This is pandering. They will talk but never act. In the past it would memory hole quickly but the purpose would have been served. We dont forget so easily now.
If I was in Congress I would be concerned about the last “pandemic war games” where one third of Congress was dead from disease X. They think they are safe but they have plans for them too.
A.J. Was playing the canned audio from the war game. Kind of a prepared current situation assessment that brings the participants up to speed. Given the predictive nature of these drills I would be concerned if I was in government. I think many that think they’re in the “Big Club” are going to be surprised that they are just as disposable as the rest of the common folk.
Only a huge deal if they attach it to the funding bill, with the absolute balls to shut the government down if it's not passed. Otherwise, it's a virtue signalling bill that will never pass the Senate.
Let the millionaires and billionaires fund their own little group. They act as if they need, which they don't, our money to help them. They just want to make all countries much poorer, and this is one of the ways.
Only because that’s the direction of the wind right now. Otherwise these uniparty freaks could care less.
Right! They didnt even talk about WEF until we brought them up!
A political ploy they know will never pass. Pathetic. I want the WEF not only defunded, but destroyed.
The gates of hell will not prevail
This is pandering. They will talk but never act. In the past it would memory hole quickly but the purpose would have been served. We dont forget so easily now.
I disagree with your logic. They could not care less.
Why are they funding the WEF in the first place?
Because the government is in the pocket of the elite.
The government doesn't tax us: the elite do. They are our fuedal lords and we their serfs.
Funding terrorism
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^
After yesterdays vote I wouldn’t hold my breath on them defunding anything.
This. I would be more impressed if they defunded our own government.
If I was in Congress I would be concerned about the last “pandemic war games” where one third of Congress was dead from disease X. They think they are safe but they have plans for them too.
Do you have more info on this?
A.J. Was playing the canned audio from the war game. Kind of a prepared current situation assessment that brings the participants up to speed. Given the predictive nature of these drills I would be concerned if I was in government. I think many that think they’re in the “Big Club” are going to be surprised that they are just as disposable as the rest of the common folk.
Why wasn't this done during Trump's first term? I know he's one man but there were other things he accomplished.
Gotta wake up the people using [their] own playbook.
I wonder if this is related the the interesting delta of the day
Which one
... but first, a sternly worded letter.
They'll end it for votes, then turn around and fund them even more later down the road.
I feel like they'll get their money one way or another anyway. Maybe it will get hidden in the funding for something else.
Only a huge deal if they attach it to the funding bill, with the absolute balls to shut the government down if it's not passed. Otherwise, it's a virtue signalling bill that will never pass the Senate.
"Introduced legislation" means jack-shit. The DS tools won't pass it.
They don't just need to take away their funding. They need to declare them a terrorist organization.
Those people are a bigger threat to the average man or woman than Al-Qaeda, BLM or Hezbollah. They are on par with moss and clowns.
Make it happen! Why have we been funding the elites and their wet dream fantasy.
This should be extended to all NGOs, and groups like them.
I'd believe it only if I saw it
SSDD same uniparty doing uniparty smoke screen BS. Look what we did!!! And they did nothing.
WEF needs to send the tax payer back everything with interest for lying about everything from covid to global warming.
Watch for incoming globalist created false flag that would compell the US to continue funding the WEF.
House. Still have senate and the resident. If we don't have the votes to overturn veto... just tell me who votes against it.
Congressman [Scott Perry] Introduces Defund Davos Act
... and here's the OP link:
We are funding the WEF ????????
Let the millionaires and billionaires fund their own little group. They act as if they need, which they don't, our money to help them. They just want to make all countries much poorer, and this is one of the ways.
Useless political theater. They don't have to votes to override Biden's veto. They probably don't even have the votes to pass in the Senate.
Time to undo all that WEF garbage and claw back all the funds. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is the gas of life.
This will never pass
God bless US Rep Scott Perry 🙏
I believe he submitted this in 2020?
This feels genuine to me and it ain't hopium.
It should also prohibit anyone whonattends from seeking public office in the u.s.a. no different than attending a communist party meeting.
I'll believe it when I see it. The GOP never defunds leftist causes. They'll talk about it but not follow through.
they wont follow through.. their weak