If this is a comm, what is the message? What is the comm?
The Q drops themselves have been proven over and over, via proofs and Q - Q+ dynamics during the operation.
But as far as we know, it's reasonable to conclude that the operation is over. So, what purpose then to do this?
We've had plenty of confirmations far more direct from DJT during the past 3 years. Playing wwg1wga-related themes at his rallies, re-truthing Q-related posts, and plenty of other far more DIRECT messaging, which collectively go a long way to indicating "yes, the plan is still on, I'm still here, keep hanging in there, you anons".
So what would you speculate is the purpose, intent or message if this is in fact a "comm"?
After 6+ years, can't we move beyond simple things like deltas and coinkidinks, and saying "this is a comm"? I think we need to support such views with further developing the reasoning behind such theories? It should make sense or not make sense, because with close to 5000 drops (and I'm sure how many actual words in the map), it's very easy to speculate and find connections, whether meaningful or no, between words, phrases, deltas and timing.
I think there needs to be a compelling argument about WHAT the comms are saying. Because a comm without a message is not a comm.
I'm not saying its NOT a comm. I'm saying, the delta is a starting point for a thought process; now where does that thought process lead? Does it yield fruit? Cos unlike 2017-2020, we cannot post to the Q-research board and ask Q for clarification or confirmation.
Anons like us who have been around a while probably all have this view, I do, but there are a whole bunches of new ones now. It's an exciting affirmation for them. Or maybe it's nothing.... I like it though. There is (likely) no way he uses "phase" rather than "part" if not for a wink to anons.
Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
Emotions cloud judgement.
Emotions cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
I do, but there are a whole bunches of new ones now. It's an exciting affirmation for them. Or maybe it's nothing.... I like it though.
Hmmm.... Look, I think its fine to raise the possibility and to examine it. But it should be examined, analysed and sifted, not simply celebrated because "oooh! It looks like a comm!"
The question is, where does the train of thought lead, using the proposition as a starting point?
Does it lead to pseudo-religious beliefs that are adopted and harbored because they are emotionally satisfying (aka 'opiate hopium') or does it lead to increased understanding, greater apprehension of truth, and an even more robust mental approach in which critical thinking plays an important part (aka what I would call 'hopermectin')?
I'm not saying you can't like it. I'm saying that choosing to believe in certain things comes with consequences, and all anons should be mindful of where their thinking is leading them. To me, that seems axiomatic to everything that Q posted.
There is (likely) no way he uses "phase" rather than "part" if not for a wink to anons.
With apologies, this seems highly subjective as a speculation.
If you can make the argument and back it with evidence and reasoning (for example, use of phase vs part in a body of linguistic corpus (aka a large volume of text or speech that shows how and where phase is used, in what contexts, vs part, in what contexts, etc), (how much DJT uses it, etc, etc.), then I could take the assertion seriously, but on itself, I think it's just a speculative idea adopted as a belief.
Well played fren. Yes, I understand exactly what you are saying and I don't disagree.
As far as phase vs part; I have never heard somebody say phase 2 rather than part 2. I get it though, to be accurate and substantiate the claim, a bit of research would need to be done to make a conclusion.
I have never heard somebody say phase 2 rather than part 2
Yeah, so this is where one has to balance and measure subjective views vs. evidence and facts. This is the challenge, because the blind spots are where we cannot see them. In other words, we don't know what we don't know.
In some situations, when there is a lack of data and input, it's natural to go with one's subjective conclusions based wholly on one's experience, but it's too easy to bend towards one biases in such situations.
Either way, I think the post has been good in as much as it created an opportunity for discussion on these points.
You too fren. I do appreciate your objective take on situations. As you said, it’s easy to fall into the subjective side when there are unknowns. It is a difficult task to stick to facts and not fill in blanks with emotions or notions. Kek o7
I think you are right, we should always strive for further discernment and follow the bread crumbs as far as they go. but even here those people are in the minority. mostly there will be a base of people that focus on the basics to reinforce the work of the trailblazers.
As the great awakening spread, and brought more and more people into its sphere of thought, there has been an inevitable dilution of some of the more rigorous practices that Q engaged by engaging with anons on the chans.
The chans allowed Q drops to be rigorously raked over, and less than useful stuff: drivel, nonsense, speculation, 'theorizing' etc, to be mercilessly called out and smashed. As such, only the really good content and practices made an impact. Refinement in the midst of a mental crucible.
But as Q has stopped dropping, and the Great Awakening has expanded more than one hundred fold beyond anything the chans were or are, how much refinement takes place, and how much do ....dumb ideas and practices ... get promulgated simply because the same level of rigor is in many quarters missing or diluted?
the dilution was bound to happen with the expansion. With the healthy rigor in the old days there was downside too, much less of the polite introspective Christian types we have now and a lot more foul mouthed bomb throwers who were cool with friendly fire. =) I don't see how it could have been avoided- in fact it's a requirement if WWG1WGA.. In my noobish opinion.
oh, no, I fully agree with you. It was and IS bound to happen. I'm not decrying that at all. Just that I think that OG anons particular but really everyone should continue to blaze the refinement, and be aware of the pitfalls that will naturally emerge as the awakening of humanity progresses ahead.
Just a note: I love that you've pointed out that there was a downside to the old days. Well spotted.
Obviously its not about perfection, but about the spirit to always improve. I can't emphasize how far I've come personally in the past .... (wow, six) years.
But as far as we know, it's reasonable to conclude that the operation is over.
That is pure subjective speculation. I've seen nothing to suggest it's anywhere NEAR over. It better not be; the bad people are still directing nearly all aspects of society.
This is not pure subjective speculation. Pure speculation would involve no empirical evidence. The q drops themselves are empirical evidence.
But to clarify, I'm talking about the [Q deployment of drops to the chans] as "the Q operation". I think its obvious to most anons that the dropping of drops by Q team is/was clearly an operation, and probably definable as a psyop (a very good psyop!). By all appearances, that operation or aspect of "the Plan" appears to have reached its active conclusion in December of 2020, albeit with a few follow ups for whatever reason.
Consider: 13 drops posted during a 6-month period in 2022 (assuming these are in fact bona fide Q) (avge = 2 drops per month) vs 4953 drops during a 38 month period Oct 2017 to Dec 2020 (avge 130 drops per month). And, no drops at all since Nov 2022.
So I'm talking about the Q operation as "The deployment of drops to the chans for the purpose of triggering and generating a great awakening via the 'biggest intel drop' operation ever on the boards".
If your definition of the "Q operation" is the entire US-based White Hat Plan to overthrow the Cabal and its iron grip on the USA and the world, then 100%, it's not over baby!!! No way!!!! On that perspective, I think you and I would agree?
I hope that clarifies things.
As for bad people still directing nearly all aspects of society, I think that is arguable and debatable. Many, many things have been happening behind the scenes (that is, not at the center of the narrative war, but underneath the narrative war), as far as I can see, so I'm not all that confident that the Cabal and the bad guys are in as much control as it appears on the surface (aka the narrative layer).
And maybe its not. How does the speculation help if it cannot be reinforced with reason?
I'm rather concerned that in some degrees, the rigorous mental discipline and hard analytical reason-based thinking that the Q operation focused on has become subordinate to a speculative, emotionally gratifying (for some) pseudo-religious approach that takes signs and symbols (by which I mean perceived phenomena, not 'symbology') and makes them the object of faith leaning towards dogma.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
Direct Q quote. Here, 'revelation' might be understood as 'subjective inspiration', as Q clearly has never negated the revelatory nature of scripture.
How does one maintain the philosophical viewpoint that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism?
Looking at anything Q, and the larger narrative war as a whole, should be about pursuing and formulating positions regarding truth (aka what one accepts as 'truth') by applying those practices and avoiding just believing in stuff because "hey, maybe (nice feeling!)"
I mean, our engagement with the ideas we think should lead somewhere. Where does the idea that "maybe its a comm for someone other than anons" lead?
Just asking, as (as I previously mentioned) devil's avocado.
This. It's been too long. There is no more use for "this is true" or "this is happening". It needs to lead to something to do, not more "things are really this way if you do sorcery with social media post numbers and timing!" And stupid crap that has nothing to do with anything like Biden's dog biting someone, or a news outlet/politician saying something we already know it/she would say, or someone having to pay legal fees in an environment in which everyone is always taking everyone else to court.
Let me ask, with the time stamp and all. Idk know how to do it. Does it correlate to a q drop or relevant? Or, am I over thinking? I never understood the crumbs and such.
Sometimes the length of the video can be used to reference the same drop number. 1:45 video? Check post 145...
Sometimes the "timestamp" the post was actually made is used to reference the same drop number. Easterntime seems to be the preferred time and military time has been substituted for posts made in the PM. Trump Truths at 9:30 PM est? Check post 930 or 2130 (military time).
In this instance, the date is used. Past drops made on the same date (month and day) are referenced. This is called a delta.
Trump Truthed Phase 2 on Feb 21, 2024. Q mentioned Phase 2 on Feb 21, 2018 making it a 6 year delta.
So maybe that is on the table and we're about to enter phase 2?
Think folks like the McCains, Bushes, Cheneys, Pelosis, Paul Ryan, McConnell, etc. Maybe even the Obamas?
No one is beholden to these old guard families any more. No one's begging for committee seats or donations from them. They can't threaten anyone. The media won't be interested in protecting them.
If it's from the date of this post, although I thought the general consensus was that the 8 years were PT's 4 and then FJB's 4. And, the actual V-day delta sounds like things are not really at the end of the movie (even if usung the July date, that would leave only 5 months for completion).
Either way, like most I am both done and at peace with the movie.
I always thought this Jack was Twitter founder Jack, but is it a different Jack? But isn’t the special counsel going after DJT a Jack Smith? In view of this delta…Is this post referring to that Jack?!
Interesting so does this refer to him? He’s been neutered. Did he break any laws by illegally posing as a special investigator or something? Punished by his masters for failing?
What other Jack does this refer too? Jack Dorsey has been out of the spotlight for years now.
But what does it mean? I think they mine Q posts for cryptic statements; someone makes the same/similar statement, and all DS and Anons go crazy trying to figure it out.
is it possible that @Jack getting nervous isnt Jack of twittville, but Jack Smith prosecuting this sham classified documents case? Just thinking outloud
Q+ verifying the plan.
i want to upvote but there are 17 upvotes so far so i won't
That does seem pretty unlikely, for him to use the phrase 'Phase 2' out of nowhere.
Far more normal word choice would have been 'Part 2' (or maybe 'Episode 2').
Those interviews are nearly always broken up into Parts. I've never seen them called "Phases" before.
Likelihood this is a Q proof feels like over 90%
I knew this was a comm when I saw POTUS' post on TS...he said "Phase 2" instead of Part 2...💥
Devil's avocado here.
If this is a comm, what is the message? What is the comm?
The Q drops themselves have been proven over and over, via proofs and Q - Q+ dynamics during the operation.
But as far as we know, it's reasonable to conclude that the operation is over. So, what purpose then to do this?
We've had plenty of confirmations far more direct from DJT during the past 3 years. Playing wwg1wga-related themes at his rallies, re-truthing Q-related posts, and plenty of other far more DIRECT messaging, which collectively go a long way to indicating "yes, the plan is still on, I'm still here, keep hanging in there, you anons".
So what would you speculate is the purpose, intent or message if this is in fact a "comm"?
After 6+ years, can't we move beyond simple things like deltas and coinkidinks, and saying "this is a comm"? I think we need to support such views with further developing the reasoning behind such theories? It should make sense or not make sense, because with close to 5000 drops (and I'm sure how many actual words in the map), it's very easy to speculate and find connections, whether meaningful or no, between words, phrases, deltas and timing.
I think there needs to be a compelling argument about WHAT the comms are saying. Because a comm without a message is not a comm.
I'm not saying its NOT a comm. I'm saying, the delta is a starting point for a thought process; now where does that thought process lead? Does it yield fruit? Cos unlike 2017-2020, we cannot post to the Q-research board and ask Q for clarification or confirmation.
Anons like us who have been around a while probably all have this view, I do, but there are a whole bunches of new ones now. It's an exciting affirmation for them. Or maybe it's nothing.... I like it though. There is (likely) no way he uses "phase" rather than "part" if not for a wink to anons.
Hmmm.... Look, I think its fine to raise the possibility and to examine it. But it should be examined, analysed and sifted, not simply celebrated because "oooh! It looks like a comm!"
The question is, where does the train of thought lead, using the proposition as a starting point?
Does it lead to pseudo-religious beliefs that are adopted and harbored because they are emotionally satisfying (aka 'opiate hopium') or does it lead to increased understanding, greater apprehension of truth, and an even more robust mental approach in which critical thinking plays an important part (aka what I would call 'hopermectin')?
I'm not saying you can't like it. I'm saying that choosing to believe in certain things comes with consequences, and all anons should be mindful of where their thinking is leading them. To me, that seems axiomatic to everything that Q posted.
With apologies, this seems highly subjective as a speculation.
If you can make the argument and back it with evidence and reasoning (for example, use of phase vs part in a body of linguistic corpus (aka a large volume of text or speech that shows how and where phase is used, in what contexts, vs part, in what contexts, etc), (how much DJT uses it, etc, etc.), then I could take the assertion seriously, but on itself, I think it's just a speculative idea adopted as a belief.
Just saying! Devil's avocado, and all that...
Well played fren. Yes, I understand exactly what you are saying and I don't disagree.
As far as phase vs part; I have never heard somebody say phase 2 rather than part 2. I get it though, to be accurate and substantiate the claim, a bit of research would need to be done to make a conclusion.
Appreciate ya fren. Always keepin it in cheq.
Thanks for the response. Appreciated!!!
Yeah, so this is where one has to balance and measure subjective views vs. evidence and facts. This is the challenge, because the blind spots are where we cannot see them. In other words, we don't know what we don't know.
In some situations, when there is a lack of data and input, it's natural to go with one's subjective conclusions based wholly on one's experience, but it's too easy to bend towards one biases in such situations.
Either way, I think the post has been good in as much as it created an opportunity for discussion on these points.
Be well fren!
You too fren. I do appreciate your objective take on situations. As you said, it’s easy to fall into the subjective side when there are unknowns. It is a difficult task to stick to facts and not fill in blanks with emotions or notions. Kek o7
I think you are right, we should always strive for further discernment and follow the bread crumbs as far as they go. but even here those people are in the minority. mostly there will be a base of people that focus on the basics to reinforce the work of the trailblazers.
As the great awakening spread, and brought more and more people into its sphere of thought, there has been an inevitable dilution of some of the more rigorous practices that Q engaged by engaging with anons on the chans.
The chans allowed Q drops to be rigorously raked over, and less than useful stuff: drivel, nonsense, speculation, 'theorizing' etc, to be mercilessly called out and smashed. As such, only the really good content and practices made an impact. Refinement in the midst of a mental crucible.
But as Q has stopped dropping, and the Great Awakening has expanded more than one hundred fold beyond anything the chans were or are, how much refinement takes place, and how much do ....dumb ideas and practices ... get promulgated simply because the same level of rigor is in many quarters missing or diluted?
the dilution was bound to happen with the expansion. With the healthy rigor in the old days there was downside too, much less of the polite introspective Christian types we have now and a lot more foul mouthed bomb throwers who were cool with friendly fire. =) I don't see how it could have been avoided- in fact it's a requirement if WWG1WGA.. In my noobish opinion.
oh, no, I fully agree with you. It was and IS bound to happen. I'm not decrying that at all. Just that I think that OG anons particular but really everyone should continue to blaze the refinement, and be aware of the pitfalls that will naturally emerge as the awakening of humanity progresses ahead.
Just a note: I love that you've pointed out that there was a downside to the old days. Well spotted.
Obviously its not about perfection, but about the spirit to always improve. I can't emphasize how far I've come personally in the past .... (wow, six) years.
And thank goodness for all the new blood.
you're right, and it's all coming about as it should be.
you and the others who were there in the beginning are still essential and won't ever stop being so.
That is pure subjective speculation. I've seen nothing to suggest it's anywhere NEAR over. It better not be; the bad people are still directing nearly all aspects of society.
This is not pure subjective speculation. Pure speculation would involve no empirical evidence. The q drops themselves are empirical evidence.
But to clarify, I'm talking about the [Q deployment of drops to the chans] as "the Q operation". I think its obvious to most anons that the dropping of drops by Q team is/was clearly an operation, and probably definable as a psyop (a very good psyop!). By all appearances, that operation or aspect of "the Plan" appears to have reached its active conclusion in December of 2020, albeit with a few follow ups for whatever reason.
Consider: 13 drops posted during a 6-month period in 2022 (assuming these are in fact bona fide Q) (avge = 2 drops per month) vs 4953 drops during a 38 month period Oct 2017 to Dec 2020 (avge 130 drops per month). And, no drops at all since Nov 2022.
So I'm talking about the Q operation as "The deployment of drops to the chans for the purpose of triggering and generating a great awakening via the 'biggest intel drop' operation ever on the boards".
If your definition of the "Q operation" is the entire US-based White Hat Plan to overthrow the Cabal and its iron grip on the USA and the world, then 100%, it's not over baby!!! No way!!!! On that perspective, I think you and I would agree?
I hope that clarifies things.
As for bad people still directing nearly all aspects of society, I think that is arguable and debatable. Many, many things have been happening behind the scenes (that is, not at the center of the narrative war, but underneath the narrative war), as far as I can see, so I'm not all that confident that the Cabal and the bad guys are in as much control as it appears on the surface (aka the narrative layer).
Best comment of the week! You had me kekking.
PS. For what it's worth, I think that .... phase .... of the Plan has been extremely successful.
Maybe it's a comm for someone other than anons...
And maybe its not. How does the speculation help if it cannot be reinforced with reason?
I'm rather concerned that in some degrees, the rigorous mental discipline and hard analytical reason-based thinking that the Q operation focused on has become subordinate to a speculative, emotionally gratifying (for some) pseudo-religious approach that takes signs and symbols (by which I mean perceived phenomena, not 'symbology') and makes them the object of faith leaning towards dogma.
Direct Q quote. Here, 'revelation' might be understood as 'subjective inspiration', as Q clearly has never negated the revelatory nature of scripture.
How does one maintain the philosophical viewpoint that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism?
Looking at anything Q, and the larger narrative war as a whole, should be about pursuing and formulating positions regarding truth (aka what one accepts as 'truth') by applying those practices and avoiding just believing in stuff because "hey, maybe (nice feeling!)"
I mean, our engagement with the ideas we think should lead somewhere. Where does the idea that "maybe its a comm for someone other than anons" lead?
Just asking, as (as I previously mentioned) devil's avocado.
This. It's been too long. There is no more use for "this is true" or "this is happening". It needs to lead to something to do, not more "things are really this way if you do sorcery with social media post numbers and timing!" And stupid crap that has nothing to do with anything like Biden's dog biting someone, or a news outlet/politician saying something we already know it/she would say, or someone having to pay legal fees in an environment in which everyone is always taking everyone else to court.
Well done LBT! Was waiting for you to chime in but finally had to go to sleep...
Let me ask, with the time stamp and all. Idk know how to do it. Does it correlate to a q drop or relevant? Or, am I over thinking? I never understood the crumbs and such.
Sometimes the length of the video can be used to reference the same drop number. 1:45 video? Check post 145...
Sometimes the "timestamp" the post was actually made is used to reference the same drop number. Easterntime seems to be the preferred time and military time has been substituted for posts made in the PM. Trump Truths at 9:30 PM est? Check post 930 or 2130 (military time).
In this instance, the date is used. Past drops made on the same date (month and day) are referenced. This is called a delta.
Trump Truthed Phase 2 on Feb 21, 2024. Q mentioned Phase 2 on Feb 21, 2018 making it a 6 year delta.
Probably just a coincidence right? 😉
Ty so much for the explanation, much appreciated. And of course, I've run out of mathematics 🙂
Nice find Joys1Daughter!
Thanks fren! There are several more delta decodes for Feb 14 that refer to "Phase III'
u/tenthousandspoons posted one from Feb 14 below 👇
I like this one a lot.
I don't know what phase 2 is, but I bet I like it
Hmm, when phase 1 was referenced, it implied prosecuting those who had lost power:
So maybe that is on the table and we're about to enter phase 2?
Think folks like the McCains, Bushes, Cheneys, Pelosis, Paul Ryan, McConnell, etc. Maybe even the Obamas?
No one is beholden to these old guard families any more. No one's begging for committee seats or donations from them. They can't threaten anyone. The media won't be interested in protecting them.
Feel the spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
I like the next suggestion from Q+:
And then, if we're keeping with a 6-year delta, next Valentine's day could be extra spicy...
If we are doing this by next V-day, doesn't that mean the 8 year window has been exceeded?
I think we might still be on schedule:
If it's from the date of this post, although I thought the general consensus was that the 8 years were PT's 4 and then FJB's 4. And, the actual V-day delta sounds like things are not really at the end of the movie (even if usung the July date, that would leave only 5 months for completion).
Either way, like most I am both done and at peace with the movie.
Correct...i feel Declass is NEAR
At the time I assumed @Jack in the Q post was referring to Jack Dorsey, but now it eerily could be Jack Smith.
Phase 1/2/3 u/#q243 u/#q797 u/#q2724
Perfect post LBT!! 👏 Thank you!
Grade A hopium.
Dasting Joy!
I think so, too Jak...front the Q post correlations declass could be finally coming.
Fingers crossed fren!
Didn’t X block comments for a “test” today, too? Didn’t @Jack used to be X?
Yes...check out my other post tonight
I always thought this Jack was Twitter founder Jack, but is it a different Jack? But isn’t the special counsel going after DJT a Jack Smith? In view of this delta…Is this post referring to that Jack?!
Jack Smith's trials against Trump were just taken off the docket
Interesting so does this refer to him? He’s been neutered. Did he break any laws by illegally posing as a special investigator or something? Punished by his masters for failing?
What other Jack does this refer too? Jack Dorsey has been out of the spotlight for years now.
But what does it mean? I think they mine Q posts for cryptic statements; someone makes the same/similar statement, and all DS and Anons go crazy trying to figure it out.
Just a coincidink said the liberals! Kek
is it possible that @Jack getting nervous isnt Jack of twittville, but Jack Smith prosecuting this sham classified documents case? Just thinking outloud