Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
been missing church alot, wasnt in a good place but still went today
it was good to get that embrace that is always expected under the roof of the Lords house
it was my Bishops 25th year, so I had to show up for the celebration but i had to show up for the prayers and the gospel
All of Oregon isn’t lost.
Celebrating Jesus
I hope everyone has a great upcoming week. Blessings to all you 🐸’s holding the line.
RFK Jr, seed oils:
JOY? Judgement of Yahweh.
Same thing!
All I'm going to say about drug addiction is if you have kids who are going through this.. don't close one eye. Nip it in the bud as soon as possible. Get them the help they need, even if that means calling the cops on them, rehab, or tough love and intervention before it's too late.
Yeah man.
Been there
Fealt that
Just out of curiosity, does anyone else feel this like, not sure how to describe it, but a mental state of purgatory? It feels like I'm mentally in this calm place, not worried, but in this constant transitional mode waiting for the precipice to arrive. Like all the hype around habbenings is slowing down. The train is slowing down as we get to our destination. Like right before the ending of an amazing movie there's a brief lull and then BOOM it happens. I feel like I'm just stuck in this mental state and it does feel a little abnormal. But it also is telling me that we are sooooooo close to the end. Almost 70 days left to the finale. I've never been so bored and financially miserable but so excited at the same time.
i think thats why i keep turning to self destruction i just feel like a zombie im not reallyy... "here"
I feel the same, I could have never written how I feel as well as your words. I feel a sense of calm that I haven’t felt in several years. However I don’t want to get complacent because it’s not over. The BH’s will continue trying to win and brainwashing.
There's two realms.
The physical and the spiritual.
The physical realm is set in time, it hurts in time, it's misery is in time.
The spiritual kingdom is timeless, there is peace there because it us ruled by the king of peace.
Take time to dwell in the timeless.
There is a throne there, and one sits on the throne.
Revelation 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Thank you for that, I am glad I am not the only one.
Totally. I feel like I'm at the airport on a 24 hr layover before the next flight.
A Song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RYARUCZxaLg
Have a blessed day.
Beautiful song! I've never seen the video but have loved listening to that song on the radio. Thanks for sharing it.
I have a prayer request. We found out my brother in law od’d and in critical condition with massive brain damage. We’ve been trying to help him for decades and he just never seemed to come to his senses to turn his life around. The fact that he lives to 60 y.o is already a miracle. We don’t know what to do now, to take him off life support or just wait another day pray for a miracle. I don’t know how many chances God is willing to give him. I surrender to God now, let thou will be done. I’d like to ask for prayers for his mom who’s still alive and heartbroken by this and my husband who doesn’t know what is the right thing to do here and still have bitterness how much his brother affected their lives. I hate drugs, really destroy so many families and hurt many loved ones. But I forgive my brother in law and just at a loss for words right now.
this made me think of myself. im only 35 but - even my guardian angel is eventually gonna decide my luck has run out and when that happens im doomed
my poison was always the booze tho and sadly that shit is everywhere you look. they even serve it at chuck e cheese ffs
that said - god protects the fools n babies and addicts are a bit of both so i hope he survives through Gods grace and I hope i do too
I am so sorry for your family. Addiction spreads to the entire family and circle of friends. Through the Grace of God may his Mom and the rest of the family find peace and acceptance. Addicts and alcoholics are powerless over the soul consuming destruction of addiction, those who love them are powerless also, there is one power, and that is God, but the addict or drunk must want sobriety, if they do not want it, there are three endings waiting, Prison, Insanity, and Death. Pray for the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.We lift your family up to God in Christ, to be loved and comforted in his embrace.
Amen. Thank you so much. God bless you.
I’m very sorry your family is going through this. A parent should never have to go through such an ordeal. Addiction is a terrible life! Much of my dad’s family are recovering alcoholics or it killed them. My mom abused pain medication and it was rough on our family. I completely understand addiction, it’s so hard to fight. I’ve been an addict since my teens. First alcohol, then weed & after that sugar & chocolate. I can’t bring it in the house. I don’t have control. It’s crazy because I have always had control with anything I do except this. I’m praying for your family and brother in law.
Thank you Fren. Yes, addiction can haunt a person's life forever, it's a constant inner battle between body and spirit. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
I’m so sorry. I said a prayer for you all. Any kind of addiction is awful for all involved 😢
Thank you. God bless you.
I'm so sorry for the heartbreak your family is experiencing right now. I'm going to pray over your family for strength and to feel His presence all around y'all as this journey unfolds. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
I have a friend who desperately needs some natural medicine help - and I don’t have the answers. She has long had osteoporosis and she let a doctor talk her into some Big Pharma injections after she kept getting fractured vertebrae. Now she has bad joint pain and was just diagnosed with autoimmune lupus, likely caused by the 5 injections that she got. She is 75.
I’m also curious what I could take to restore minerals in my body, especially bones and teeth?
check into MMS Jim Humble discovered. Start here. It works and there are millions of testimonies that state the same. MMS Testimonies
https://rumble.com/v2fh90w-quantum-leap-full-documentary-on-mms-chlorine-dioxide.html Here is more information on it.
Look into Vitamin K, the MK4 version. Used in Japan under the brand Glakay to reverse osteoporosis.
Will do. Thanks!!
I have arthritis and use a magnesium chloride spray on the areas that give me pain, it works! But as for Osteoporosis? I don't know about that and am not a doctor, its just a suggestion.
Well, any info is good info. My father has bad arthritis so maybe this will help him? Thanks!
What kind of injections did your friend get?
I have not found anything natural to stop the pain. I have nerve pain, arthritis. Osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. I have a few herbal salves that helps move than anything else. If you need resources for herbal salves and tinctures I can give you links to the small businesses I buy from. Arnica is supposed to be great for pain. I find more relief from cottonwood bud salve. I’m not familiar with Lupus treatment or symptoms. In my research I’ve seen articles about it. It’s possible antiviral herbs would help. Maybe ivermectin, I’ve never taken it and can’t advise if it’s helpful. I’d think diet would have a big factor.
As an autoimmune disease, lupus occurs when your immune system attacks healthy tissue in your body.
Get on a supplement site and research. That’s probably the best place to start because so many “self help” content has false information. We live in a world with too many experts making videos and blogs.
Check into this: I don’t know if it will help repair damage. This is great company. I did hear from several good sources the collagen supplements on the market is a waste of money. Also so many supplements are synthetic. And, many supplement companies are owned by big pharma. I don’t have a list right off hand. Research carnivore diet I’ve seen many regular people say it’s healed their bodies. It can’t heal significant damage like bone, disc and joint injuries. I believe it’s possibly different for each individual. So far it hasn’t healed my chronic conditions. The worse your damage the longer it takes. It’s not for everyone and it’s hard at first.
FYI: don’t buy natural medicine books on Amazon. I read they are changing information and taking out pages in popular herbal medicine books.
As far as teeth look into mineralizing tooth past or powder.
Redmond Life Earth toothpaste and powder is good. Citrus and charcoal are my favorites. I think you have to order from third party sites like Amazon, etc.
I like Living Libations, it’s very expensive for what you get. The company has high quality products.
David’s toothpaste is good. The mint is very strong, if you don’t like mint get another flavor.
Also oil pulling is supposed to be good prevention.
She didn’t say the exact injections. But thank you for writing all of this! I’m saving it for her and for me. My mother has pre-osteoporosis, likely from fluoride in city water. She has a Berkey now, but needs to restore what was sucked out of her bones.
I like Barbara ONeal she has a lot of information on healing and taking care of our bodies the natural way.
She's is a small older lady with long hair and Australian accent :) (just so you know you found the right one)
She is very knowledgeable and what she’s saying must be true because they have tried for years to silence her.
Yeah, they were terrible to her.
I've tried a lot of things I learned from her and they all work.
Thanks - yeah I just found her recently.
We found a dead dried up tiny frog in our vacuum recently. I’m just thankful I didn’t find it live. I blame my husband. He must have been raised in a barn because he doesn’t shut a door when he’s in and out of the house working on something or grilling. The flies know when it’s open also. I’m not beneath hanging a fly tape in the house😂
Frogs eat flies! I just pick them up and put them outdoors. But I am one of those nature girls from day one. I use the flypaper,every August they try to get in the house, I know they are ugly hanging there, but I will never be confused with Martha Stewart. First frost kills them off up here. What I do have again is rats in the barn, I guess people in town, because of all the floods, are seeing them. Those I kill, a dead rat is a good rat. But frogs? I think they are cute as a button.
So your solution was to flush it?! 😂😂😂
I cannot vouch for the toilet frogs. We don’t hang in toilets. However, maybe he was there to sing a hymn before Sunday service 🐸😂
God bless and have a great day!
Ribbit 🐸
It is quite possible your husband has found himself a new hobby ...
I'm doing it bad y'all NGL. Gaw gave me hope and it still does bless my Frens here. But
In my personal life I'm blackpilled that I'm ever gonna overcome my drinking and that shit gonna kill me
Please don’t give up hope. My dad drank until I was eighteen, 1985. He went to an alcohol treatment center in Charlotte NC for a month. A few months ago he told me he isn’t even tempted by alcohol. Ironically our doctor told him it would kill him. That doctor was a hardcore alcoholic. I don’t know why my dad even went to the doctor. He was rarely sick and never missed a day of work. Unfortunately he was a mean drunk and it took its toll on my family. If there’s anyone you can confide in when you can’t control drinking, please do so. In my teens I was an alcoholic, then weed. I’ll always be a sugar and chocolate addict. I’ve drastically changed my diet and can’t bring it in the house. I’ve been married thirty five years and in the past year is the first time I’ve felt comfortable talking to my husband. He knew but he’s not the type to get in your business and preach. It’s so refreshing being honest with him or anyone. I’ll be praying for you. Don’t give up on yourself. If you have to change your environment and let friends go that are bad influences do it. A friend that doesn’t want you healthy and happy isn’t a friend! I’ve learned over the years most people I called friends were not in the relationship for me. Blessings to you fren.
just found out my life took another hit too
that's ok, still bein Job i aint givin up on God
Don't look too far ahead.... sometimes you just need to focus on the next five minutes ❤️
I've been in places where I was hanging on minute by minute friend. Sometimes you're in that short term focus for a long time, sometimes it's just once in while.
Take care, don't give up yourself- you're here for a reason.
sometimes i cant see my own hand infront of my face the fog so thick
I'm praying over you! You got this! God's got you! You just take it one day at a time! I'm proud of you for recognizing you struggle with drinking and are ready to fight back against it. I hope you find an excellent group of folks to surround yourself with who will cheer you on in this new chapter. God bless you my friend!
thank you fren may God bless you as well
You’re going to do it. Have faith. You are a blessing to us, Jamezelo, and you have talent. We love you!!!
<3 thanks fren
We have been taking MMS (Jim Humble) now for over a year and a half our health has improved. My husband is a diabetic that was on insulin and all kinds of meds with high blood pressure and so much more. Once we learned the ingredients of medications we stoped them all and went on MMS. My husband liver is normal now, blood pressure normal, the list goes on. We removed the mercury from our mouths and went organic. We are still detoxing, our skin and hair look great, @ChlorineDioxideTestimonies. others could take the higher protocols and recover quicker. For us (husband and wife) we couldn't do it, but took the MMS1 protocol and have been blown out of the water with our improved health. Be Blessed in Jesus' name.
What do you use? I got the toothpaste... the other products were confusing to me as to how to take it or if it was even ok to take internally.
Great to hear! Do you have a cycle of on and off during this time?
I have been experimenting with various applications as life provides the opportunities. I have had success with a sinus infection. I like brushing my teeth and gums with it maybe once a week but not sure about the pH for daily use, and am looking into cupping for a skin issue.
You can download Jim Humbles book on telegram.
We've also learned to make a days worth of treatment and then take it every hour. You can mix it with filtered water or organic juice without any added vitamin C. Fruits with natural vitamin c are fine, its the added vitamin c that deactivates MMS.
We have been on the protocol constantly. Only on occasion when life gets in the way, maybe a couple times a year we might come off of it for a day or a half a day but it's constant. Our skin tags, gone, skin freckles gone, skin wrinkles gone, age spots gone, I am 62 and very long hair. Couldn't comb so kept it up. Now I can comb it, healthy, soft, grey hairs have faded not completely but 25% grey hairs gone and my natural color is strong on my hair. Husband needed total knee replacement, 2 months into taking it daily, no more injections needed, no more surgery, no more knee pain. Husband had liver non alcoholic liver gone, normal liver and normal test results. We have been putting poison into our body, not knowing for over 50 years and DMSO with MMS1 has been pulling those toxins out of our body, our muslcles, bones, and brain. We are getting better. But we are taking the MMS1. Some cane go to MM2 and detox quicker especially with enamas and soaks. Inject into a tumor, tumor disappears, cures cancer. MMS is a natural substance that our body produces but when we have too many toxins coming into our body our organs shut down thus you get diseases. MMS kills them and pulls them from your body and so your organs can function. Much like an air filter that is full, it won't filter no more but put in a new filter and it cleanses again. There are over a million testimonies of cures from everything you can imagine. mRna everything.
Interesting on the grey hair. My hair is maybe 25% grey and on a long strand I can see it move from color to grey and back.
Whatever happened to China invading Taiwan after the Olympics is over?
There was just an article in the Military Times about USAF families being told to expect disruption in their lives with a Taiwan/China conflict.
I was thinking that question too. If they attack now while Trump is on the upswing of popularity, then Bye-den/Harris get the blame. If Dems remove Bye-den by 25th Amendm. to give the Kamabla some experience and then China attacks Taiwan, then the news media can swoon over her as she leads the nation through the crisis. ___Other thoughts, U.S. markets go down September-October making America look weak and putting Americans into a mood where we would not want to defend Taiwan. Problem with my thought here could be that the Chinese economy is weak too, but then there’s the saying, when something goes wrong then go to war!
The Chinese are never going to get another chance again. As soon as Trump's in there, they can forget it.
That is for sure, so maybe in a couple of weeks the invasion occurs, to be seen.
Romans 13:11a - Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from your sleep. https://www.bible.com/bible/59/rom.13.11
Good morning!
Just based on logic alone,
it wouldn’t be much of a plan if the Q team allowed a large/majority percentage of the human population to be tainted by the covid vaccine permanently.
Wouldn’t logic suggest that there will be some kind of cure/anti-vaccine?
We are all vaccine injured. Anyone who has ever taken a vaccine is injured.
You’re right about that; but im just talking abiut the covid vaccine
I would say most of the batches were placebos. Also, the real toxicity starts adding up. after 4 or more shots according to a recent published study, and the vast majority of people stopped after 2 or 3 shots. But in addition to all that I do think tehre is a cure - something they might have to take periodically. Not painful, just a hassle to remind them of the mistake they made for a long time/
Long-Delayed U.S. Government Report Finally Released, Concludes Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children....The Last American Vagabond
Rare Mosquito-Borne Disease Triggers Voluntary Curfew in Massachusetts Towns...Town officials urge people to avoid going outside when mosquitoes are most active.
The Covid crisis represents an extreme example of the Seven Deadly Sins A meditation on human frailty
Saturday's Poem...Jeanne D’Orge - Matins
The Worst Of Babylon Bee...Sunday Edition
David French Founds New Group 'Evangelicals For Satan'
Families With Kids: This Is Your Reminder To Start Getting Ready For Church Now If You Want To Make It On Time This Sunday
'Children Are A Gift From God,' Mom Reminds Herself After Being Asked To Read 'Hop On Pop' For 73rd Time Today
God Clarifies Murder OK If Person Next To You On Plane Takes Off Shoes
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My grandson got mouth sores, we suspected fluoride. That little guy started a few of us on the fluoride-free path.
His mom still uses fluoride toothpaste tho, but got a reverse osmosis water filter.... steps in the right direction anyways..
"It is like pissing in the ocean, every little bit helps."
Grandpa Dog
Town officials urge people to avoid going outside when mosquitoes are most active.
Nearly impossible living in the south or in tropical regions. Mosquitoes get in the car and house. Then you wake up with itching bites. Also there’s a disease some carry that makes you sick if you eat beef.
...valid observations...
This is so funny 😂