Could we get a pinned post for a rabbithole topic allowing for deep dives, congragation of documentaries and over all a great lil spot for recreational history and research lessons
E.g. Week 1 - 9/11 Week 2 - mossad
Etc etc. An idea, apologies if low effort but i think it would be good for more social cohesion, reminder of topics, good start for newbies and normies and a good place to consolidate info that can be searched more readily with the search function. Perhaps they can be archived as they close down each week
The guys on superstonk would disscuse a topic and if it was considered proven. They archived it as DD - due diligence.
Tens of thousands of hours of work can be read here. And it's backed up several times over.
Wow, this sure is interesting. Are these PDFs turned into what look like books, and then the books are put on the bookshelf?
Yes, and everyone of them was disscused on the board first. We have a lot of very talented pissed off people. A lot of that info applies to the general market,not just GME.
I would say so! That's pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing.
These sound like excellent ideas.
Very interesting! Thank you for showing me this :)
It's the best organized research I've ever seen. I have no idea how they did it. Probably takes a lot of time.
This is an interesting idea. Worth considering, but we need Anons to take the time and energy necessary for this kind of deep dives.
We will watch the response to this post to gauge the level of energy and whether this is feasible.
This might be a great way to teach people how to properly research. It could have a really positive effect on our community's skillets.
I REALLY like this idea!
I think that the primary definition of high or low effort is not in the crafting, but in thought and intent, the mental effort behind the post. And this idea isn't low effort, imo.
To add some thought to this: when Q was posting, anons got nudged and directed in real time to look at this or that rabbit hole and dig and expose and travel.
In the Post-Q awakening, our community is comprised not only of OG aka active anons, but newcomers who found out about Q after Q stopped posting, etc.
Apart from the natural tide and flow of information coming across GAW board, I think that having some opportunities for newcomers (and old, for that matter) to engage with 'static' aka historical rabbit holes could yield benefits.
To move this forward, as BB points out, it would require anon effort, primarily from board participants but with support and assistance from the mods.
If an ad-hoc team of interested collaborators could self-organize, then I'm sure the mods would give it a fair try.
I also like the idea of finding ways to concentrate the research, etc, and have that published in a side form that is not the GAW board, but archived elsewhere, like the superstonk example given by u/Pbamn2
Anyway, random thoughts in response to your post.
Great post. I like the idea of self-organization so it doesn't get all messy and repetitive and hard to sift through.
Similar to how certain posters on here have found a niche, we could delegate very specific aspects of the topic to a certain small group of posters. This could be done organically through trial and error or discussed throughout the week on a stickied weekly rabbit hole assignment discussion.
Example: (Week 1 Research Group Discussion) - Here people can gather to delegate research duties and help each other stay organized and compile sauce for the week's research project. A practice run or rough draft if you will. (Week 1 Research Project) - Here is where it must be an organized and relevant conglomeration of research and not just random ideas and discussions. A final draft, so to speak.
If there was an assignment post where all posters were free to chat about what they personally are looking for and where their expertise lies, the mods would theoretically only have to patrol the actual research project thread. The names of these threads can obviously be whatever the mods want them to be. I really like this concept, not sure if it's possible, but would be really cool and helpful if we could swing it.
You mention about niches. I think that it's likely true that quite a good number of our pedes have skills but more importantly knowledge in certain areas, areas that do not necessarily come across the board in the normal course of a week, but which might be foundational to the Great Awakening. Having a dedicated post for the week would generate an opportunity for those anons to share what they know, and for other anons to benefit from their sharings, aka anons who have NOT investigated or gone much down that particular rabbit hole...
Last game of the season, can't hold anything back!
I’m here to say I love this idea. Hive-mind data-dump.
This is such a good idea.
I'm always a sucker for Masonic conspiracies, since the Freemason influence extends across all aspects of society and the planet!
This is an amazing idea!
I love this and am going to request a sticky so the mods look at it. I think that the general chat on Friday's can be used to upvote the next week's topic.
I second this
Love this idea.
this is a great idea and i would participate
I like that idea a lot.
Yes. Great idea. have a suggestion. I have been looking to the finger lakes in NY. I've been interested in Willard a mental hospital that was a place for severely disabled people that it was said started so they could live with care and freedoms they never had. But it's has a dark dark history.
The finger lakes have many beautiful falls, one is named Lucifer Falls... I think one lake (Keuka) was in a post from scavino.
Seneca lake has an abandoned military base, that's is the home to an albino deer herd, and in the lake is a platform that was supposedly for submarine testing, or sonar or something. A railroad track runs along it. The locals say the lake is haunted with Indian drums... and you can sometimes hear thumping under the water... other say it's natural gas escaping under the lake.
There was a huge fracking project going on there, then one day it stopped and all the fracking equipment was gone. I suspect there are tunnels there that were being protected.
The tattoo on Hunter 's back. ....
It's hard to find information on the area, at least for me - all I get are puff pieces about the excitement of Willard opening, how it's a haunted place now.
The nurses in local hospitals get extra training on recognizing human trafficking- there's a lot there.
I've spent some time there, and my in-laws still live in the area. Many wineries, good fishing etc.
If anyone has and links or resources I could research more I'd be grateful :).
I like the idea.
Would the searches that Anons did during Q drops be a priority/baseline for everyone to dig deeper, or simply ideas that Q told us to research we research again?
Either way, it could be great to have new Anons learn about what has been hidden for decades.
Some deep dives I found helpful was to follow the wives. Looked at a certain politicians wife and her connections.
Great idea
Fuck no. black hats will use that to crucify us. I send people here to learn and that shit has never been high research, high signal. Show me someone elevating the fucking effort long enough in first and then maybe I'd consider it.
I would not be so keen to dig into some of the more out-there rabbit holes, but I can think of a few that were instrumental to my waking up before Q.
Example: black budgets, pizzagate, "illluminati". Has to be high on research and signal, I agree. Otherwise, its better left on
There is plenty of stuff out that that rips the veneer of the matrix off without having to deeply sink into speculation and leaps of logic. Just simple facts.
Perhaps a tiering system of likelihood of being real and q related, real.but not q related, needs more research or proof etc.
So the mods can delete it and ban the person who put it together?