Who is sick of hearing about illegals invading our country? I tune it out now, don't watch or read news about it. There is nothing I can do to stop it. I've got things in my life currently that takes a lot of strength and have no time for constantly depressing news.🙄
As if getting mad over the news every night is doing something, or the opposite of "giving up".
What value does watching news on shit we can't change provide? People who don't know it's happening need to see it, not the people who have seen it dozens of time already.
Agreed. I‘ve not viewed a newscast, local or national for 3 years nor read a newspaper or magazine in well over 5 years. The illegals are coming because they can. I don’t need to see it every night to know it’s happening. The real news will happen when they stop coming. Until then I will count the days until I can vote for Trump.
Honestly... how many of them would self deport once [THEY] stop paying them to come? I kind of hope that "WE" the people confiscate whatever the invaders have before sending them back from whence they came. Resisters should be dealt with like the invaders they truly are in this case. Cheaper to bury or "BURN" than transport and feed. Oh same goes for those funding this entire shite-show. Every last one of 'em. Boomerangs and pendulums.
As foreign invaders paid to illegally cross our borders I believe they are enemies and subject to a certain important Presidential order that was not nullified when FJB took over the reins of the corporation otherwise known as the United States government. I suppose it comes down to a definition of "serious" as to whether it should apply.
My statement still stands-maybe-only by me, but this is a lot bigger than any one of us. Even though our president (resident only) thinks it is not his fault.
That sounds good to me. I did say to send them back with what they came with, but we could probably burn it. It isn't like we are talking about people that came in legally-Right? So why would they be able to keep anything they accumulated while here? I'll bet if they took over your house you would want them out, but as I understand they have more rights once they get in as squatters than the actual owners! Terrible.
Related to your headline: Today Serbia announced that it was refusing to issue residency permits to the 1 million anti-Putin Russians who went there at the start of the operation! 12% of Serbia’s current population are this bloc of people and they’re kicking them out! 🍿
Oh, those poor "oppressed" foreigners from shithole countries got together and bought a bunch of boats so they could cruise to their country of choice, huh?
Either that, or someone with money is involved in an act of insurrection, sedition, treason, and/or war against the USA by funding this invasion.
These bastards get on the freeways and turned our roads into meat grinders - ther number of major accidents and fatalities have skyrocketed in CA where Gov 'SCUM gave them all drivers licenses, guns, and free money.
Almost like a coast defending or coast guard branch is what you’re saying ?? That wouldn’t be a Bad Idea .. Any suggestions as to what they could name it ??
Who is sick of hearing about illegals invading our country? I tune it out now, don't watch or read news about it. There is nothing I can do to stop it. I've got things in my life currently that takes a lot of strength and have no time for constantly depressing news.🙄
I’m with you. It’s a HUGE red pill though. Can’t stand to watch but important to share.
The evil ones WANT you to give up.
As if getting mad over the news every night is doing something, or the opposite of "giving up".
What value does watching news on shit we can't change provide? People who don't know it's happening need to see it, not the people who have seen it dozens of time already.
Agreed. I‘ve not viewed a newscast, local or national for 3 years nor read a newspaper or magazine in well over 5 years. The illegals are coming because they can. I don’t need to see it every night to know it’s happening. The real news will happen when they stop coming. Until then I will count the days until I can vote for Trump.
Hiya, handshake.
LOL. Handshake deleted his post about trying to stir up shit.
Patriots in control. Massive honeypot in progress. Do not lose hope!
Source or you're full of coping bullshit.
Honestly... how many of them would self deport once [THEY] stop paying them to come? I kind of hope that "WE" the people confiscate whatever the invaders have before sending them back from whence they came. Resisters should be dealt with like the invaders they truly are in this case. Cheaper to bury or "BURN" than transport and feed. Oh same goes for those funding this entire shite-show. Every last one of 'em. Boomerangs and pendulums.
Why should their belongings be confiscated?
As foreign invaders paid to illegally cross our borders I believe they are enemies and subject to a certain important Presidential order that was not nullified when FJB took over the reins of the corporation otherwise known as the United States government. I suppose it comes down to a definition of "serious" as to whether it should apply.
Is it confirmed they are paid?
Why not? They leave (be deported) with only what they came in with?
What was said was that they have everything confiscated, not to send them back with what they had coming in.
My statement still stands-maybe-only by me, but this is a lot bigger than any one of us. Even though our president (resident only) thinks it is not his fault.
So you think the best course of action is to take everything they own and send them home with nothing? And then what? Burn their belongings?
That sounds good to me. I did say to send them back with what they came with, but we could probably burn it. It isn't like we are talking about people that came in legally-Right? So why would they be able to keep anything they accumulated while here? I'll bet if they took over your house you would want them out, but as I understand they have more rights once they get in as squatters than the actual owners! Terrible.
I don't think you really understand what implications that sort of action brings.
just tell Floridians that we can shoot hostile invaders.
make us pay a tax to do it even
Whole new meaning to "Beach Day"
Did you say "BLEACH DAY", bleach that's for cleaning up messes.
The fish can clean up...
That would be smart. They can sell tags like for deers, elk, etc
I think they would want a 'Tax credit' for that. Amirite
Related to your headline: Today Serbia announced that it was refusing to issue residency permits to the 1 million anti-Putin Russians who went there at the start of the operation! 12% of Serbia’s current population are this bloc of people and they’re kicking them out! 🍿
Really? Can you send a link.
One simple law solves everything.
Those who come here illegally will NEVER achieve citizenship.
Nor will their children who are born here.
Nor will they EVER be allowed to bring family members to the United States to achieve citizenship.
Case closed.
Deputize the local populace, start shooting them as they land.
Oh, those poor "oppressed" foreigners from shithole countries got together and bought a bunch of boats so they could cruise to their country of choice, huh?
Either that, or someone with money is involved in an act of insurrection, sedition, treason, and/or war against the USA by funding this invasion.
Correct. Soros, Biden, and others.
Hang them slowly.
yeppers! a nice slow strech & some air-dancing. NOT a merciful drop-n-snap
When will they auction the confiscated / NGO purchased boats to the general public. Gotta get me one.
They're probably smeared with shit and piss, tbh.
My FIL said the coast guard has been told to stand down to illegals on boats. Wtf who listens to those orders that are clearly allowing an invasion
Deport 'em all!
All those spring-breakers aren't going to like that. Good way to red-pill some drunken college yutes.
These bastards get on the freeways and turned our roads into meat grinders - ther number of major accidents and fatalities have skyrocketed in CA where Gov 'SCUM gave them all drivers licenses, guns, and free money.
If only we had a military branch who's sole job was to defend our coasts... to guard it, if you will.
Almost like a coast defending or coast guard branch is what you’re saying ?? That wouldn’t be a Bad Idea .. Any suggestions as to what they could name it ??
It’s my favorite subject to discuss while in the Matrix. This is normal, right?
So, are they letting them IN?
could we build the wall ala-vlad tsepis? 10,000 rotting impaled invaders might discourage tresspssing...... jussayin.....
Me times 1000. The schadenfreude will be legendary. So thick you can eat it with a spoon.
Mount some large guns along the shore, fill the illegals with bullets, collect them in nets, and place them along the ocean floor several miles out. ✅
All we need to do is get our feral urban youth to fight them and then the government might actually step in and pick a side,
It either happens now or we're going to see a 9/11 on steroids