Yes. I'm extremely tired of winning. I want one big win and want it to be done. This up and down rollercoaster is exhausting. I think this is exactly what President Trump meant when he said we would be tired of winning. He was right.
If you minus democrats that voted in Vermont yes, Trump would’ve had it easily. Vermont allows the opposing party to vote in each other’s parties. Dems showed up and in their words “make Trump look weak”, by taking Vermont away from him.
Watching Vermont, and the rest of the states, made me wonder - we saw the fuckery on live TV. And I damn sure wouldn't have expected Nimrata to get 40% anywhere - yet she did, as the idiots on TV pointed out. Makes me wonder if they are trying show in control as opposed to Uniparty fuckery winning. I expected Trump to win by greater margins tbh. So, it's made me speculate also as to how big a spread he really had that Nimrata getting 30 or 40% was all they could cheat by? Hope and faith in God above is all I have left.
I guess we will see here in a few months. I hope people on this site aren't sitting around talking about how much they are winning right before the 2028 election and how the theft of 2024 was ALSO apart of the plan....
If there is a country even left to worry about at that point considering we have hundreds of thousands of illegals running over the border on almost a monthly basis.
I guess that all depends on your definition of winning. I don't consider anything yet as winning. Winning for me is:
No more gaslighting
Complete disclosure
Reconciliation rather than waiting for people to wake up
From where I stand, we haven't won a thing yet. These minor milestones along the way are obviously better than a kick in the head, but winning still seems to be something far, far away.
As long as it's necessary to continue this psyop, then we're still bogged down in the trenches of war. The only "win" in a war is ending it.
Granted these were just primaries and do not represent the actual voter turn-out, my quick analysis is that Trump beat Biden in every state with the exceptions being VT and CA. If we assume most of Birdbrain's voters switch to Trump (they may or may not, I suspect many were democrats/independents choosing an R ballot) then that gives Trump and even more cushy lead against FJB. So, call me an optimist (I am admittedly a bit of hopium addict) I think there will more BIGGER wins on the horizon. I pray the LORD keeps this man and his family safe!
A primary for the ‘less fucked up party’ compared to a general election controlled by the ‘fucked up party’ and fully aided by their embedded agents in the less fucked up party is entirely something different.
Nice with the flag backgrounds.
In a few months, you're going to need 49 or 50 of these.
full disclosure, i am not yet tired of winning
We lost so much, compared to
what no, i mean i know were winning, i'm just not tired of it yet
It had to be this way. (Unfortunately) To Wake Up the Mind.. - of Normies
Sadly, there's STILL so many in a slumber
Yes. I'm extremely tired of winning. I want one big win and want it to be done. This up and down rollercoaster is exhausting. I think this is exactly what President Trump meant when he said we would be tired of winning. He was right.
Well rest up because after we dismantle the corrupt system, we'll have to build a new one (but it will be fun).
hahaha that smirk
He won Vermont too.
and DC
You mean after nimarata dropped out?
Negative. Dominion vote switching fuckery was in third gear.
If you minus democrats that voted in Vermont yes, Trump would’ve had it easily. Vermont allows the opposing party to vote in each other’s parties. Dems showed up and in their words “make Trump look weak”, by taking Vermont away from him.
Nimarata "suspended her campaign". She's likely hoping Trump is declared ineligible, but Trump body checked her out of the arena for now.
I'm no wheres tired of winning
Me, either fren! WINNING!!! 🥳🎉✨
Not the winning I'm looking for. But better than the alternative.
Getting the J6 political prisoners released and Congress charged. That's winning. Letting them retire. That's not winning.
The good guys need to step it up. As they say at GE, More. Better. Faster.
I mean, not to be the Debbie Downer of the awakening here.
But none of this matters when they are just going to rig it against him... again in November.
I hope I'm wrong, but I wasn't in 2020 :/
Watching Vermont, and the rest of the states, made me wonder - we saw the fuckery on live TV. And I damn sure wouldn't have expected Nimrata to get 40% anywhere - yet she did, as the idiots on TV pointed out. Makes me wonder if they are trying show in control as opposed to Uniparty fuckery winning. I expected Trump to win by greater margins tbh. So, it's made me speculate also as to how big a spread he really had that Nimrata getting 30 or 40% was all they could cheat by? Hope and faith in God above is all I have left.
Hope and faith in God is really all that matters.
The rest of this stuff is nonsense honestly.
Allowing them to steal the election in 2020 was the Q plan all along. Why would it be a downer when it went according to plan?
I guess we will see here in a few months. I hope people on this site aren't sitting around talking about how much they are winning right before the 2028 election and how the theft of 2024 was ALSO apart of the plan....
If there is a country even left to worry about at that point considering we have hundreds of thousands of illegals running over the border on almost a monthly basis.
I guess that all depends on your definition of winning. I don't consider anything yet as winning. Winning for me is:
From where I stand, we haven't won a thing yet. These minor milestones along the way are obviously better than a kick in the head, but winning still seems to be something far, far away.
As long as it's necessary to continue this psyop, then we're still bogged down in the trenches of war. The only "win" in a war is ending it.
Not even close. Doubtful that will really happen, since I DO love winning!
"Massachusetts" was hard to fit and had to be smaller.
Granted these were just primaries and do not represent the actual voter turn-out, my quick analysis is that Trump beat Biden in every state with the exceptions being VT and CA. If we assume most of Birdbrain's voters switch to Trump (they may or may not, I suspect many were democrats/independents choosing an R ballot) then that gives Trump and even more cushy lead against FJB. So, call me an optimist (I am admittedly a bit of hopium addict) I think there will more BIGGER wins on the horizon. I pray the LORD keeps this man and his family safe!
It’s good to be winning again!
A primary for the ‘less fucked up party’ compared to a general election controlled by the ‘fucked up party’ and fully aided by their embedded agents in the less fucked up party is entirely something different.