Hes said it in the last two rallies. This is gonna bury their J6 narrative and open up a few of them to collusion, fraud, obstruction of justice and treason charges.
Timing, timing, timing. Tomorrow is NH. Nevada is February 6th. S Carolina is February 24th. Michigan is February 27th. By that time Trump will have the nomination secured. And if he doesnt there are numerous State primaries on March 5th that will drive the point home to BirdBrain. I expect the rest of the spring and summer there will be a sharp ramp up of disclosure with evidence presented. And then August is a really HOT month.
How long do they wait for the riots? They are already behind schedule for a pandemic. In 2020 covid gaslighting and propaganda was raging by now. Im just praying that the moron at the Fed drops interest rates early and I have a good start to my summer construction season (weather is already cooperating, warm winter means early start) before it all gets shut down.
Pray for my family (and all others across the world) that we dont have to bury my hanging in there for now parents in the midst of the chaos sure to come.
the question is what about ashley babbitt? was that scripted too? was she a real person actually killed on purpose as a sacrifice or a crisis actor who never existed?
You shoot someone in the neck like that and there will be blood splattered on the wall thats a couple feet behind her. Ive shot a couple deer in the neck and they are very bloody wounds.
Check out "https://open.ink/collections/j6" when you can. Pretty sure it was staged. The Ashley stuff is about 40 minutes in, but it was noticed after she was shot there seemed to be colored smoke canisters deployed to indicate it as a signal.
Totally agree with the lack of blood splatter for a wound like that.
The thing that always puzzled me about the shooting . . .
A shot was fired in a small stairwell. Someone was “hit.”
No panic from anyone. Wouldn’t people be running, diving for cover - not knowing who was shooting, where it was coming from, friendly or foe, and if the shooting was over?
Nope. Almost like the people in the immediate area were expecting the “bang . . . “
She was an actor along with everyone else in that stairwell. The purpose was to enrage the Trump supporters so that they would retaliate, and then they would have their “insurrection”. If you notice, the Capitol police were particularly rough on female Trump supporters that day. It was to agitate all the men in the crowd.
I hope these files get released and it says it was all a setup by the FIB and democrats. I have a liberal friend who is really pissed about J6. That will wake him the F up. Let's go!
Listen to Bongino's podcast today. Bombshell information about Pelosi's pipebomber, and that J6 was set-up to steal the 2020 Presidental election from President Trump. "For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or bought out into the open" Luke 8:17
I dunno... They have the capability, they have the server farm in Utah and other places, they've had nodes in every single telephone system probably since phones were popular, all our data runs through their servers, why WOULDN'T they?
I mean Snowden (fuck him) and assange (bless him) both confirm this, that they spy on EVERYTHING...
Except the NSA isn't to help America, it's solely to help the deep state.
There is no reason they aren't monitoring everything
Computationally.. you can't handle it.. so a large part of the agency work is identifying worthwhile targets and then building filtering technology that can extract the most worthwhile parts.
Think ECHELON and the "Trailblazer project" and "it's just the metadata!"
This worked great in the early 00's because communications technologies didn't have deep penetration and bandwidth was still scarce. We're way past that now.
Plus.. with the rise of node-to-node private technologies and with mesh networks actually being found in operational use out in the field the whole "hoover up a bunch of data off public networks" model just isn't working anymore.
The massive amounts of non public fiber in use across the country invalidate the entire idea on it's own. They have a lot of data, to be sure, but there is more they don't have than do have, but a huge margin, and they can never get that back.
Speculation on "What did the files contain?" You have to realize that the files could have contained "nothing." No cause celebre. No casus belli. Just a big, long nothingburger. That would be damning to the Democrat narrative ("What? It was a big nothing?") and would merit being obscured on that account alone.
You evidently did not understand my point. If they contained nothing, there would be nothing to support their narrative...and that would NOT be a good thing for them to reveal.
Also, think carefully: I am NOT saying there is nothing there. I am just pointing out that if there is nothing, it does not mean there was something.
I remember Pelosi repeating over and over “nobody is above the law” - they were legally ordered to produce “everything” - deleting evidence after a court order should send people to jail
They were not just deleting exculpatory J6 evidence, they were hiding the details of an orchestrated insurrection. They refused to subpoena conservative witnesses. Cherry picked and removed details that didn't support the lie they were creating.
Treason: Death penalty, justified.
Withholding the J6 video for 3 years was just another nothingburger?
I am sure you would also defend the 2-tier justice system as a nothingburger.
Refusing to prosecute Ray Epps for 3 years was a nothingburger?
You would agree, Ray Epps getting community service and probation is equivalent to solitary confinement and years in prison for MAGA supporters?
When all the evidence aligns with a narrative that is counterproductive to your desired outcome it become a nothingburger?
You once put more effort into your defense of the treasonous swamp.
You are going all over the place, so there is not much I can reply to. I appreciate that they committed a federal crime and would be happy as a clam to see them behind bars on account of it. Your reference therefore has no application to me.
You have no idea what, if anything, was on the scuttled tapes. It could all be innocuous testimony, going nowhere, proving nothing. I'm not even saying that is so---but I am saying that even a nothingburger would be deadly to their narrative and they would suppress it. In fact, the more I think about it, the more likely it seems to me that it would be so.
I'm defending nothing. You are playing with fantasy figures in your head. But go ahead, bay at the Moon, and get totally cranked out of shape if these tapes do not reveal your fondest wishes.
Yesterday Trump said some women in the front row have been to 117 rallies.
Trump knew this was coming out!
Hes said it in the last two rallies. This is gonna bury their J6 narrative and open up a few of them to collusion, fraud, obstruction of justice and treason charges.
Timing, timing, timing. Tomorrow is NH. Nevada is February 6th. S Carolina is February 24th. Michigan is February 27th. By that time Trump will have the nomination secured. And if he doesnt there are numerous State primaries on March 5th that will drive the point home to BirdBrain. I expect the rest of the spring and summer there will be a sharp ramp up of disclosure with evidence presented. And then August is a really HOT month.
How long do they wait for the riots? They are already behind schedule for a pandemic. In 2020 covid gaslighting and propaganda was raging by now. Im just praying that the moron at the Fed drops interest rates early and I have a good start to my summer construction season (weather is already cooperating, warm winter means early start) before it all gets shut down.
Pray for my family (and all others across the world) that we dont have to bury my hanging in there for now parents in the midst of the chaos sure to come.
I didn't know there were that many state primaries coming up, looks like we have some fun times all next month.
I literally had that same thought the other day.
Hope so too brother.
those scumbags on the committee need to be jailed for eternity and all the hostages released immediately.
Everyone involved in J6 was an antifa plant. Everyone
the question is what about ashley babbitt? was that scripted too? was she a real person actually killed on purpose as a sacrifice or a crisis actor who never existed?
There's a video out there that breaks down the "show" of what happened to Ashley Babbit. It looks like it was staged.
oh i know. i saw it and i agree, right down to the blood not really splattering until someone put their hand there
You shoot someone in the neck like that and there will be blood splattered on the wall thats a couple feet behind her. Ive shot a couple deer in the neck and they are very bloody wounds.
Check out "https://open.ink/collections/j6" when you can. Pretty sure it was staged. The Ashley stuff is about 40 minutes in, but it was noticed after she was shot there seemed to be colored smoke canisters deployed to indicate it as a signal. Totally agree with the lack of blood splatter for a wound like that.
The thing that always puzzled me about the shooting . . . A shot was fired in a small stairwell. Someone was “hit.” No panic from anyone. Wouldn’t people be running, diving for cover - not knowing who was shooting, where it was coming from, friendly or foe, and if the shooting was over?
Nope. Almost like the people in the immediate area were expecting the “bang . . . “
Exactly. Check the video that Infidel440 just posted.
Yep. They were all actors including Babbitt.
You rang? https://www.bitchute.com/video/qyDhHI2Ya4Ns/
The video footage that I saw looked like crisis actors.
i tend to agree. it would especially be suspicious if John Sullivan was on the scene, since we know he was not a genuine Trump supporter.
She was an actor along with everyone else in that stairwell. The purpose was to enrage the Trump supporters so that they would retaliate, and then they would have their “insurrection”. If you notice, the Capitol police were particularly rough on female Trump supporters that day. It was to agitate all the men in the crowd.
I think she was A Trump supporter and was shot to death by that black cop.
that's the official narrative. but with everything else that happened that day I dont see why we should automatically believe it
Think again
Bullshit. More than a million patriots there, because Trump said to be there.
Antifa or white hat.
And then there's the innocent bystanders
The fact that the congress seems uninterested in this fact, strongly implies they are in on it too
Over 100 by how many files, you say??
God I hate Miss Piggy 🐽
I hope these files get released and it says it was all a setup by the FIB and democrats. I have a liberal friend who is really pissed about J6. That will wake him the F up. Let's go!
Listen to Bongino's podcast today. Bombshell information about Pelosi's pipebomber, and that J6 was set-up to steal the 2020 Presidental election from President Trump. "For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or bought out into the open" Luke 8:17
so they are so stupid they think "delete" make the lies disappear?
What, like with a cloth?
No, that's "wiping files away", this is "deleting files", completely different :)
Said Hillary
Hammer time !
"We have it all"
I mean, the NSA has EVERY PIECE of data ever... So they definitely have it.
Problem is, NSA doesn't work for American citizens. So that's a moot point...
They don't. It's an infeasible challenge.
It's why they make things up instead. Waaay easier.
I dunno... They have the capability, they have the server farm in Utah and other places, they've had nodes in every single telephone system probably since phones were popular, all our data runs through their servers, why WOULDN'T they?
I mean Snowden (fuck him) and assange (bless him) both confirm this, that they spy on EVERYTHING...
Except the NSA isn't to help America, it's solely to help the deep state.
There is no reason they aren't monitoring everything
Computationally.. you can't handle it.. so a large part of the agency work is identifying worthwhile targets and then building filtering technology that can extract the most worthwhile parts.
Think ECHELON and the "Trailblazer project" and "it's just the metadata!"
This worked great in the early 00's because communications technologies didn't have deep penetration and bandwidth was still scarce. We're way past that now.
Plus.. with the rise of node-to-node private technologies and with mesh networks actually being found in operational use out in the field the whole "hoover up a bunch of data off public networks" model just isn't working anymore.
The massive amounts of non public fiber in use across the country invalidate the entire idea on it's own. They have a lot of data, to be sure, but there is more they don't have than do have, but a huge margin, and they can never get that back.
Bringing that fact to light could have some advantages.
I knew this would happen. 😎
Nice, it’s evidence, but, it won’t favor Pelosi, Chaney and their kind.
Arrest them all for Treason!
Rather than try to delete the files, I’m surprised they just didn’t take a hammer to them as has been shown before how to get rid of pesky files.
i just had to LOL at your suggestion of "take a hammer to them"...just remembering Paul Pelosi in his panties with a pink hammer...LMAOOOO
Speculation on "What did the files contain?" You have to realize that the files could have contained "nothing." No cause celebre. No casus belli. Just a big, long nothingburger. That would be damning to the Democrat narrative ("What? It was a big nothing?") and would merit being obscured on that account alone.
If they contained nothing they wouldn't have been deleted.
You evidently did not understand my point. If they contained nothing, there would be nothing to support their narrative...and that would NOT be a good thing for them to reveal.
Also, think carefully: I am NOT saying there is nothing there. I am just pointing out that if there is nothing, it does not mean there was something.
I remember Pelosi repeating over and over “nobody is above the law” - they were legally ordered to produce “everything” - deleting evidence after a court order should send people to jail
Of course. It is overdue.
Shill much?
117 files full of nothingburgers?
I'm sure all they deleted was wedding and yoga emails, right? Wiped with a cloth.
18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations
20 years in prison.
They were not just deleting exculpatory J6 evidence, they were hiding the details of an orchestrated insurrection. They refused to subpoena conservative witnesses. Cherry picked and removed details that didn't support the lie they were creating.
Treason: Death penalty, justified.
Withholding the J6 video for 3 years was just another nothingburger?
I am sure you would also defend the 2-tier justice system as a nothingburger.
Refusing to prosecute Ray Epps for 3 years was a nothingburger?
You would agree, Ray Epps getting community service and probation is equivalent to solitary confinement and years in prison for MAGA supporters?
When all the evidence aligns with a narrative that is counterproductive to your desired outcome it become a nothingburger?
You once put more effort into your defense of the treasonous swamp.
Are you realizing your efforts are in vain?
You are going all over the place, so there is not much I can reply to. I appreciate that they committed a federal crime and would be happy as a clam to see them behind bars on account of it. Your reference therefore has no application to me.
You have no idea what, if anything, was on the scuttled tapes. It could all be innocuous testimony, going nowhere, proving nothing. I'm not even saying that is so---but I am saying that even a nothingburger would be deadly to their narrative and they would suppress it. In fact, the more I think about it, the more likely it seems to me that it would be so.
I'm defending nothing. You are playing with fantasy figures in your head. But go ahead, bay at the Moon, and get totally cranked out of shape if these tapes do not reveal your fondest wishes.