Trump to present classified information regarding foreign interference in the 2016 & 2020 elections in his Jan 6 case.
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How do you present evidence?
Agree, cant wait. This will be riveting! Trump on the stand, Trump in control. Dont know how Prosecutors will keep from either sweating or having heart attack.
Or Nadlering, for that matter.
Lol, that was goid
👽🟦 😁
"Look! Aliens are invading! Look here, not there!"
Hot damn! Is it finally time for the fake space aliens?
2016 too! Can’t wait.
What do you think the 2016 evidence is?
Maybe that Cankles didn't win the Democrat nomination.
Maybe Seth Rich will be in the news again?
He was a Bernie Boy for those that don't know.
? Cackles? (Hillary?)
All the cheating at voting locations where machines were used. Also, mail-in military ballots.
Do it Q+!!!!!!!
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and just say
THIS IS A NUCLEAR BOOM. One we have been expecting here !
I can hear CNN already. President Trump is going to disclose Classified information again! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What’s stopping the judge throwing the evidence out and telling jurors to disregard what was presented and rule on without that?
Nothing but Scotus or perhaps military can act on such credible evidence
Or elevate this all the way to the Supreme Court to expose the corruption there also.
LETS GO!!!!!!
hell yeah let it rip tater chip......they will still say there is no evidence
Pitter patter, let's get at 'er!
And have a Puppers afterward.
Likely another 5D chess move to get DS to spend their ammo
This trial will cause the immediate replacement of Biden and Trump will become POTUS.
Don't interfere with my fantasy. I'm almost there.
People said the same thing when the cyber ninjas did a recount. Hoping for Trump to be reinstated but all they found was more votes for sleepy joe
Do we know when the trial date is?
If this is the case in GA, I think it's currently scheduled for early March 2024.
This must be what he was talking about when he said he would be back in power in 5 months
Here comes more charges for releasing classified information.
Trump 47 b4 24