unfortunately i believe you are right because i have some family members who are taking every booster that comes out, plus flu shots. i'm gonna have to put them in the IQ range of 40.
Me, too....and at this point, I'll have to help put most of them in an early coffin within the next several years, I'm assuming...based on all of the emerging health issues they're having.
I'm past caring at this point. Them shunning my wife and I for NOT getting the shots for the past three years likely has something to do with that attitude....
Same here dude. I was successful in preventing my sister from getting second dose, and one of my brothers from getting vaxx at all, but two of my brothers are beyond reach, and I have given up on them.
Ok, are they just mocking us openly now? The vaccines aren’t ineffective, just the opposite, even though there were more deaths among the vaccinated— 🙄
Liberals love it when something obvious can be flipped around to make common people look uneducated. They love calling conservatives dumb and this Covid jab falls right into that wheel house.
The jabs were super effective at: depopulation, national insecurity, election interference, massive wealth exchange, mental psyop to evoke fear (fear=irrationality), and to show/put the youth of the world into submission in exchange for their God given freedoms. (I'm sure I'm missing other nefarious reasons but these popped into my head first).I know u guys know this and I'm preaching to the choir, I'm just absolutely blown away, that the jab hasn't been banned by now, even more mind blown that the sheep can't seem to get enough of big Daddy gov.
Wait what? Are they admitting that more deaths from those that are vaccinated is the goal? Because if you are comparing the vaccine effectiveness of those vaccinated and those that aren't that is exactly what you loot at. The vaccine is effective at killing you. That's the only takeaway from this post.
The PLANdemic REALLY was an IQ test.....and it continues....
unfortunately i believe you are right because i have some family members who are taking every booster that comes out, plus flu shots. i'm gonna have to put them in the IQ range of 40.
Me, too....and at this point, I'll have to help put most of them in an early coffin within the next several years, I'm assuming...based on all of the emerging health issues they're having.
I'm past caring at this point. Them shunning my wife and I for NOT getting the shots for the past three years likely has something to do with that attitude....
Same here dude. I was successful in preventing my sister from getting second dose, and one of my brothers from getting vaxx at all, but two of my brothers are beyond reach, and I have given up on them.
Me zero success rate, only able to stop most of them from boosters
I hear ya fren.
Some of these people are reading "000"!!!!😎😎😎😎 IYKWIM!!!!!!!!!
(If you know what I mean)!!!!
Get the booster that might kill you for something we are treating like the flu.
Throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Would you have believed a year ago that they are still at it? 😒
At this point, this actually doesn't bother me anymore. Anyone today, still stupid enough to believe this shit deserves whatever they get.
And the CDC is using our tax $$$ to pay for the commercials. Fucking criminals.
Deny Consent to Government Criminality.
Translation: "Dear stupid people, please ignore the facts and get jabbed anyway."
There, I fixed it.
WTH kind of logic is that????
The liberal "because I said so" logic.
That was removed from schools two generations ago.
It’s almost as if the vaccines were designed to kill people, and they are effective doing exactly that.
Ok, are they just mocking us openly now? The vaccines aren’t ineffective, just the opposite, even though there were more deaths among the vaccinated— 🙄
It's not ineffective at killing you. That's the only point to take away here.
Liberals love it when something obvious can be flipped around to make common people look uneducated. They love calling conservatives dumb and this Covid jab falls right into that wheel house.
Another lie that is hang worthy. Get the rope.
Don't believe your eyes. Forget the facts. Listen to what we tell you. Black is white, down is up, lies are truth.
Make sure our logo has a snake; the most ancient human symbol for poison
The jabs were super effective at: depopulation, national insecurity, election interference, massive wealth exchange, mental psyop to evoke fear (fear=irrationality), and to show/put the youth of the world into submission in exchange for their God given freedoms. (I'm sure I'm missing other nefarious reasons but these popped into my head first).I know u guys know this and I'm preaching to the choir, I'm just absolutely blown away, that the jab hasn't been banned by now, even more mind blown that the sheep can't seem to get enough of big Daddy gov.
I never expected them to allow even 1 jab. My reasoning? This is America and we're a first world country.
Lol what a headline... idiots
Four legs good, two legs bad!
It's quite the opposite indeed. It does exactly what they wanted it to do
Down in southern Ontario, Insta too
Sauce please?
Can't find it cited anywhere else.
But look at the kind of "guidance" Ms Berg puts out --
Wait what? Are they admitting that more deaths from those that are vaccinated is the goal? Because if you are comparing the vaccine effectiveness of those vaccinated and those that aren't that is exactly what you loot at. The vaccine is effective at killing you. That's the only takeaway from this post.
So says the AMA bought by cabalists Rockefeller
C'MON MAN! Don't believe your truth-telling eyes and ears!!!
Yes, they are effective. They are effective in maiming and killing you.
Pureblood here, never vaxxed or tested etc. It was all bs!! Time to pay up!! NCSWIC
I hope they continue pushing the pandemic narrative.
In my view, notwithstanding the cost of innocent life, this has been the biggest Redpill of all.
Can you imagine the pretzel twisting logic that went into that statement.
Most deaths were from those vaccinated, but that does not mean they are not effective.
We can always count on the AMA for "truthful" information.