The shot from right to the front was from the storm sewer. An eye witness saw someone exit the sewer from the other end covered with mud and water all over him. Total cover up by George H W BUSH/SCHERF (NAZI SPY)
that’s why there is a picture of a cop on a motorcycle that had stopped and was peering down into the storm sewer. I think it was the fatal shot and also know that a couple of frames of the video were cut out - the car actaully came to a stop ensuring the final shot would be successful
Y'all need to watch the X Files episode called "tales of a cigarette smoking man". Chris Carter clearly was fed DS info for this episode detailing both the JFK and MLK assassinations.
Latest forensic reports? No, it was suppressed forensic reports. This was known all along within the inner government circles. The Warren Commission was just another scam/lie.
I had seen a piece that said the frontal shots were from one of the SS in the front seat. They claimed that was why Jackie tried to jump out the back of the car.
One more time: GHWB hated JFK. George was CIA and trained snipers. JFK wouldn't allow Operation Northwoods which was a plan to fly planes of Americans into buildings killing them so Cuba could be blamed. GHWB was THERE in Dallas that day. He left immediately after JFK was shot and called the FBI 90 miles away. The declassified memo is online. He tried to pin the assassination on James Parrot.
GWB was 17 years old and GHWB taught him to shoot. GWB made him proud. GWB also killed JFK, Jr. He sabotaged the plane. Bush was a trained Navy pilot certainly capable of that. Bush was MISSING during that weekend. No one knew his whereabouts. Not even his campaign staff as he was on the campaign trail. He emerged with a flu excuse.
The hit on JFK, Jr. was supposedly made by Hillary Clinton who had to ask GHWB's permission. GWB carried it out.
Sigh...I always wondered why the First Lady would leap onto the back of the car like we've all seen her do.
"As I approached the vehicle [JFK’s limousine] there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right rear of the right ear, causing a gaping hole in his head, which caused brain matter, blood, and bone fragments to spew forth out over the car, over myself. At that point Mrs. Kennedy came up out of the back seat onto the trunk of the car. She was trying to retrieve something that had gone off to the right rear. She did not know I was there. At that point I grabbed Mrs. Kennedy, put her in the back seat. The President fell over into her lap, to his left."
The shot from right to the front was from the storm sewer. An eye witness saw someone exit the sewer from the other end covered with mud and water all over him. Total cover up by George H W BUSH/SCHERF (NAZI SPY)
that’s why there is a picture of a cop on a motorcycle that had stopped and was peering down into the storm sewer. I think it was the fatal shot and also know that a couple of frames of the video were cut out - the car actaully came to a stop ensuring the final shot would be successful
Y'all need to watch the X Files episode called "tales of a cigarette smoking man". Chris Carter clearly was fed DS info for this episode detailing both the JFK and MLK assassinations.
Yes, the shooters were GHWB and son GWB.
Latest forensic reports? No, it was suppressed forensic reports. This was known all along within the inner government circles. The Warren Commission was just another scam/lie.
Just like the 9/11 commission.
And the OKC investigation.
I had seen a piece that said the frontal shots were from one of the SS in the front seat. They claimed that was why Jackie tried to jump out the back of the car.
Jackie was retrieving a piece of JFK's brain that landed on the car behind her. She did indeed grab it. She handed it to a doctor at the hospital.
Book by Jerome Corsi (MOS). He's trying to shift all the blame to the CIA when he knows it was a concerted op by CIA & MOS.
So there was more than one gunman on the grassy knoll.....
Think one was in the storm sewer
This happened before I was born. Remember my mom and dad talking about it. They both seemed to like JFK and were really upset about it.
The kill shot was from the sewer.
So we hear about this 60 + years later? Well, thanks for the tip.
I know right? We can look forward to the DECLAS on the Covid nonsense and the Election steal in 2080.
One more time: GHWB hated JFK. George was CIA and trained snipers. JFK wouldn't allow Operation Northwoods which was a plan to fly planes of Americans into buildings killing them so Cuba could be blamed. GHWB was THERE in Dallas that day. He left immediately after JFK was shot and called the FBI 90 miles away. The declassified memo is online. He tried to pin the assassination on James Parrot.
GWB was 17 years old and GHWB taught him to shoot. GWB made him proud. GWB also killed JFK, Jr. He sabotaged the plane. Bush was a trained Navy pilot certainly capable of that. Bush was MISSING during that weekend. No one knew his whereabouts. Not even his campaign staff as he was on the campaign trail. He emerged with a flu excuse.
The hit on JFK, Jr. was supposedly made by Hillary Clinton who had to ask GHWB's permission. GWB carried it out.
Sigh...I always wondered why the First Lady would leap onto the back of the car like we've all seen her do.
"As I approached the vehicle [JFK’s limousine] there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right rear of the right ear, causing a gaping hole in his head, which caused brain matter, blood, and bone fragments to spew forth out over the car, over myself. At that point Mrs. Kennedy came up out of the back seat onto the trunk of the car. She was trying to retrieve something that had gone off to the right rear. She did not know I was there. At that point I grabbed Mrs. Kennedy, put her in the back seat. The President fell over into her lap, to his left."
Deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.
Low angle.
Like in the car low angle?
Under the horizon low angle
We still good on the driver shooting him + a man in the storm drain (on the road) sniping him?