Not 1 penny should leave our country until no homeless in the streets ... no AMERICAN CITIZEN IS HUNGRY (MAN WOMAN OR CHILD... ONLY 2 SEXES) ... no American Citizen needs medical bills paid... Every American Citizen gets restitution for the harm the jab did to millions... not until we see justice for the demonrats treason. Sedition. Money laundering, sex trafficking, black market arms dealing, drug running and pedo rings. Not 1 cent until our country is free and cleat of all debt.
Not one penny should leave the country involuntarily. If people want to donate their own personal resources to foreign boondoggles, they’re free to do so. No money should be taken by force, violence, or threats. Coercion should not be used to enable the US Government’s ridiculous scope creep.
Yeah doesn't the average Israeli citizen have a higher standard of living and QoL index than the average US citizen? Why the hell does the US have to pay for EVERYTHING?!
Sticky for us to watch and think about. Let’s see what our Congress actually spends on now. I think we should send zero money anywhere. But that’s my opinion.
If America is in debt already( like 33 TRILLION+$) how are we handing out $ to other countries? We’re broke & in debt, still promising more$ to FOREIGN COUNTRIES, NOT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA …Doesn’t debt= broke 🤷♀️ not enough $ coming in to cover Our bills?
Who owns our debt? Why are we promising $ to Foreign Countries and not taking care of AMERICANS?
I support giving even more to Ukraine and Israel. $14.5B is NOT ENOUGH! I say, add a zero, and then throw a second helping at Russia, Hamas, and Iran. Don't forget to spice it up with some more Uranium. (We've already given several helpings of weapons grade uranium to all of them except maybe Hamas (and probably them too).) Let's get this Party STARTED'!!!
No seriously though, this should go through. Send everyone money. More money. LOTS OF MONEY! We need to crash the system. We need to Burn The House DOWN!!!
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!
People need to see what "Foreign Aid" really is. They need to understand how funny our money really is. They need to feel the heat. They need to watch it burn.
It's gotta hurt before it can heal.
I really do hope they send money to both. I think it has to happen.
If fact, let’s have a zero tax year. Send everyone back their tax dollars and give each state enough to eliminate property or state income tax, fees, etc. Everything is tax free! Even purchases. You got a printer, Congresss. Use it!
Wait. That would probably stimulate the economy so much Joe would get re-elected.
Well, as the saying goes, "Not in our name,Not with our money". They manufacture these wars to launder the money they say exists. I cant wrap my head around the numbers. Its raining and chilly, I see each drop as a tear. I also do not see anyway out of it, the USA will always back Israel because it wants a power base in the Mid East, it has nothing to do with "chosen people" or defending" Democrazy". God's chosen people changed with the first baptism, and all who baptized after that. War is the devil's dance, the vultures are the media. All we can do is continue to shift our energy and change the frequency. It is time, -we were all born into this time to watch, witness, and declare truth, yes, but wringing our hands and shaking our heads and throwing rocks at the sky will not transcend us to where God wants us to be. We are living through the winnowing. John 5:5-"Who is it that overcomes the world except those that believe Jesus is the Son of God". Call me a bible thumper, but it is all I have. Only one has all power, and the wealth that is spent on bombs and missiles and planes, and the ones who sign off on it will be judged accordingly. Stay the course of your own transcendence, nothing else ever mattered.
That's only $43.93 per US citizen ($14.5b/330m) which is only like $0.12/day. Of course if you add illegals, it is even less money. It's like the feeding the starving children of Africa, but only better. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
With interest, it will prob be 10x that.
How else are you going to let the dual citizenship congresscritters to help out their "other" country?
There shouldn't be a single dollar heading into any other nations bank until we fix out own issues here.
Here's a fun fact, according to the Department of Urban Housing and Development, it would take 20 billion dollars in funding to stop the homelessness epidemic in the US. We've given Israel around 320 billion in foreign aid since its creation and they haven't done a damn thing for us. None of these shithole countries that use our tax dollars as life support will ever come to assist us. We need to pull the plug on this.
Israel can take care of itself. Same for any country, including Ukraine. We cannot continue to be the world’s bank account. People are hurting here in the New. Republic of the United States
Yes, I do believe it will. The Israel war was designed to enrage Christians against Muslims (the oldest feud of all time) and ties in to the newly elected "Conservative, Christian" SOTH. Wash, rinse, repeat!
Not 1 penny should leave our country until no homeless in the streets ... no AMERICAN CITIZEN IS HUNGRY (MAN WOMAN OR CHILD... ONLY 2 SEXES) ... no American Citizen needs medical bills paid... Every American Citizen gets restitution for the harm the jab did to millions... not until we see justice for the demonrats treason. Sedition. Money laundering, sex trafficking, black market arms dealing, drug running and pedo rings. Not 1 cent until our country is free and cleat of all debt.
You mean we shouldnt be sending money to Pakistan to help them sort out their gender inequality issues?
Idk about you, but thats pretty important to me.
The poor will always be among you.
Not one penny should leave the country involuntarily. If people want to donate their own personal resources to foreign boondoggles, they’re free to do so. No money should be taken by force, violence, or threats. Coercion should not be used to enable the US Government’s ridiculous scope creep.
Totally agreed
Israel is rich beyond imagination. They don’t need our taxpayer $$$. It’s just more money laundering and payoffs to cabal.
Yeah doesn't the average Israeli citizen have a higher standard of living and QoL index than the average US citizen? Why the hell does the US have to pay for EVERYTHING?!
Because the cabal wants us to collapse.
Sticky for us to watch and think about. Let’s see what our Congress actually spends on now. I think we should send zero money anywhere. But that’s my opinion.
If America is in debt already( like 33 TRILLION+$) how are we handing out $ to other countries? We’re broke & in debt, still promising more$ to FOREIGN COUNTRIES, NOT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA …Doesn’t debt= broke 🤷♀️ not enough $ coming in to cover Our bills? Who owns our debt? Why are we promising $ to Foreign Countries and not taking care of AMERICANS?
I would be absolutely shocked if the $ did not go through.
I support giving even more to Ukraine and Israel. $14.5B is NOT ENOUGH! I say, add a zero, and then throw a second helping at Russia, Hamas, and Iran. Don't forget to spice it up with some more Uranium. (We've already given several helpings of weapons grade uranium to all of them except maybe Hamas (and probably them too).) Let's get this Party STARTED'!!!
No seriously though, this should go through. Send everyone money. More money. LOTS OF MONEY! We need to crash the system. We need to Burn The House DOWN!!!
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!
People need to see what "Foreign Aid" really is. They need to understand how funny our money really is. They need to feel the heat. They need to watch it burn.
It's gotta hurt before it can heal.
I really do hope they send money to both. I think it has to happen.
If fact, let’s have a zero tax year. Send everyone back their tax dollars and give each state enough to eliminate property or state income tax, fees, etc. Everything is tax free! Even purchases. You got a printer, Congresss. Use it!
Wait. That would probably stimulate the economy so much Joe would get re-elected.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You made me laugh.
Yes, it will go through. Since when did Congress give a damn about the will of the People?
I was sure that the debt was more around 56 trillion, not the masonry special number of 33.
Impeachment for Biden fall through now that our greatest “ally” wants gibs?
Well, as the saying goes, "Not in our name,Not with our money". They manufacture these wars to launder the money they say exists. I cant wrap my head around the numbers. Its raining and chilly, I see each drop as a tear. I also do not see anyway out of it, the USA will always back Israel because it wants a power base in the Mid East, it has nothing to do with "chosen people" or defending" Democrazy". God's chosen people changed with the first baptism, and all who baptized after that. War is the devil's dance, the vultures are the media. All we can do is continue to shift our energy and change the frequency. It is time, -we were all born into this time to watch, witness, and declare truth, yes, but wringing our hands and shaking our heads and throwing rocks at the sky will not transcend us to where God wants us to be. We are living through the winnowing. John 5:5-"Who is it that overcomes the world except those that believe Jesus is the Son of God". Call me a bible thumper, but it is all I have. Only one has all power, and the wealth that is spent on bombs and missiles and planes, and the ones who sign off on it will be judged accordingly. Stay the course of your own transcendence, nothing else ever mattered.
When your credit card is maxed out, but you are still buying a round of drinks for the entire bar.
What about Maui? Where is their relief?
The way Israel spies on the US and blackmails our politicians, I'd say they owe US a hell of a lot more than 14 billion dollars.
It will go through. 63% is still way to low. Chilly wind, not storm level yet. Normies need to suffer more. Unfortunately.
A poll that is open to the entire world is not an accurate gauge of the U.S.
There is fuckery everywhere.
That's only $43.93 per US citizen ($14.5b/330m) which is only like $0.12/day. Of course if you add illegals, it is even less money. It's like the feeding the starving children of Africa, but only better. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
With interest, it will prob be 10x that.
How else are you going to let the dual citizenship congresscritters to help out their "other" country?
There shouldn't be a single dollar heading into any other nations bank until we fix out own issues here.
Here's a fun fact, according to the Department of Urban Housing and Development, it would take 20 billion dollars in funding to stop the homelessness epidemic in the US. We've given Israel around 320 billion in foreign aid since its creation and they haven't done a damn thing for us. None of these shithole countries that use our tax dollars as life support will ever come to assist us. We need to pull the plug on this.
We are talking about borrowing money against our children's future to give away.
We should send money to any other country in the world about the same time hell freezes over.
Maybe a debt jubilee is in order when the banksters get overthrown and sound money returns
Your children were fucked long before this new Jewar.
Great grandchildren, unborn.
Israel can take care of itself. Same for any country, including Ukraine. We cannot continue to be the world’s bank account. People are hurting here in the New. Republic of the United States
The bill says the money will be deducted from the IRS. So they have to choose IRS or Israel. This will be an interesting vote.
Yes, I do believe it will. The Israel war was designed to enrage Christians against Muslims (the oldest feud of all time) and ties in to the newly elected "Conservative, Christian" SOTH. Wash, rinse, repeat!
YES. Israel should pay the USA $14.5 billion.
No "foreign aid" until the USA is debt-free.
Yes, both Israel and Ukraine will get more money. Not saying I agree, but yes it will go through in sime form.
Not 1 penny to anyone ever just US CITIZENS. They (cabal) are destroying us.
I encourage every one of you to read Simon’s posts. Funny thing about truth….
Lots of angry neocons commenting
Lol, the "United States of America" isn't even on the list. That's how preposterous it is.
(I don't see the original poll question, so depending on the phrasing maybe that makes sense, but still)