Libtards are more than just stupid, brain-washed innocents - they choose to bend their knee to their master, satan and his evil lifestyle. When you let satan into your heart and mind he will destroy you. We now have a world full of people that have yielded their hearts , minds and souls to the devil. No wonder the world is in the state that it is. We must turn back to Jesus - accept Him as our Savior and as the living Son of God.
We are in a state of war - not between Russia & Ukraine or Israel & the Palestinians. This is a spiritual war between good and evil - God and satan. You get to choose which side you are on - choose wisely, your eternal life depends on it. God bless.
They bent their knees to demonstrate obedience to their masters. Fucking disgusting but out there for anyone who has eyes to see. BLM is just a cover to hide the real purpose of this bullshit.
It's as consummately staged, framed, lit, and posed as the' 'live' pictures that were coming out on Jan 6 of congressfolk 'cowering' under seats etc amidst the 'deadly insurrection'. In fact I'd almost say it was the same photographers. I bet they scrubbed those pretty quick but once seen, not forgotten.
Yes, those are Kente cloths, to pay homage to the dominant African tribe that captured neighboring tribes and sold them to ships arriving in port. That's hilarious.
Am I the only one wondering what it looked like the moment these mummies tried standing up again? Seriously, look how old these people are, putting their weight on one knee on a hard surface like that. Please tell me they all struggled to stand up again.
"How did libtards ..."
Let me stop you right there champ!
This ^^^
I’m not sure a subservient stance is something I look for in a politician.
Put them on a boat to South Africa.
Sorry, Purkiss
Every time I see something in the news about South Africa, I think of Purkiss.
They created it. This is performance art. They kneel to their masters
Libtards are more than just stupid, brain-washed innocents - they choose to bend their knee to their master, satan and his evil lifestyle. When you let satan into your heart and mind he will destroy you. We now have a world full of people that have yielded their hearts , minds and souls to the devil. No wonder the world is in the state that it is. We must turn back to Jesus - accept Him as our Savior and as the living Son of God.
We are in a state of war - not between Russia & Ukraine or Israel & the Palestinians. This is a spiritual war between good and evil - God and satan. You get to choose which side you are on - choose wisely, your eternal life depends on it. God bless.
Well, that happened just after the lockdown scare, so gullible people were ready to swallow anything.
They bent their knees to demonstrate obedience to their masters. Fucking disgusting but out there for anyone who has eyes to see. BLM is just a cover to hide the real purpose of this bullshit.
fooking weirdos
I don't think libtards see anything wrong with this picture.
Those Kente cloths they are wearing... Those were the garb of the Akan people of Ghana originally, you know the SLAVERS Kek
Libtards are emotionally unstable. They are not thinkers.
"Emotionally unstable people are easier to CONTROL."
Most ridiculous display that I've ever seen
great choreography and formation...I bet they practiced for a long time....remember ol' Nance couldn't stand back up on her own...kek
It's as consummately staged, framed, lit, and posed as the' 'live' pictures that were coming out on Jan 6 of congressfolk 'cowering' under seats etc amidst the 'deadly insurrection'. In fact I'd almost say it was the same photographers. I bet they scrubbed those pretty quick but once seen, not forgotten.
What a bunch of frauds. Like they give a crap about some "peasant" dying.
Because they're incredibly gullible...
Yes, those are Kente cloths, to pay homage to the dominant African tribe that captured neighboring tribes and sold them to ships arriving in port. That's hilarious.
Staged for virtue signaling but looked more like a humiliation ritual
Makes me sick to look at their obvious theatrics...😡
Looks like our enemy has surrendered.
Am I the only one wondering what it looked like the moment these mummies tried standing up again? Seriously, look how old these people are, putting their weight on one knee on a hard surface like that. Please tell me they all struggled to stand up again.
Public schools stopped teaching analytical thinking long ago.
best part, was the old folks trying to get back to there feet LMAO