Jesus fulfilled over three hundred prophesies of His coming in the Old Testament. For a person to fulfill just 10 of these prophesies would be like 1 chance 100. For someone to fulfill 300 of them would be like finding a needle in a haystack and the haystack is the size of the earth!
I think the most fascinating anchor for me (this was many years back) was finding out there is only 1 or 2 actual pieces of evidence that Alexander the Great ever lived and Jesus there are over 30 (I’m not talking Dead Sea scrolls I mean things like ancient coins, etc.)
But they act like Alexander the Great is undeniable. And if memory services even Caesar there were only like 8 artifacts.
Why do you think the MSM and the government used to be so pro-Christian, Pro-nuclear family? Because they needed that to create the industrial revolution and bring us into the technological age, the age of AI and immortality. Notice how as soon as they arrived at this age, they started pushing overpopulation propaganda.
They plan this shit out over many, many generations.
I've been part of the TheDonald since it was on Reddit. I know what this site is about. I go back to the Ron Paul Revolution.
There is plenty of evidence that the entire Bible was simply borrowed from pagan concepts and Jesus's story follows Titus Flavius's military campaign. Titus Flavius was the 2nd coming of Christ. It was a psyop/propaganda campaign.
It's all there completely documented. Maybe watch the whole video.
I just can't blindly follow a religion. I was interested in Christianity at one point, but like everything else in the world, I had to thoroughly investigate it's history of origin just like I would with any government psyop or what have you.
I'm sorry to say that when you start investigating, you realize Romans were utterly brilliant propagandists and they routinely used various religions and belief systems as tools to control the various populations they conquered. Christianity was created to subdue the militant Jews. It's all been very well detailed how this was done and by whom.
I think it's telling how fragile Christian belief systems are because they refuse to investigate this or even watch a video. Test your faith.
For the record, I'm partial towards Buddhism, but it advocates against any belief system. Belief systems are tools of the elite.
Q specifically posted about the Holy Bible. Scripture from the Bible. This should be a huge sign.
The world’s ‘elite’ worship Lucifer from the Bible.
The blatant satanic symbolism utilized is again Biblically sourced. When the entire apparatus is using Bible sourced Luciferian symbolism you might want to wonder why.
Satanic ritual abuses have been going on since the beginning.
Propaganda MSM rails on…wait for it, Christianity, the Bible and Jesus Christ. The other religions are false and hence not a concern.
My man, if you can’t pick up on the pattern recognition of the enemy worshiping a demonic entity such as Lucifer and the other gods that are more than likely fallen angels, I can’t help you. There’s more than enough proof that validates Jesus Christ lived and resurrected. If you’re having a hard time with it, go hit up the book I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.
You’re here on this board, critical thinking is among your skill set. I truly hope you find Christ, repent and rejoin the Spiritual Warfare battlefield.
No amount of evidence will convince an unbeliever to surrender to Christ. It's not a matter.of intellect, it's a matter of trust (faith). After surrendering to Christ, then all the evidence comes into play to strengthen that faith. The Father calls, the Spirit convicts of sin, and Jesus saves. We are called to preach the Gospel, but God must do the saving.
When someone claims that God does not exist, I ask them how they are certain of it. Their usual response is that God cannot be seen, heard or touched. I then ask whether they believe in love. More often than not, they say they do. However, love cannot be seen, heard or touched either. The act of kissing someone does not prove that love is real; it just demonstrates it. This argument is self-refuting because love cannot be scientifically proven. It also cannot prove the validity of logic because it depends on logic to function.
I cannot argue with science, I am not educated enough in physics to understand all of it, I try, as I find it fascinating, the quantum theory, string theory. I guess my faith is more of the inspiration-ally based. When faced with an atheist, such as my nephews, I will agree with them as far as the science of atomic structure, chemical reactions, cell formations, etc. But I ask them one thing. Atomic structure can create cells to form a living organism, but why then, is all creation that is formed this way, why is it beautiful? A plant requires a certain ideal condition of soil, temperature, chemicals, sunlight, to form, but why is a flower beautiful? Beauty is not neccesary. Why are we not living on some swamp crawling around and devouring each other. Why do our brains have chemical receptors that find beauty and symmetry, why do we have a measurable amount of chemicals in our brains when we look at something beautiful? God gives us beauty in creation and the ability to see it, and only us. Animals will shit on a beautiful thing, they only seek comfort and food and a safe place to reproduce. Only God can create a being that not only sees beauty, but feels something from it, enough so that some humans are compelled to convey it and create art, to reproduce that sentiment in others. God is revealed in the beauty of things, and again revealed by our attraction and protection of it, we are inspired in a way that does not make sense , in the cold practical theory of science. God revealed himself in Jesus Christ only after the human consciousness evolved enough to see beauty, because we would not have been able to feel and have faith if our brains had not evolved, and be ready for the concept of a Supreme Being, who LOVED us. It's simplistic, but it is my argument.
My mom's friend who has had 6-8 jabs so far was chatting with my mother. My mom brought up ivermectin or some alternative med and her friend said, "You have to be careful! You don't know what could be in those pills!" loll
Haha exactly. Yet they refuse to admit it's a cult. And call Christianity a cult in the same breath. They wouldn't know hypocrisy if it hit them in the face.
They got their "hard evidence". They had scientists and doctors parroting the line, they withheld and obfuscated data that didn't align with their agenda.
The problem is that they got fed a bunch of bullshit data, and the only people blowing the whistle and saying "hold on" were conservatives, which made it easy for them to lump everyone together as the "untrustables".
This is why I fully believe that no matter how big or small your role was in this, you should be removed from any scientific projects and harshly penalized with jail time, lethal injection for the high end ones, and permanently have your credentials revoked.
It may cost us scientific capability by getting rid of bright minds, but bright minds who are complicit in this evil have no positive value to society anyway.
It's easy and low hanging fruit to blame the people who trusted them; it takes greater courage and a more responsible outlook to understand what really happened there.
Then you haven’t looked. We’ve already hashed this out before.I truly hope you actually sit down and research this topic, find Christ and repent of your ways.
Want a starter, go hit up ‘I don’t have enough Faith to be an atheist’. That’ll cover just about every argument you can come up with.
Is there actually any evidence to show the existence of Jesus Christ? I've never heard of any.
If you haven't seen the evidence that's only because you haven't looked diligently. There's plenty of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, so much so that even atheist biblical scholars admit he existed. You can start your faith journey here, friend:
It means He was a real person who existed, who was sent to us from God so that we could be saved from ourselves. He conquered death to prove his divinity. He is The Way, the Truth and the Life. And He's real in that you can actually communicate with Him and have a relationship with Him. He responds, and He changes you for the better if you let Him. He saves people from addiction, keeps families together, and proves Himself in ways that the world never could. I'm saying this as a former atheist, new ageist, and buddhist who tried to find help from the troubles of the world in all these dead-end ways. It was only in my search for truth that I found The Truth in Jesus.
Oh. My. God. You took my question seriously? You think I don’t know about Jesus?
Wanna know the most annoying thing about most self-avowed Christians? (I consider myself one but most self-avowed Christians wouldn’t consider me one because their definitions are self congratulatory bullshit), you’re not Christians. You don’t follow Christ. You don’t give a shit about what he actually taught. You took the easy way out. Not Christ’s way, but Paul’s idolatrous knockoff. I’ve yet to meet a Christian who ever quoted anything Jesus ever said except “I am the way, the truth, and the light.” Literally every other scripture you idol worshippers preach is from the Satanic Christian-murdering Pharisee, Saul. He changes his name and claims he saw Jesus in the desert (literally one of the places Jesus said wolves in sheep’s clothing would claim to find him), he tells you “All you gotta do is confess Jesus is the Christ and you’re good”, and you lazy asses have been lapping up his bullshit doctrine ever since the printing press was invented. No critical thinking. No personal responsibility. Just refurbished old testament idolatry, just like good children of Israel have always done. You missed the entire point of the entire Bible, have made the Bible your god, and Jesus your idol, when he should be your example of what a man can become through faith.
The disciples, the very people who walked with Christ, never once admonished Paul, much less accused him of heresy. Quite the opposite; they embraced him wholeheartedly. Peter himself accepted correction from Paul. If Paul taught anything contrary to Christ, the disciples and first century church fathers would have dismissed him as a heretic.
Paul’s teachings are perfectly congruent with Christ’s. I challenge you to find any contradiction.
And taught idolatry. Most Christians are idol worshippers.
As for the difference between a self-avowed Christian and a Christian, just ask a self-avowed Christian what they think of Mormons calling themselves Christians.
Jesus fulfilled over three hundred prophesies of His coming in the Old Testament. For a person to fulfill just 10 of these prophesies would be like 1 chance 100. For someone to fulfill 300 of them would be like finding a needle in a haystack and the haystack is the size of the earth!
Harry Potter fulfilled a few in his books too.
You need a lot of prayers friend.
Christian passive aggressive condescension is the best. Nobody needs YOUR prayers, buddy. Keep walkin.
Let me kick the dust of my feet before I go!
Lol yeah
Says the guy mocking peoples beliefs and being condescending lmao
I think the most fascinating anchor for me (this was many years back) was finding out there is only 1 or 2 actual pieces of evidence that Alexander the Great ever lived and Jesus there are over 30 (I’m not talking Dead Sea scrolls I mean things like ancient coins, etc.)
But they act like Alexander the Great is undeniable. And if memory services even Caesar there were only like 8 artifacts.
Why do you think the MSM and the government used to be so pro-Christian, Pro-nuclear family? Because they needed that to create the industrial revolution and bring us into the technological age, the age of AI and immortality. Notice how as soon as they arrived at this age, they started pushing overpopulation propaganda.
They plan this shit out over many, many generations.
I've been part of the TheDonald since it was on Reddit. I know what this site is about. I go back to the Ron Paul Revolution.
There is plenty of evidence that the entire Bible was simply borrowed from pagan concepts and Jesus's story follows Titus Flavius's military campaign. Titus Flavius was the 2nd coming of Christ. It was a psyop/propaganda campaign.
It's all there completely documented. Maybe watch the whole video.
Hope you find Christ and repent my man. Looks like the Cabal managed to successfully psy op you out of your only saving Grace.
I just can't blindly follow a religion. I was interested in Christianity at one point, but like everything else in the world, I had to thoroughly investigate it's history of origin just like I would with any government psyop or what have you.
I'm sorry to say that when you start investigating, you realize Romans were utterly brilliant propagandists and they routinely used various religions and belief systems as tools to control the various populations they conquered. Christianity was created to subdue the militant Jews. It's all been very well detailed how this was done and by whom.
I think it's telling how fragile Christian belief systems are because they refuse to investigate this or even watch a video. Test your faith.
For the record, I'm partial towards Buddhism, but it advocates against any belief system. Belief systems are tools of the elite.
Q specifically posted about the Holy Bible. Scripture from the Bible. This should be a huge sign.
The world’s ‘elite’ worship Lucifer from the Bible.
The blatant satanic symbolism utilized is again Biblically sourced. When the entire apparatus is using Bible sourced Luciferian symbolism you might want to wonder why.
Satanic ritual abuses have been going on since the beginning.
Propaganda MSM rails on…wait for it, Christianity, the Bible and Jesus Christ. The other religions are false and hence not a concern.
My man, if you can’t pick up on the pattern recognition of the enemy worshiping a demonic entity such as Lucifer and the other gods that are more than likely fallen angels, I can’t help you. There’s more than enough proof that validates Jesus Christ lived and resurrected. If you’re having a hard time with it, go hit up the book I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. You’re here on this board, critical thinking is among your skill set. I truly hope you find Christ, repent and rejoin the Spiritual Warfare battlefield.
No amount of evidence will convince an unbeliever to surrender to Christ. It's not a matter.of intellect, it's a matter of trust (faith). After surrendering to Christ, then all the evidence comes into play to strengthen that faith. The Father calls, the Spirit convicts of sin, and Jesus saves. We are called to preach the Gospel, but God must do the saving.
When someone claims that God does not exist, I ask them how they are certain of it. Their usual response is that God cannot be seen, heard or touched. I then ask whether they believe in love. More often than not, they say they do. However, love cannot be seen, heard or touched either. The act of kissing someone does not prove that love is real; it just demonstrates it. This argument is self-refuting because love cannot be scientifically proven. It also cannot prove the validity of logic because it depends on logic to function.
I cannot argue with science, I am not educated enough in physics to understand all of it, I try, as I find it fascinating, the quantum theory, string theory. I guess my faith is more of the inspiration-ally based. When faced with an atheist, such as my nephews, I will agree with them as far as the science of atomic structure, chemical reactions, cell formations, etc. But I ask them one thing. Atomic structure can create cells to form a living organism, but why then, is all creation that is formed this way, why is it beautiful? A plant requires a certain ideal condition of soil, temperature, chemicals, sunlight, to form, but why is a flower beautiful? Beauty is not neccesary. Why are we not living on some swamp crawling around and devouring each other. Why do our brains have chemical receptors that find beauty and symmetry, why do we have a measurable amount of chemicals in our brains when we look at something beautiful? God gives us beauty in creation and the ability to see it, and only us. Animals will shit on a beautiful thing, they only seek comfort and food and a safe place to reproduce. Only God can create a being that not only sees beauty, but feels something from it, enough so that some humans are compelled to convey it and create art, to reproduce that sentiment in others. God is revealed in the beauty of things, and again revealed by our attraction and protection of it, we are inspired in a way that does not make sense , in the cold practical theory of science. God revealed himself in Jesus Christ only after the human consciousness evolved enough to see beauty, because we would not have been able to feel and have faith if our brains had not evolved, and be ready for the concept of a Supreme Being, who LOVED us. It's simplistic, but it is my argument.
God is Love. The highest of all frequencies.
Those are amateur numbers, ha!
My mom's friend who has had 6-8 jabs so far was chatting with my mother. My mom brought up ivermectin or some alternative med and her friend said, "You have to be careful! You don't know what could be in those pills!" loll
Thought you were going with "Climate Change is real" with zero evidence
Liberals are hard evidence that the bible is true. Next comes their removal and destruction.
It's a heart issue - both their rejection of Jesus Christ and the consequences of taking the shots.
Evidence lies in common sense, conscience and soul
Historians verify the existence of Christ in the earth. Josephus died an unbeliever and yet has the most compelling testimony 2nd to the gospels.
Liberals- The gender spectrum is real
Me- yea imma need some hard evidence.
Spoiler- there isn't any.
Haha exactly. Yet they refuse to admit it's a cult. And call Christianity a cult in the same breath. They wouldn't know hypocrisy if it hit them in the face.
This is missing a critical problem.
They got their "hard evidence". They had scientists and doctors parroting the line, they withheld and obfuscated data that didn't align with their agenda.
The problem is that they got fed a bunch of bullshit data, and the only people blowing the whistle and saying "hold on" were conservatives, which made it easy for them to lump everyone together as the "untrustables".
This is why I fully believe that no matter how big or small your role was in this, you should be removed from any scientific projects and harshly penalized with jail time, lethal injection for the high end ones, and permanently have your credentials revoked.
It may cost us scientific capability by getting rid of bright minds, but bright minds who are complicit in this evil have no positive value to society anyway.
It's easy and low hanging fruit to blame the people who trusted them; it takes greater courage and a more responsible outlook to understand what really happened there.
Global Warming is real.
Until it's not useful.
Or an ounce of faith.
Then you haven’t looked. We’ve already hashed this out before.I truly hope you actually sit down and research this topic, find Christ and repent of your ways.
Want a starter, go hit up ‘I don’t have enough Faith to be an atheist’. That’ll cover just about every argument you can come up with.
I gave you a perfect source to start with. You can’t say you were never given the opportunity to hear the Good News.
If you haven't seen the evidence that's only because you haven't looked diligently. There's plenty of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, so much so that even atheist biblical scholars admit he existed. You can start your faith journey here, friend:
I have doubts.
I'll leave you with two videos to watch.
William Lane Craig: The Evidence for Jesus's Resurrection
A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas)
There’s plenty of evidence, both from religious and secular writers of the first and second centuries, that Jesus was a real person.
This alone is more evidence than the evidence for a great many other historical figures and events.
The Case For Christ - Lee Strobel
Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell
Lol what do you even mean by “Jesus Christ is real”?
It means He was a real person who existed, who was sent to us from God so that we could be saved from ourselves. He conquered death to prove his divinity. He is The Way, the Truth and the Life. And He's real in that you can actually communicate with Him and have a relationship with Him. He responds, and He changes you for the better if you let Him. He saves people from addiction, keeps families together, and proves Himself in ways that the world never could. I'm saying this as a former atheist, new ageist, and buddhist who tried to find help from the troubles of the world in all these dead-end ways. It was only in my search for truth that I found The Truth in Jesus.
Oh. My. God. You took my question seriously? You think I don’t know about Jesus?
Wanna know the most annoying thing about most self-avowed Christians? (I consider myself one but most self-avowed Christians wouldn’t consider me one because their definitions are self congratulatory bullshit), you’re not Christians. You don’t follow Christ. You don’t give a shit about what he actually taught. You took the easy way out. Not Christ’s way, but Paul’s idolatrous knockoff. I’ve yet to meet a Christian who ever quoted anything Jesus ever said except “I am the way, the truth, and the light.” Literally every other scripture you idol worshippers preach is from the Satanic Christian-murdering Pharisee, Saul. He changes his name and claims he saw Jesus in the desert (literally one of the places Jesus said wolves in sheep’s clothing would claim to find him), he tells you “All you gotta do is confess Jesus is the Christ and you’re good”, and you lazy asses have been lapping up his bullshit doctrine ever since the printing press was invented. No critical thinking. No personal responsibility. Just refurbished old testament idolatry, just like good children of Israel have always done. You missed the entire point of the entire Bible, have made the Bible your god, and Jesus your idol, when he should be your example of what a man can become through faith.
If not for you then anyone else reading. I'm not ashamed.
Gee I wonder where you got “I’m not ashamed” from.
Fucking hell, you can lead a cultist to water, but you can’t make him think, can you.
Tell me about it
Your mirror will tell you plenty.
The disciples, the very people who walked with Christ, never once admonished Paul, much less accused him of heresy. Quite the opposite; they embraced him wholeheartedly. Peter himself accepted correction from Paul. If Paul taught anything contrary to Christ, the disciples and first century church fathers would have dismissed him as a heretic.
Paul’s teachings are perfectly congruent with Christ’s. I challenge you to find any contradiction.
And taught idolatry. Most Christians are idol worshippers.
As for the difference between a self-avowed Christian and a Christian, just ask a self-avowed Christian what they think of Mormons calling themselves Christians.
Oh yes 3,400 religions and only yours is the right one. Get real.
And if you were born in the middle east youd be praising allah right now. Dont be a sheep.