Wow...The Trump campaign released their internal polling data, showing how RFK Jr.’s endorsement impacts the swing states.
Their numbers suggest Trump will receive substantial net gains in every swing state.
The election just got a whole lot harder to steal!
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆

Sundance commenter says that the primary benefit RFK jr joining with Trump will yield is that he will be remove as a reasons democrats use to cover their cheating. They had planned on I guess moving lots of Trump votes over to Kennedy.
You are wise.
Trump picking up 2/3rds of the Kennedy vote.
Democrats didn't plan to cheat by obviously stealing Trump's votes and giving them to Harris. All they had to do is steel Trump's votes and give them to RFK in enough #'s so that Harris would barely win in the swing states.
Well... that option is now gone.
To big to rig.
Reddit comments have actually been kinda wild. The number of people I now see speaking up, saying they saw RFK Jr.’s press conference and agree with almost all of it, is way larger than I expected.
I still don’t like the guy’s gun control stance, but my gut feeling is that this guy is a very important piece to the puzzle, and is going to lead to some game changing things.
If we need to unite the country and ally with Dems, him and Tulsi are about the best we can hope for.
The rest are lost and unsalvagable soulless baby killing Communists.
Marianne Williams can be reasonable to be fair but is it still locked into her boomer mindset of thinking its still the Dem Party of the 60s 🤦
This is a REALLY insightful and informing assessment, fren...THANK YOU!
Excellent post, thanks
"I still don’t like the guy’s gun control stance,"
Agree 100% Hopefully, DJT understands this, and never puts him in a position to put that stance into action.
Concerning that Michigan is 43% to 41% internally.
That's insane for a state that is entirely red except for like, 3 counties orbiting the Detroit area.
to many still hugging the plantation
Yeah, I saw the same. Stubborn sheep that will never bow to anyone other than their media king?
For those of you concerned that this seems like 'low numbers' for Trump, these numbers represent how Kennedy voters will split their vote - not 'all Americans'.
This sample is made up of people who were 'center or left' to begin with - and it's still breaking Trump.
Thank you for explaining this. I was sitting here looking at that thinking “I have a hard time believing there are that many undecided voters”. But what you just explained now makes complete sense.
I want to see what these numbers do when the news of crimes against children comes out.
That news has been out for some time, now (unless you mean "news" in the CNN sense).
Survey numbers are given as a percentage and are derived by mathematical models that are predicated upon assumptions. The flaw of survey (polling) numbers is that election fraud results become the baseline. The polling maintains the fraud and the fraud maintains the polling. The other flaw is independent and undecided voters. It’s not the 1960s and Trump has completely shattered both the DNC and RNC. Plus in this election, a sizable percentage of potential voters have never voted. Crossover voting will also be unprecedented.
The robocalls ask a random sample of R, D and independents who they intend to vote for and their enthusiasm (very likely, or leaning). The polling data are useless because they only reflect change in responses relative to the last fraudulent election. Since the last election had 100,00 votes switched, destroyed, etc, it’s impossible to accurately gauge what is going on. Because only Military intelligence knows who is actually voting and what the actual vote is before it’s adulterated, cured, cooked, and fixed by the traitorous scum.
And the percentage is a derived number that is algorithmic and assumes what will happen in the future according to the makeup of registered voters and prior (historical) vote fraud.
The polling numbers, I’m guessing, are relative to the agreed upon baseline. Since 50+ years of election fraud, all polling agencies pretend and collude. Everyone knows that during voting, turnout is almost nonexistent, the polls are empty, and yet the machines report a million people voted. The polling is all bullshit narrative programming.
The Democrats are getting desperate. The panic will be evident on every rat bastard's face very soon now. Vigilance is our strength. The Deep State is inching its back into the corner and we all know that a cornered animal is most dangerous. We can't let our guard down in these next few months. Pray.
By allying like this and even announcing the release of the JFK files and an assassination investigative panel, these two have just signed their death warrant and we will now see relentless and ruthless attempts to take these guys out before Nov 5th.
The bounty in their heads behind the scenes is gonna be insane. The DS are literally fighting for their lives now.
I think that in many ways the DS has shot itself in the foot by denying President Trump his second term in 2020. It has given him an extra four years to sort friends from foes and get his act together.
Of course, it all depends on whether he becomes 47 or not.
The Trump/Kennedy/Musk alliance is so strong, they're gonna have to shut down the count for an entire MONTH to print enough fake ballots to beat this ticket now.
MAGA 2024, BABY!!
Username checks out.
RFK has a lot of beliefs that liberals cannot get on board with, but that people who would be okay with Trump would be okay with.
I feel like some independents I know are just still afraid of having to say “I voted for Trump.” However, there is a gigantic problem with that because outside of cities, you lose your Man Card among other men if you vote liberal and support women not having their own safe bathrooms. Men do not respect non-protective men whatsoever.
I’m trying to reconcile this data with President Trump’s comment that 75% of the U.S. is MAGA..
The only way they reconcile is if the majority of people represented as undecideds are actually aligned with MAGA.
try to cheat they will but failure is becoming a reality. they just turned up the fire on the ho. as more and more hear her babble her numbers will again crater.....welcome to the party pal
And these are early numbers, lot of more shit gonna happen before the election
20% undecided, theres no way this is legit data