I'm writing this as a crude guide from the perspective of "how can you prepare with the bare minimum amount of $ so that you (generally) could stay home w/o having to leave your house for an extended period of time."
TL;DR: a bare minimum shopping list ~$130.
Food and water for 1 person for 30 days...
or 2 people for 15 days or 3 people for 10 days.
This is meant to be a bare-bones, cheap list to give you ideas. Not a balanced diet, but it will keep you alive. I wrote this to show how inexpensive it could potentially be. I checked prices and labels at Walmart and on Amazon for the following numbers:
$30 – 30 gals of water
$10 – (3x) 117oz cans baked beans (11,700 cal)
$12 – 20lb bag of rice (32,320 cal)
$20 – 36oz Butter powder (7650 cal)
$38 – 4lbs Dry whole milk (9065 cal)
This will give you just over 2000 cal, 55g of protein, and 45g of fat (per day) for 30 days for 1 person.
Or a family of 3 for 10 days. The math is easy.
Why buy extra food NOW?
Because based on the QClock it is very clear that 'something,' some society-disrupting event could come, maybe even this week. I have no idea what. But do I know that "major society-disrupting events" and food shortages could go hand-in-hand.
Weeks before the July 13 'attempt,' I posted that that date was one of the days that was a BIG deal on the QClock. (Unsure why exactly at the time.)
Two days ago I posted that the QClock pointed to HUGE happenings this coming week.
(Update: it was the August 6th Ukrainian invasion of Kursk, Russia. Russian territory invaded with NATO weapons & tanks.)
Based on my research I believe things will go in this order:
-1 Market plunge & War
-2 Dome of the Rock (mosque) destroyed
-3 (Chemical?) weapon/plague
-4 Sleeper cell activation - 'Drones' or...?
-5 More fuckery
-6 More fuckery
I'm giving my opinion here because if you see some of the above events, you will remember you read this on GAW and you will have a better idea of "what might come next."
That tiny bit of information, a few days in advance, can be life-saving for you and your family.
Edit: By "society disrupting" I meant on the level of (although different than) Covid's "two weeks to flatten the curve" etc...
Edit 2: This post is mainly for the people who's morale gets hit whenever they look at the prices of food and don't think they have enough money to food prep.
If you have a bunch of people to feed and virtually no money; get jugs of water and bags of rice.
To my knowledge rice is by far the most calories per dollar you can get.
$.75 = 1 pound of rice is 1600 cal. That and any cheap vitamin C supplement to prevent scurvy and you could stay alive for months. Add butter (fat) and beans (protein) if you can afford it. Don't skimp on the water.
A $15 camping stove and some propane.
Please look in your refrigerator and ask yourself how long your family could realistically go. Grab 20 jugs of water and a 20 pound bag of rice from Walmart on your way home tomorrow. That's $33 and 10+ days you and your spouse could eat for.
Food security is extremely important and IF you find you are NOT prepared, DON'T come home from work tomorrow without something, anything.
I've made these preparations and more, I just worry about what happens when my supplies run out and there is no return to normalcy.
Get your tar and feathers and torches and go visit those in power who caused this and ask if they have some sugar you can borrow
Even Yeshua said the EXACT opposite of this, and taught us this parable:
Matthew 25
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Matthew 24:36-51
No One Knows the Day or Hour
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
SHTF 101…you take and ask forgiveness later
Unless you didn't prepare yourself and are trying to take from somebody that prepared for their family. In that case, you deserve the lead poisoning you'll likely receive.
Yup and don’t talk about how much you’ve prepared to your neighbors. You just put a target on your back to the guy that has a gardener and maid that forgot to prep cause his 85 inch TV purchase
Some booby traps are only illegal if they are discovered.
In SHTF, they usually only get 'discovered' by bad guys if you're smart about it.
If you have land, post no trespassing signs every 100 feet.
Not all effective booby traps are lethal.
Think bear spray.
Keep your children in mind.
I can't recommend doing something against the law.
I have to feed my pigs somehow. Come and pay me a visit weary traveler.
😆😂😆 Seen a job vacancy recently. Counselling sexual deviants. I own pigs.... Friend "yeah don't take that job...you have the means now" 😆😂😆
When SHTF, the ones who try to loot are very likely to die by the very prepared prepper or by other unprepared looters trying to loot.
If I may offer some food suggestions:
Dried beans. If you don't know how to cook them, now is the time to learn.
Spices: Bulk and good quality. You can divide them up and barter with them. Pepper, salt, pepper flakes, cinnamon, cumin, hot spices, chiles oa all kinds, anything really. People need stimulation.
Yeast: Large bulk amounts for yourself and to trade. Being able to make bread is a big deal. If you don't know how to bake a loaf, now is the time to learn.
Dutch oven: if you don't have one yet it is time to get one. Sourdough starter: Now is the time to buy starter, keep it going and bake / share with others. About $15 or so. Baking is your new hobby.
Quick reminder - the body DOES NOT require any bread or carbs for that matter. Only essential nutrition comes from protein and fat. Avoid spending $$ on worthless carbs. Buy dried meat, canned meat, tuna and salmon. Buy bags of dried bacon, powdered eggs, peanut butter, powdered butter and cream. Get your protein and fat and let the rest be a “ filler” like canned vegetables or rice. It will make the meal go farther but should not be the basis for your meals. Secondly you do not require 2000 calories a day. Eat one meal or two small meals to preserve supplies. Buy Meal ready to eat (MRE). You can buy gallons of water or pick up a Berkey water filtration can. 400 gallons can be run through that system.
One could live off pb alone. 🐸❤️ Also iodine tabs for clean water
Came here to say iodine to purify water ☝️😸 Supplements, essential Rx, pet food & pet meds, first aid supplies, solar power HAM radio, extra fuel, gasoline, propane, firewood...
Armor of God. ✝️☦️
Excellent post John 👏
Excellent advice u/2224522
Thank you for sharing.
I completely agree with you that protein and fat is by far the better food and carbs are completely unnecessary.
I was mostly directing this post to people who may only have $100-$200 to prep in which case it's hard to beat rice at $.75 per pound.
Rice and beans keep you from being hungry.
When the SHTF last time, I was buying what what was important. SPAM, SPAM and more SPAM. Vienna sausages, chipped beef, etc. Lovely stuff, it will keep you alive. Cold or hot, cooked or not. If you have connections to the last 2 states you'll get it.
ALSO, everybody should have a P-38 on their keyring. I give them out every Christmas. Nice stocking stuffer.
If the electricity goes out then folks will have to learn to cook and bake over a fire pit. It sucks if you are new to that skill set, so now is the time to put your Eagle Scout cap on and get busy being prepared.
My FIL was 84yo, Eagled at 16, still referred to his scouting handbook to remember how to tie a certain knot.
Cast iron skillet & pot...
How is knorr? Is it "omg I cook with that stuff 3 times a day" or is it "it's fine, better then some for the price"
At least you have some spices to enjoy if power is out. Emergency food doesn't involve cooking
Chickens! 6 dollars at tractor supply. 60 dollars = 10 eggs a day possible.
That doesn't factor in the cost of chicken feed which is not insignificant.
Also stock up on pet food! Don't let your furry friends go hungry!
In a reallllly bad scenario you could eat this too.
I realize it's low budget suggestions. Still it would be reasonable to try to get a pack of some dry fruits, e.g. raisins and some nuts, like walnuts. Besides protein you need vitamins and minerals
Always prioritize a source of vitamin C too. Potatoes are actually a good source of it.
I’m dealing with an eating disorder and developed scurvy. Managed to get my shit together before it got too bad, but it comes kind of fast and takes a bit to correct.
Good for you for pulling it together❤
Yes I agree u/Volpina
I posted this because a lot of people on here probably see ads for 'long-term survival food' etc. and when they see the prices it can be deflating to one's morale if they don't have any disposable income. All suggestions are welcome!
Agreed. Tins of mackerel and sardines are cheap, tuna is also cheap ish.
Get as much tinned food as possible, ad powdered food and grains next.
Never forget to ad seasoning and sauces. Without these moral drops.
That's an excellent point! Good to know
You did the right thing. Nuts are the source of good fats besides minerals
Nothing like a good old fast
Just came off a 42 hour fast myself to reset my gut. I'm 45 and shitting like a 5 year old! (I have a son and daughter. Never understood how they pooped so quickly and cleanly. Unless they were sick, they always pooped firm brown banananas.)
Do you feed your kids sugar? Sugar makes poop greasy. Stay off all sugars and starches for a couple of days and your poop will be firm bananas. If you're blowing out wet chunks then too much sugar or alcohol intake. A carnivore diet will give you solid bananas, plus meat is generally 75% water so that means less going to the bathroom.
I came here to read a list and left with firm poo bananas
Ever since the Ohio train crash poisoning the farms, i've been prepping here in the UK. I've got a variety of about 30 tins that are a mix of meat soups and vegetables for nourishment, then about 150 tins of potatoes at 38 cents each.
Thirty eight cents each? Here in America a can of sliced potatos costs a US dollar. Wow, are we getting screwed or do the Brits have inexpensive food?
That's in British cents, so it's about 48 US cents, My tins are 560g so it might be smaller than your average American sized tin.
If you can't hunt and fish you're fucked
I've got a huge lake about 300' from my back porch. All I have to do is tripsy down there, drop in a line in the water and wait for the bass or crappie to eat the worm. Plus my garden does NOT produce any veggies, BUT it does create a wonderful environment for the deer to visit.
If you are looking for survival food, here's a good resource. https://www.americanreserves.com/
Huh. I'm sure MASSIVE Sunspot's would have nothing to do with it... https://youtu.be/NKXYZvb2Kus?si=O2l6XnynCJDZZR1A
Around here many grocery chains offer 10 for 10 sales on canned veggies, especially around harvest time, peas, beans, etc, whenever you see that kind of sale, just throw them in the cart. You can purify water with tablets or bleach. Oats are not too expensive and are a good food. Lard does not have to be refrigerated and you need fats
A gallon of spring water at Walmart is $1.22, not $1. If you have empty screw top bottles, at our local Walmarts you can fill your own for I think 46 cents per gallon at the Primo refill station. Or you can buy the big Primo 5 gallons and refill those for the same price.
Also, dried beans are a lot cheaper, keep better and are easier to store than canned beans. Beans plus rice = protein, even more if you add in some cheese.
True - beans plus grains give you a complete protein. I dry canned beans and rice, and that is our fallback food if chaos lasts longer than about 4 months. But by that time we would be looking at a Mad Max world. I hope our military brings order back sooner than that.
Bouillon blocks (Beef) added. Cheap, tasty. 120Gramms = 60 servings of a 100ml, serving each (total 6 liters or 1.5 Gallons) equals 5000 Cal, 0.4 grams of fat, 0.1 grams of protein.