It appears to be a Russian official speaking about what they found in the Ukraine human harvesting sites. She chokes up at the end of the short video.
🤢 These people are SICK&EVIL 🤮
Ever wonder why they call us "great satan"?
because the United States Government pays for all of this.
This is what the deep state is trying to protect. They are EVIL
This shit NEEDS to end. So sick, and depressing to hear this. Very difficult to take in.
It makes me so angry people are blindly lead to support this, i hope the people who deluded people to support this, and supported it directly this are sent to the bottom of the ocean with a live cam aired to the world so all the future can see how we took out our anger on people who do this.
The eyes....
People that have been in it know what I'm talking about....
Extraordinary claims, extraordinary proof. Right now, her eyes are the most convincing thing about the story. She has seen some of it, whether in person or on video. She's replaying it in her mind as she talks, which is what you'd expect from someone relating traumatic events. She'd have to be a really good actress to mimic it. That's possible. It's possible she saw something which was fake but convincing to her. We don't know. We have nothing objective to look at, only her account.
But, the catch is that I've been hearing whispers like this for a long time. It's fairly well known at this point over 60,000 children have gone missing in Ukraine since the start of the war. It's getting chalked up as war dead or people just losing track of them in the flows of the refugees...
But, when you keep hearing it... and then you wonder why in the hell we have people willing to go to such lengths to keep the war going, it raises a lot of uncomfortable questions. Something is going on. There has to be an explanation why Western leaders are so committed to this obviously failing enterprise. What prize is worth >$200 billion and >300,000 lives and counting? Is this what the Biden crime family was building in Ukraine?
For those who might remember, there was another post repeated on this page several weeks ago in which a military member was being interviewed on the same subject. His demeanor was subdued and almost lacking in affect. When it came to the description of the dismembered babies, he stumbled over his words as though the images were still before him and he was almost incapable of speech.
I read this as someone who was permanently shocked by the astounding dimension of evil that was before him.
But I agree that there needs to be photographic evidence in detail. I would like to think that the Russians are disciplined enough to do that. And that they are biding their time for when the war is resolved and all this can be brought to light.
i can't help but wonder if this is what those NYC cops saw on Weiner's laptop that made them sick?
use video, like they did at the end of WWII and forced the citizens to watch what they allowed to happen to human beings.
If it was kept secret, as the Final Solution was, it may be unjust to blame a citizenry that never knew what was going on. Or, in the case of Ukraine, even blaming them for the outcome of an election that may have been thoroughly rigged. But there's enough karma going around for most everyone. The real issue is to find the trail to those responsible and bring them to light.
Also keep in mind Mel Gibson's upcoming 4 part documentary, covering Operation Underground Railroad where they're going after child traffickers in Ukraine. It'll be interesting to see exactly what's uncovered and how far up the flagpole it goes.
"Those who know the truth can't sleep."
Yes you cant unsee it just gird up with the full armor of God, this is our only true form of protection mind, body and spirit
Haven't been in it, but I think I have a clue about what you said. The eyes are not tearful because she is traumatized by what she has seen. Her whole face shows it as well.
Her eyes still show the horror she felt at the time it happened.
Just remember Hunter in his self pitying drunken/drugged chats to his friends
I was always confused by that because he would have to go to some very isolated pockets of the internet to find such conspiracies. Most people talking about the laptop from Hell talk about dick pics, Natalie Biden, money laundering and drugs. So where was Hunter getting this idea that people think he kills kids?
To me it sounded like he was scared of something like this coming out and being tied to him
Yes he knows and has seen things
And just like that another piece in the puzzle "grain exports" - that we keep hearing in news, falls into place!
Yup that is where my mind went to first. This seems coordinated. Russia must have uncovered evidence that they were using the grain corridor to transport organs so they let the agreement expire, completely shut it down and then released the first evidence is the form of an emotional response to get the peoples attention. And it was done as the SoF is sweeping the country and soon the world.
Sure looks coordinated to me.
Well, there is a more concrete explanation. Remember the two attacks on the civilian bridges from Russia to Crimea? Remember the naval drone attacks on Sevastopol? The Russians have accused the Brits of smuggling the explosives for those attacks in on grain ships. They cite the direction of the attack vectors, since the attacks came from inside the Russian naval blockade. These attacks are the official reason the Russians are citing for canceling the grain deal.
I don't think they're willing to go into what this woman is alleging. I think they damn well know. Their intel is excellent. But who could they tell? They've tried going to the UN with allegations about the biolabs being used to make and test biological weapons. They've tried multiple times and the UN refused to hear it. Who, then, can they go to who would be willing to believe them? If you discovered the Holocaust today, but the Germans controlled the international press, who could you tell that would believe the horrible truth? That's the situation the Russians would be in, assuming this is true. How could you tell the world and not be simply dismissed as a liar or propagandist?
They'd need a smoking gun. Right now, all they have is smoking ruins. We just don't know for sure, and we may never know.
I agree, there are plenty of convincing optics for the Russians to go after the grain deal, but the reality is always far more complicated than the optics.
The whole world, but not right now. Only after we hit the precipice, when these are the things that will unite the left and right - the whole world.
Bingo! i thought of Putin stopping the grain exports when i read that.
Eye on the prize.
Please stay focused anons.
Don't fall for tempting, 'sexy' (read: dramatic) stories like this.
There's an established reason why Putin, working with Patriots, would invade Ukraine:
"While Taiwan would be the harder to enter country for all sorts of PR reasons, but when I consider what’s actually “in” Ukraine, it’s a bigger deal for Americans.
Q 3611 Fact: UKRAINE is the single largest CF donor. I don’t think I’ve talked about the Crowdstrike Ukraine server since Twitter, so as a refresher…. Remember that call Trump literally got impeached for?
Yea, read that carefully. “they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation.” And then he discusses the Special Prosecutor Biden got fired in exchange for foreign aid.
There are many reasons why this is a big deal…. let’s go over one of the most obvious ones." https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/sr/
Ah, got it.
Special Prosecutor whom Biden got fired
For those that remember the incubator babies - Nayirah testimony that was used to trick America into the 1st Gulf War. How do we know that this is not that?
One twitter post is sketchy, when Putin himself presents the evidence thatll be different.
Those are eyes that are very hard to fake....
I am forever grateful to have lead a life in which I have not had to come face to face with these satanic horrors. I can't even imagine what these people have gone through let alone the ones knowing what's going on and being silenced and threatened. These people are sick and nothing can stop what is coming for them.
Evil knows no bound.
no, unfortunately it does not.
The comments...these idiots want visual evidence. I say let them have it. Then let's see whose hurling n unable to view it.
Extraordinary claims, extraordinary proof. I want to see evidence too. I may not want to look at it for long, but I do want to see that such evidence is real because what we're talking about is the kind of crime you get justice for by putting the criminal in a woodchipper feet first.
I'm sure you know enough about the Holocaust to appreciate that people had to be forced to see it and reckon with it. Even the Germans in nearby towns sort of tacitly knew something was going on, but turned a blind eye to the extent. The world had to be made to look.
If this is real (and that's a big 'if'), the world must again be made to look.
"Extraordinary" according to what? Is murder extraordinary? It is the most mundane of evil deeds. Facts are facts and proof is proof. It should all be based on empirical evidence. I don't go along with the standards of evidence being changed on the basis of the listener's notion of "extraordinary." It is just a way of re-setting the bar in order to declare certain evidence "insufficient."
Could this be why russia is monitoring or halting grain exports from ukraine etc??
Yes, and also military equipment that the Ukrainians promised they wouldn't do. They promised grain only.
gruesome and so tragic.
the one's who can't sleep.
Where is the proof?
sometimes you have to give a warning shot before you just throw the real thing like this in front of someone. kind of like, brace yourself, this is really, really bad.
I think we've had enough proof by now. If you really want to start waking people up, start showing proof. One of the biggest reasons a lot of people don't believe any of this is because there's never any substantial amount of proof being shoved into their faces.
Don't get me wrong. I believe this is all happening but enough with the talk. It's time to start waking people up and do it with visual proof.