Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
You obviously have to be very open minded to have found yourselves here. In saying that... here comes the hate..
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Idk what it is.. but something! I'll say that. On 6-23-24 Swift had Kelce on Her Eras tour stage, picking her up ( being handed to her , to be exact). After some song, little man ever? Intro into I can do it with a broken heart? Anyway... the celebs thst were in attendance. Ashton Kutcher, wife Mila Kunis, ( where some say, she got down and proposed to kutcher) Tom cruise ( who missed suri grad to be at the swift concert) , prince William, prince George and princess charlotte. Also at the concert fir ol will bday! No Kate! Paul McCartney, ton John. ( which are sir) then, you have all the other celebs idk...
Travis in red bottom souled shoes, just like TS, but.... not her dancers..
I'm beginning to think the " Swifties" are onto something, quite like anons! They notice every detail of her, everything she does different. I mean.. all of it!
If you have some links to any good analyses by the "swifties" I would be interested.
BTW, I have seen the Meghan Markle "anons" who also try to "decode" things about her, but that one turns out just retarded. But I think Swift has been turned somewhere along the way. She still hasnt endorsed Biden this time.
I won't lie, they are from reels and comments I've been watching on fb. That's why I posted my thoughts/comments in general chat. And what made me, is, something about the song high school I suppose shebwrote for Travis. A swift pointed out.. her reference to either Don McClean and how it had been 50 yrs as of 6-23-23 I think, that he broke his silence on what the song was about! They put ( declassified). Then I read here about assange.
50 yrs.. ?? 🤔🤔
If you can get thru the reels and understand them. I'll post here. Very interesting! I agree, think she's flipped. Swifties are so loving this new, free, open TS, that she couldn't be with her other bf.
Say what you want about soccer, I'm looking for confirmation of a possible "suddenly" attack of climate change -almost- seen live. Main referee of this evening's Peru-Canada game went down, taken out on a stretcher, quickly replaced and- here's the thing- NO CAMERA SHOT AT ALL PERMITTED. It seemed to happen at the edge of the main ball-following shot, but the announcers said they were not going to show what happened. Not mentioned again. I'll look further but, there was zero mention of a collision or any normal sort of injury, but the absolute immediate censorship was creepy... Remembering that the announcers do not control the camera coverage, everyone gets the same feed, yet the different channels (English, 2 Spanish) that we saw all had the same message. Like they were prepped.
🙏Prayer Garden Podcast Episode 18: Scott Zimmerman (Beer at the Parade)🙏
On this episode we speak with my friend Scott (@Beer at the Parade on X). Scott and I recently met on X, where our common interests instantly brought us together over some great conversation. In this episode alone, we cover an assortment of topics such as the varying brain processes, how to have tough conversations, Scott’s journey through the Q drops, how to overcome trauma, and how to keep each thought captive. Each topic paints the bigger picture of Scott’s testimony coming to Christ, and how Jesus has built and empowered him to help awaken more and more to the truth. Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential. Please check out Scott’s website: https://magascene.us/
Theo Fleury’s Testimony: https://magascene.us/?s=theo+fleury
Flag Story: https://rumble.com/v12v1d7-threadfest-2021-scott-zimmerman-gifted-with-the-flag-painting.html
Scott at Threadfest: https://rumble.com/v12v76u-scott-zimmerman-at-threadfest-2022.html
Something is fishy. My credit card just blocked my overseas ivermectin purchase 5 times before I finally got the purchase to go through even though they paid for 3 other times over the last two years. When I called their customer service representatives, they acted rude.
With or without a script?
Are you in the US? You can buy it from compounding agencies in some states. Maybe go that route or, transfer your credit card balance to another card where your business will be appreciated. (Good luck finding that though.)
I got the sale to go through. I’m going to stop using this card altogether, cancel it after paying off this month’s statement, and get a card with a competitor. I’ve been told of some problems with US sources. Are there any you can recommend that won’t require a prescription? I’m in the US.
I did a search and found this. https://wpln.org/post/tennessee-to-make-ivermectin-available-without-a-prescription-despite-research-showing-no-benefit-for-covid-treatment/ Maybe do a search for compounding pharmacies there.
I saw that a month or two ago. TN & NH are the only two states that sell ivermectin OTC w/o a script. However, neither state has a mail order system for it. Other states require a prescription whether at a pharmacy or mail order. TN & NH are too far a drive for me and overseas mail order is both, the most efficient and the most economical.
Just do a search for compounding pharmacies and I bet at least one of them will ship it to you.
In July there will be a recall election for Robin vos, WI speaker of assembly. That's good, but he does so much to ruin the whole state and only those in the 63rd district can vote. Shouldn't that be changed?
Has anyone seen the movie The Thirteenth Floor?
How do we know we're not AI in human form in a simulation?
I also got to thinking that there's more to this debate than what we're seeing. My first question was, why in the world would Trump agree to the format set forth? From the outset, it looks like a massive trap - but then when I considered how masterful Trump is at just about anything, my thoughts turned to him possibly / probably exposing them, thus, they would fall into a trap. Nevertheless, I feel that something we don't know about is afoot.
Now I have seen three references on X regarding Trump's pick is going to be Vivek. Of course, you knew already that the speculation regarding this has been crazy lately. I didn't really want to post the links as I like to make sure of stuff before I go down that road, but I have heard both good and bad about the guy for some time now. I went back and watched his performance at that Republic primary debate and I'll tell you, he went after the others guns blazing. Could be an interesting choice.
He couldn't ascend to the presidency though - could he? His parents were born in India, I believe.
Why would that matter, he is a naturalized citizen
Because we have a constitution.
How am I being downvoted?
He is Constitutionally allowed to run for president. He was born in Ohio and is a naturalized citizen.
Your parents don’t have to be naturalized citizens, that isn’t a requirement.
Shower thought. 🤷♂️💭
What if the Q Team are actually working in exile in some safe place like Russia? Where else could they be safe from retaliation?
We know the military can be ordered to take out those that are identified as "terrorists", I can't think of any domestic location where they would feel safe enough to slowly battle the worldwide deep state.
Monitoring / vetting those that they can trust in the military like Adm Mike Rogers to ask President Trump to run as part of their plan certainly could be done remotely.
Maybe in the past, the Q team were hiding in Iraq or Libya and were encouraging Saddam and Gaddafi to break free from the evil global banking cabal.
That cave in Stargate Universe--Chayenne Mountain? I think that's their base.
Colorado Springs, CO. Maybe a refuge in the shithole state of calirado?
See everyone in a week. I'm off to Iceland with the son-in-law.
Have a great trip and bring us lots of pics! Stay safe.
Have a great trip. Iceland looks like a cool place to explore.
Take note of the liberal agenda they try to implement in Iceland like climate change, rainbow flags, and how the locals take it. Come back and report to us :) Bon Voyage!
Have fun!
Unless you have access to a washing machine, don't swim in the natural hot springs until the end of your trip. Your swimsuit and towel will smell like sulfur really bad.
I hope you're having a great day. But, If you're feeling down, just remember that at least you don't have to try to teach proper grammar to kids that now think they/them is one person.
they/them - Legion
Jesus finds the man is possessed by a multitude of demons who give the collective name of "Legion". Fearing that Jesus will drive them out of the world and into the abyss, they beg him instead to cast them into a herd of pigs on a nearby hill, which he does. The pigs then rush into the sea and are drowned (Mark 5:1–5:13)
Check this out 👉👉👉What does Acts 19:32 mean? It is universally acknowledged that people tend to oppose other's freedoms when it costs them money or power. Paul has been in Ephesus for three years (Acts 20:31). The city is saturated with demons and witchcraft and defined by worship to Artemis. The Holy Spirit has given Paul power over sickness and demons, and people from all over the province of Asia have come to hear how to find the kingdom of God. Many have burned their magical spells and abandoned Artemis (Acts 19:8–12, 17–20).
The craftsmen of the city watch as their financial prospects dissolve. With fewer people worshiping the Greek gods, fewer people will buy their idols and shrines. They start a campaign to reaffirm Artemis's place in Ephesian culture. What starts as a chant, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" (Acts 19:28), becomes a protest march and then a mob that fills the theater. They can't find Paul—and Paul's friends hold him back from entering the fray—so they grab two of Paul's companions, Gaius and Aristarchus, and yell for two hours (Acts 19:23–31, 34).
It's worth noting that most of the people don't know what's going on. The theater is also used as a forum where people meet three times a month to work out issues that threaten the peace of the city. This is not a forum, it's a mob that has been worked into a frenzy.
This is a very applicable warning for the church. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). We cannot let our guards down when people start yelling that some force or another is threatening our rights and our identity. We need to be like the Bereans and carefully investigate what is really at stake and how instigators profit by causing disturbances and fear. The craftsmen in Ephesus know that fear mongering only leads us farther from the truth of the kingdom of God.
I love this, thank you
Your welcome
I need help conving my mom that shes move her money out of wells fargo into a credit union. I told her that if the banks fails that the FDIC most likly wont have enough money. Is there anything else that I could tell her to convice to move her money?
Is there enough that she could put it in something more reliable? Like real estate? If she could buy a modest but decent rental house, she'd be making more each month than she can get in interest from the bank. And, if she buys wisely, the house should hold it's value and even go up.
I will bring this up to her. Thanks for your insight,
Woke up early, had a bad dream about being on a plane.
Hit with the realization that some day soon in our lifetimes, we are going to restore/achieve self-governance.
One day we'll all just wake up and realize we don't need the TSA. It'll vanish overnight, and the conversation with our representatives will be almost perfunctory ("Did you get around to eliminating the TSA yet?"). All those stupid lines, wands, radiometers, agents... They'll be gone and we'll no longer be paying to subjugate ourselves.
The records on 9/11 will make it clear. We'll realize we killed and hated a lot of people for no reason, and trusted many who had already betrayed us.
A special counsel will be established and every month we'll see some of the worst of humanity finally brought to justice. Hopefully we learn a lesson for a while and will refuse to trade freedom for the illusion of safety.
The laws we are complaining about and fighting each other over will disappear with the remnants of artificial division & fear, with contention moving to the state level where it always belonged, and the Republic is restored.
I know magnesium is great for the heart, and we have plenty of magnesium oxide on hand.
But apparently, that's the hardest form to digest.
So fill me in on exactly why magnesium taurate and magnesium glycinate are so great, please.
FYI they make a magnesium lotion too... great for muscle aches and uncle Arthur...
Taureate is excellent for the heart but glycinate is the easiest on the stomach.
Filler matters though. I thought my Heart MAG was so good for me, but then quit because the reports on xylitol being horrible for heart disease
I now use megafood blend, it is 3 magnesiums in one and NO stevia or xylitol. Much better
Taurate, not taureate.
I keep seeing people make that mistake.
Pictured: the kind I use. No xylitol. I looked.
Doppelgänger experiment
Weird. I think there are many doppelgängers in our universe
Clearly, there are plenty for Biden
there’s some part of me that believes in some type of a parallel universe. Technically it’s not biblical, however… Feel as though I have experienced it myself. Who knows… Maybe you did, and turn into a parallel universe for a brief moment 🤷♀️
I am of the same mind that there are many dimensions parallel with each other. I believe that is true for heaven and hell, when the body dies, the soul shifts dimensions, it may be very similair to this life, only better or worse depending on how you lead your life in this current existence. Perhaps we get a glimpse now and then of where we have been and where we are going. the kingdom of God is at hand means exaclty that, repent in this existence, live the Gospel. It is not really incarnation, but our new life and new bodies will live in that other dimension. This is not written in stone for me, but it is where my mind takes me when I am away from the maddening crowd and alone in the outdoors.
Me too - or dreamed it before.
Galatians 6:9&10
9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Amen! 😊
OSS predicted this
Homesteader Shares Ancestral Wisdom for Health, Says ‘The Only Way to Be Free Is to Seek Truth and Take Action’....“We have lost touch with our ancestral wisdom. Instead of family wisdom, we blindly trust commercial products,” says the 23-year-old homesteader.
Smart young woman. We have forgotten how much we really know!
Accepting The Gift Of Transformation
The very fundamental part of becoming a parent is the overwhelming love new parents feel for this new life brought into the world. It does, and always should, make one want to put worldly things aside for the elevation of this new life.
I feel sorry for this mother, she missed the point that the transformation is joyful, humbling, and brings one closer to God. Personal growth of the highest order.