Dandelions appear to be diuretic when consumed. And both the leaf and root tea act as blood thinner. I drink the tea about once a week just to help “clean-out” any potential bloodclots.
It seems high probability to me that she is gone, but there must be a public reckoning with her pure evil and associated crimes. Otherwise we are not making progress with the normies.
A weed that noone wants, acting as a parasite sucking the life away from its surroundings and ready to spread its poor nature as far as the wind will take it.
Dandelions prevent and “heal” compacted earth and lawn! They are incredible little plants/flowers with fantastic medicinal and culinary uses. They are definitely the unsung heroes on the ground and have been given a bad rap. They do not, AT ALL “suck nutrients from the garden”....on the contrary.
Killary comparing herself to a dandelion is massively inappropriate on her part. She does not have the life-giving and restorative force that dandelions possess.
It's kinda sad they are using the dandelion as a symbol for their agenda. Dandelion root has so many medicinal benefits. I once hated them because they kept my precious centipede grass from thriving. Now I wish we had planted dandelions and other medicinal plants (weeds).
On the contrary, those who are aware of the value of the dandelion know that the demon is NOT one. Not a trash life form; cannot be said about the demon, though.
This whole ramped up climate change talk lately led me to the following thought: they see the tides are turning, these are comms, they know what's happening to them. We are in a late stage of the war. They call for measures against climate change, but it's not the climate that controls the meteorological conditions on earth, it's the climate of the fuckers that controlled the fate of mankind for far too long.
Prepare for some bullshit habbening in the near future. They call for measures, I pray countermeasures are in place. I think it's getting ugly, soon. Time's up.
I'd rather have her pushing up daisies
Which is what most of the comments would have said...had she turned them on
Dandelions appear to be diuretic when consumed. And both the leaf and root tea act as blood thinner. I drink the tea about once a week just to help “clean-out” any potential bloodclots.
It seems high probability to me that she is gone, but there must be a public reckoning with her pure evil and associated crimes. Otherwise we are not making progress with the normies.
A weed that noone wants, acting as a parasite sucking the life away from its surroundings and ready to spread its poor nature as far as the wind will take it.
In hard times Dandelion leaves are an excellent survival green. *NOT a "Pro-Dandelion" post.
They are also quite medicinal. I'd compare her to a LOT of things before a dandelion. Like, I don't know, a turd?
Perhaps it could mean "alive she's a weed sucking nutrients from the garden, but dead = healing"??*
*Not a call to voilence.
Dandelions prevent and “heal” compacted earth and lawn! They are incredible little plants/flowers with fantastic medicinal and culinary uses. They are definitely the unsung heroes on the ground and have been given a bad rap. They do not, AT ALL “suck nutrients from the garden”....on the contrary.
Killary comparing herself to a dandelion is massively inappropriate on her part. She does not have the life-giving and restorative force that dandelions possess.
Was thinking the same ,, they are wonderful , deserving of a shout out not being compared to toxic tar !
She should go drink some glyphosate
Their long taproots bring up nutrients from the deeper earth so that other plants can thrive.
Kek, Since its Thanksgiving, a Turd will do just fine Fren!
No kidding not s dandelion ,, how about poison oak or sumac .. No I think turd is better !
Yes it is great when you boil them 😉
And good for the liver.
Dandelions are to good for her. She should be poison hemlock.
She's a "Dandy who's is LYING"
Not all words mean what they mean, not all words read as they read.
It's kinda sad they are using the dandelion as a symbol for their agenda. Dandelion root has so many medicinal benefits. I once hated them because they kept my precious centipede grass from thriving. Now I wish we had planted dandelions and other medicinal plants (weeds).
Yes I am aware that it's good. I was being facetious
On the contrary, those who are aware of the value of the dandelion know that the demon is NOT one. Not a trash life form; cannot be said about the demon, though.
As a kid we always popped the heads off dandelions
this. she got her head blown off.
This whole ramped up climate change talk lately led me to the following thought: they see the tides are turning, these are comms, they know what's happening to them. We are in a late stage of the war. They call for measures against climate change, but it's not the climate that controls the meteorological conditions on earth, it's the climate of the fuckers that controlled the fate of mankind for far too long.
Prepare for some bullshit habbening in the near future. They call for measures, I pray countermeasures are in place. I think it's getting ugly, soon. Time's up.
Dandelion whine.
Kek! 💚
Her coat looks like those 70s era McDonald's trash receptacles made of what looks like tiny stones glued together.
Stating that more succinctly, she's trash.
Lmao that's exactly what it looks like, Ha!🐸👌
Who is that
The good thing about dandelions is that they go to seed and can then be blown to smithereens.
I think she’s telling her associates to scatter to the wind now.
What exactly is she a "leader" of?
Prophets of Baal...
The Guantanamo Bay Wall Flowers
Oh gag a maggot.....she is sickening.
This is one of the top five political criminals in history. Stop giving her a platform.
Anons know Hillary's twitter account, along with the other politicians we track, is used for comms.
If she's a dandelion then I would like to identify as a lawnmower.
Excellent post here with explanation I think!
So I wonder if they have dandelions in GITMo she can pick & vege on til her tribunal
She's TURNED INTO a dandelion since her execution and body is decomposing...
Boy, is that woman ugly.
she's a DIPSHIT... end of story.
One of the healthiest plants on earth.