The Chinese ‘pneumonia’ outbreak now being touted as the next reason to close travel between the US and China, is a mycoplasmalic pneumonia which was listed on Pfizer’s internal documentation as a known adverse event/side effect for the company’s Covid-19 vaxxines.
🔍 Notable

Doesn’t mask wearing also cause pneumonia?
Yes. Your body expels bacterium when you breathe, I believe.
Wearing a mask ensures you breathe it right back in, increasing your bacterial load.
You mean the study Fauci did on the bacterial lung infections from the 1918 Spanish flu being the cause of 50% of the deaths is correct? /s
The prefix "myco" means FUNGUS.
It because the vaccine causes your immune system to get so weak Candida and other fungus/yeast get out of control.
That works too.
Now I'm extra glad I never got the shots--mold triggers absolutely excruciating sinus allergies in me.
My brother in the struggle.
Weirdest thing is when I’m around vaxx-tards I have a reaction as if I was exposed to mold. Weirdest thing.
That's quite a partial list of side effects..... Call your doctor right away if you experience any of these side effects!!!
Hopefully the doctor can give me more medication ThSts expensive and useless! /s
Wait...ORAL HERPES???...and people are TAKING that shit??? WTF!
It could just mean cold sores (herpes simplex), but...yeah.
Most people get cold sores when their immune system is low. It’s a latent virus most people have.
FWIW, zinc and Quercetin can knock them down in ~48 hours. Still takes quite a while for your body to completely take them out. But at least you don’t have an inflamed ugly sore.
Watch and see mark this post. This will be correct. Vaccines and masks will be the cause. I am a bit worried for those who at risk. God help them.
did china get the pfizer jab ? i thought they did not and made their own
They are using China because of its opaque nature to initiate this psyop, just as they did covid. It doesnt necessarily mean that anyone in China is actually sick. Its the narrative that matters not the Truth. And China is the perfect venue to create your own truth.
Yes, China has their own worthless vaccine. My fiancee lives in Chengdu.
Highly noteable op.
Great find.
Time to roll out the mail in ballots! Just in time for 2024!
Any word on death rate in china? Obviously, not sure info can be trusted. But, if it is credible we might get a glimpse of what could happen to the vaxxed here.
The jab that keeps on giving, sadly what it gives is never good.
Pneumania is more like it. Folks. Pneumonia is a condition, like a AIDS, it's not contagious and it's not caused by a virus
The list is around 9 ages long single spaced and alphabetical.
Do you have the list ? TY
I have it in pdf form and cannot sent it. They expressly say I cannot. Here is the report. You can download it. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358266490_FOIA_Release_-_536_Cumulative_Analysis_of_Post-authorization_Adverse_Event_Reports_EXPLOSIVE_List_of_100s_of_known_adverse_events_for_the_Pfizer_CoV-2_Injections
It’s almost as if they threw in EVERY illness known to man to their toxic chemical mRNA potion. Unthinkable!!! Oh, that’s right....forgot, they hate us.
About 35 years ago I got mycoplasma pneumonia. Really kicked my butt. Literally could barely get out of bed for the first three days of it. Was a fairly prevalent infectious disease during the mid 80's into the mid 90's. Haven't heard much about it since.
Funny how it may be coming back
This is commonly referred to as walking pneumonia. Most people have very mild symptoms.
Antibiotics control it easily.
You're absolutely right. Treatment choices include azithromyin or doxycycline
Correct .. didn’t someone post a few weeks ago thst the FDA or one of the demons were pulling that antibiotic ( z pac) off the shelves ? Something about ,, they say it’s not good for us or some lie ,, I know I read it here and I remember because I commented that I was going to Mexico to reup my supply to give out ,, makes sense if this is the treatment , they already planned to down grade or pull it , not allow it to be prescribed OMG how many more will slowly suffer before they die without antibiotics. They are going to do it again ,, we’ll we knew this but omg
This got community noted the other day on Twitter saying neither Pfizer nor Moderna sold their mRNA vaccines in China, at least not until this year or something. However, I’m going to guess all mRNA vaccines are basically the same, so whatever China gave their citizens also is causing this, but also Pfizer and Moderna starting this year coincides with this sudden influx of pneumonia cases, so…
Is anyone tracking all items on that list. That would be dasting.
Give the list to chatGPT then aks him to monitor the recent news for any outbreak of those across the globe, then correlate it with the percentage of jabbed people.
I wish chatGPT had any clue what is happening. It seems to be only educated till 2021. That is the free version of course.
Does closing travel between the US and China also include the Chinese Military coming across the southern border?
From wiki:
Cold agglutinin disease:
Someone please check my reasoning here:
Basically the vaxxed (underlying condition, possibly having an autoimmune disorder now from V-> immune system deterioration) get exposed to cold temperatures, their immune system attacks their red blood cells and destroys them, which leads to anemia and also higher likelihood of mycoplasma pneumonia.
So we might be seeing this pneumonia in all the highly vaxxed nations that have cold temps this time of year, but the media will say it's being transmitted and possibly use that as an excuse for more lockdowns, security measures, shots, etc, when in reality people are getting sick because the shots killed their immune systems, and this atypical pneumonia is one of the side effects.
Source data?
wow, asked this at the very beginning of the reports of this outbreak in chiner
Yet another reason for the doctors to be "baffled"!