It wasn’t a Civil War he was preventing, it was a full scale Color Revolution supported by foreign mercenaries running logistics and acting as agents provocateur. A civil war is citizen versus citizen, but the average American on the left is pretty unlikely to muster the desire to fight on their own volition.
This is the reason the DS through Antifa and BLM spent the summer of 2020 fomenting violence in inner cities. And, the reason they created the narrative Trump would refuse to leave office. They were prepping American citizens to be cannon fodder in the event President Trump used his powers to expose the fraud.
President Trump outflanked them, he put the evidence on the table and let the DS claim it was false. He entertained the Sidney Powell, General Flynn, Patrick Byrne meeting where they beseeched him to declare martial law because it kept a shadow of a doubt in the mind of the DS. It caused the DS to keep expending ammunition and resources.
One of those resources was very likely none other than the Azov Battalion. It is well documented they sent members to train “the left” in Latin America and on J6 they were at the Capitol masquerading as Russians.
As fate would have it, the Russian military has taken out large swaths if the Azov’s and thousands of the mercenaries the NWO used around the world. Just take a look at how impotent and inconsequential the American left’s protests have become since Russia began De-Nazifying Ukraine.
If you dig deep enough into the Azovs you find that Obama deliberately moved a very large population of Ukraine expats into the Seattle and Portland areas. What is heavily associated with Seattle and Portland? Antifa. Antifa is deeply influenced by the Azovs, if not under their direct control.
Andrew Jackson fought the exact same war against the banks, who used identical tactics then that they do today, as Trump is fighting now. Andrew Jackson stifled the worst of their transgressions for a couple to a few decades and by the mid/late 1850s the bankers had regained most of their power. They were unable to complete their takeover until 1913 and the formation of the Fed.
If you ask the average American (if he even knows who Jackson is) if Jackson was good or bad, they will most likely say bad. So at the end of the day the best pre Trump President this country has ever had, was vilified in the pages of history allowing the pedo death cult to regain full control.
So the question after we win, and we will win, is how do we end this cycle forever?
Thank you for this analysis. It didn't occur to me that allowing them to cheat and all that entails would be the timeline avoiding civil war. With you saying it out loud it becomes obvious that could/would have happened.
Now looking at where we are with new eyes it becomes apparent that..
"I don't think the world was ready for a justice phase at the time and chaos likely would have ruled the day.
I think the plan was far bigger and more complex than I originally understood.
Think about what Trump said about Andrew Jackson in context with how the deep state Libs constantly were calling for violence and civil war (essentially) during his first term.
This path has been difficult but I truly believe it could have been so much much worse.
It had to be this way as they say and I truly believe that. Is it easy? No. But will it be worth it? 117%."
Also law of the land. You had two areas or near halves of the US with very different property and labor laws for several generations. Almost like two separate countries with different thinking and culture. So the Civil War ended up being that; almost two different Countries fighting each other over economics, culture laws, and people/labor of major economic staples.
That is the difficult part. We have at least 2 generations Y and Z that are 50/50 brainwashed. It’s going to take Gen X a lot of love, patience, and re-80s-90s-fying (Kek) to fix their DemoLib tattered receptors.
Q said you can't tell the people something, you have to show them. The steal was made, and recorded, and will be shown. The people are supposed to be running the country, making the choices. We need enough to make the right choice. I'm hoping after this, that people will be more responsible for our governance and not believe anyone who tells them that talking about government is impolite. Sheesh.
Oh. My bad. I read that comment, but it didn't really answer my question, so I thought you had gotten the link wrong. My bad.
My question was asking how people can be angry that the election was "stolen" while believing the election being "stolen" was part of The Plan all along.
I'm not talking about what The Plan is, or why they did what they did. All of that is just so convoluted and overly complicated that it gives me a headache.
What I'm asking is why people are so angry at the Democrats and libs for "stealing" the election, when the White Hats (presumably) are responsible for the outcome of the election, and that it had to happen and was always part of The Plan.
If it was necessary to have the election happen like that, and the WHs were responsible for it, why are people calling for Democrats and libs to be strung up, and God only knows how much time and energy, and money were spent on lawsuits to try to overcome the election results that the WHs orchestrated.
The WHs weren't responsible for the stolen election. The "Deep State" has been faking elections for decades. In 2020, the WHs stood down, but monitored and recorded the "theft." The "Deep State" still stole the election. Why shouldn't we be upset?
Note that Democrats and Republicans are virtually the same.
When Nixon beat JFK in 1960's presidential election but then the D Chicago machine stepped in and cheated giving JFK the win, Nixon stepped aside allowing the cheat to avoid a Constitutional crisis. It is time we have a civil war because the D's cheat constantly.
New voter laws would be great except for some pesky, ever-present problems. Criminals don’t follow the law, and all the states run by Dems and RINOs (so basically the whole country) aren’t going to curtail their wide range ways of available cheating methods. Just as Congress won’t ever pass term limits re: their own jobs.
The cabal cheats 50 different ways to steal elections and they have broken countless existing election laws for many election cycles already. But the majority of people being prosecuted are the ones calling out the stolen elections.
This is my hope as well. I believe the good guys UN-rigged 2016 and they could intervene to deliver a fair election again in 2024. That’s our only viable chance of winning, IMO.
What I said is based on facts and data. Laws - regarding elections or anything else - are worthless if they’re not enforced and have no consequences. That’s not a black pill - it’s just reality.
No it is a blackpill. Everyone here is aware of what has happened and where we are at. We are also students of Q and believe there is a plan in place to defeat the evil. By your comments you obviously dont. Thats blackpilled.
I don’t see it that way. My view is that our elections need fail-safes to circumvent the Dem cheating - such as blockchain tracking, fingerprinted ballots, USA passport validation, and military personnel oversight. I don’t think new voter laws will do jack shit because criminals don’t care what the laws are and never have.
Of course our elections need this but it aint happening until victory has been achieved. You fight the war that is in front of you and every indication is that good is winning.
This is a very important mention about Nixon. Nixon showed Trump how to be gracious, even in the face of extreme unfairness. Not only that, he had great influence on Trump being a future president (a shoulder-tap), and the latter must have known from a very young age that Nixon was cheated, ... twice, and then the beleaguered man had accepted the turn of events without a major fuss (i.e. civil war, or assassination).
But then that leads to thinking about the latter final solution: there is the added complication, for presidents, that JFK was assassinated. Without going into detail, that was a turning point, because future presidents were once again, fearing for their lives.
But, then you call for civil war in your post. I think you missed the point OP made.
Among many other things, it turned the DS, democrats, puppet masters (foreign and domestic), etc. into enemy combatants. And 3+ years to quietly deal with them.
What is their strategic weakness? Limited numbers and they are fragile. The bulls are running hot in the china store.
Better? And what is "this point" in your mind exactly? I'm sittin in the comfort of my living room. I hear no bombs outside. My children aren't screaming in terror. I'm not looking over my shoulder. I'm not seeing images of someone I just shot and killed, in self-defense or otherwise running through my head over and over or waking up screaming from nightmares of someone I saw die on the street. Why exactly would civil war be better than having it done thoroughly and quietly? Because you're impatient? Because you don't see everything going on behind the curtain? We all want this over but what the hell do you mean by "this point" anyway? Are higher gas prices and a senile twat in the White House THAT insufferable that you'd rather take the short bloody route than the long, peaceful one?
Jeez, man. Go camping for a few days and clear your head. Say a prayer. Nobody who prays every day the right way says what you just said.
Thank you for saying that. Some people can’t seem to grasp the concept of taking the path of the (much) lesser of two evils.
The battle between the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening was obviously strategized for years, or most likely decades in advance. We have been, and currently are still on, the best game plan available. There is no other magical unicorn corse of action that could be all pros and no cons.
It wasn’t a Civil War he was preventing, it was a full scale Color Revolution supported by foreign mercenaries running logistics and acting as agents provocateur. A civil war is citizen versus citizen, but the average American on the left is pretty unlikely to muster the desire to fight on their own volition.
This is the reason the DS through Antifa and BLM spent the summer of 2020 fomenting violence in inner cities. And, the reason they created the narrative Trump would refuse to leave office. They were prepping American citizens to be cannon fodder in the event President Trump used his powers to expose the fraud.
President Trump outflanked them, he put the evidence on the table and let the DS claim it was false. He entertained the Sidney Powell, General Flynn, Patrick Byrne meeting where they beseeched him to declare martial law because it kept a shadow of a doubt in the mind of the DS. It caused the DS to keep expending ammunition and resources.
One of those resources was very likely none other than the Azov Battalion. It is well documented they sent members to train “the left” in Latin America and on J6 they were at the Capitol masquerading as Russians.
As fate would have it, the Russian military has taken out large swaths if the Azov’s and thousands of the mercenaries the NWO used around the world. Just take a look at how impotent and inconsequential the American left’s protests have become since Russia began De-Nazifying Ukraine.
If you dig deep enough into the Azovs you find that Obama deliberately moved a very large population of Ukraine expats into the Seattle and Portland areas. What is heavily associated with Seattle and Portland? Antifa. Antifa is deeply influenced by the Azovs, if not under their direct control.
Andrew Jackson fought the exact same war against the banks, who used identical tactics then that they do today, as Trump is fighting now. Andrew Jackson stifled the worst of their transgressions for a couple to a few decades and by the mid/late 1850s the bankers had regained most of their power. They were unable to complete their takeover until 1913 and the formation of the Fed.
If you ask the average American (if he even knows who Jackson is) if Jackson was good or bad, they will most likely say bad. So at the end of the day the best pre Trump President this country has ever had, was vilified in the pages of history allowing the pedo death cult to regain full control.
So the question after we win, and we will win, is how do we end this cycle forever?
I’m grateful I grew up listening to Johnny Horton, he taught more American history in a handful of songs than public schools do today.
Thank you for this analysis. It didn't occur to me that allowing them to cheat and all that entails would be the timeline avoiding civil war. With you saying it out loud it becomes obvious that could/would have happened.
Now looking at where we are with new eyes it becomes apparent that..
The best is yet to come.
Well written!
Well said.
We still have the millions of jihadis brought across our southern border though. I hope our military knows just who and where they are.
"I don't think the world was ready for a justice phase at the time and chaos likely would have ruled the day.
I think the plan was far bigger and more complex than I originally understood. Think about what Trump said about Andrew Jackson in context with how the deep state Libs constantly were calling for violence and civil war (essentially) during his first term.
This path has been difficult but I truly believe it could have been so much much worse.
It had to be this way as they say and I truly believe that. Is it easy? No. But will it be worth it? 117%."
(ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)
Also law of the land. You had two areas or near halves of the US with very different property and labor laws for several generations. Almost like two separate countries with different thinking and culture. So the Civil War ended up being that; almost two different Countries fighting each other over economics, culture laws, and people/labor of major economic staples.
That is the difficult part. We have at least 2 generations Y and Z that are 50/50 brainwashed. It’s going to take Gen X a lot of love, patience, and re-80s-90s-fying (Kek) to fix their DemoLib tattered receptors.
"avoided" bought posponed?
Ok, I don't get how people can simultaneously believe that
Someone please explain how these two things can coexist. Because I see this all the time here and it makes zero sense to me.
Q said you can't tell the people something, you have to show them. The steal was made, and recorded, and will be shown. The people are supposed to be running the country, making the choices. We need enough to make the right choice. I'm hoping after this, that people will be more responsible for our governance and not believe anyone who tells them that talking about government is impolite. Sheesh.
Explained very well here.
Might want to double-check that link.
Because when I click on it, it just brings me back to this page.
No, it brings you back to a comment.
Oh. My bad. I read that comment, but it didn't really answer my question, so I thought you had gotten the link wrong. My bad.
My question was asking how people can be angry that the election was "stolen" while believing the election being "stolen" was part of The Plan all along.
I'm not talking about what The Plan is, or why they did what they did. All of that is just so convoluted and overly complicated that it gives me a headache.
What I'm asking is why people are so angry at the Democrats and libs for "stealing" the election, when the White Hats (presumably) are responsible for the outcome of the election, and that it had to happen and was always part of The Plan.
If it was necessary to have the election happen like that, and the WHs were responsible for it, why are people calling for Democrats and libs to be strung up, and God only knows how much time and energy, and money were spent on lawsuits to try to overcome the election results that the WHs orchestrated.
That just makes zero sense to me.
You still don't get it? I'll try to summarize:
The WHs weren't responsible for the stolen election. The "Deep State" has been faking elections for decades. In 2020, the WHs stood down, but monitored and recorded the "theft." The "Deep State" still stole the election. Why shouldn't we be upset?
Note that Democrats and Republicans are virtually the same.
When Nixon beat JFK in 1960's presidential election but then the D Chicago machine stepped in and cheated giving JFK the win, Nixon stepped aside allowing the cheat to avoid a Constitutional crisis. It is time we have a civil war because the D's cheat constantly.
Q said flat out it had to be this way right after the election.
How do you install new voting laws if everyone thinks the current ones are just peachy?
2020 showed the American people that change was needed.
"How do you safeguard US elections post-POTUS?"
New voter laws would be great except for some pesky, ever-present problems. Criminals don’t follow the law, and all the states run by Dems and RINOs (so basically the whole country) aren’t going to curtail their wide range ways of available cheating methods. Just as Congress won’t ever pass term limits re: their own jobs.
The cabal cheats 50 different ways to steal elections and they have broken countless existing election laws for many election cycles already. But the majority of people being prosecuted are the ones calling out the stolen elections.
They won't be able to steal when we have paper ballots, same day voting, and voter ID, among other things.
Also white hats clearly can unrig an election as they did in 2016, I believe Q basically said they unrigged too.
This was a necessary step to show the people that they've been stealing elections. It needed to be outrageous and obvious, and it was.
The battle we are in is for the hearts and minds of the public and we're winning that battle
This is my hope as well. I believe the good guys UN-rigged 2016 and they could intervene to deliver a fair election again in 2024. That’s our only viable chance of winning, IMO.
RedPillQ17 throwing out blackpills.
What I said is based on facts and data. Laws - regarding elections or anything else - are worthless if they’re not enforced and have no consequences. That’s not a black pill - it’s just reality.
No it is a blackpill. Everyone here is aware of what has happened and where we are at. We are also students of Q and believe there is a plan in place to defeat the evil. By your comments you obviously dont. Thats blackpilled.
I don’t see it that way. My view is that our elections need fail-safes to circumvent the Dem cheating - such as blockchain tracking, fingerprinted ballots, USA passport validation, and military personnel oversight. I don’t think new voter laws will do jack shit because criminals don’t care what the laws are and never have.
Of course our elections need this but it aint happening until victory has been achieved. You fight the war that is in front of you and every indication is that good is winning.
This is a very important mention about Nixon. Nixon showed Trump how to be gracious, even in the face of extreme unfairness. Not only that, he had great influence on Trump being a future president (a shoulder-tap), and the latter must have known from a very young age that Nixon was cheated, ... twice, and then the beleaguered man had accepted the turn of events without a major fuss (i.e. civil war, or assassination).
But then that leads to thinking about the latter final solution: there is the added complication, for presidents, that JFK was assassinated. Without going into detail, that was a turning point, because future presidents were once again, fearing for their lives.
But, then you call for civil war in your post. I think you missed the point OP made.
There is going to be a civil war. The dems will not allow things to be fixed. If we wish to fix things we must be prepared to do what must be done.
So I ask, who is running for president that will do what must be done?
Whomever this is, the deep state will stop at nothing to stop this person. Now law or constitution will keep them from stopping this candidate.
Among many other things, it turned the DS, democrats, puppet masters (foreign and domestic), etc. into enemy combatants. And 3+ years to quietly deal with them.
What is their strategic weakness? Limited numbers and they are fragile. The bulls are running hot in the china store.
Deep state already was dividing It to make it more manageable.
Civil war is not off the menu. Sun Tzu encapsulates this perfectly "an evil enemy will burn the country to the ground, just to rule over the ashes."
But it will happen because of the crap Colorado just pulled.
Better? And what is "this point" in your mind exactly? I'm sittin in the comfort of my living room. I hear no bombs outside. My children aren't screaming in terror. I'm not looking over my shoulder. I'm not seeing images of someone I just shot and killed, in self-defense or otherwise running through my head over and over or waking up screaming from nightmares of someone I saw die on the street. Why exactly would civil war be better than having it done thoroughly and quietly? Because you're impatient? Because you don't see everything going on behind the curtain? We all want this over but what the hell do you mean by "this point" anyway? Are higher gas prices and a senile twat in the White House THAT insufferable that you'd rather take the short bloody route than the long, peaceful one?
Jeez, man. Go camping for a few days and clear your head. Say a prayer. Nobody who prays every day the right way says what you just said.
Thank you for saying that. Some people can’t seem to grasp the concept of taking the path of the (much) lesser of two evils.
The battle between the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening was obviously strategized for years, or most likely decades in advance. We have been, and currently are still on, the best game plan available. There is no other magical unicorn corse of action that could be all pros and no cons.