Excerpt from the address by the Pres. of Burkina Faso Capt. Ibrahim Traoré to the active forces of the nation, Ouagadougou, July 11, 2024. It has been a LONG time since my sense of the collective unconscious was crushed and GROUND TO ABSOLUTE DUST like this. Every frog, spread this, far and wide!
this article is trynna tell me that chinese goods are of the same quality as german and japanese goods. i will believe that when i see it.
Try buying something as basic as a sewing needle or safety pin.
Once upon a time you could puncture leather with them, not they bend in half trying to push through a thick cotton shirt.
Chinese goods are cheap shit.
Yes, It sounds like Chinese Propaganda to me.
True. They can do quality...but your going to pay for it. I've seen it with robotic equipment. Everything is built to a price.
Lol space isn't real
Are you sure about that? 99% of internet traffic is on under sea cables.
You think we live on a globe too no doubt lol. I pity you poor brainwashed bastards.
I've participated in empirical experiments involving high powered lasers which should have been hidden by 500m of "curvature" but wasn't. Checkmate.
He's just kissing Chinese ass because he's getting money through Belt and Road.
At the core of the article is west bad. .... and division.
Thus, the sticky.
I don't mind the criticism, mods learn about what to Sticky generally by what drives good discussion, but I have a question for you.. Why is it always, always, always this criticism pretty much only comes from low effort fags like you with your 0 post score and not from the hardcore heavy lifting high-effort posters?
I don't come here to post. Weird it bothers you so much that you try to insult me.
Shame on you. You being a seasoned frog is suppose to rise above this petty kind of argument. Calling someone a fag for commenting in a way displeasing to you is what a panty-waste leftist does. Your suppose to build unity not tear people down.
See my comment below and FractalizingIron.
...it seems the most frequent posters here don't always have much discrimination about what they post. i can appreciate that. we need eyes on these things. criticism is a large part of the purpose of spreading info, to debate whether it holds up.
not everyone has the time to post constantly. we all have different roles here. the only ones wasting time here are those who focus on the messenger instead of the message. truth is truth, no matter who brings it. criticism of an idea isn't a criticism of the one who brought it.
attacking the poster is a good way to shut down criticism and critical thinking. we should all be the first to criticize our own ideas, and accept criticism when others bring it. that doesn't mean we need to agree.. but we should give our reasons for disagreeing, so as many people as possible get the facts and can come to their own conclusion.
Glad they are catching on finally.
These days when I read something that sounds good, I question it's validity. Does it just sound good, or is it also true. For example:
To illustrate, just look at their movies. They've brainwashed their people into believing they're superior and entitled to everything. That's bullshit, at least from my experience, and I would say for the majority of Americans.
On the economic front, who among us hasn't labeled Chinese products as 'cheap goods'? But today, I can tell you we were wrong. Are you kidding me! Yes I think Chinese products are usually "cheap" low-quality products. But now-a-days every thing is low quality.
Back when we actually made products in the U.S. they were usually of a much higher quality. Now as the fellow points out, many products sold as Made in the USA, are minimally assembled in USA and sold rebranded as MIUSA.
Article starts out well, hit on some key points, then kind of peters out into a string of un-actionable generalizations, but maybe that's just me.
I agree. He seems to think that Communist USSR was fine, and that Reagan was an imperialist who brought down the USSR because, you know, imperialism.
I think he's confused. He doesn't realize that the Imperialist Cabal and the Forces of Good have been engaged in conflict all the time. Thus, he makes no distinction between the Deep State Cabal that has been abusing America and the American people (they have no loyalty except to themselves and to their Cabal agenda) while good forces and Godly forces in America have been striving to embody the principles and values on which the United States was founded.
He is acting under the illusion that he himself is NOT influenced by the "divide and conquer" strategy, which he clearly is. He praises implicitly praises communism, in its various forms, and labels all them whiteys in the USA as evil. Grossly polarized view.
Dumb Sticky, and there is no way I would ever spread this far and wide, except as an example of yet another victim of the divide and conquer strategy.
Thanks for you intelligent reply. I too was disappointed that someone as seasoned as catsfive would puff up this poorly reason third world doggerel.
I'm guess someone let the cat out of the bag, and he didn't read until the end. Around the 50% way mark, the man's viewpoint turns pretty sour... imo
...the global south is coming of age...
BRICS This speech needs to be pinned. He scrapped that triangle comms early. The global south is emboldened.
...the Empire(s) have been given their walking papers...
Bukele calling out the death cult. Trolling fake news. Assange is free. Potus is blessed. I’m a crabby asshole on here a lot but this may be the best 2 more weeks ever. Thanks for hanging around.
You are not alone in the realm of crabby ol asshats or holes.... I too once proudly served and am forever bound to the sacred oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for the United States of America against ALL enemies both foreign and domestic... you are absolutely correct in the best two weeks ever. How we have patiently waited for the Q drops to become reality. What a time to be alive, young or old!!! WWG1WGA NCSWIC
Immigrant!?!!! Thank you for doing it properly!!! And yes! so much better is on the horizon. Have faith, HOLD FAST your position and get ready...NCSWIC our world as we once knew it is about to take a hard turn and nothing but greatness for ALL mankind worldwide is about to become a reality! May your God bless you and our beautiful USA and the world!!!
...old habits are hard to break...
Chinese propaganda.
I truly wish them the best.
All of these immigrants should be able to return and prosper in their native lands to lead a safe and happy life.
Their countries have huge resources that have been squandered through corruption and brutality of international interference.
They should not have to come to our nations to live off gibs with no prospects or reason for being. They are only a burden.
THEY need to grow up, go back and clean their countries up.
Their native leaders sold out their own countries. They could have said no.
Most are too lazy and uneducated to even know they deserve better. The NGO’s program them to believe “white man bad, white man owe you” and them ship them to our shores.
Reminds me when Morpheus said “welcome, to the real world”
If I may rebut the good captn traore...
I've been to Burkina. It's a land locked shit hole in the middle of West Africa which is a shit hole region. The people have average IQ of about 70. The average life expectancy is about 35. The cities are garbage heaps. Any minimalist and poorly maintained infrastructure is built by foreign aid. Primary religions are Islam and animist. Politics are tribal. The land is scarcely arable.Outside the cities people still mostly live in mud buildings.
Their problems are legion. Burkinabe pols can only blame the elusive "other". Got to stoke that victim mentality to maintain power.
In The Philippines there are several brands of Chinese plastic Junk stores. Often band new products, half the products are already broken. In the Philippines they inspect the item (Plug it in even) in front of you to show you it is working, they don't take returns for the most part
Black Africans Are their WORST fucking Enemy... Its ALWAYS about POWER and Access to Resources...Under the Guise of 'Its For The People"...Its NEVER for the People...Ignorant Dumb Mother Fuckers...
Chinese goods are crap
I like his simplified explanation and the visual context for the 3 groups on the pyramid. I’d include all people who aren’t in the “empire of the good” (aka DS) as being in the slave group. So add Americans, North Americans, Europeans to that list. It really is the 10% vs the rest of the world. Any other explanation creates division.
How did this get stickied? It's just typical Chinese influence on weak and poor African nations
China, who is now doing deals with all the same countries lol
For discussion. While America and its reputation get trashed in the toilet, Look at the inroads that China is making all across the world
That's pretty much the point of this sticky
Then they should all go home.
(1) Arabs do a lot of strange things like blow themselves up, rape farm animals, white women, board christian busses and murder everyone on board, they cheered the day 911 happened, they kidnap christian children and kill or marry them. They openly call for the death of all non islam.
(2) China does produce cheap junk and they still do. Because american politicians sold us out for decades we didn't notice the massive inflationary effects and need cheap labor to support our "just in time" economic situation and devaluing dollar. It's a recipe for disaster and farming it all out was a temporary solution.
(3) China stole technology as well. Not only did politicians give our tech to china, they also sold it and the chinese hacked. Think wawei. They didn't come up with this themselves. The american corporations also trained the chinese and built the factories for them. Ross Perot called it with "that great sucking sound" when discussing NAFTA as the start of America's downfall.
This whole opine you posted, OP, is actually quite ridiculous. What do you call people living in huts? These people still exist today in some parts of the world....that have yet not been touched by modern civ
Right... it's all Whitey's fault again... Meanwhile the Chinese are all over your continent...
"Imperialists have their own vision of the world, which I will explain to you.
For them, the world is summarized in a triangle, which you will see in most of their symbols.
You may not understand, but for them, the world is a triangle.
At the top of this triangle is the 'Empire of Good,' and they believe they are this empire.
It represents prosperity and everything positive, and they believe they have the right to all happiness and wealth in this world. They think it's their right to impose their worldview and way of life.
That's why, during the conquest, they came to our lands, claiming to have 'discovered' them, because they saw us as mere savages with nothing in common with them.
They called us 'indigenous,' believing they have all the rights and that the world should function according to their wishes.
To illustrate, just look at their movies. They've brainwashed their people into believing they're superior and entitled to everything.
In these films, the villains are almost always Russians, South Americans, or Blacks portrayed as drug dealers, pimps, or human traffickers. Recently, Arabs have been cast as terrorists.
This reveals exactly how they perceive the world.
On the economic front, who among us hasn't labeled Chinese products as 'cheap goods'? But today, I can tell you we were wrong.
China has advanced technology, and most countries source their goods there, rebrand them, and sell them back to us as their own.
Look around: those in the construction industry will confirm that their equipment is now mostly Chinese. The transport sector will say the same.
They lied to us.
During our travels over the past 20 months, we've seen businesses and factories worldwide and realized it all leads back to China.
Yet their propaganda made us despise Chinese products and believe that quality only comes from them.
To better understand, let's go back in time.
Read about the Tsars, Mongol conquests, Persian, Turkish, and Ottoman empires. You will understand why the world is the way it is.
At the base of the triangle, there are two empires: the Empire of Evil and the Empire of Slaves. The Empire of Evil includes the groups I mentioned earlier.
According to the imperialists, the Empire of Evil must disappear as it embodies the devil.
This was communicated to their people, especially during the 1980s, with the collapse of Russia under President Gorbachev, orchestrated by President Ronald Reagan.
Three main strategies caught our attention.
First, they asked Saudi Arabia to lower oil prices from $35 to $7 to collapse the Russian economy.
Second, they armed the Taliban (who were received by President Ronald Reagan at the White House) with CIA-supplied Stinger surface-to-air missiles to fight the Russians, then later pretended to fight the Taliban themselves. Go figure!
Third, they bluffed with the Star Wars project (Strategic Defense Initiative), leading Gorbachev to create the Paulus Project, which weakened Russia.
After Russia's collapse, those who claimed to be the 'Empire of Good' started to gloat until Vladimir Putin and his team came to revive Russia.
The 'Empire of Evil' (according to them) has suffered greatly.
Look at Iran today, facing all possible sanctions.
Look at how they label certain peoples.
Through their propaganda, they can make you hate or love a people. They are masters of communication, using every possible channel to manipulate.
Look at the wars that are raging. They invented them for their own interests.
And finally, the Empire of Slaves, according to them, is Africa and some nations of South America.
In their minds, Africa belongs to them—our lands, our riches are theirs.
They cannot conceive of Africans emancipating themselves, lifting their heads above water, and standing up to them.
For this reason, they stereotype Africans as easy to manipulate and driven by emotions.
They will always find an African to fight against his own brother, and it has always been this way.
Through their communication, they have led you to hate your own skin color.
In our cultures, and in many cultures in Burkina Faso, mourning was symbolized by the color blue. When a woman lost her husband, she wore blue garments to mourn for a certain period.
They came and told you that black symbolizes mourning, the devil, mediocrity, and everything negative. Unfortunately, we accepted this so much that now, when we mourn, we wear black.
We need to wake up.
This is their stereotype: they are the Empire of Good, others are the Empire of Evil, and we are the Empire of Slaves.
This is the imperialist worldview.
You need to understand this.
Now, I want to address certain intellectuals who keep preaching for the imperialists. Do they ignore this part of history? I am not making anything up; it has been declassified.
You can find everything I said in libraries or online. Have these intellectuals not read it? Do they not know the history of this world?
Perhaps it is dishonesty or a few dollars that lead them to always preach for the imperialists.
Our intellectuals must always strive to raise awareness in our people, our masses, so they understand where they come from and how they are viewed by the imperialists."