And I was going to'd have to roll her around in the flour first, just to see WHERE...or HOW...that act (assuming there's some human out there who'd WANT to commit that act) could be committed in the first place.
They've officially jumped the world's fattest shark now.
This is a brand new made-up word for all the normal, healthy people on the planet, who are...wait for it....AFRAID of fat and fat people. We're PHOBIC about them being "gross" and fat.
They are simply trying to use fear as a weapon against the people again.
So the obese fat slobs are not the ones with the disorder. You who do NOT have that disorder are the ones with a disorder. And if you speak out against the dangers of obesity you are committing a hate crime borne of fear.
Fear, hate and envy are the key driving emotions of leftists, democrats, progressives, socialists, etc.
Perhaps I should sue they/them on the grounds of their religi-phobic, reality-phobic, intelli-phobic blasphemous "performance". I have been mentally raped, threatened with post-birth abortion and I condemn the hatred directed at me, what I represent and what I stand for. And if course due to this I can no longer work and have just a ton of mental anguish. That's going to cost you.
Fake word made up to target and victimize healthy people who speak out against unhealthy obesity (we are hateful fat shamers with a psychological disorder, a FEAR of fat).
grosso- is a root meaning fat. In French, it's spelled gros, or grosse for females.
Unintentional hilarity - it's like admitting fat people are gross.
They always try to turn everything we are AVERSE to or find REVOLTING....into a FEAR DISORDER.
EDIT: Cf. other invented slurs such as homophobic, islamophobic, transphobic, melanophobic, etc.
Hypocrisy Fest: Meanwhile, they actually ARE heterophobic, normophobic, androphobic, blancophobic, hoplophobic (irrationally fearful of guns), and deeply Americophobic. They are PROJECTING their irrational fears onto our heteronormative patriarchal society, trying to make us Patriots into the ones with the psychotic disorder. That dog won't hunt.
So long as you start every criticism of her with "In MY opinion... " or "I believe that... " then she can't do anything about our FREE SPEECH in the USA.
At least in Texas, our state and courts will protect our FREE SPEECH rights. I can voice my opinion online without facing lawsuits. In fact, I could counter-sue HER for infringing on my online free speech rights. :>)
Let's try it out, shall we?
In MY opinion, she is an unhealthy, morbidly obese, disgusting person who has no morals and zero class.
She has not been threatened with rape.
Exactly, nobody would want to rape that.
It is probably her projecting from her secret deranged fantasy and claiming it really happened.
Also, this situation reminds me of that chan meme. "The ___ cries out in pain as he strikes at you."
yep the pattern is recognized,
☝️ Comment of the day WINNER.
Laughing In total agreement !
That was her wishful thinking.
Even she has to know that’s unrealistic
If she was, that is one helluva talented black angus with horrible taste...
And I was going to'd have to roll her around in the flour first, just to see WHERE...or HOW...that act (assuming there's some human out there who'd WANT to commit that act) could be committed in the first place.
But I won't say that. Oops.
NOW, what would be getting in the way if one did that?????
I'm like the Inquirer...Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They've officially jumped the world's fattest shark now.
This is a brand new made-up word for all the normal, healthy people on the planet, who are...wait for it....AFRAID of fat and fat people. We're PHOBIC about them being "gross" and fat.
They are simply trying to use fear as a weapon against the people again.
So the obese fat slobs are not the ones with the disorder. You who do NOT have that disorder are the ones with a disorder. And if you speak out against the dangers of obesity you are committing a hate crime borne of fear.
Fear, hate and envy are the key driving emotions of leftists, democrats, progressives, socialists, etc.
Well, I am afraid of someone like her sitting next to me on a plane so there's that.
Luckily her way of transportation is more than likely via livestock hauler...
Or at a concert..elevator..behind you at a waterslide
Joan Rivers on queuing up for swimming with sharks: "I stood behind the fattest woman I could find, and thought I hope she has her period".
"Grosse" means large woman in french, hence grossophobic, which she clumsily translated as is.
Qeq - I used that French example in another comment on the topic. Maybe you saw it?
Perhaps I should sue they/them on the grounds of their religi-phobic, reality-phobic, intelli-phobic blasphemous "performance". I have been mentally raped, threatened with post-birth abortion and I condemn the hatred directed at me, what I represent and what I stand for. And if course due to this I can no longer work and have just a ton of mental anguish. That's going to cost you.
"Grossophobic." Legal definition please?
Fake word made up to target and victimize healthy people who speak out against unhealthy obesity (we are hateful fat shamers with a psychological disorder, a FEAR of fat).
grosso- is a root meaning fat. In French, it's spelled gros, or grosse for females.
Unintentional hilarity - it's like admitting fat people are gross.
They always try to turn everything we are AVERSE to or find REVOLTING....into a FEAR DISORDER.
EDIT: Cf. other invented slurs such as homophobic, islamophobic, transphobic, melanophobic, etc.
Hypocrisy Fest: Meanwhile, they actually ARE heterophobic, normophobic, androphobic, blancophobic, hoplophobic (irrationally fearful of guns), and deeply Americophobic. They are PROJECTING their irrational fears onto our heteronormative patriarchal society, trying to make us Patriots into the ones with the psychotic disorder. That dog won't hunt.
Phobia (φοβία) is Greek for fear. And gros is French for large (or grosse if feminine).
Phobia is fear.
Homophobia is fear of homosexuals.
Is grossophobia fear of big or fat things?
Fear is an emotion.
Expressing an emotion is speech.
We have right to free speech.
Therefore we have a right to be afraid of certain people and it can never be the cause for a lawsuit.
Nothing says "benevolence, inclusivity and love for others" like suing people because they don't like you.
This chicks last name = "Butch"
So long as you start every criticism of her with "In MY opinion... " or "I believe that... " then she can't do anything about our FREE SPEECH in the USA.
At least in Texas, our state and courts will protect our FREE SPEECH rights. I can voice my opinion online without facing lawsuits. In fact, I could counter-sue HER for infringing on my online free speech rights. :>)
Let's try it out, shall we?
In MY opinion, she is an unhealthy, morbidly obese, disgusting person who has no morals and zero class.
That was easy.
If he/she thinks that’s bad, wait until she meets Jesus face to face.
If she had debased Islam she would have been lit on fire. So there's that...
if you think you can pretend to be Jesus during the last supper as a gay faggot, Jew, yeah you’re going to get death threats.
She(?) is threatening lawsuits to intimidate "anyone who tries to intimidate her in the future."
She also seems to full of vile hatred towards anyone who disagrees with "what she represents, and what she stands for."
Suing about future intimidation? Sense makes no that.
Wait, I'm wiping my salty tears from my eyes. OK. She is a joke!
someone threatened her with Rape? Hard to believe that one.
if you cant take the heat stay away from the fire
Nobody is threatening THAT thing with rape.
Sucks being an asshole.
Allow me to ask: who in is right mind would threaten that… that… thing with rape???
Maybe That Other Freakish Thing that was there in a blue Dress with Long hair and a fucking beard.....
Ugh… nightmare fuel. How am I supposed to sleep tonight… 😱😂
It was sorta believable until they got to the rape part...
What the fuck is grossophobic? Definitely phobic of the grilled cheese she is smuggling between her thighs.
Join the club, right? I mean, every public celebrity gets fan mail and hate mail.
You think you're protected?
Oh... shit, my bad... you ARE protected because you're a freak.
oh wah.
You have to admit she has some pretty elaborate branding on her arms.....
Typical liberal pokes the hornets nest then plays the victim. oh well, hope your soul was worth the 10 minutes you got.
Poor pumpkin. Life is hard….. GET A HELMET!