Yes but that's Cali time (Pacific Time zone) right? I'm central time zone, so for me it will be at 1:20pm, the time they gave is 2:20pm ET. So you may get it in the morning time around 11:20am.
I’m opting on the safe side and unplugging. Batteries depleted in devices, put in faraday bags, and into the microwave. Unplugging tv, routers, WiFi and doing it all early and several hours after, from like 1-6. They are broadcasting for several hours but you will only hear a small part of it. Best to be out in the wilderness without any electronics and well away from 5G towers. Don’t be in your car either, unless you don’t have a radio.
FR! This thing is not gonna harm nobody or nothing except fear-based heart attacks. I doubt it's even gonna be that loud and obnoxious! My grandma is insisting that everything be powered off, even my computer that doesn't have built-in speakers (only a headset). Imagine being afraid smh. We already won years ago, this is just charades to slowly wake the sheep up.
I just know the nefarious patent information I’ve read relating to 5G. THAT is not speculation.
But it may be related to the “scare event”.
Why is Russian conducting a massive nuclear war scenario right now and this:
I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR. These vampires feed off fear. I will not succumb. I will put on the Full Armor of God and I will resist to my last breath. I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR.
The good to come from this is, Q's hitting this preparing us for literally the next day delta, then 10/4 deltas are all: anons ready?, memes ready? Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history?
I think all the "shut off your devices" is a psyop. If they wanted to brick our devices they could do it at any time. Well, the do need to tell us but that is usually movies and TV. This is an opportunity to send a message to everyone and if anyone blocks it people will ask "why didn't I get my emergency alert?"
I’ll be with a family that’s fully jabbed and paranoid. So either their whole family is vaporized and I get their horses, or we will be having a nice discussion on what “we are taking back America” means, or we will glance at our phone, see it’s nothing, and carry on with the day. Exciting to speculate though!! I’d love to own some horses.
love this, BUT - we've all been burned before - if you expect nothing, no disappointment, only pleasant surprises if something does happen.
I remember about 6 months ago when Trump announced his presidency and how we were all excited, then terribly disappointed (and i got temp banned for questioning Brian Cates)
It stuck - I no longer anticipate or get excited - the proof is in the pudding - I am still maga and enjoy Q, but I do not get energy off of deltas - no more
I’m also dubious about it being a good guy thing. FEMA is in charge of this, they aren’t telling anyone why it’s being done and you can’t opt out of it. There are patents relating nano technology in the jabs with 5G activation. I’ve read the patents. I don’t trust any of it.
I love ya but I gotta...
Holy shit Russia also has one scheduled for tomorrow (the same day that we do but a different date due to time zone)
Also India has one as well for a tsunami test.
What the fuck is going on?!?!
Wel, that is very doostang!
That date though
A day early as if serving as a warning.
I hate the fact that I'll be in a plane over Cali on the way to Hawaii at 2:20 for work.
Yes but that's Cali time (Pacific Time zone) right? I'm central time zone, so for me it will be at 1:20pm, the time they gave is 2:20pm ET. So you may get it in the morning time around 11:20am.
Airlines always quote departure and arrival times as "local". Maybe you're not doomed, marooned or entombed after all.
Same day of the week though. Wonder if that means anything.
Now, I’m on the fence. What if EAS is “the storm is upon us”? What to do, what to do?
Stock up on popcorn and watch the grand finale!
Already comfy fren!
I can't wait. Just relax for a few days, get some chores done hang out with the lady and the dogs. I've been day dreaming about it for years.
You and me both broski. That would be the perfect scenario imho
I’m opting on the safe side and unplugging. Batteries depleted in devices, put in faraday bags, and into the microwave. Unplugging tv, routers, WiFi and doing it all early and several hours after, from like 1-6. They are broadcasting for several hours but you will only hear a small part of it. Best to be out in the wilderness without any electronics and well away from 5G towers. Don’t be in your car either, unless you don’t have a radio.
Why are people doing this?
The cabal has everyone convinced that they will be melted from the EBS.
If you were the cabal you would trick everyone into unplugging and blocking the message about to be received.
FR! This thing is not gonna harm nobody or nothing except fear-based heart attacks. I doubt it's even gonna be that loud and obnoxious! My grandma is insisting that everything be powered off, even my computer that doesn't have built-in speakers (only a headset). Imagine being afraid smh. We already won years ago, this is just charades to slowly wake the sheep up.
I don't understand what everyone is so worked up about. Did I mess the memo? This is literally just an emergency alert test
I just know the nefarious patent information I’ve read relating to 5G. THAT is not speculation. But it may be related to the “scare event”. Why is Russian conducting a massive nuclear war scenario right now and this:
I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR. These vampires feed off fear. I will not succumb. I will put on the Full Armor of God and I will resist to my last breath. I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR.
Not a bit fearful myself, just taking a few precautions for a possible outcome.
Oh stop. That's overkill.
Better safe than sorry
Could this be the EAS in Russia going on today 10/3?
The good to come from this is, Q's hitting this preparing us for literally the next day delta, then 10/4 deltas are all: anons ready?, memes ready? Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history? Q
But there is 104 in the blue twitter link
I think faraday bags and unplugging our electronics isn’t going to be the concern tomorrow. If we’re gonna date fag this is about as good as it gets!
I think all the "shut off your devices" is a psyop. If they wanted to brick our devices they could do it at any time. Well, the do need to tell us but that is usually movies and TV. This is an opportunity to send a message to everyone and if anyone blocks it people will ask "why didn't I get my emergency alert?"
These two posts have something in common, besides the EBS, they both have Jeff Sessions in them.
Link to the twitter link in post:
Found another one with Sessions, his picture with the word "pain" underneath it and will be Oct 4th's delta.
And these asking if we are ready, memes ready, ready to see arrests, see pain ... are we ready to be part of history, with Oct 4th delta.
All Oct 4th, 2018, qposts -
Memes ready!
Kek ... they are great, thanks!
My pleasure
Yes, yes, and yes!!!
I’ll be with a family that’s fully jabbed and paranoid. So either their whole family is vaporized and I get their horses, or we will be having a nice discussion on what “we are taking back America” means, or we will glance at our phone, see it’s nothing, and carry on with the day. Exciting to speculate though!! I’d love to own some horses.
Lmao..."So either their whole family is vaporized and I get their horses,"🐸👌
I hope that works out for you!
love this, BUT - we've all been burned before - if you expect nothing, no disappointment, only pleasant surprises if something does happen.
I remember about 6 months ago when Trump announced his presidency and how we were all excited, then terribly disappointed (and i got temp banned for questioning Brian Cates)
It stuck - I no longer anticipate or get excited - the proof is in the pudding - I am still maga and enjoy Q, but I do not get energy off of deltas - no more
I’m also dubious about it being a good guy thing. FEMA is in charge of this, they aren’t telling anyone why it’s being done and you can’t opt out of it. There are patents relating nano technology in the jabs with 5G activation. I’ve read the patents. I don’t trust any of it.
Could it be the opposite of what we think the deepstate will do? Like Royal Riff healing frequencies?
Could there be something in the signal tone that could trigger the vaxxed???