I'll tell you why. The state run TV tells them to. They constantly paint Trump in a negative light, and they believe it. Then, some "enlightened" Canadians watch CNN and think they know American politics. They also push it in schools.
Trump is the enemy of all that the government, media, and school systems stand for. Sound familiar?
Canadians think voting Pierre in and Castro out that they are making a statement. Even though Pierre stands for all the same things Castro stands for. It's sad to see.
regardless of what some people on here say about Canada, i seen the video's of the truckers and others standing up for themselves and others. i'm going to say Canada is a lot more awaken than is being seen. we need you guys!!! this is WW, it's not just one nation falling apart, it's the whole world.
There were just as many, or more, people who thought the truckers and their supporters were crazy. The public schools are churning out liberal drones at an alarming rate.
Maybe once the US gets fixed, Canadians will realize just how much they have been lied to, and actually have an awakening.
Yes, it is WW, and the whole world is battling our foes. We Canadians are Awake for the most part. Why listen to the idiot pseudo-Canadians that are just like the fucktards in every other country, including the US? We need the US and Trump, just as much as you need Canada and the Awake Canadians. Same for every other country whose Awake populace is fighting against the DS. We all need each other. WWG1WGA! Thank you, Godknowstheheart, for your true words.
(And btw, to others here, no one that I know that is fighting the Evil in world here in Canada supports smol PP any more that it supports Castro Jr. You just don’t hear about us, because our Censorship is unbelievable! During the Freedom Convoy you didn’t hear about the MILLIONS of us supporting it, ‘cause Castro was trying to turn it into a January 6, and DID, for the most part due to government funded propaganda. All you heard were the losers on Reddit, and those with their noses up their asses and paid shills elsewhere. NOT the majority. All one heard from was the REAL “fringe minority”.)
That's too bad, I thought Poilievre was a good guy for Canada. Canada seems too politcally correct, there is definitely NO FREE SPEECH in Canada even if it is the TRUTH. If you say the truth about some corrupt person, you can still be prosecuted for defamation by the courts because the TRUTH is NO DEFENSE. A Canadian friend from Alberta told me this way back in the 1990s. When the truth becomes the enemy and is concealed by the government, then there is tyranny.
If you think Trump getting elected again is only going to help the USA..I don't really know what to say. Trust me, we want Trump to win as much as you do.
As a Canadian, I think Trump is a fantastic leader and would be happy to have someone like him as leader. Sadly, many of my fellow countrymen are more likely to trust the DS-controlled media than their own brains.
It depends on how much “education” they have received. People with university educations are the dumbest fucking morons imaginable but people in trades for example are generally based.
Very roughly I would say 15 to 25 percent. More in Alberta and Saskatchewan, fewer in Ontario and BC. No idea about Quebec or the Eastern provinces. It's difficult to guess. Canadians don't like brash, so even though some might be in favor of stopping the woke mob and the corruption we all know exists in government, they might not support Trump because of the way he comes across.
Canadians couldn’t understand the revolutionary war or taxation without representation. Canadians are the colonialists that didn’t want to fight and remained loyal to the crown. Lol. Stick to syrup eh.
Ive had this argument with my brother in law countless times. Canadians dont value their freedom like Americans do because they didnt fight for it, it was just sorta kinda eventually allowed to them.
LOL, they may not understand the American Revolution, but we have taxation with representation with Congressmen that think they can tax and spend us into prosperity. Sadly we are no better off then the Canadians in that regard.
True. But if the UK were in real trouble they would call Australia for backup before they called Canada who is much closer. Lol. Remember that time the Canadian military came in and saved the day? Yeah. No one else does either.
Very true Maui_boy. The Liberals in Canada have reduced their military down nothing because their governent over the decades decided that the US military could help them out in a crisis. From what I read, under Justin its become a woke organization where many Conservative Canadians in the military have quit because of it and the forced jab mandate. About 40% of Canadians have government jobs, parasites living off the private sector. It is something that is unsustainable for a small population like Canada. Like Maggie Thatcher once said, "Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money." They are having really tough times right now with massive CARBON TAXES really killing their economy. The Liberals are doing everything to squeeze out the life-blood of the economy to push for the reset, while parasitic government employees have NO worries.
Good comeback by Kevin Sorbo, a great American, Patriot and Conservative.
That sounds like a Social Liberal Woke Canadian. Sadly the Deep State is well entrenched in that Country. Although there are a many Patriotic Conservative Canadians out there, it will be a struggle to ever escape the DS due to election fraud by the ChiComs. Their idiot Prime Minister Justin Castro/Trudeau has complained that the ChiComs have been meddling in Canadian elections. The only way the ChiComs could do that is electronically because their Smartmatic ballot tabulators are connected to the internet, manipulating the ballot counts. Don't know why Justin was complaining, the ChiComs got that Socialist reelected.
You guys really piss me off. I am Canadian been awake long before most of you. There are tons of people in Canada not only love Trump but want him here as Prime Minister. You paint every Canadian with the same brush.An article in Canadas main stream news just a week and a half ago said it was worrying that so many Canadians support Trump.
America will never change you always did think you were better than everyone else when you were not even close.
Ive looked in the mirror and to that I say booooo, shame on you. America has been the best, don't ever forget it. That's why we are under such seige. It's still not illegal here to say the Jews killed Jesus. Your country is ruled over in a way we are still not yet, and ideally won't ever be. Stay pissed and do something about it. In the mean time pray to God we continue to hold this thin line and you have someone to help pull you out of this mess we are all falling in.
stray502, calm down a bit, you are too easily offended. We don't paint all Canadians with the same brush, that is only your perception. YOU paint us all with the same brush, saying that Americans believe that they are better than anyone else, that is simply not true. I know many Patriotic Canadians that think just like we do are are very aware of the true enemy, the Deep State and of the destruction of Canadian culture and traditions that are almost gone because of so-called political correctness and the emphasis on "diversity" rather than qualifications. Its happening here too.
I did say in my blurb; "Although there are a many Patriotic Conservative Canadians out there, it will be a struggle to ever escape the DS etc." I know of many Canadians that have communicated how much they love Trump and are very Conservative. I especially like your leader of the Conservative Party, P. Poilievre, he could be a great Prime Minister if you give him a chance. First you have to get rid of Castro's bastard and challenge the elections if need be about electronic tabulators that count your paper ballots.
My wife is Canadian and she loves Trump. Most of her family too though there are a couple that are lost forever. My wifes first vote was for Trump in 2016.
I know a certain Canadian from Ontario whom told me that his son fractured his arm and for a hospital visit they had to wait 5 hours before anyone would even see him. Sounds like really substandard health care. One nice thing though, you can get the FAKE Pfizer Vaxx for free.
I also know from another Canadian friend whom is a physician that moved to the US to work in Des Moines, Iowa about nine years ago, was actually joking that the majority of the TOP 20 percent of physicians that graduate with highest honors from medical school in Canada come to work in the US and that Canadians get the diversity left overs.
Kinda miss the point of WWG1WGA. we’ve had as much say as citizens in our government as Americans have in theirs. People are all in on this movement and still allow a border separate us. As far as I’m concerned this comment is tweet is fucked up and quite asshole like.
He is debating a bot or sleeper acct. Their handle and page has 1 purpose. To hate Trump. And they are supposedly Canadian. I hate Castro Jr, but I would never have a X page all about hating him.
Well, off the top of my head: the truckers proved that they don't have any protection from unreasonable search and seizure by having their bank account frozen.
It’s kind of like the most liberal of your states, but the whole country. Recently the police warned that they would be charging people who release video of porch pirates stealing your packages because they deserve to conduct their crimes with their privacy protected. Forget about self defence. You will be charged if you injured a violent home invader and then the criminal can also sue you for damages. We do have government funded euthanasia as a first option if you have any health or mental problems. First line of treatment.
He's wrong in that American politics influence and impact western nations the world over. Canadians can recognize the importance of American politics on the body politic.
As to his second point. He is correct in that we don't have any rights and our country is only realizing his now. It's not too late. Canadians are resilient and will eventually fall into line against the globalists.
How much damage we do to our fellow countrymen remains to be seen but Americans forget the melting pot we've become. I like to think we aren't prone to genoiciding our own population but who knows how many pedos this country has and harbours?
I don't believe that she can't even fathom why a person would vote for Trump. I think she does understand the other side, if she just takes a second to think about it, and she is just lying to make a tweet.
Canadians are so submissive to their government it’s any wonder they don’t shit wherever they walk or sit from taking it up the ass so much that they’ve lost all retention in their anal canals.
As an American, I seriously do not understand why a Canuck is so obsessed with Donald Trump.
Don't you guys have enough to worry about being ruled by Castro's bastard son to pontificate about US elections?
I guess TDS is a global infection.
I'll tell you why. The state run TV tells them to. They constantly paint Trump in a negative light, and they believe it. Then, some "enlightened" Canadians watch CNN and think they know American politics. They also push it in schools.
Trump is the enemy of all that the government, media, and school systems stand for. Sound familiar?
Yes. Seen it first hand.
The fear is that many Canadians would start to transform their country to put Canada first over the globalist agenda.
goooooooo Canada! wake up and kick some globalists asses!!
Canadians think voting Pierre in and Castro out that they are making a statement. Even though Pierre stands for all the same things Castro stands for. It's sad to see.
regardless of what some people on here say about Canada, i seen the video's of the truckers and others standing up for themselves and others. i'm going to say Canada is a lot more awaken than is being seen. we need you guys!!! this is WW, it's not just one nation falling apart, it's the whole world.
There were just as many, or more, people who thought the truckers and their supporters were crazy. The public schools are churning out liberal drones at an alarming rate.
Maybe once the US gets fixed, Canadians will realize just how much they have been lied to, and actually have an awakening.
Yes, it is WW, and the whole world is battling our foes. We Canadians are Awake for the most part. Why listen to the idiot pseudo-Canadians that are just like the fucktards in every other country, including the US? We need the US and Trump, just as much as you need Canada and the Awake Canadians. Same for every other country whose Awake populace is fighting against the DS. We all need each other. WWG1WGA! Thank you, Godknowstheheart, for your true words.
(And btw, to others here, no one that I know that is fighting the Evil in world here in Canada supports smol PP any more that it supports Castro Jr. You just don’t hear about us, because our Censorship is unbelievable! During the Freedom Convoy you didn’t hear about the MILLIONS of us supporting it, ‘cause Castro was trying to turn it into a January 6, and DID, for the most part due to government funded propaganda. All you heard were the losers on Reddit, and those with their noses up their asses and paid shills elsewhere. NOT the majority. All one heard from was the REAL “fringe minority”.)
That's too bad, I thought Poilievre was a good guy for Canada. Canada seems too politcally correct, there is definitely NO FREE SPEECH in Canada even if it is the TRUTH. If you say the truth about some corrupt person, you can still be prosecuted for defamation by the courts because the TRUTH is NO DEFENSE. A Canadian friend from Alberta told me this way back in the 1990s. When the truth becomes the enemy and is concealed by the government, then there is tyranny.
Yes. And smol PP is a douch.
If you think Trump getting elected again is only going to help the USA..I don't really know what to say. Trust me, we want Trump to win as much as you do.
It only infects sheep.
As a Canadian, I think Trump is a fantastic leader and would be happy to have someone like him as leader. Sadly, many of my fellow countrymen are more likely to trust the DS-controlled media than their own brains.
What percentage of canadians do you think support Trump? Give me a rough estimate.
It depends on how much “education” they have received. People with university educations are the dumbest fucking morons imaginable but people in trades for example are generally based.
Very roughly I would say 15 to 25 percent. More in Alberta and Saskatchewan, fewer in Ontario and BC. No idea about Quebec or the Eastern provinces. It's difficult to guess. Canadians don't like brash, so even though some might be in favor of stopping the woke mob and the corruption we all know exists in government, they might not support Trump because of the way he comes across.
New Brunswick resident here. It's pretty much right down the middle here.
I'm in Alberta. A LOT of support for Donald Trump and freedom. See our Premiere, Danielle Smith.
I have seen her, she is a real firecracker Patriot that won't take any BS from Justin. You need more like her in every Province.
Canadians couldn’t understand the revolutionary war or taxation without representation. Canadians are the colonialists that didn’t want to fight and remained loyal to the crown. Lol. Stick to syrup eh.
Ive had this argument with my brother in law countless times. Canadians dont value their freedom like Americans do because they didnt fight for it, it was just sorta kinda eventually allowed to them.
Exactly. Rights come from God. Not gov. Always worth fighting for something God gave you.
It has always been the perception of freedom. They are ok with that, because they don't know any better.
LOL, they may not understand the American Revolution, but we have taxation with representation with Congressmen that think they can tax and spend us into prosperity. Sadly we are no better off then the Canadians in that regard.
True. But if the UK were in real trouble they would call Australia for backup before they called Canada who is much closer. Lol. Remember that time the Canadian military came in and saved the day? Yeah. No one else does either.
Very true Maui_boy. The Liberals in Canada have reduced their military down nothing because their governent over the decades decided that the US military could help them out in a crisis. From what I read, under Justin its become a woke organization where many Conservative Canadians in the military have quit because of it and the forced jab mandate. About 40% of Canadians have government jobs, parasites living off the private sector. It is something that is unsustainable for a small population like Canada. Like Maggie Thatcher once said, "Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money." They are having really tough times right now with massive CARBON TAXES really killing their economy. The Liberals are doing everything to squeeze out the life-blood of the economy to push for the reset, while parasitic government employees have NO worries.
Another dumb fucking American that knows absolute shit.
Lol infighting, coming from the Canadian that wants to shit on America? Color me shocked, that you just simply don't get it.
Good comeback by Kevin Sorbo, a great American, Patriot and Conservative.
That sounds like a Social Liberal Woke Canadian. Sadly the Deep State is well entrenched in that Country. Although there are a many Patriotic Conservative Canadians out there, it will be a struggle to ever escape the DS due to election fraud by the ChiComs. Their idiot Prime Minister Justin Castro/Trudeau has complained that the ChiComs have been meddling in Canadian elections. The only way the ChiComs could do that is electronically because their Smartmatic ballot tabulators are connected to the internet, manipulating the ballot counts. Don't know why Justin was complaining, the ChiComs got that Socialist reelected.
yes, my son married a Canuck and is constantly spouting the liberal BS about Canada.
That sucks! I imagine that you don't have too many Thanksgiving family dinners, LOL.
You guys really piss me off. I am Canadian been awake long before most of you. There are tons of people in Canada not only love Trump but want him here as Prime Minister. You paint every Canadian with the same brush.An article in Canadas main stream news just a week and a half ago said it was worrying that so many Canadians support Trump.
America will never change you always did think you were better than everyone else when you were not even close.
Look in the mirror.
Ive looked in the mirror and to that I say booooo, shame on you. America has been the best, don't ever forget it. That's why we are under such seige. It's still not illegal here to say the Jews killed Jesus. Your country is ruled over in a way we are still not yet, and ideally won't ever be. Stay pissed and do something about it. In the mean time pray to God we continue to hold this thin line and you have someone to help pull you out of this mess we are all falling in.
As a Canadian, stop shitting on the Americans dumbass. They are going to save all our lives.
stray502, calm down a bit, you are too easily offended. We don't paint all Canadians with the same brush, that is only your perception. YOU paint us all with the same brush, saying that Americans believe that they are better than anyone else, that is simply not true. I know many Patriotic Canadians that think just like we do are are very aware of the true enemy, the Deep State and of the destruction of Canadian culture and traditions that are almost gone because of so-called political correctness and the emphasis on "diversity" rather than qualifications. Its happening here too.
I did say in my blurb; "Although there are a many Patriotic Conservative Canadians out there, it will be a struggle to ever escape the DS etc." I know of many Canadians that have communicated how much they love Trump and are very Conservative. I especially like your leader of the Conservative Party, P. Poilievre, he could be a great Prime Minister if you give him a chance. First you have to get rid of Castro's bastard and challenge the elections if need be about electronic tabulators that count your paper ballots.
=P that's what you get for being Filthy Loyalists.
My wife is Canadian and she loves Trump. Most of her family too though there are a couple that are lost forever. My wifes first vote was for Trump in 2016.
As a Canadian I am ashamed of the astounding number of complete fucking idiots in this country.
But muh free healthcare
I know a certain Canadian from Ontario whom told me that his son fractured his arm and for a hospital visit they had to wait 5 hours before anyone would even see him. Sounds like really substandard health care. One nice thing though, you can get the FAKE Pfizer Vaxx for free.
I also know from another Canadian friend whom is a physician that moved to the US to work in Des Moines, Iowa about nine years ago, was actually joking that the majority of the TOP 20 percent of physicians that graduate with highest honors from medical school in Canada come to work in the US and that Canadians get the diversity left overs.
I would write that TDS'er off. look at his TDS name.
I have a number of friends in Canada who don't think like the TDS'er. They want Donald Trump to win so they can get momentum to end the BS in Canada.
when i read the name i assumed it was a bot or a very new account. they are starting.
Kinda miss the point of WWG1WGA. we’ve had as much say as citizens in our government as Americans have in theirs. People are all in on this movement and still allow a border separate us. As far as I’m concerned this comment is tweet is fucked up and quite asshole like.
He is debating a bot or sleeper acct. Their handle and page has 1 purpose. To hate Trump. And they are supposedly Canadian. I hate Castro Jr, but I would never have a X page all about hating him.
Curious. Anyone know what rights Canada doesn’t have that we do? Only thing I know of us their restrictions on guns
Well, off the top of my head: the truckers proved that they don't have any protection from unreasonable search and seizure by having their bank account frozen.
It’s kind of like the most liberal of your states, but the whole country. Recently the police warned that they would be charging people who release video of porch pirates stealing your packages because they deserve to conduct their crimes with their privacy protected. Forget about self defence. You will be charged if you injured a violent home invader and then the criminal can also sue you for damages. We do have government funded euthanasia as a first option if you have any health or mental problems. First line of treatment.
Thanks. Going to remember those points next time a Canadian talks shit
Also no 1st Amendment or 2nd Amendment.
It’s basically illegal in Canada to own guns and semi-automatic rifles the way we do in America.
He's wrong in that American politics influence and impact western nations the world over. Canadians can recognize the importance of American politics on the body politic.
As to his second point. He is correct in that we don't have any rights and our country is only realizing his now. It's not too late. Canadians are resilient and will eventually fall into line against the globalists.
How much damage we do to our fellow countrymen remains to be seen but Americans forget the melting pot we've become. I like to think we aren't prone to genoiciding our own population but who knows how many pedos this country has and harbours?
Link to tweet?
I don't believe that she can't even fathom why a person would vote for Trump. I think she does understand the other side, if she just takes a second to think about it, and she is just lying to make a tweet.
Canadians are so submissive to their government it’s any wonder they don’t shit wherever they walk or sit from taking it up the ass so much that they’ve lost all retention in their anal canals.