TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember when Trump pardoned the turkey Corn, but not the turkey Cob? Remember, Biden hadn't been President at that point, so.. Clinton Obama Bush? Good times!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Caution, this may be fake. Extremely similar to a situation from yesterday where a cat had been given as a gift by Putin to Japan, and that cat just died.


TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 9 points ago +9 / -0

During the drama over making McCarthy speaker, the rep on the left side went "REEEEEEEEEEE "and stormed over to basically physically attack Gaetz and had to be restrained.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like to imagine him with a life sentence, in prison and assigned to laundry duty folding towels. For the rest of his life. It's the year 2040. With each towel, he takes it, starts to fold it, then mutters "fuck Donald Trump." And yet, MAGA has won every election since 2024. He continues folding the towels. Forever.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just another meaningless coincidence.

You're talking to someone who normally writes this kind of stuff off as completely schizo. This one made my eyes widen so hard they could've burst out of my skull!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 11 points ago +12 / -1

The Kamala spelling is off

Is it though? Oxford Reference says Alamak is a legitimate and officially recognized alternative spelling of Almach.

Quick Reference

The star Gamma Andromedae; also spelled Almaak and Alamak. It is a double star consisting of a K3 bright giant and a B9 dwarf, magnitudes 2.3 and 4.8 (combined magnitude 2.1). The fainter star is itself a close double with an orbital period of 64 years. Almach is 393 l.y. away.

Now if I had to bend the word into an unofficial and unrecognized spelling in order to produce the same result, I would agree with you. Oh and my "Hcamla" decode was just a fun little thought experiment and shouldn't distract from the OP's message IMO.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 20 points ago +22 / -2

No way, this can't be true, right?

Let's see....

The star Gamma Andromedae; also spelled Almaak and Alamak.

Oxford Reference:



Other designations

Alpheratz, Sirrah, Sirah,


My independent fact check: TRUE!!

And also like Kamala I stole information from Wikipedia!

Now that I know this is true and not spun by the tweeter for clicks and attention... WTF?!?!? What are the odds of this? Is this not proof that Kamala Harris isn't even her real name and that she's just a character in the movie?!?!?

EDIT: Also, I might be stretching this here but Alamak seems to be more often spelled Almach. Which backwards is Hcamla. Harris Camla? Why do I suddenly think of all the debate of how to say Kaaamala versus Kammmlahh versus KaMALLLa etc.?? Camla? So let me get this straight, one one hand you have "H Camla" for one spelling of the star and another spelling of that same star is straight up "Kamala?" THIS IS 100% A MOVIE FOLKS IT HAS TO BE!!!!!!!!!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 4 points ago +5 / -1

Seems like lip-sync is off from the dialogue. Also, way too on the nose. Calling bullshit.

As someone else said:

If so, when did it happen and how in God's name was she not taken to task for saying such a thing?!

Yeah, this would've stuck to her forever if she said this.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 4 points ago +4 / -0

It seems like these kinds of excuses are thought out ahead of time in case they get called out on it. "They were just our sorority pearls, you conspiracy bigots!"

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's called a "de-esser": audio tool that reduces the harshness of "S" sounds (hence the name 😂). Wasn't a lisp, it was an audio issue, seems like they de-essed his audio a little too hard.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't believe that Hillary's private email server ("with a cloth?") and the Podesta emails were one in the same in the way he describes, but other than that it sounds pretty spot on.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 8 points ago +8 / -0

it refers to making posts, whether factual or not, that are not related to the content that is discussed in the board. In most cases in other places on the net, it does have intent, and that intent is to push a narrative that's either completely false or against the grain of the purpose of discussion

This and if I may add, another big part of sliding is that the propagandist's primary goal is to "slide" other inconvenient threads out of people's sight, not necessarily just to promote their own narrative but hey, two birds one stone right?

Like if your feed is filled with people talking about Seth Rich or something, and then the glowies come in and fill the air with nonsense (like you said) so that it gets the Seth Rich stuff lost in the shuffle.

People posting unrelated stuff with no malicious intent has the equal effect of sliding things off the board.

Just thought I'd add because it's not just about pushing false narratives, but it's "using junk to hopefully push true narratives off and out of the view of people" which is a huge part of it.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's bad enough they're changing it, but why wouldn't they have just picked "Scouts of America?" "Scouting America" just... I mean way to take away the sense of belonging to something, you're not a Scout, you're just "scouting America." Maybe that's the point......

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 2 points ago +2 / -0

The cognitive dissonance of the anti-Trump position is maddening on this one, like what did they think, he himself was just out there in a lab with beakers and test tubes? Although come to think of it we NEED that as a piece of art hahahaha

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same with Guccifer 2.0. Like a serious hacker would want claim notoriety as the 2.0 of someone else. Nope, like you said, it's flooding the zone, so searches for "Guccifer" instead pull up Guccifer 2.0. They thought they were so clever!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah this. "If it's truly about the benjamins..." (100 dollar bills, money, gangster lifestyle) while lifting Diddy's hand with the watch on it.

Not to defend Diddy but discernment is of utmost importance folks!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Huh. I tried to debunk this one by saying "hold up guys, this is an annual test."

What I found instead was...

Underway Test 11 was Feb. 23, 2024

Underway Test 10 was August 02. 2023

Underway Test 9 was Jun 01, 2022


So yeah, Test 11 corresponding with the reporting on it being a 5 year delta is quite interdasting!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 16 points ago +16 / -0

President Biden has given first dog Commander to relatives

Reads to me like

Notice to all fellow Deep Staters: The time has finally come to make that inevitable and obvious Biden switch-out now.

Think of it, Deep State set the narrative up years ago with the dog Commander being a problem, and now the dog has crossed such a line that Commander is being "given away" to "relatives."

Just my take on it anyhow.

EDIT 1: I'm going to try and remember to make an EDIT 2 on this post should that switch actually happen within a week or two of this initial posting.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember that one Thanksgiving when Trump pardoned the turkey Corn but not the turkey Cobb?

C.O.B.B. (Clinton Obama Bush Biden?)

Just a fun little thing to ponder!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is this a real quote? It's too dumb to be true, even for Maxine, although maybe that's where we're at these days....

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