DID YOU KNOW? 🐝 There are live enzymes in honey. 🐝 When in contact with a metal spoon, these enzymes die. 🐝 The best way to eat honey is with a wooden or plastic spoon. 🐝 Honey contains a substance that helps your brain work better. 🐝 Honey is one of the rare foods on Earth that alone can sustain human life. 🐝 One teaspoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24 hours. 🐝 Propolis, produced by bees, is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics. 🐝 Honey has no expiration date. 🐝 The bodies of great emperors were buried in golden coffins and covered with honey to prevent putrefaction. 🐝 The term "honeymoon" comes from the tradition of newlyweds consuming honey for fertility after the wedding. 🐝 A bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1,000 flowers, and produces less than a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. 🐝 One of the first coins had a bee symbol on it. Deep gratitude to the humble BEE! 🐝
Comments (81)
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Not all honey is the same tho. We're never without raw manuka honey, especially in colder months. Crazy expensive though, but too damn handy and taste great. We avoid sugar so use it as a sweetener in some things.
And the darker the honey the better it is for allergies. Most want the golden color that the grocery stores sell but dark is best (at least in my area) and thank goodness we have several bee farms in the area who sell and are willing to educate people. I asked about the metal spoon thing and two beekeepers laughed at me saying you would have to keep the spoon in the honey for years to kill the enzymes. A dip and stir has little to no effect at all on the honey according to the locals where I am. I still use and olive wood spoon but everyone has their preferences.
I have some really dark stuff from Nevada. All desert wildflowers.
Absolutely correct... You have to read labels to get the purest honey possible... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Local honey or keep bees...no spraying of farms or gardens....soak garlic gloves in airtight Mason jar for several days and store at room temperature on your kitchen counter then you'll have a powerful treatment to prevent or cure cold, flu, etc. Eat a couple of cloves per day for prevention and more if you are ill. They are delicious! Thank you Father for the bees! 🙏🐝
Amen to that u/Joys1Daughter...
My son chides me about my "hundred dollah honey", hey, I don't spend money carelessly, my nutrition comes before "nice" clothing or new car loans. I eat a tablespoon a day, and have used it on wounds, amazing stuff.
Did you know that all honey is processed with metal equipment?
Did you know enzymes are not alive?
If a spoon is enough to kill honey, it was dead before you bought it.
Depends on if you buy it at the store or if you buy it from a person that keeps hives... Pure unprocessed honey gets expensive but is available in rural areas... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
It's the same mentality that cooking your food "destroys the nutrients," therefore eat raw meat.
Because what is food poisoning, apparently.
Wow I love bees ! I didn’t know most of this .. thank u so much !
Now you're NeverStopBEElieving
Sweet !!! TY !
Excellent! 👏
My pleasure fren, glad you enjoyed it... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
AWESOME POST dear Dread! 👏 ☕
Thank you my friend... I found it quite interesting... Cheers... ☕☕☕
I doubt this includes the stuff sold in supermarkets which people are now saying may even include unlabled syrup blended in.
As a Tenn beekeeper, you are absolutely correct, always buy your honey from a local beekeeper, one who doesn't use any chem's and who doesn't feed their bees sugar!
I got my hands on a jar of honey from Johnsonville TN a few years back. Liquid gold. Best tasting honey I ever had, and we love honey in my household.
The Amish here in KY have some stellar honey too. I just got a JUG of it from Florida, and it’s not too bad. Nothing like that TN mountain honey … holy shit is that stuff insanely good.
It includes pure 100% clever honey I believe... You have to be careful with the stuff you get at the supermarket... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
It's mostly corn syrup theze dayz
And the Babylon Bee produces sweet, delicious memes. 🐝
Kekekekek... Yes they do... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
Buy raw honey. Pasteurization destroys the benefits. You can buy it in the grocery stores. The jars I get are like 6 or 8 ounces and cost 25 bucks. It is extremely thick. It doesnt run like the pasteurized stuff you buy in the bear shaped containers. Its more like a pudding consistency.
$25 FOR 8oz ??? Holy shit. I got 1/2 gallon of local for $40. FARMERS MARKET FREN … FARMERS MARKET.
Yup... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
Can I get a fact check on register 3 please?
So check it kekek... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
lol will do.
Just be careful if parents want to give honey to children under a certain age, it could be bad for them. I do know children under two shouldn't have well water, but the honey, I'm not sure of the age when they can have it. Just a cautionary note, I know the medical profession, after COVID, has had a lot of issues.
well water??? half of America or more drinks from well water!!! ALL of rural America has nothing BUT well water.
Lol all my kids/ grandkids came up on nothing but deep well water.
No honey under 1 due to risk of infant botulism.
I am not an MD or anything of the sort and never tell anyone what to do about their health... I post information and it is up to them to follow up with their physicians to find out wether or not they should use any of the info for themselves... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Don't you find it odd that they recommend a vaccine at birth then more injections before the age of 2 but please, please don't give them honey? We truly live in an insane world.
Exactly. Anyone who finds info that young children shouldn't consume honey, needs to then research the source of that information.
There's too much info out there these days, that tell us we shouldn't be doing things that are good for us, and promoting things that are bad for us.
Yes we do and it's getting crazier by the minute... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
Do you know where that talking point comes from? Are there studies or some thing similar that 'prove' that honey shouldn't be given to 1yr Olds?
I've been hearing that claim too but never looked into it
I wasn't knocking your article. It was very good. I am not an MD either, I just wanted people to research honey and young children. Cheers to you also.
Good morning Mary... ☕️☕️☕️ I hope today finds you well and happy...
When you get your honey, take a teaspoon full at bedtime. It will help you sleep and awake rested.
That's what I like about you... You're a tough cookie kekek...
I hear ya my friend... That's my usual state of life... Never enough sleep until my body finally says enough...
Yes ma'am I know exactly what you mean...
Never heard about the metal spoon enzymes thing
Enzymes are not alive. It may change their chemical properties but they are not alive.
Me either, I learned something new which is always a good thing... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
So the metal spoon claim might be overblown...
Could be but why take a chance when plastic or wooden spoons are available kek... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
I'd say wood is probably the best.
I keep hearing how microplastics are in everything, I don't know how much would come from something as simple as using a plastic spoon, but it probably adds up over time.
Good point and something to seriously consider... Thank you... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
Gold == metal, does gold kill the enzymes too ?
Apparently not... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
I found a local honey that's unprocessed that I highly enjoy. I bought a 3lbs bottle a few months ago that I try to use sparingly, as it's not cheap, but it's so good. I made strawberry honey butter with it yesterday.
That sounds awesome and delicious... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
Oops! I am very grateful.
Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
raw-and-unfiltered honey is great for many uses, been taking plastic spoonful at nite...supposedly gives your "fasting" body enough nutrients to do repair work on liver, kidneys, gut, etc (i am not dispensing medical advice)... few years ago, my old bull mastiff was having urinary and other issues, and i was having to consider EU, so thought, why not try honey...worked like magic, immediately stopped urinary issues, and he started acting like a puppy again! he had recent bloodwork, so i knew he wasn't diabetic, before offering honey...a friend had an old dog in same type of situation, and the honey gave his dog about two years "extra" life, same as my dog...(not dispensing veterinarian advice either)...having those last couple of years with beloved dogs was great...(i think i read honey is not good for cats, though)
Thank you for the additional info... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
i love beeeeeeeeeeees 🐝
Bees are interesting critters to say the least... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕