignorance cesspool. I've traveled all over Mexico, Central and South America...but you couldn't pay me enough to visit Haiti.
Could be, although I'm not quite sure what resources Haiti has that the rest of the world doesn't offer. Sugar cane? Minerals? Oil? I thought Haiti was rather resource-poor and not really worth the price of real estate there. I could be wrong, but I'm not going to dig into Haiti any further, I consider that a waste of my time.
Its a shame OP is highly upvoted for pushing racial constructs. The people of Haiti were harvested for Clowns. The poverty experienced by so many 3rd world countries is By Design.
Understand Q taught us that what would become the CIA, smuggled Nazi's out of Germany and installed them in South America/etc to overthrow countries and run drugs.
Do White Nazi's use themselves to perform these coups? No, they funnel money into local groups so the face of the new leadership can physically resemble the locals. They're as Clown as can be.
I agree with you inre poverty and it being by design. I’ve never been able to understand just what the DS has against blacks in general. The blacks I’ve met over many years, here in America and from the Caribbean and Africa countries, have been very nice souls, pleasant, generous in spirit, vibrant, fun-loving. Try to crush people with poverty… they’ll turn the music up and dance, laugh with friends and share what little they have with others. The DS soulless schmucks really, really hate good people.
It's simple: The DS types are all white racists---and feudalists. We see it all the time with Democrats, the historical party of race slavery. The only informal racist attitudes I ever heard from anyone were from my then in-laws family, all declared Democrats. You see it in India, where the Dravidians, all dark as can be, are declared to be Sudras, the lowest social caste. Even in Africa, there is a preference system among Africans that esteems lightness of color.
I just never could understand skin color-based prejudices, makes no sense whatsoever. And I agree that the left is guilty of this kind of racism. For decades (centuries even) they’ve used blacks in America for their virtue-signaling, sentimentalist manipulations while refusing actual solutions to poverty, drugs, violent crime and other ills because they don’t truly want to stop these scourges they (deliberately) cause. Furthermore, I also cannot understand the appeal of subjugating other people. Is the left so utterly vacant/ugly inside that they can’t feel good about themselves unless they cause misery amongst others?
And I’m sure the points anon u/RugerP89 made about how these societal divisions are deliberately sown into populations are right on target. I look forward to the day when every last DS demon is crushed and eradicated from the world.
Yep. Look at the border between Haiti and Dominican Republic via satellite and you can see how stark the difference is in terrain and land use and development. Haiti is and has been a handy repository for trafficking because the voodoo and gangs keep most people away.
I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking at/for here. DR seems “greener” from up on high a bit, but are you inferring something more specific? Population distribution/density or such?
I had read years ago that the slaves that made it to places like Haiti were the absolute strongest slaves, due to the amount of time they had to be on the ships before arriving there.
Not too bad for an old geezer! Thank you for the link.
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.
And, yup, Caracol opened in Oct. 2012. But I'm sure there's no connection. 🙄
The slave revolt in Haiti in 1820 made Haiti the first country in the western hemisphere to ban slavery. Ever since then, Haiti has been on the bankster's crap list and treated accordingly.
Haiti has an iridium mine worth a fortune. You can be damn sure Killary is part of it's exploitation. There are Haitians well aware of outsiders coming there because of that critical mineral deposit. Amazing that this info is so well hidden from so many in the rest of the world. Wow, iridium and very valuable lusted after blood of their children. Now why is it they hate light-skinned people?
How does humanity regain control of a place like Haiti? The entire population is either huddling in thier hovels fearing for their life or on a murdering rampage.
“How does humanity regain control of…?” By eradicating the DS from every corner and crevice, from under every slimy rock they’re hiding under, all across the globe.
It is time to stop meddling in affairs that don't concern you, and let the whole world sink or swim on their own merit.
If people create a shithole that is what they deserve to live in until they decide to build something better. If they go extinct, that is exactly what needed to happen to those that are unfit to survive.
Or possibly not. Dambisa Moyo has argued in her books on economics that the "they need help" motive behind aid to Africa has resulted only in dependence and corruption and precious little advancement. She is Zambian but is essentially persona non grata in Zambia because her argument is a direct attack on the prevailing government ethos of seeking "investment" which really turns out to be selling off the national resources for pennies, so long as the government officials receive substantial kickbacks. It continues daily.
Let's cut to the chase. What will happen in that event would be more properly the U.S. declaring Haiti as a protectorate under U.S. governorship, for the institution of law and order, and the conduct of honest elections. I think you can see that we have a lot of work to do on our part, before we can step into another nation's life.
The "bare minimum" will never be enough. We have seen so much "mission creep" in our lifetimes, we should be wiser than that. Pull out the bad U.S. elements, I agree. But we have too much on our plate to "sort them out" according to our lights.
Here's another point: We did not create the corrupt natives. They were home-grown. If the people cannot curtail or eliminate corruption on their own, it will simply never happen. You want an example in progress, go to Zambia. Wonderful place. Wonderful people. But profuse moral cowardice and casual corruption. Easily disguised as business deals.
Sh^t, how many homicides in the US? Where’s our immediate evacuation notifications? Obviously all the other countries don’t care about their citizens invading the US and trying to protect them from all our killings.
Haiti is simply one of those lost, benighted countries that has slipped into a global bad joke ever since they rose up and slaughtered all their white French colonizers. It has been one bad tyrant after another ever since. Probably the absolute WORST was Papa Doc Duvalier and his son Baby Doc after him, but to this day it remains a poverty and ignorance cesspool. I've traveled all over Mexico, Central and South America...but you couldn't pay me enough to visit Haiti.
THIS. They slaughtered anyone and everyone white, just b/c they were white.
I'm sure the Clinton's child trafficking and other illegal activities there didn't help either.
Not raise baiting. Western intelligence services.
Ahh. More race baiting and victimhood!
You’ve got to wonder if the Duvaliers and those like them weren’t placed in their positions of power by the DS.
Could be, although I'm not quite sure what resources Haiti has that the rest of the world doesn't offer. Sugar cane? Minerals? Oil? I thought Haiti was rather resource-poor and not really worth the price of real estate there. I could be wrong, but I'm not going to dig into Haiti any further, I consider that a waste of my time.
Resources? The kids. “… Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?…”
Its a shame OP is highly upvoted for pushing racial constructs. The people of Haiti were harvested for Clowns. The poverty experienced by so many 3rd world countries is By Design.
Understand Q taught us that what would become the CIA, smuggled Nazi's out of Germany and installed them in South America/etc to overthrow countries and run drugs.
Do White Nazi's use themselves to perform these coups? No, they funnel money into local groups so the face of the new leadership can physically resemble the locals. They're as Clown as can be.
I agree with you inre poverty and it being by design. I’ve never been able to understand just what the DS has against blacks in general. The blacks I’ve met over many years, here in America and from the Caribbean and Africa countries, have been very nice souls, pleasant, generous in spirit, vibrant, fun-loving. Try to crush people with poverty… they’ll turn the music up and dance, laugh with friends and share what little they have with others. The DS soulless schmucks really, really hate good people.
It's simple: The DS types are all white racists---and feudalists. We see it all the time with Democrats, the historical party of race slavery. The only informal racist attitudes I ever heard from anyone were from my then in-laws family, all declared Democrats. You see it in India, where the Dravidians, all dark as can be, are declared to be Sudras, the lowest social caste. Even in Africa, there is a preference system among Africans that esteems lightness of color.
I just never could understand skin color-based prejudices, makes no sense whatsoever. And I agree that the left is guilty of this kind of racism. For decades (centuries even) they’ve used blacks in America for their virtue-signaling, sentimentalist manipulations while refusing actual solutions to poverty, drugs, violent crime and other ills because they don’t truly want to stop these scourges they (deliberately) cause. Furthermore, I also cannot understand the appeal of subjugating other people. Is the left so utterly vacant/ugly inside that they can’t feel good about themselves unless they cause misery amongst others?
And I’m sure the points anon u/RugerP89 made about how these societal divisions are deliberately sown into populations are right on target. I look forward to the day when every last DS demon is crushed and eradicated from the world.
Yep. Look at the border between Haiti and Dominican Republic via satellite and you can see how stark the difference is in terrain and land use and development. Haiti is and has been a handy repository for trafficking because the voodoo and gangs keep most people away.
I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking at/for here. DR seems “greener” from up on high a bit, but are you inferring something more specific? Population distribution/density or such?
Edit: the border line doesn’t come across. I searched Haiti - Dominican Republic and switched to satellite.
I had read years ago that the slaves that made it to places like Haiti were the absolute strongest slaves, due to the amount of time they had to be on the ships before arriving there.
Maybe they taste better to the degenerates who buy them.
I wish I were kidding.
Yup. I call them UNNATURAL resources. Victims for the sick pleasures of the elites.
Walnut sauce.
Didn't Hillary's brother get gold mining permits there? This might have been when they were doing that whole Caracol Industrial Complex thing.
GOOD memory, Captain!
Not too bad for an old geezer! Thank you for the link.
And, yup, Caracol opened in Oct. 2012. But I'm sure there's no connection. 🙄
My suspicion is that the DS is racist, and they could not get over the fact that the Haitians emancipated themselves, so they keep attacking.
I bet they don't like white people stealing their babies
The Ton Ton Macoute were the thugs that carried out the terror- they wore aviators.. 😎
And they were created by Papa Doc Duvalier. State sponsored terrorism.
The slave revolt in Haiti in 1820 made Haiti the first country in the western hemisphere to ban slavery. Ever since then, Haiti has been on the bankster's crap list and treated accordingly.
Haiti mentioned in one of the delta posts for today.
And Q-Post #1881 has Tim Ballard talking about Haiti.
In a recent interview, Jim Caviezel said there was a “Sound of Freedom” sequel in the works, about Tim Ballard’s rescue work in Haiti.
Haiti has an iridium mine worth a fortune. You can be damn sure Killary is part of it's exploitation. There are Haitians well aware of outsiders coming there because of that critical mineral deposit. Amazing that this info is so well hidden from so many in the rest of the world. Wow, iridium and very valuable lusted after blood of their children. Now why is it they hate light-skinned people?
Thank you, Jinx. I did not know this.
cc: (because you both commented on natural resources)
America needs to issue and emergency evacuation of all illegals.
They are probably preparing to move out another harvest of children and don't want witnesses.
Or they're pissed off because of the last Harvest and don't want another one
Or they've got a lot of catching up to do because they couldn't do it for four years.
Well our government probably murdered their president recently. So, it's not shocking things are in chaos there.
How does humanity regain control of a place like Haiti? The entire population is either huddling in thier hovels fearing for their life or on a murdering rampage.
“How does humanity regain control of…?” By eradicating the DS from every corner and crevice, from under every slimy rock they’re hiding under, all across the globe.
El Salvador managed it relatively recently.
Humanity should leave Haiti the hell alone.
It is time to stop meddling in affairs that don't concern you, and let the whole world sink or swim on their own merit.
If people create a shithole that is what they deserve to live in until they decide to build something better. If they go extinct, that is exactly what needed to happen to those that are unfit to survive.
The problem is that our CIA and western governments have been destabilizing these poor areas for decades.
It’s going to be hard to just rebuild after this. They would need help once the CIA is gone.
Or possibly not. Dambisa Moyo has argued in her books on economics that the "they need help" motive behind aid to Africa has resulted only in dependence and corruption and precious little advancement. She is Zambian but is essentially persona non grata in Zambia because her argument is a direct attack on the prevailing government ethos of seeking "investment" which really turns out to be selling off the national resources for pennies, so long as the government officials receive substantial kickbacks. It continues daily.
That aid has always been a scam that corrupt governments take that money to send it elsewhere.
When I say help.
I am assuming you get rid of the Cabal. That you have white hats installed.
Let's cut to the chase. What will happen in that event would be more properly the U.S. declaring Haiti as a protectorate under U.S. governorship, for the institution of law and order, and the conduct of honest elections. I think you can see that we have a lot of work to do on our part, before we can step into another nation's life.
I agree.
I am saying that the Cabal has fucked up so many nations.
At most we owe them to at least get rid of the corruption western organizations.
I wouldn’t mind leaving a super small military assistance team to train them on self protection.
If we fucked to a nation. Leaving them blind isn’t right.
We can do a bare minimum.
The "bare minimum" will never be enough. We have seen so much "mission creep" in our lifetimes, we should be wiser than that. Pull out the bad U.S. elements, I agree. But we have too much on our plate to "sort them out" according to our lights.
Here's another point: We did not create the corrupt natives. They were home-grown. If the people cannot curtail or eliminate corruption on their own, it will simply never happen. You want an example in progress, go to Zambia. Wonderful place. Wonderful people. But profuse moral cowardice and casual corruption. Easily disguised as business deals.
Sh^t, how many homicides in the US? Where’s our immediate evacuation notifications? Obviously all the other countries don’t care about their citizens invading the US and trying to protect them from all our killings.
Some stats for you…