Hobbs has apparently been out of State since Sunday. The Secretary of State was leaving this evening for a Trip. And the Attorney General is also out of state.
So Yee is the only one in the line of succession available to serve as acting Governor.
Does this happen often? When governors travel out of state do they always relinquish command. Great example would be Desantis atm because he is on a presidential campaign.
Only typical reason I can think of that would do that is if she were leaving town to undergo a medical procedure. While she is under anesthesia she would be unable to perform her duties.
The only other possibility would be going somewhere so remote that she could not be contacted. Perhaps a very secretive, deep state gathering where any external communications are not allowed for any reason?
Whatever it is, I agree it's damn peculiar, and the stated reason doesn't make sense.
It's particularly strange as the POTUS was traveling there for a speech. Since when do all the high ranking officials skip town when the potus is visiting?
That's what I thought too! Have we ever seen this? I posted those thoughts on another thread. Don't even know if biden has even spoken yet. But how funny is it that he's on stage with the state treasurer only (whose a republican) lol.... This movie is getting good.
she has filled them but they haven't been confirmed. They are getting around that by changing their titles from directors to Cabinet executive officers
Been in AZ since '99...to my knowledge this hasn't happened once since I arrived...It is odd on federal side of coin if the President was going to have a surgery then the VP steps in while he is under the doctors care. So Kattie's going under knife? Maybe she's in a sweat lodge in the Four Corners drinking the wacky cactus juice while chatting The Elders? I realize that I am speculating, but I can only hope she stupid and and she's attempting to make run for it. :)
It's just for 12 hours. Nothing is happening, and nothing is going to happen because our corrupt court system is rigged against the Goyim.
They cannot turn in their people to be punished by any authority, so they packed the courts, DAs offices and legal system with their own or sympathizers who do what they are told in order to prevent them from being punished for wrongdoing. These are instructions straight from the Talmud. It is true that nobody has any standing in these cases, because the Goyim cannot be allowed to win in court.
Why isn't someone else acting as temp gov in Florida for DeSantis then? Everything I read, he's out the state quite a bit lately yet he's who still runs the state 👀 I've never heard of this before - weird
She's been taken down to GOTMO for a conversation about the role she will need to fill in order to have any chance of ever seeing freedom. Watch her actions.
We can't watch her actions. If she keeps acting the way she has, the narrative will be "she's laying a trap for the white hats!" If she does a 180, it will be "She's been turned!" Literally anything she does can be fit into this theory.
We don't know what's going on and we likely never will. So just get used to being patient and taking it and maybe one day we'll turn away from marxism and pay off our 33 trillion dollar debt. Or maybe not.
Why are they all leaving town? They expecting some bad news?
Kari Lake signature verification appeal was on Monday, it lasted 2 days.
The judge said he would announce his decision in a couple days.
Perhaps they were looking at the ballots for the last 2 days?
I'm starting to think the spinning fan blade is covered in fecal matter.
Hobbs has apparently been out of State since Sunday. The Secretary of State was leaving this evening for a Trip. And the Attorney General is also out of state.
So Yee is the only one in the line of succession available to serve as acting Governor.
the janitor is available
Probably the most qualified of them all.
Yes, for he knows where all the dirt is.
Clever. Deserves an updoot so here ya go. 👌🤙👍
Hahaha.....call me janitor bc I love me some dirt! 😂
Does this happen often? When governors travel out of state do they always relinquish command. Great example would be Desantis atm because he is on a presidential campaign.
Since when does "leaving town" disqualify you as being governor????? Politicians "leave town" all the time, sounds fishy to me.
Now you're asking the right question. If a Governor leaves the country, then this applies, so did she leave the country? Where did she go?
Maybe something like a treatment at a spa somewhere....
A nice tropical place. Maybe in the Caribbean, not too far from Florida?
Only typical reason I can think of that would do that is if she were leaving town to undergo a medical procedure. While she is under anesthesia she would be unable to perform her duties.
The only other possibility would be going somewhere so remote that she could not be contacted. Perhaps a very secretive, deep state gathering where any external communications are not allowed for any reason?
Whatever it is, I agree it's damn peculiar, and the stated reason doesn't make sense.
Exactly, governors talk to foreign leaders overseas all the time.
Imagine if she just doesn't come back. Haha.
Until mid-morning tomorrow? Lame. Pretty sure this isn’t anything.
I wasn't sure. Maybe this is standard procedure but if not then strange.
It's particularly strange as the POTUS was traveling there for a speech. Since when do all the high ranking officials skip town when the potus is visiting?
That's what I thought too! Have we ever seen this? I posted those thoughts on another thread. Don't even know if biden has even spoken yet. But how funny is it that he's on stage with the state treasurer only (whose a republican) lol.... This movie is getting good.
could she be undergoing medical procedures
Like getting her ass handed to her by Kari?
More ballots I’m sure, probably 2 or 3 stacks.
Comment of the day right there!
damn Mary they are liable to find more ballots....
For that see-you-in-tee all she would need is a throat lozenger....
Night at gitmo?.
One can only hope!
“I expect to see a swift resolution to this matter……”. What matter is she talking about?
“The people of Arizona deserve leaders who follow the rule of law.” That’s a funny thing to say, is the “matter” a legal problem?
Sounded to me like her replacement is mad that Hobbs has not yet filled certain administrative positions.
she has filled them but they haven't been confirmed. They are getting around that by changing their titles from directors to Cabinet executive officers
Been in AZ since '99...to my knowledge this hasn't happened once since I arrived...It is odd on federal side of coin if the President was going to have a surgery then the VP steps in while he is under the doctors care. So Kattie's going under knife? Maybe she's in a sweat lodge in the Four Corners drinking the wacky cactus juice while chatting The Elders? I realize that I am speculating, but I can only hope she stupid and and she's attempting to make run for it. :)
I call it winning. Hey, let's do more.
It's just for 12 hours. Nothing is happening, and nothing is going to happen because our corrupt court system is rigged against the Goyim.
They cannot turn in their people to be punished by any authority, so they packed the courts, DAs offices and legal system with their own or sympathizers who do what they are told in order to prevent them from being punished for wrongdoing. These are instructions straight from the Talmud. It is true that nobody has any standing in these cases, because the Goyim cannot be allowed to win in court.
Perhaps Hobbs was 'summoned' and sent down to GITMO for a good old military shakedown!
Hoping that when "Hobbs" comes back, it's Kevin Kline in a dress or similar.
Lol!! I was just saying that last night. Watch we'll have Kevin Hobbs instead of Katie.
Brilliant minds think alike!👍
Well this is dasting but likely nothing. I would love for this to mean that Kari's appeal finally worked and that a judge ordered this.
Why isn't someone else acting as temp gov in Florida for DeSantis then? Everything I read, he's out the state quite a bit lately yet he's who still runs the state 👀 I've never heard of this before - weird
Does Arizona not have a Lieutenant Governor?
“Beginning later this evening until mid-morning tomorrow” I dont think this is a common practice unless something really serious is happening
Why??? https://azgovernor.gov/office-arizona-governor/news/2023/09/governor-katie-hobbs-meets-taiwan-president-and-other-leaders
Yee statement “ She said if there are not Senate-confirmed people heading agencies “then we really do have some rogue people sitting in top positions, making executive decisions, and who are not elected, for a very long time.”” https://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2023/09/27/yee-refuses-to-recognize-hobbs-executive-deputy-directors
Kari lake response https://twitter.com/KariLakeWarRoom/status/1707256704025702909
Since when does leaving the state force a governor to step down temporarily?
I'm not sure what this means. Could be huge though. 👍
She's been taken down to GOTMO for a conversation about the role she will need to fill in order to have any chance of ever seeing freedom. Watch her actions.
We can't watch her actions. If she keeps acting the way she has, the narrative will be "she's laying a trap for the white hats!" If she does a 180, it will be "She's been turned!" Literally anything she does can be fit into this theory.
We don't know what's going on and we likely never will. So just get used to being patient and taking it and maybe one day we'll turn away from marxism and pay off our 33 trillion dollar debt. Or maybe not.
Looks like nobody wants to be associated with Biden, when he comes to town 🤣
Let me guess. Tried and convicted, sitting in Gitmo, replaced with an alien clone.
Right! Look for signs of a latex mask popping up at the neck, lol.
Let the Domino's fall😁
Send in the clone!
fixing the issues with voter fraud?,go Kari
Really though, it has been a great rallying cry for us that has taken on an energetic life of its own.
"Off to Gitmo" sort of like "Remember the Alamo!" I personally love these verbal memes that are worth a thousand words to them it speaks to.