They did. The senate was originally representing the individual states. If they had retained more power the federal insanity would be checked by the states.
But they passed the 17 amendment and made the senate stand for popular election, so no one protected the power of the states.
Checks and balances cease to work when the whole system gets corrupted. How many of our States are their owner smaller tyrannies? And cities like New York City and San Francisco?
If the states had more power they could use it against these rogue states. They have sort have done that in reverse with San Francisco. They have boycotted over 30 states and can't afford to do anything anymore. They recently gave it up.
We had a good republic, but it was stolen from us by the commie fags in DC.
I hope this helps you to begin to see how the fraud is set up and legitimized. Legal consent has been given through ignorance.
This highlights the citizenry fraud
Note that the other side of this, is that the states and local de facto “authorities”all became incorporated and operate as a subsidiary of the US inc.
USC 28 (15)
"United States" means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
Judicial note should be taken that the United States Constitution always denoted “Citizen” and “Person” in capital letters prior to the 14th Amendment; thereafter, “citizen” and “person” were not capitalized. The distinction between “citizens of the United States” and “Union States Citizens” has been fully recognized by the Congress and the Courts as follows:
"The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress”, see U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed.829 (1873)
.“We have in our political system, a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own...” United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875).
“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State...” “One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States”. - McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)
.“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state ...” - Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)
"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..." - Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383Timothy
If I smashed my car into your house and you sued me and won $100,000 judgment
And I refused to pay you, you can garnish my wages or my bank accounts, you could put a lien on my property. You can get the Sheriff to execute the judgement on your behalf.
You can inform the enforcement officer that you wish to request an execution from the court. An execution order allows them to seize money or property from the defendant to ensure the judgment is paid.
When your adversaries, in the desperation, use every permutation of their influence, power and law twisting, in doing so stray from the basic tenants on which this country was founded.
Why can’t the family court system in regards to excessive child support and visitation violations for fathers be deemed a violation of the 8th amendment
They knew 240 some years ago,what these commie fags would do.
The are the original Q team....
The really could have and should have built in some better protections.
They did. The senate was originally representing the individual states. If they had retained more power the federal insanity would be checked by the states.
But they passed the 17 amendment and made the senate stand for popular election, so no one protected the power of the states.
Checks and balances cease to work when the whole system gets corrupted. How many of our States are their owner smaller tyrannies? And cities like New York City and San Francisco?
If the states had more power they could use it against these rogue states. They have sort have done that in reverse with San Francisco. They have boycotted over 30 states and can't afford to do anything anymore. They recently gave it up.
We had a good republic, but it was stolen from us by the commie fags in DC.
I hope this helps you to begin to see how the fraud is set up and legitimized. Legal consent has been given through ignorance. This highlights the citizenry fraud
Note that the other side of this, is that the states and local de facto “authorities”all became incorporated and operate as a subsidiary of the US inc.
USC 28 (15) "United States" means— (A) a Federal corporation;
Judicial note should be taken that the United States Constitution always denoted “Citizen” and “Person” in capital letters prior to the 14th Amendment; thereafter, “citizen” and “person” were not capitalized. The distinction between “citizens of the United States” and “Union States Citizens” has been fully recognized by the Congress and the Courts as follows:
"The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress”, see U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed.829 (1873)
.“We have in our political system, a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own...” United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875).
“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State...” “One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States”. - McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)
.“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state ...” - Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)
"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..." - Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383Timothy
2nd amendment is just one.
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.
Well they should have armored it against an immoral, secular, lazy, and stupid society.
They did. Tjhe expected people to give a shit about being free not getting free stuff.
And anything over $25 requires the option of a jury. There are dozens of things that should cause it to be overturned.
The state should have to pay Trump’s legal fees and a $335 Million dollar penalty.
Plus interest from the time he posts the bond.
Just wait until he sues for defamation!
But wouldn't it (state) just be paying itself?
Paying Trump.
Maybe he could point out that the J6 prisoners have also been denied their 8th amendment rights. And so many more.
Isn’t the area of DC outside the law of United States?
Very good point.
They can do what they do in any other case.
If I smashed my car into your house and you sued me and won $100,000 judgment And I refused to pay you, you can garnish my wages or my bank accounts, you could put a lien on my property. You can get the Sheriff to execute the judgement on your behalf.
I'm sure Trump will put up the money and appeal.
Posted yesterday.
NY, DC courts don’t follow, nor care about the Constitution. Include in this too California, Washington and Illinois courts, just to name a few.
When your adversaries, in the desperation, use every permutation of their influence, power and law twisting, in doing so stray from the basic tenants on which this country was founded.
You win
Because they have revealed their "need".
Related question but unrelated to GEOTUS.
Why can’t the family court system in regards to excessive child support and visitation violations for fathers be deemed a violation of the 8th amendment
Well, he doesn't have a chance, then. These people wipe their butts with the Constitution.
I'm surprised that Alex Jones hasn't figured that out
Corporate judges give zero fucks about The Constitution. They are traitors and usurpers of our nation and freedom.
Are we tired of them yet? Ohhh yeah! Day of reckoning coming for them.