This is my best effort on TLDR summary of the above.
Major Ndrangheta drug trafficking cartel arrests on Sunday the 7th of July 2019, reported on Monday the 8th of July 2019, in São Paolo Brazil;
With the assistance of numerous countries, including Donald Trump’s administration, Italy repurposed a telecommunications call center and built a very specialized facility for the sole purpose of arresting, trying, holding, and sentencing members of the Ndrangheta cartel. It’s an absolutely massive facility that touts military grade security.
Over a two year period, 350 members of the Ndrangheta cartel were processed through this facility and 230 suspects were found guilty and sentenced up to 30 years each. Of the nearly 10,000 estimated members of the Ndrangheta cartel, this process was targeting just ONE of their most powerful families.
On October 28th 2017 Q arrives.
On November 20th, 2017 Q starts using “The Hunt for Red October“ and" Godfather III".
Between November 2017 and February 2018, phrase had been shortened in other drops to just “Red October”
On Feb 11, Q drop 724 points out that "The Hunt" has been dropped from the phrase and that "details matter."
The Hunt for Red October is about Jack Ryan trying to convince ship's Commander Mancuso that it is more important to capture the Red October than destroy it because the Russian Red October is a treasure trove of intelligence information
Mancuso is the key to getting intelligence
Mancuso eventually agrees with Ryan
Turns out the ONE FAMILY targeted in the Ndrangheta cartel was the MANCUSO family.
MANCUSO is the Key to Information. MANCUSO is/owns the Red October. That's why The Hunt is over.
Re: Godfather III, in 2014, Cardinal George Pell, number two in the Vatican chain of command, had been ordered BY THE POPE to start looking into the Vatican's finances;
In April 2016, without consulting Pell, the Vatican Secretary of State suspends an external audit of Vatican finances.
Pell announce the discovery of a massive money laundering operation inside the Vatican through in Australian banks some say he located as much as $2 billion euros in a single money laundering account in Australia, belonging to the Vatican...but get was under the control of the Ndrangheta.
A year later Pell was turned over to the country of Australia brought up on charges of sexual assault was found guilty and shuttered in solitary confinement funable to share his discoveries of Vatican corruption.
Deep inside the most powerful and successful mafia in the world, there is a secret society called La Santa. Nobody in the Ndrangheta cartel knows who the members of La Santa are except for other members of La Santa.
This La Santa group is dependent on a 3rd party to setup the introductions with government people, wealthy business executives, etc.
Revealed through law enforcement interrogations and witness statements from defectors from inside the Ndrangheta, it has been discovered that the 'Freemasons' are the group responsible for most of these high level La Santa meet and greets and they're being extravagantly rewarded for their efforts.
That is as short as I can make it but it is a HUGELY interesting thread.
Let's not forget the historical reason for what "Red October" actually was: The 1917 Bolshevik revolution against the last Russian Emperor Nicholas Romanov and the brutal murder of him and his family. Once you look into the people behind the revolution, you get VERY close to why Q said: "Israel for last".
Interesting how millions of Russian orthodox Christians were also murdered by the bolsheviks after the revolution and was the very beginning of the Soviet Union - the very same country who General George Patton, years later just before his untimely death by car accident, said, "we fought against the wrong enemy".
Seaman Jones here is into music in a big way, and he views this whole boat as his own personal, private stereo set. Well, one day he's got this piece of Pavarotti...
Seaman Jones:
It was Paganini.
Seaman Jones:
It was Paganini.
Look, this is my story, okay?
Seaman Jones:
Then tell it right, COB. Pavarotti is a tenor, Paganini was a composer.
Niccolò Paganini was an Italian violinist and composer, October 27, 1782 - May 27, 1840.
With logistical support from a scion nicknamed “Little Kiss,” the Giorgi-Boviciani clan of the 'Ndrangheta crime group used northwestern Europe as a cocaine and tax-evasion haven.
As well as spreading cocaine around Europe, officials say the Giorgis moved the proceeds into the legal economy via the food and restaurant industries.
Paganini rates a lowly 61st out of 62 restaurants in Überlingen on Tripadvisor. But food is not likely the Giorgi-Boviciani clan’s main concern: The ‘Ndrangheta cell, investigators say, have established a criminal fiefdom in Überlingen over the past decade, backed by key narco families back home in San Luca.
The 'Ndrangheta was formed in the 1860s in Calabria, but grew its power by sending families out around the world via chain migration. Today it’s a global institution made up of affiliated clans working under a hierarchical structure. With major footprints in Italy, Germany, Canada, the U.S., and Latin America, the crime group can affect the price of cocaine around the world.
Very interesting. My neighbor was leasing a restaurant owned by one of the Boston mob guys. I worked there for a couple years as a teen doing dishes, prepping food and bussing tables.
Usually on the weekends, the owner would show up with a bunch of his friends just as we closed to the public. They always drank like fish and one night I literally bumped into one of the owners goons coming out of the bathroom right after he had been snorting some (I assume) coke.
They used to give me $5 just to start their Caddy's & Lincoln's and drive the car up to the entrance. I didn't even have my drivers license yet.
When I was in college, I saw on the news that the owner was hog tied and beaten to death in his own home. At that moment, everything clicked.
Also, taking out the mafia is a huge huge deal. I remember not thinking too much about organized crime as being that important but they are extremely important as far as the deepstate is concerned. The mob had liaisons with the CIA and were involved in Kennedy's murder. The DNC uses MS13 as their own personal hitsquad. Mossad/CIA have connections with human traffickers and blackmailers out of the Caribbean and elsewhere. We should be including any info on organized crime in addition to the DS bc the illuminati/cia/freemason cabal are all just variations of organized crime.
Cardinal Pell also passed away early this year. I think it was a hit of some sort, either from the Mafia or because he opposed Francis' attempt at destroying the Church through the Synod on Synodality. He was a good man, requiescat in pace.
This Ndrangheta is not like the American mafia. It's much more satanic. The Americans would never kill an enemy's family or even kill using bombs as they don't want to hurt innocent people The Italian mob does all of these things.
essentially a lot of what pops in my mind is connected to this.
-symbolism will be their downfall. release the kraken. human trafficking, whitey bulger, it will be Biblical.
they should release it all to the public and stop this glimmer of truth tease.
people should realize it only takes a few organized people with money to destroy a nation (s). this i like saying 2+2=4--should be common sense.
if the masons are in on this at a higher level, that will mean the military and other such places like American Legion, and such are most likely too. A lot of people in places after the military tend to also be a Freemason.
this is why taking multiple oaths is a bad thing. just a fyi.
Omg this makes total sense! Cant believe we were way off base thinking RO literally meant something to do with events taking place in that particular month!
I guess that's why Q kept telling us to EXPAND OUR THINKING!!
Must have been painful for them to watch us not get it for so long lmao.
Iirc at the time we also went down a lot of rabbit holes about ms13 being the foot soldiers for the cabal but this find by 40Head makes a lot of sense and they were probably right in the middle of the whole shebang
What an awesome thread! Now enter Tom Clancy who wrote the book in 1984. Reagan era. Tom Clancy’s start was questionable. How did he know so much? People thought he may have been CIA? Now it looks like he had MI friends.
Don’t forget the Marvel Comics(? IIRC?) V For Vendetta dig that was done that seems to show that it too was created by patriots.
When Q insinuated that we would be surprised who was posting, one of the people I suspected was Tom Clancy. His death could easily be a cover story. I’m still there honestly.
This is my best effort on TLDR summary of the above.
Major Ndrangheta drug trafficking cartel arrests on Sunday the 7th of July 2019, reported on Monday the 8th of July 2019, in São Paolo Brazil;
With the assistance of numerous countries, including Donald Trump’s administration, Italy repurposed a telecommunications call center and built a very specialized facility for the sole purpose of arresting, trying, holding, and sentencing members of the Ndrangheta cartel. It’s an absolutely massive facility that touts military grade security.
Over a two year period, 350 members of the Ndrangheta cartel were processed through this facility and 230 suspects were found guilty and sentenced up to 30 years each. Of the nearly 10,000 estimated members of the Ndrangheta cartel, this process was targeting just ONE of their most powerful families.
On October 28th 2017 Q arrives.
On November 20th, 2017 Q starts using “The Hunt for Red October“ and" Godfather III".
Between November 2017 and February 2018, phrase had been shortened in other drops to just “Red October”
On Feb 11, Q drop 724 points out that "The Hunt" has been dropped from the phrase and that "details matter."
The Hunt for Red October is about Jack Ryan trying to convince ship's Commander Mancuso that it is more important to capture the Red October than destroy it because the Russian Red October is a treasure trove of intelligence information
Mancuso is the key to getting intelligence
Mancuso eventually agrees with Ryan
Turns out the ONE FAMILY targeted in the Ndrangheta cartel was the MANCUSO family.
MANCUSO is the Key to Information. MANCUSO is/owns the Red October. That's why The Hunt is over.
Re: Godfather III, in 2014, Cardinal George Pell, number two in the Vatican chain of command, had been ordered BY THE POPE to start looking into the Vatican's finances;
In April 2016, without consulting Pell, the Vatican Secretary of State suspends an external audit of Vatican finances.
Pell announce the discovery of a massive money laundering operation inside the Vatican through in Australian banks some say he located as much as $2 billion euros in a single money laundering account in Australia, belonging to the Vatican...but get was under the control of the Ndrangheta.
A year later Pell was turned over to the country of Australia brought up on charges of sexual assault was found guilty and shuttered in solitary confinement funable to share his discoveries of Vatican corruption.
Deep inside the most powerful and successful mafia in the world, there is a secret society called La Santa. Nobody in the Ndrangheta cartel knows who the members of La Santa are except for other members of La Santa.
This La Santa group is dependent on a 3rd party to setup the introductions with government people, wealthy business executives, etc.
Revealed through law enforcement interrogations and witness statements from defectors from inside the Ndrangheta, it has been discovered that the 'Freemasons' are the group responsible for most of these high level La Santa meet and greets and they're being extravagantly rewarded for their efforts.
That is as short as I can make it but it is a HUGELY interesting thread.
Great TLDR Dolly!
Let's not forget the historical reason for what "Red October" actually was: The 1917 Bolshevik revolution against the last Russian Emperor Nicholas Romanov and the brutal murder of him and his family. Once you look into the people behind the revolution, you get VERY close to why Q said: "Israel for last".
Interesting how millions of Russian orthodox Christians were also murdered by the bolsheviks after the revolution and was the very beginning of the Soviet Union - the very same country who General George Patton, years later just before his untimely death by car accident, said, "we fought against the wrong enemy".
History will have to be rewritten....
Agreed! SO MUCH history will have to be rewritten!
Nice find. Thanks for posting it. Deserves a Q flair and a sticky.
Watson: Seaman Jones here is into music in a big way, and he views this whole boat as his own personal, private stereo set. Well, one day he's got this piece of Pavarotti...
Seaman Jones: It was Paganini.
Watson: Whatever.
Seaman Jones: It was Paganini.
Watson: Look, this is my story, okay?
Seaman Jones: Then tell it right, COB. Pavarotti is a tenor, Paganini was a composer.
Niccolò Paganini was an Italian violinist and composer, October 27, 1782 - May 27, 1840.
The 'Ndrangheta’s ‘Little Kiss’: Inside an Organized Crime Clan That Moved Cocaine Across Europe
Very interesting. My neighbor was leasing a restaurant owned by one of the Boston mob guys. I worked there for a couple years as a teen doing dishes, prepping food and bussing tables.
Usually on the weekends, the owner would show up with a bunch of his friends just as we closed to the public. They always drank like fish and one night I literally bumped into one of the owners goons coming out of the bathroom right after he had been snorting some (I assume) coke.
They used to give me $5 just to start their Caddy's & Lincoln's and drive the car up to the entrance. I didn't even have my drivers license yet.
When I was in college, I saw on the news that the owner was hog tied and beaten to death in his own home. At that moment, everything clicked.
You should read the original LOL.
I found it all wrapped up in one thread here...
This should be the main post and should have a sticky. Not the single tweet.
The link above was to the thread reader thread which has all 7 tweets in it - here’s the link again
Also, taking out the mafia is a huge huge deal. I remember not thinking too much about organized crime as being that important but they are extremely important as far as the deepstate is concerned. The mob had liaisons with the CIA and were involved in Kennedy's murder. The DNC uses MS13 as their own personal hitsquad. Mossad/CIA have connections with human traffickers and blackmailers out of the Caribbean and elsewhere. We should be including any info on organized crime in addition to the DS bc the illuminati/cia/freemason cabal are all just variations of organized crime.
Maybe they killed Kennedy?
Cardinal Pell also passed away early this year. I think it was a hit of some sort, either from the Mafia or because he opposed Francis' attempt at destroying the Church through the Synod on Synodality. He was a good man, requiescat in pace.
Agree. One timely death is one thing. So many timely death defies statistical odds.
This Ndrangheta is not like the American mafia. It's much more satanic. The Americans would never kill an enemy's family or even kill using bombs as they don't want to hurt innocent people The Italian mob does all of these things.
Vatican mafia, change my mind!
Satan... Satan... Satan...
Excellent read and dig. It sure makes a lot of connections and makes sense of some drops I've wondered about. Thanks for posting.
This should be stickied.
On it
essentially a lot of what pops in my mind is connected to this. -symbolism will be their downfall. release the kraken. human trafficking, whitey bulger, it will be Biblical.
they should release it all to the public and stop this glimmer of truth tease.
people should realize it only takes a few organized people with money to destroy a nation (s). this i like saying 2+2=4--should be common sense.
if the masons are in on this at a higher level, that will mean the military and other such places like American Legion, and such are most likely too. A lot of people in places after the military tend to also be a Freemason.
this is why taking multiple oaths is a bad thing. just a fyi.
Omg this makes total sense! Cant believe we were way off base thinking RO literally meant something to do with events taking place in that particular month!
I guess that's why Q kept telling us to EXPAND OUR THINKING!!
Must have been painful for them to watch us not get it for so long lmao.
Iirc at the time we also went down a lot of rabbit holes about ms13 being the foot soldiers for the cabal but this find by 40Head makes a lot of sense and they were probably right in the middle of the whole shebang
Amazing thread. Great TLDR too. Thanks
What an awesome thread! Now enter Tom Clancy who wrote the book in 1984. Reagan era. Tom Clancy’s start was questionable. How did he know so much? People thought he may have been CIA? Now it looks like he had MI friends.
Don’t forget the Marvel Comics(? IIRC?) V For Vendetta dig that was done that seems to show that it too was created by patriots.
When Q insinuated that we would be surprised who was posting, one of the people I suspected was Tom Clancy. His death could easily be a cover story. I’m still there honestly.
Ironically enough, ‘Santa’ is Italian for saint, yet also an anagram of satan. Symbolism and all.
It's exhausting, right?
Yes, they are trying to corrupt everything we revere as holy and righteous.