What do you think? Is the end of the Democrat party happening right before our eyes🙏?? Iowa was Huge..Without cheating I bet we would get all 50 states …
“These people are really stupid”

Without cheating, I would place a large bet that Trump won all 50 states in 2020.
WA state is definitely one of the entrenched bastions of Democrat control.
The west side. Yeah. East side needs to join Easter Oregon in forming Greater Idaho!
I thought he lost Minnesota
No way, he totally won Minnesota... the cheating was deep here... for example, there is NO WAY Ilhan Omar won her district without straight cheating...
yes, it's the end of the democrats. Q tells us the 'plan' is 'bigger than we can imagine. I think it goes way back, at least the Revolutionary War.
notice George Washington's statue is 17 feet tall...he looks like a Giant. President Trump mentions GW a lot.
think he either started Q, or is one of the main players like President Trump. there's something extra special about both men✨
George Washington 'despised partisanship'. think we're going back to what he, and the founding fathers wanted.
In a nutshell, the United States is nothing more than a giant sting operation against the vatican. The founding fathers knew that the US would be too much for the greedy vultures of Rome to resist.
yes^ I haven't done enough research on the Vatican, but definitely believe this is George Washington's sting operation.
also remember reading about Ben Franklin, saying something about 'both sides'...we would have our country if we 'could keep it'. reminds me of a reality TV show, a test against traitors.
even wonder if the shape of our country was planned, with Florida being the tail...
South Dakota is the 17th largest state & it has a tail. lots of freemasons too. Governor Peter Norbeck for example; hiked out the road for Mount Rushmore, Iron Mountain Road, 17 miles long🐸
Some will disagree but, the biggest takeaway from Iowa, for me, was the fact that all 99 Counties were counted and reported within the hour. The win wasn't in the Iowa primary, it was in the feasibility of paper ballots, national day holiday (it was MLK day), and hand counting/self-reporting per precinct. It can be done. They showed you on Monday.
true but there are some huge differences between a caucus and a regular primary vote. if anything a caucus should take longer to count
Not to be argumentative but, wouldn't that be a tic in my column? Or are you in the camp that calling the caucus for Trump so early encouraged some to turn around and go back home? I don't subscribe to that theory because I was told from an Iowan that caucus begins at 7pm sharp...if you're not inside your caucus location, they lock the doors.
yes that's a tic in your column
They even had Dems voting for Nikki Haley and they still couldn’t beat Trump.
No, the end of the D party comes from the marker of the great awakening for the black population. Which is why the military surveilled and mapped the BLM protests and did not stop them. The awakening marker is the reveal about Haiti and the Clinton foundation. Therfore this post relates to this and the Down she goes, relates to hillary in this matter
They are going to try to cheat him out of the primary any way they can. Keep a close eye on NH. IF our elections are safe, Trump will walk away with NH. If there is fuckery afoot, Haley will win, or make it close. I implore everyone to dig into the results from the different voting districts next week, if something looks off.
We will not see the end of the Dem party. They enslaved their fellow man. They hung blacks from trees. They burn down our cities. And they still have support and power.
I really hope the D’s are over, but I know a lot of liberals and they seem like they ain’t budging for shit
Nice delta, old timer.
We, The People !
I think they'll push an asteroid into the planet Before they let Trump win again.
That Tweet hasn't aged well given the Democrats control the Senate and the Executive branch.
We need an end to the Republican party too!
I do hope for the end of the democrat party but I also look forward to the end of the republican establishment. I don't feel like they are the focus enough. Especially if we are approaching a situation where republican congressman give up seats in the event of a contingent election.
They were clever enough to discover the Achilles heel of westerners: vanity
I'd say misguided, idiotic pride and ego as well (although, you could make the argument that they aren't mutually exclusive kek). My grandfather was a great man, and among the many amazing mantras he had was, "When making decisions in life, put ego and misguided pride aside. You only live once, so you might as well not go through life worrying about what others think, especially since they aren't giving you anything tangible for their opinion." I've lived my life based on that mantra ever since he taught me that in my teens, although it takes years to hone it almost perfectly (and you'll never get to that point 100% unless you're a total sociopath).
Another favorite- "You can always tell the character of a person by the way they drive." kek
I'd like to think I have very strong character.
However, if you were to judge me by my driving, you might think I'm the world's biggest A-hole!
Slower traffic needs to keep right!
The speed limit is the lower limit, not the upper! Stop driving so slow (in the left lane).
If the weather is bad and you're too scared to drive, then stay home! Order in!
The golden rule for speed over the posted limit is "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine!" Going 9 over the speed limit is perfectly fine, most of the time. (Personally tested and proven!)
You're basing your claims of being an asshole on the behaviors of others. I totally agree with everything you've said, except I limit my speed to 5 over kek
Other things that I do are give semis wide berth when I pass them, and I don't race them when they need to get over due to a disabled and/or stopped vehicle on the shoulder. I'll flash my brights so that they can get over for the few seconds it takes to avoid the stopped vehicle. People behind me lose their minds that they have to wait a few extra seconds, but I'm sure to move up past the semi and get over so they can go on by. I also never, EVER tailgate, giving myself 4-5 car lengths behind those in front of me. My radar cruise helps in that regard, and it also guards against those who may try an insurance fraud scam by automatically breaking that many car lengths behind them.
I also avoid road rage confrontation. It's very, very seldom that it happens, and it's usually brought on by some moron who's watched too many Fast and Furious movies, on a two-lane road where I'm already going 5 over. I'll usually just pull over to the shoulder to let them pass, and sit there to avoid the oh-so-predictable break check. If they escalate, I'll turn at the next cross street or back way off to confuse them. Once they see that I won't play their game (beyond the actions I've taken to avoid them), they usually move on. I haven't had to reach for my weapon at any time as of yet, and I don't think I'll ever have to in these situations.
I drive politely, but not because I care that much about the TV-watching NPCs that are pushing themselves into oblivion. I do it to be safe, and so I don't end up as a road pancake.
Ha! I love to do the headlight flash to let truck drivers know it is safe to get over too.
Speaking of truck drivers, as a kid, I loved to make the motion of pulling the cord down to get them to honk as we drove by. It was a cheap thrill to pass the time.
I've since passed that on to my kids to do and we have lots of fun.
My favorite of all time though was the following.
Rather than get truckers to honk their horn based on the hand motion, I told my kids to make a paper sign that says "Honk for Trump!"
It is AWESOME! Pretty much every single truck driver that looks blasts their horn. I think I was inspired to do this during the great Canadian Trucker Protest. Being an election year I highly recommend people try this. It is great fun and spreads the cheer!
One lady truck driver saw the sign and went absolutely nuts blaring her horn. It went on for at least a minute. 🚛 Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! Blaaaaaaare! 🚛
I still love thinking of that trucker. She was AWESOME!
Exactly this ^^^
I only gave 5 over. Most of the guys I knew would stop you slow your trip and then give you a warning. 10 over got scratched. Why? Because once I went to a bad fatal wreck amd the vehicle that crashed nd killed two people unknown to me had almost killed my own wife and kids while she was bringing them home from school. I and every cop owes it to every family to do our best to see that doesn't happen to someone else because of selfish careless people.
My anecdotal evidence has taught me "9 your fine, 10 your mine." I believe this is due to the fact that if you show up to court to contest a speeding ticket, the judge typically knocks the citation down a notch. The second speeding bracket starts at 10 over the limit. So if you are single digits over the limit, which 99% of drivers are, the judge can't reduce the citation without removing it altogether.
This costs the court money and is not economically justifiable. Plus, it would be tough for judges to be impartial if people going 2 over are treated differently than 9 over, when they are in the same citation bracket.
Bottom line, I am actually a very safe driver. Never had an accident. I agree that being safe is far more important than getting somewhere 10 seconds sooner. Not worth it.
It comes down to people being attentive and respectful. In some states it is posted that slower traffic must stay right.
I learned the ultimate lesson on staying right when I was 16 and visiting Germany. My mom and I got on the autobahn and holy split! Was that crazy!
Eight lane highway, straight as an arrow. Far right lane was going about 60 mph (its all kilometers per hour there). Second from right was 80-90 mph. Third from right was 100-120 mph. This is the lane we traveled in. My mom set the CRUISE at 200 kilometers per hour! 120 mph. As we were traveling at this speed we were passed like we were standing still by two porches racing in the far left lane.
They had helicopters hovering above the highway, beaming down traffic speeds to each lane so you knew what was up well ahead of time. It was very safe, but every single driver was on their game. You can't afford not to be in such a situation.
Maybe because I experienced this at 16 it was ingrained in me to stay right whenever possible.
Thank you for serving officer. Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for putting your life on the line for your community. Thank you, u/SOGWAP 🙏🏻👮♂️
Oh my goodness, I sound like you! There are so many jerks driving in AZ. We have, on a regular basis, people who will get in the left turning lane, then make a right turn, or in the right turning lane, then shoot on over and make a left! Oh, and people will ride your bumper!
Misguided pride and ego have some synonymous overlap with vanity.
It sounds like your grandfather was wise.
The stupid part is doing it in the first place, thinking they’d get away with it.
They are stoopid because they can't stop what's coming and they think they can.
Before this the sleepy heads were the stupid ones being led by the stoopid ones.