VENEZUELAGATE: Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, claims that the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, and Elon Musk are part of a Satanic cult.
"Check out his profile and the diabolical symbols on his chest."
"It's a spiritual fight between good and evil."

If Maduro did not practice the rituals of Santería and Santero, I would believe what he says.
He visits shamans and santeros who speak with demons just as the dictators of Cuba and Nicaragua do.
then he’s Projecting.
Interesting comment comment do you have any sources for this, I would love to explore this a bit
"Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro spent thousands of dollars of state funds on Santería rituals carried out in Cuba, said the former director of the South American country’s military intelligence, Hugo Carvajal.
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/venezuela/article231176548.html#storylink=cpy"
Also take a look at Chavez digging up the remains of Simon Bolivar. Local rumor was that Chavez used the bones in a ritual to "absorb" the powers of Bolivar.
Let's just recognize how the narratives in the war are coming full circle:
TDS leftists calling the assassination attempt a false flag and a psyop.
Now, a Marxist fascist dictator calling two powerful proponents of freedom "part of a satanic cult".
It should be 100% clear to anons what is happening. The satanic cabal has no where to go. They have reached the end of their ability to present any countering arguments. As such, they have no choice but to completely adopt the Awakenings reasons and narratives, and try to make them their own somehow.
It's a sign of their complete bankruptcy, and an indication that the end is not far away.
Why? Because they themselves are now tacitly acknowledging the truth, that false flags and pysops exist, and that the satanic cult exists.
It will not help them.
Finally! Someone that uses their brain.
Another way to put it is that the DS/cabal is basically "out of ammo"... which indicates we are getting close to the end of these movies (which are really stories being acted out to wake up more and more of the sheeple). You have to show them, etc.
Believable stories resonate with people deep down at the level of their emotions and subconscious... which is pretty much the only effective way to break them out of the matrix of lies they have lived in for so many years.
Original Elon perhaps but not Qelon, dude is red pilling the world and going to have the stream with the highest viewership in history on Monday night with the Trump interview
This shadow of Ezra posts lots of larp and tons of fake predictions
At this point, I remain shocked that Shadow of Ezra isn't a banned poster considering how long and how specifically enthusiastically he was treated as a certain individual and an insider by far too many posters.
"But muh Halloween costume!"
Q Elon is original Elon
We have to be careful not to immediately jump to the defense of anyone who calls out these satanic evil practices. When we’re predictable, we’re manipulable. “Projection” can be a powerful tool for distraction. I have a hard time believing this guy is on our side given the government of Venezuela as a whole over the last few years.
In my opinion, a murdering communist dictator has no right to say anything negative about anyone on the world stage regardless of whether its true or not.
Actions speak louder. Agreed
Agreed, I’m confused about the whole Venezuela thing, but in no way am I ever supporting a commie.
Maduro is a faggot who stuffs his face with empanadas on live TV while his people starve. Fuck him
Why isn't there a Venezuelan standing on a sloped roof when you need one?
Man that sloped roof statement still makes me grind my teeth lol. Slope was the best she could come up with. We never even got an explanation whether it was a positive or negative slope.
I have over 98 slope memes in my folder on PDW. 👍😂
just more projection from the left. weren't him and EM gonna duke it out? when's that happening?
Thanks for sending us all your violent criminals maduro! Hope we can repay your kindness in the future.
Every movie has twists and turns and back again. Just when you think you know how it's going to end - BOOOM!! A new twist enters the plot.I'm getting dizzy! How are we supposed to help the newbies when they ask questions if the plot does flips and dives every few months?? I can't wait for the 'big reveal' in whatever length they decide we can handle. It's way past time to know some things for sure and not guess, guess, guess!!
Maduro has had years to simply try to be good to his people. Instead he treats them like trash and says "but look it's okay the powerful people are mad at me". If he's SOMEHOW not team Globalist he was one of the worst people we could have had on our side.
He could be telling the truth.
But the problem the guy has is results. He has been in power long enough to do right for the people.
He clearly did nothing and the people are suffering: His opponent could be the deep state.
It won’t matter. His time of having power has ran its course.
He needs to step down and go away.
Difficult to say at this time where Maduro stays, probably on his side. Time will tell. But also Milei, I do not trust this guy.
i did some digging on Elon during the Heard vs Depp trial because his name came up a few times and it is alleged that Heard's daughter is his. in the court case it came out that it was Elon that had paid on some of Heard's pledges to the ACLU and a childrens hospital (sorry can't remember the name). but people that were coming out against Heard mentioned different times that Elon had been at satanic rituals with Heard and Heard had filmed him at all of them. she was blackmailing him with those tapes. the people speaking out about this were "allegedly" at these parties as well. this is why i don't trust Elon.
Milei the guy that slashed the government? Cmon