Remember those who didn't follow Moses instructions ALL lost their firstborn to the destroyer. Maybe it's some satanic nod to those who took the hit sticking to baal worship.
Worth throwing out there that Jesus himself celebrated Passover, not Easter, and that in the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God, and The Word said to keep Passover for all your generations to Israel, to which the Gentiles were grafted in, then ditched Passover to make peace with Sun Worshippers so Constantine’s empire wasn’t split in two, because listen to the Pope not the Messiah or the inerrant Word of God.
The King invites His people to His festival, which he explicitly tells us how to keep, and 90% don’t care to show up.
Point of this post being that there may be a connection with Passover, because who knows who is doing what, or why, but let’s be clear that any potential connection is in no way related to Passover itself.
Jesus made a New Convenant for his followers, replacing the Old Covenant entirely.
Only the godless idol worshippers of Baal and Moloch celebrate Passover now, as they refused the New Covenant Jesus made for them so shall they suffer the consequences.
Only the godless idol worshippers of Baal and Moloch celebrate Passover now
So the OT is Ba’al worship now, Abraham’s faithfulness to his unchanging God is Ba’al worship, God’s blessing upon Abraham’s faithful actions are surely also … nah!, the 900 citations of the OT in the NT had better all be trying to disprove that Ba’al worship, the prophets who prophecied the messiah were identified as being prophets of God by practicing Ba’al worship, even Elijah when he disproved the priests of Ba’al themselves, Jesus keeping the Passover prior to his death wasn’t Ba’al worship, but only because he hadn’t died yet, and the only reason we still include this massive paean of Ba’al as the first 80% of the Bible is because we are a bunch of friggin idiots who just can’t get rid of bad counsel, apparently, culminating in God casting out Ba’al by following Ba’al worship?
Do I have your position summarized correctly? If so, I’ll be off in my room eating crayons now. Still haven’t decided my favorite flavor.
Or maybe, as I noted, you guys need to reconsider your positions. I may not be right, but your claim there is pretty clearly wrong.
And I’m leaning toward silver, but aquamarine is tasty too.
Funny how the apostles kept it after he died, and how he said he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it, and how he pointed out that not one jot or tittle shall pass away till heaven and earth pass away.
So since according to your claim we aren’t on earth, for it has passed away, where prithee are we, and why do things look so bad when all has already been accomplished?
Our Lord’s Word is unchanging and eternal, but He’s got His finger all over the Delete button?
The festival by which he delivered Israel from the Egyptians and by which we were to recognize the Messiah is Ba’al worship now?
You should consider your words more carefully.
Or perhaps you are more fascinated with death and vengeance than salvation, mercy, and life, and already have considered your words?
My hope is that you humble yourself and study the scriptures.
The law that I am open by my understanding to having been done away with through fulfillment, not abolition, is the Law of Sin and Death, which was the law around which the sacrificial system was built, that law was fulfilled, and thus no longer necessary to any who accept the atoning covering of Jesus’ blood.
We, then, having accepted that offering, in turn offer our own bodies as a living sacrifice, through a process of continually repenting, praying, and doing our best to follow the Law, or “Teachings”, as it could more accurately be translated. Through this, our obedience is counted as our righteousness, and we may enter into Life.
The Babylonian holiday that coincides with the Jewish Passover is the Akitu festival. The Akitu festival was an ancient Babylonian religious celebration that marked the New Year. It took place during the first month of the Babylonian calendar, which is roughly equivalent to the Hebrew month of Nisan. The festival lasted for eleven days and included rituals and ceremonies to ensure the prosperity and well-being of the kingdom. Since the cabal is Babylonian and not Jewish (they like to hide behind this shield) we should also consider this...
This brings into sharp relief what Q mentioned on "archive offline". On the other hand, the guy having done this research will most probably have known what happens when matters like this are posted. So, I am not yet convinced it is totally gone, but will perhaps live somewhere underground.
Since Passover often overlaps Easter, I wonder if he did the research based on Easter too? If he didn't, it would seem like a biased study designed to prove Jews are bad. Any fallen Christians involved? How about Muslims who openly rape children? If a study is biased it's not a study. It's propaganda.
He did state that every other 2 week period has138 children missing not 312. That would include Easter and Muslim holidays. But sure go and do the research. Let us know your findings.
The very low p-value indicates that it can’t possibly be due to chance. For those of you not familiar with the e-17 at the end, it means that the true p-value in decimal form is 0.00000000000000007723973643673481…. I have never seen a number this low in measuring true life data.
Kicked out of countries for a reason.
Synagogue of Satan.
been 109 in history so far.
That's it???
That’s countries. MANY more “kick outs”.
thats right
They didn’t just get kicked out for coin clipping! Murdering kids and poisoning wells are all fair-game for them.
"poisoning wells"
happening in Iowa...
thx fren
And ... it's gone.
Love the noticing.
How many go missing around Halloween?
Or the major satanic high holy days?
Remember those who didn't follow Moses instructions ALL lost their firstborn to the destroyer. Maybe it's some satanic nod to those who took the hit sticking to baal worship.
Worth throwing out there that Jesus himself celebrated Passover, not Easter, and that in the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God, and The Word said to keep Passover for all your generations to Israel, to which the Gentiles were grafted in, then ditched Passover to make peace with Sun Worshippers so Constantine’s empire wasn’t split in two, because listen to the Pope not the Messiah or the inerrant Word of God.
The King invites His people to His festival, which he explicitly tells us how to keep, and 90% don’t care to show up.
Point of this post being that there may be a connection with Passover, because who knows who is doing what, or why, but let’s be clear that any potential connection is in no way related to Passover itself.
Jesus couldn't celebrate Easter, the holiday of his resurrection, as he was still alive
According to the church. Not according to the words of our Shepherd nor his apostles.
Jesus made a New Convenant for his followers, replacing the Old Covenant entirely.
Only the godless idol worshippers of Baal and Moloch celebrate Passover now, as they refused the New Covenant Jesus made for them so shall they suffer the consequences.
Gosh, that’s a lot of downvotes!
I must be super duper wrong.
So the OT is Ba’al worship now, Abraham’s faithfulness to his unchanging God is Ba’al worship, God’s blessing upon Abraham’s faithful actions are surely also … nah!, the 900 citations of the OT in the NT had better all be trying to disprove that Ba’al worship, the prophets who prophecied the messiah were identified as being prophets of God by practicing Ba’al worship, even Elijah when he disproved the priests of Ba’al themselves, Jesus keeping the Passover prior to his death wasn’t Ba’al worship, but only because he hadn’t died yet, and the only reason we still include this massive paean of Ba’al as the first 80% of the Bible is because we are a bunch of friggin idiots who just can’t get rid of bad counsel, apparently, culminating in God casting out Ba’al by following Ba’al worship?
Do I have your position summarized correctly? If so, I’ll be off in my room eating crayons now. Still haven’t decided my favorite flavor.
Or maybe, as I noted, you guys need to reconsider your positions. I may not be right, but your claim there is pretty clearly wrong.
And I’m leaning toward silver, but aquamarine is tasty too.
Funny how the apostles kept it after he died, and how he said he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it, and how he pointed out that not one jot or tittle shall pass away till heaven and earth pass away.
So since according to your claim we aren’t on earth, for it has passed away, where prithee are we, and why do things look so bad when all has already been accomplished?
Our Lord’s Word is unchanging and eternal, but He’s got His finger all over the Delete button?
The festival by which he delivered Israel from the Egyptians and by which we were to recognize the Messiah is Ba’al worship now?
You should consider your words more carefully.
Or perhaps you are more fascinated with death and vengeance than salvation, mercy, and life, and already have considered your words?
My hope is that you humble yourself and study the scriptures.
The law that I am open by my understanding to having been done away with through fulfillment, not abolition, is the Law of Sin and Death, which was the law around which the sacrificial system was built, that law was fulfilled, and thus no longer necessary to any who accept the atoning covering of Jesus’ blood.
We, then, having accepted that offering, in turn offer our own bodies as a living sacrifice, through a process of continually repenting, praying, and doing our best to follow the Law, or “Teachings”, as it could more accurately be translated. Through this, our obedience is counted as our righteousness, and we may enter into Life.
The Babylonian holiday that coincides with the Jewish Passover is the Akitu festival. The Akitu festival was an ancient Babylonian religious celebration that marked the New Year. It took place during the first month of the Babylonian calendar, which is roughly equivalent to the Hebrew month of Nisan. The festival lasted for eleven days and included rituals and ceremonies to ensure the prosperity and well-being of the kingdom. Since the cabal is Babylonian and not Jewish (they like to hide behind this shield) we should also consider this...
Best comment in this thread. Let’s assume a group was unknowingly hijacked by an evil subgroup.
Thanks for sharing. However, it is already gone. Maybe, underground on the darknet it is still available.
Since we are left with images, the statistical analysis cannot be reproduced.
His conclusion is damning, and defeats the libel in the "blood libel" part. Hence, the probability of the reason it is gone
Check my comments in this post. There’s an archive link.
Yes, I saw that. I checked the archive link, and on that page, there is an option to download the files. However, it links to an empty raw bin.
message: error"repository_expired"
This brings into sharp relief what Q mentioned on "archive offline". On the other hand, the guy having done this research will most probably have known what happens when matters like this are posted. So, I am not yet convinced it is totally gone, but will perhaps live somewhere underground.
Major calendar note:
Jewish holidays were based on the moon cycle. Just like Satanism.
They’re not the only ones, but they’re the obvious that come to mind.
Excellent post! Unfortunately posts on this particular topic are never stickied, no matter how popular.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
The post now is stickied.🤓
I see your reverse psychology has worked!
When will it end👺🐍🤯
Since Passover often overlaps Easter, I wonder if he did the research based on Easter too? If he didn't, it would seem like a biased study designed to prove Jews are bad. Any fallen Christians involved? How about Muslims who openly rape children? If a study is biased it's not a study. It's propaganda.
They’re not mutually exclusive.
I’ll condemn any group engaged in this behavior.
He did state that every other 2 week period has138 children missing not 312. That would include Easter and Muslim holidays. But sure go and do the research. Let us know your findings.
I was considering a similar perspective, except the angle satan is requiring an opposite exercise from his followers.
The very low p-value indicates that it can’t possibly be due to chance. For those of you not familiar with the e-17 at the end, it means that the true p-value in decimal form is 0.00000000000000007723973643673481…. I have never seen a number this low in measuring true life data.
And once we have the data/scripts we can confirm that it is indeed "true life data"
I suspect this is like the election results and you're not going to be able to examine the underlying data (ballots).