It's pretty much impossible there was no foreknowledge. IDF and Mossad are indeed state of the art in border security and intelligence. There had to be at least a crazed apocalyptic faction within those entities that purposefully allowed for this LARGE scale planning and execution to proceed uninterrupted.
Yes, this was a stand down. So, you sacrifice a few hundred of your citizens and gain the ability to expel Muslims from Palestine to all over the world. Problem solved.
5 year delta of what? The war started on 10/7 so 5 years would be 10/9. Have we gotten lax on deltas or something? Does 5 years "and a few days" count? Just trying to understand, not trying to be argumentative.
Do you think the stand down came exactly as the attack was taking place? The Q post was on 10-4. What else happened this year on 10-4. The emergency alert. Could very well have been the comms right there. Who knows. It is close enough to pay attention to at least.
I'm both impressed and disappointed in who I've seen willing to call out how suspicious this is. Some kind of stand down or misdirection would have been necessary to let this happen. If their excuse is that the border is too difficult to secure in those areas, then who in the hell let a music festival set up shop right next to it?!? These questions should be obvious.
I don’t think we will know other than to say a line was crossed and this even t happened. Meaning whatever was keeping order was threat. If you do this we will destroy Palestine. We don’t know who was wronged and in what way that prompted this redline. What we do know is that this is part of the plan. Israel was last. I think we have to ride this out, be skeptical of everything we hear. Pray. The precipice is getting closer. People know Iran has nukes they know Israel has nukes. God help us all.
But what exactly does this mean? That the whole thing is a fraud? That Israel is cooperating with Q Team for a major psyop? Assuming other intelligence agencies know Q is connected to our military intel, why would they do what they knew Q said they would unless this was coordinated? The "proofs" are interesting but confusing to me at the same time.
My guess is that it means the Q team knew the deep state playbook. That they would move on to the Israel war as soon as they could no longer push money and weapons through Ukraine.
So they intentionally waited to pull the plug on McCarthy until the timing was right, knowing exactly what the globalists would do in response. Doesn't require the Mossad to be cooperating with Q. Just requires you've maneuvered them into a position where you know the only play they have left.
That doesn't answer the original question though. It's a phrase that's been elevated to an axiom by Q followers but doesn't answer anything about what was asked
It could mean that the WHs knows the DS playbook. Knowing that the DS is now cutoff from Ukraine funding the WHs knew the DS would now gin up a war in the middle east. The WHs know the only way an attack on Israel could happen on this scale is if the Israeli intelligence was told to stand down by the DS.
Just pure speculation on my part. Nobody (except the Q group)knows for sure. That's what we are all doing here. Digging for insights. What's your guess as to what Q meant in this post?
I don't really find it worthwhile to engage in the brand of omphaloskepsis that involves spending all kinds of time interpreting these posts. If "nothing can stop what is coming" and "patriots are in control" then it doesn't matter, I've been awake to this stuff since I was in high school over a decade ago so I will continue to do what I can in my personal life towards what I believe to be right as I've always tried.
But I do find it interesting that a lot of the Q plan seems to be to allow the deep state to do what they want so they will get their comeuppance later, as though they never planned on there being consequences to their actions. When even agenda 2030 calls for people to lose faith in all their governments and institutions after the actions they've taken against the people. So we continue to let them do what they want or push it along as with the vaxxes and as some people speculate with Israel (I mean how could they possibly have known this would happen in five years without being in on it? Though personally I find the delta dubious anyway so it might be a moot point), and then play into their future plans. It's interesting
I'm reminded on a daily basis that we are already at war. The DS has their hooks in everything. They will fight to the death. They are evil. Their takedown is not going to be without collateral damage.
My understanding is that this platform was started for the express purpose of understanding the Q drops. That's why most of us are here. If it seems too arbitrary or a waste of time to you then I can see it would be frustrating to participate here.
The implications of this are hard to swallow. As you point out, It doesn't seem possible for Q to know this 5 years in advance without being involved or knowingly letting it happen. And that is where the Q proofs for Biden come in. Q is being fully transparent with us by confirming they control Biden. They didn't need to show us but they know we can understand it. Q has no choice but to create their version of the movie using bkackmailed puppets to bring humanity to the precipice. Which started with covid and the vax, but now looks like the movie is heading to WW3 (without nukes) and mass food shortages and the econimic collapse thanks to the Ohio train crash contamination, which Q also predicted 5 years in advance. Without this movie which is digitally preserved FOREVER, humanity will go back to sleep in 100 years and it will all have been for nothing, and pizzagate will restart.
For example in Q 299, they said USA/UK had their strings cut, implying Q seized all the Saudi Princes blackmail files, Giving Q the ultimate power over controlling or exposing or offering deals to that section of puppets, as Q implied Soros+Roths still controlled the remaining puppets. But the point is Q made it crystal clear by confirming they controlled Biden, all the vax mandates and bad stuff Biden is still yet to's all Q doing it.
How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?
Years of watching the proofs roll in, and I still get goosebumps.
Just like the air force "stood down" and didn't prevent 911
Huge proof you can show people who are on the fence about Q. Explains the intelligence failure normies are being told.
Media assets will be removed?
anyone know what this means? will the DS puppets in the media be removed and real journalists take their place?
My thoughts exactly.
Interesting that Alexa said the 2020 election was compromised. Would you consider that a media asset?
I read that BBC spams were down like 60% or something
Probably referring to Mossad media assets in the alt-media sphere since the first part of that post is directly referring to Israeli intelligence.
How do you start a war? - Q
A false flag. Because from what I've heard, Israel border security is top notch.
It's pretty much impossible there was no foreknowledge. IDF and Mossad are indeed state of the art in border security and intelligence. There had to be at least a crazed apocalyptic faction within those entities that purposefully allowed for this LARGE scale planning and execution to proceed uninterrupted.
Yes, this was a stand down. So, you sacrifice a few hundred of your citizens and gain the ability to expel Muslims from Palestine to all over the world. Problem solved.
And then the West is told the Palestinians are our problem now and we have to take them in since Israel can't live peacefully with its neighbors.
Don't EVER discount that possibility through all of this.
Oh believe me, I haven't. It has seemed more likely to me for a long time
LOL oh no the white hats must be playing 5D chess.
Those crazy white hats have all the time in the world for games because they're already in control so hard
It's very sad but this is part of the plan. I'm waiting for China and South Korea. Now that everybody is watching how weak America is.
5 year delta of what? The war started on 10/7 so 5 years would be 10/9. Have we gotten lax on deltas or something? Does 5 years "and a few days" count? Just trying to understand, not trying to be argumentative.
Do you think the stand down came exactly as the attack was taking place? The Q post was on 10-4. What else happened this year on 10-4. The emergency alert. Could very well have been the comms right there. Who knows. It is close enough to pay attention to at least.
Just revealed that Israel was warned 3 days prior. Oct 4th was dead on.
Absolutely. And some were giving me shit about this post. I have been on the fence about Q for a long time, but now, I'm in with this one.
Nice to hear Fren. WWG1WGA!
And the SOTH removal. Suspicious timing all around. That delta is essentially verified.
I'm both impressed and disappointed in who I've seen willing to call out how suspicious this is. Some kind of stand down or misdirection would have been necessary to let this happen. If their excuse is that the border is too difficult to secure in those areas, then who in the hell let a music festival set up shop right next to it?!? These questions should be obvious.
I don’t think we will know other than to say a line was crossed and this even t happened. Meaning whatever was keeping order was threat. If you do this we will destroy Palestine. We don’t know who was wronged and in what way that prompted this redline. What we do know is that this is part of the plan. Israel was last. I think we have to ride this out, be skeptical of everything we hear. Pray. The precipice is getting closer. People know Iran has nukes they know Israel has nukes. God help us all.
But what exactly does this mean? That the whole thing is a fraud? That Israel is cooperating with Q Team for a major psyop? Assuming other intelligence agencies know Q is connected to our military intel, why would they do what they knew Q said they would unless this was coordinated? The "proofs" are interesting but confusing to me at the same time.
My guess is that it means the Q team knew the deep state playbook. That they would move on to the Israel war as soon as they could no longer push money and weapons through Ukraine.
So they intentionally waited to pull the plug on McCarthy until the timing was right, knowing exactly what the globalists would do in response. Doesn't require the Mossad to be cooperating with Q. Just requires you've maneuvered them into a position where you know the only play they have left.
It means you're watching a movie...
Q drops are little snippets of the script they're letting you see - if you want - or ignore because Q is craycray or whatever...
That doesn't answer the original question though. It's a phrase that's been elevated to an axiom by Q followers but doesn't answer anything about what was asked
It could mean that the WHs knows the DS playbook. Knowing that the DS is now cutoff from Ukraine funding the WHs knew the DS would now gin up a war in the middle east. The WHs know the only way an attack on Israel could happen on this scale is if the Israeli intelligence was told to stand down by the DS.
Just pure speculation on my part. Nobody (except the Q group)knows for sure. That's what we are all doing here. Digging for insights. What's your guess as to what Q meant in this post?
I don't really find it worthwhile to engage in the brand of omphaloskepsis that involves spending all kinds of time interpreting these posts. If "nothing can stop what is coming" and "patriots are in control" then it doesn't matter, I've been awake to this stuff since I was in high school over a decade ago so I will continue to do what I can in my personal life towards what I believe to be right as I've always tried.
But I do find it interesting that a lot of the Q plan seems to be to allow the deep state to do what they want so they will get their comeuppance later, as though they never planned on there being consequences to their actions. When even agenda 2030 calls for people to lose faith in all their governments and institutions after the actions they've taken against the people. So we continue to let them do what they want or push it along as with the vaxxes and as some people speculate with Israel (I mean how could they possibly have known this would happen in five years without being in on it? Though personally I find the delta dubious anyway so it might be a moot point), and then play into their future plans. It's interesting
I'm reminded on a daily basis that we are already at war. The DS has their hooks in everything. They will fight to the death. They are evil. Their takedown is not going to be without collateral damage.
My understanding is that this platform was started for the express purpose of understanding the Q drops. That's why most of us are here. If it seems too arbitrary or a waste of time to you then I can see it would be frustrating to participate here.
The implications of this are hard to swallow. As you point out, It doesn't seem possible for Q to know this 5 years in advance without being involved or knowingly letting it happen. And that is where the Q proofs for Biden come in. Q is being fully transparent with us by confirming they control Biden. They didn't need to show us but they know we can understand it. Q has no choice but to create their version of the movie using bkackmailed puppets to bring humanity to the precipice. Which started with covid and the vax, but now looks like the movie is heading to WW3 (without nukes) and mass food shortages and the econimic collapse thanks to the Ohio train crash contamination, which Q also predicted 5 years in advance. Without this movie which is digitally preserved FOREVER, humanity will go back to sleep in 100 years and it will all have been for nothing, and pizzagate will restart.
For example in Q 299, they said USA/UK had their strings cut, implying Q seized all the Saudi Princes blackmail files, Giving Q the ultimate power over controlling or exposing or offering deals to that section of puppets, as Q implied Soros+Roths still controlled the remaining puppets. But the point is Q made it crystal clear by confirming they controlled Biden, all the vax mandates and bad stuff Biden is still yet to's all Q doing it.