I feel as though Trump and his campaign are making too many unenforced errors lately. He's not on X, he's starting fights with Kemp in Georgia, the mostly well liked governor of a state he desperately needs to win (notwithstanding what a traitorous pice of shit Kemp is), he's starting beef with Joe Rogan on Truth, he's got Chris Lacivita running his campaign who literally wanted Trump CHARGED for Jan 6 (WTF TRUMP?! Get that piece of shit snake OUT OF YOUR CAMPAIGN IMMEDIATELY).
He's not making it clear enough that if he accepts Kamala's terms and debates her on her turf ABC, it's literally ONLY fair that she accepts his terms and debates him on his turf of Fox News. It appears as if she's only going to accept that 1 debate and he's not as of yet pushing back on that and drawing the stark contrast to how cowardly that is on her part.
I just feel like there isn't the fire, the momentum, the meme shit-posting energy of 2016. Nick Fuentes is even calling it out too (but to be fair he's such an anti Zionist it seems like he hates both Trump and Kamala equally as he's practically a single issue voter on that.) But the point still stands, something DRASTICALLY needs to change with the direction of the Trump campaign and the focus of it.
Someone tell me I'm crazy and dead wrong, because I feel disgusted right now and terrified that the exact same thing will happen as 2020, they'll lie about polling and betting odds, she'll duck all interviews, do 1 debate, bask in the media adulation, and then they'll steal the election right from under our nose, or WORSE, convince enough of the sheep to vote for her over Trump because of his flailing campaign.
Please correct me.
Why are you letting the MSM gaslight you so badly?
It's not just the MSM. If you're a Zoomer on TikTok or any other social media, Harris is all over the place. It wasn't like this for Biden in 2020. Biden never had any legit enthusiasm.
Paying influencers isn't exactly legit enthusiasm either.
Yes, turn off the TV and follow people on Truth, Trump, Scavino, Enthéos, etc... a lot of positivity over there
Thank you - this helps. Keeping the eye on the big picture. God wins in the end.
1st American Civilutionary War.
I've trusted and had great patience with the Plan thus far......
But, if ((they)) don't stop dropping off illegal Haitian hatchet-zombies in my small Alabama town, the party may have to get started a bit early.
Either patriots are in control, or they aren't. Have faith.
Either we are watching a movie, or we aren't. (this is totally lost on many people here.)
yes, it's definitely a movie.
been trying to imagine...what type of ending would the Best scriptwriters give us?
If Kamala gets in and more J6ers get arrested Q was a sham and we should of listened to Alex Jones.
He said two things yesterday that stood out to me. The first is the country is 75% MAGA. I agree with a post earlier today that he doesn’t say something like that without knowing it to be true.
The second thing he said was that he’s holding back until the DNC is complete. He didn’t say why. Maybe he anticipates surprises?
Finally, keep the real goal in mind. It is to engineer the Fall of the Cabal. Yes, winning the election is an important part of that, but it is a part. Exposing Uniparty RINOS and celebrity shills serves an important purpose too. And, not exposing them is likely a bigger risk to getting elected than calling them out is.
Q+ has it under control. NCSWIC.
Please... you're cRaZy!!!!
All kidding aside, you need to bear in mind a few things. I don't know what age group you're in, but what we've witnessed since Obongo is definitely NOT normal as presidencies go - like at all.
The other thing...We are very much at war. There is a battle not only for your mind, and the American way of life, but a battle for your soul. Every single move, every decision and every communique from these evil bastards is against humanity, against life and above all else, against God.
Now let me be clear... I'm no bible banger and I'll be the last person to tell you the only way you avoid eternal damnation is through the little hole in the sky by means of Jesus... but the fact of the matter is, your connection to God is absolutely essential at this time. Not only for your spirit, but your sanity as well.
Humans didn't make it this far on their own. Only thru God's grace did we survive everything we've endured for thousands of years. None of us can do it on our own... which is why we have each other here AND our connection to God.
Now, it's important to point out that we've collectively been under the spells of the controllers evil nonsense AND intel agencies psyops, plural; as-in they're running multiple psyops simultaneously and psyops within psyops....Not only that, but we're constantly and consistently lied to about EVERYTHING...
So no, you're not crazy. You're doing just fine right now. Your recognition of the sheer chaos and insanity of the present moment and likelihood that the next 3 months will be even more insane, is a clear sign of a sane mind.
Just do the best you can each day and "never leave yourself in a bad neighborhood, mentally - whenever you try to unravel the chaos to make sense of it all. What I mean by that is, always stay with it until you embrace a perspective that lets you throw off the weight of all that crap and leave yourself and thinking in a positive light. This is where your connection to God comes in - realizing that some things are too big or heavy for one man to deal with all by himself. Call upon God to help and offer the burden up to him and walk away.
Hopefully this helps... We're a motley bunch, but you've got us. 🍻
Oh ye of little faith. I don't see what you see. I see Trump crushing the bastards. I don't believe they will be able to steal another election. As far as this person running his campaign, if there is one thing that I have noticed about Trump, is he likes his friends close, but his enemies closer. He's a genius, relax!
Your Crazy!!!
Hope that helps...
Trust the Plan...the chaos you perceive is about rattling the stubborn wake...don't get too caught up in despair.
My son has, like me, followed Q since the beginning. He's spent the last seven years red pilling as many people as he can. He called me yesterday needing a pep talk, as the chaos was starting to get to him. He's was worried that it's all going to hell and did I still trust the plan.
Of course, I told him. Trump has never lied to us. Why should I doubt Trump now when the plan is finally coming together. Fast.
I reminded him that it's a movie (he agreed) and the chaos is necessary to wake the normies and, like any piece of drama, tension is needed before the satisfying conclusion.
So, not trying to sound preachy here, but it's okay to feel anxiety right now. It's a tumultuous time, but at least we're clued into the plan. Normies need our support now, and especially going forward when all hell really breaks loose.
Or what BigMikeSaggyBaggins just said above.
haha that helps!
sounds like you're dooming. The question you need to ask yourself is: why?
I have think his campaign staff is full of the same snakes and traitors that plagued his first administration.
I wish he’d select staffers from loyalists rather than people who are recommended to him by other snakes and traitors.
There’s rot from the inside. Just look at the first couple days of the RNC. I don’t know how you bleed off so much momentum so fast unless it’s intentional.
There was an assassination attempt, FFS, and even that has petered out. Granted, the MSM’s gaslighting hasn’t helped, and that and fraud were going to be the biggest fight, from the beginning. But it feels like his own people are trying to hamstring him:
If there’s some magical white hat play they need to make, they need to do it soon, or it proves we were being played all along.
Stop reading Laura Loomer. Your post is almost point by point of a tweet she made last night. Basically everything you posted, she posted. LL is becoming way too emotional and it’s clouding her views. Almost like she’s believing the MSM gaslighting. I’m mean no disrespect to you, but just take what those “influencers” on X say with a grain of salt.
Step back and believe in yourself. Believe what you see. Believe what you hear. Trump is in command. MSM is gaslighting you.
Kamala has had a concert at every one of her rallies. It’s the only way she can get people to show.
Trump doesn’t need anyone for 25-30,000 people to show up!
It is not even close. And Trump is widening the gap every day. Don’t believe the polls that are being touted. That includes Fox. I hate their polling. Rasmussen will give you a better clue, but it understates Trump’s strength by about 3-4%. Trump is making big inroads into the democrat base. Those are all 2 for 1 margin gains.
The Trump team is going to take big bites out of the democrat voter fraud machine.
Hooker Harris and Tampon Tim are the gift that keeps giving. The MSM have jumped the shark with their hype.
Relax and enjoy the roller coaster ride. It’s is going to get even wilder.
Speaking of polls, just my two cents. We all remember back in 2016, the msm was all over the place with their fake polls in favor of the Hildabeast, but look who WON!! Don't forget that. Since that time, I've ignored all poles. Polls don't reflect the many, many, many of us who lay low with our opinions.
I normally go to the internals to do the math conversion. However, so far most of the internals are not being made available. That’s another big indicator.
Relax you're watching a movie.
wish i could
Welp... I feel it too. I'm betting your heavy into X because the Dems have flooded our feeds with their bullshit. Trust me I see what your feeling. Just let it go. Have faith.
You're crazy! Relax and enjoy the show.
Maybe he is taking a kind of break to reenergize. I hope so. He must need that.
Check out x22Report on Rumble.
It is my somewhat daily reminder that the Patriots are in control.
I don't think you're wrong. But I do think, as some others have said, this is merely a lull as the campaign waits for the dust to settle and bring the Democrat ticket into focus. A lot of negative info is leaking out about their ticket, and you can be sure that the campaign is monitoring engagement and response. I think that will be used to select what points to drive home in the debate, and then you will see the big push.
Will it work? Depends on the debate strategy. But with the late swap, it's the only real road to fight the media campaign.
Not crazy just timing...
Trump doesn't make errors. He makes moves.
no need to be an asshole about it. I was here 4 years ago and went through it already. I'm very aware of what they did.