Oh crap…The Shit is literally flying everywhere in Germany...😂😂
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Canada, Netherlands, Germany, (France gets honorable mention for the Yellow Jackets revolts)
When will USA be included on the list?
If lefties can do it, so can we!
exactly, what are we and the farmers and truckers waiting for here in the USA????
The precipise. We have not reached it yet
An administration that won't send the FBI after anyone that was even in the area of the protest? Sometimes you can't fight until you reach the point you have nothing to lose.
Maybe we trust the plan and are waiting 2 weeks for someone else to act.
That's my take.
Good Patriots did stand up. When they were arrested on false charges, no one fought for them. Many are rotting in jail after being arrest years ago and still haven't gone to trial. People are still being arrested and everyone just lets it happen. Stick your neck out and it's going to be chopped off.
and UK! We are too compliant 😤
Well early on they started throwing us in gulags so…maybe later this year things will get so bad that peaceful protests will start again but I’m afraid those will be activated DS sleeper cells.
Farmer's version of tar & feather.
Shit & Paper
I was going to headline that the 'Shit is literally hitting the fan' but there was no fan present...😆 But it certainly is flying...😎
Going to make San Francisco jealous with all the shit on the sidewalks.
Fren you win the internet today 😂😂😂
How can San Fran have feelings? It doesnt identify with anything.
Yes but in a sense that's all it DOES is identify. Identify identify identify
I love the fact that they used a Mexican Rave song to get their point across
Sure Happy It’s Thursday!!
Macron got the same treatment, his French doors cracked open and 💩 got inside his mansion. He didn’t get the message though.
God Loves the Farmers!
Don't fuck with farmers
Absolutely...People are stupid...
There are video sequences of France in that compilation.
Didn’t know that. I am so happy that nothing gets by us! With people like you we are in good hands. Our hands 🖐🏻♥️
Yes there are as well...Its been happening in the Netherlands, France and Germany...💩Everywhere...
KEK!!! A real live shit show!!!
Underrated comment.
That image of the hundreds of tractors with their lights flashing, defying the authoritarian tyrants...man that fills the heart with pride and hope
Men of the earth, taking their country back from the greedy hands of nazis like Schwab
Be Ungovernable!
OMG!!! So glad to see John Deere representing 😂😂 this is freaking wild !!!
All that "stuff" has finally made it to the SWAMP!
Wow!!!! That is a sight to behold!
Shit comes home to the shitty.
I was literally hoping a few minutes ago that someone here would have an update on their efforts. Thank you for posting. Glad to see it! Rock on farmers of the world!
Remember the video from Canada where the police killed that protester then restaged it 2 days later to hide it. Then someone comes out and said yeah, they roughed me up a bit.
I think those were foreign cops who did the original beating. If you saw it you know no one could survive that kind of beating. I can no longer find it. It has been scrubbed.
In 1933, the Reichstag fire marked the start of change of leadership in Germany. Im 2024, shit.being flung at the Reichstag marks the same. Poetic, really.
shit music but otherwise excellent.
Ride of the Valkyries would have been appropriate here.
Those government buildings have to be destroyed, people who work there are only leftists who just do a crap of a job. They got to go.
it's funny but taxpayer's money has to clear that all up. It's not really hurting the elite lawmakers in the long run :/
It's not meant to cause pain. It's meant to send a message.
I posted last week that obviously all the German warriors were killed in WWII. Well, after seeing this....and see that I was wrong and offer a heart felt apologize to all these brave warriors taking it to the government.
Army of awesomeness!