You’re a fucking idiot that’s bought the MSM line that CA is a leftist state. Outside of SF and Hollywood it’s red. The elections have been stolen for decades here. It’s so funny how you double digit IQers focus your hatred on a state that provides so much for the rest of the country. Really shows how stupid you are.
The oilfield in ANWR would take up a tiny fraction of a tenth of a percent of a vast desolate wasteland at the far northern tip of ANWR, at the extreme northern tip of Alaska. Zero wildlife impact, local Indians OKd it.
Hate to be that guy, but this isn't exactly true in the sense "it's Bydan's fault..." So hear me out here:
Russia & Saudi Arabia agreed to slash production until December this week. That's why fuel costs will rise in the West. Quickie CBS vid link
Now, it sure can be argued that this is a play by the good guys to make Pedo Peter (and dimms by proxy) look bad next year. It also plays into other geopolitical habbenings scheduled as future events.
Me thinks there's many roles being played here. This script is for the normies though seeing as the MSM won't dare say why our fuel costs need not rise at all. E.g. Domestic production, strategic reserves drained during the midterms to make the dimms look good, etc.
Im saying the rise in costs is because of global production slashes happening and because the dimms used up all of our reserves in an attempt to secure midterms.
I'm also saying the global production slashes are part of the white hat plan for optics next year. Make normies feel the pain moar, building to the eventual precipice.
It is distinctly and specifically their fault, and will raise the prices further not because it's undeveloped, but because they won't be developed now.
I have 0 trust in MTG.
She promised us the j6 tapes, but she chose not to.
She gives me a bad gut feeling
Also voted to give Biden all the money he wanted during the last debt ceiling fight.
Elon and MTG/Gates must be holding it off for the finale.
While clowns like you and McCarthy run up the debt while pretending to care about J6 detainees; just STFU you bloviating gasbag...
"Okay lady.. then take the speakers shallow excuse for his manhood out of your mouth and do something."
Good. I want to see gas prices in california rise to 20$ a gallon.
Time to give the leftists a little feeling of pain.
$5.79 for regular at the gas station and $4.95 at Costco,
You’re a fucking idiot that’s bought the MSM line that CA is a leftist state. Outside of SF and Hollywood it’s red. The elections have been stolen for decades here. It’s so funny how you double digit IQers focus your hatred on a state that provides so much for the rest of the country. Really shows how stupid you are.
You're probably right most of the state is red. I just have friend in LA that talks about all the ukranian flags hanging up in his neighborhood
I should have said leftists in LA and SF. The media has brainwashed people to think majority of Cali is democrat.
And what the fuck are YOU MTG, doing about it as the majority party holding Congress’s purse-strings?
She's controlled opposition. She’s all dress, no action.
Oil is the 2nd most abundant liquid on planet earth. Think about that...
Thanks Madge. Burn it down please
Yeah it's like $4.69 in Phoenix 🤮
The oilfield in ANWR would take up a tiny fraction of a tenth of a percent of a vast desolate wasteland at the far northern tip of ANWR, at the extreme northern tip of Alaska. Zero wildlife impact, local Indians OKd it.
This is more BS from the powerpigs.
The moose hang out under the pipeline because it is warmer there. So not exactly zero impact. A boon for the moose.
OK wiseguy, zero NEGATIVE impact :p
There's no way Brandon could construct those sentences without help
Hate to be that guy, but this isn't exactly true in the sense "it's Bydan's fault..." So hear me out here:
Russia & Saudi Arabia agreed to slash production until December this week. That's why fuel costs will rise in the West. Quickie CBS vid link
Now, it sure can be argued that this is a play by the good guys to make Pedo Peter (and dimms by proxy) look bad next year. It also plays into other geopolitical habbenings scheduled as future events.
Me thinks there's many roles being played here. This script is for the normies though seeing as the MSM won't dare say why our fuel costs need not rise at all. E.g. Domestic production, strategic reserves drained during the midterms to make the dimms look good, etc.
Here's a little more in-depth analysis of that, if you're interested.
I'm not dismissing those facts.
Im saying the rise in costs is because of global production slashes happening and because the dimms used up all of our reserves in an attempt to secure midterms.
I'm also saying the global production slashes are part of the white hat plan for optics next year. Make normies feel the pain moar, building to the eventual precipice.
Gas is sold on futures.
It is distinctly and specifically their fault, and will raise the prices further not because it's undeveloped, but because they won't be developed now.
Can someone give her a reply and just say, "No shit, Sherlock." --MordenGeist